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Parents are supporting children’s bad habits

Dear Editor,
This letter is prompted by the expressed dissatisfaction by an irate parent whose child turned up 18 minutes late to an interview for employment at my Company. On top of that the applicant was dressed in a “hip pants” which was literally falling off the applicant when she got up with ample exposure of her waist.
Over the phone, the father was very obnoxious that I did not entertain his daughter’s application.
As an employer, I am appalled at how applicants present themselves for interviews. I recall inviting Mr. Allan Fenty to my office and showing him equally appalling applications: no dates, no addresses, no signatures, etc, etc.
It puts one to wonder what role parents are playing in the lives of their children, and their teenage children, particularly.
The disconnect between acceptable organizational norms and the outlook of those who seek employment is widening by the day. And young applicants and their parents are highly offended when an employer chides the applicants for being late or inappropriately attired.
We seem to be heading down an abyss of no return. We are shouting at the number of subjects our high school graduates pass, but we pay very little attention to how ill-prepared they are to venture out into the real world. There is an over-emphasis on passing a large number of subjects at the expense of basic “commonsense”.
Maybe the time has come for high schools to invite employers to address students in their final term at school.
If the notion that our high school graduates will make up the bulk of our work force has any validity, we have to make sure that the current mediocrity is addressed earliest. We have our work cut out with the large number of functional illiterates we are churning out.
Taajnauth Jadunauth
CEO Metro Office and Computer Supplies

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I don't know the details of this...but the point that kids coming out of high school are ill prepared for the real world is a valid one. Basic stuff like how to dress for an intrerview and the proper protocols needed for the work environment needs to be emphasized to students.
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
i see no fault in the CEO's letter.

Of course you would not.I raised the issue a few weeks ago about him crying discrimination. When the fact that he had about 2 black employees at his Croal street branch,and of course one of them is the security guard.
Race has nothing to do with pants falling off an individual. If I were an employer, I wouldn't have a employee walking around my place with their backsides/undies in full view.

Where I work, an individual (young white lad) was recently told to smarten up with his mode of dress, he wore those stupid pants along with rips in the knees, this is not proper attire for a workplace except if you're on stage doing a strip act and even then, those dancers are dressed to the hilt.
Originally posted by BONUS:
Parents are supporting children’s bad habits
He is complaining about ill prepared applicants in general. If he does not hire blacks then that is a different story. I hope he is not suggesting as you apparently inferred that only Indians dress well. That would be silly.
Originally posted by cain:
If I were an employer, I wouldn't have a employee walking around my place with their backsides/undies in full view.

What a boring workplace that would be! Send them over to me! Big Grin
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by BONUS:
Parents are supporting children’s bad habits
He is complaining about ill prepared applicants in general. If he does not hire blacks then that is a different story. I hope he is not suggesting as you apparently inferred that only Indians dress well. That would be silly.

There is little difference in how young Afros or Indos dress.

If he hires few blacks taht is worthy of investigation and this letter is no excuse in general as he only cites ONE example.

Yes it is agood idea for employers to address high school kids before they graduate. In fact it should be done the YEAR BEFORE they graduate.
i don't see where his letter has anything to do with race. he's saying what any [competent] employer would say when faced with an applicant wearing inappropriate attire (it's bad enough she was 18 minutes late). the fact is if someone is dumb enough or lazy enough or disinterested enough to show up to an interview dressed that way, it speaks volumes as to the kind of employee he/she will be...the kind no boss wants. kudos to the employer for showing her the door.
I walk around my office in a dressing gown sometimes. I kid you not. OK, I have installed a shower unit for the staff so that ppl can have a shower if they perhaps need to for whatever reason.
One rainy Friday I wore jeans to the office expecting to change into the black slacks I keep here. Ooops, when I checked my drawer, the slacks were not there, and I realized I had taken them home. About ten minutes later, one of the partners saw me and gave me a look that I thought would burn a hole right through me. I dashed out of the office and went to a nearby store and bought a pair of slacks. I never want to get another look like that while at work. ~shiver~
Originally posted by Mr.T:
I walk around my office in a dressing gown sometimes. I kid you not. OK, I have installed a shower unit for the staff so that ppl can have a shower if they perhaps need to for whatever reason.

Okay Hugh Heffner. Big Grin
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
I walk around my office in a dressing gown sometimes. I kid you not. OK, I have installed a shower unit for the staff so that ppl can have a shower if they perhaps need to for whatever reason.

Okay Hugh Heffner. Big Grin

Big Grin. Good point.
Employers focus on the wrong things.
They would hire some dumbass in an Armani suit based on appearance and forego a less dressed but talented applicant who is brilliant and productive. From my experience in the industry, the worse dressed employees are always the more productive.
Bonus and Carib

So my work place has over a thousand engineers and you can probably count the amount of Black engineers on one this racism also..

I am awaiting your response..
Originally posted by politikalamity:
Bonus and Carib

So my work place has over a thousand engineers and you can probably count the amount of Black engineers on one this racism also..

I am awaiting your response..

you comparing engineers to regular office workers?
Originally posted by TI:
Employers focus on the wrong things.
They would hire some dumbass in an Armani suit based on appearance and forego a less dressed but talented applicant who is brilliant and productive. From my experience in the industry, the worse dressed employees are always the more productive.

What industry is that, and btw, there is some middle ground between hip pants and an Armani suit. Someone who shows up to an interview dressed appropriately (and on time) shows they are interested and eager to get the shop. Someone who doesn't conveys the message that they could care less, and that's very likely how they will approach the job too.
Originally posted by politikalamity:
Bonus and Carib

So my work place has over a thousand engineers and you can probably count the amount of Black engineers on one this racism also..

I am awaiting your response..

If this is Guyana it would be racism as the pool of blacks among engineers is quite large.

If this is teh USA you are being a jackass who is hiding the rampant racism against blacks in Guyana. What do you acheive by comparing apples and oranges?

Understand that if you exclude people and they feel they lack a stake in society their behavior will not be what you wish.

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