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antabanta posted:
Nehru posted:

LAAD AH MERCY! You would think the PNC just invented the Internet. I guess bottom feeders get excited at seeing cow shit ah Pasture!!!!!!!

You don't like this news?

Nope! Something positive occuring. The banna doan like that he prefers it go the other way so he could make duncified goat type posts.

cain posted:
antabanta posted:
Nehru posted:

LAAD AH MERCY! You would think the PNC just invented the Internet. I guess bottom feeders get excited at seeing cow shit ah Pasture!!!!!!!

You don't like this news?

Nope! Something positive occuring. The banna doan like that he prefers it go the other way so he could make duncified goat type posts.

The CHIEF FILTH HEAD also lack basic understanding, well that is expected of a FILTH HEAD!!!! DUMMIES on the go.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Where are they getting the rice from to export?   Many farmers have stopped production.  It costs them too much to produce rice.  This is no longer a profitable business.  Same as sugar.  

As usual the pNc slop can carriers rush in with "good news" but quite conveniently didn't mention the economic feasibility behind the deal. Maybe jackass Granger will get his crew from Buxton and Eccles to plant rice and fulfill this order. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Where are they getting the rice from to export?   Many farmers have stopped production.  It costs them too much to produce rice.  This is no longer a profitable business.  Same as sugar.  

This is what the report says: "Extension Manager of GRDB, Kuldip Ragnauth has announced that rice production will be higher this year. “I like to let the figures speak for themselves. We have already seen an increase in acres sown when compared to last year. So far we have recorded 225,000 acres as opposed to 180,000 acres for the same period of last year."

Any other question? Ask Kuldip.

Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Where are they getting the rice from to export?   Many farmers have stopped production.  It costs them too much to produce rice.  This is no longer a profitable business.  Same as sugar.  

As usual the pNc slop can carriers rush in with "good news" but quite conveniently didn't mention the economic feasibility behind the deal. Maybe jackass Granger will get his crew from Buxton and Eccles to plant rice and fulfill this order. 

You should be feeling like the fool you are right about now after reading Gilly's post. 

cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Where are they getting the rice from to export?   Many farmers have stopped production.  It costs them too much to produce rice.  This is no longer a profitable business.  Same as sugar.  

They gettin it from the sinkin Venezulean ship off Essequibo coast.

What about the ship of rice from Belize that was dumped in the ocean after it waited in the Belize harbor for weeks because the PNC boys didn't have the permit to export rice to Belize??

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Where are they getting the rice from to export?   Many farmers have stopped production.  It costs them too much to produce rice.  This is no longer a profitable business.  Same as sugar.  

This is what the report says: "Extension Manager of GRDB, Kuldip Ragnauth has announced that rice production will be higher this year. “I like to let the figures speak for themselves. We have already seen an increase in acres sown when compared to last year. So far we have recorded 225,000 acres as opposed to 180,000 acres for the same period of last year."

Any other question? Ask Kuldip.

I gather Kuldip is a manufacturer of numbers and not of rice!!!   Tell Kuldip the rice farmers who sold their rice last harvest still haven't received payments!!  

Bibi Haniffa

Just like with Sugar, if they could earn more foreign currency than they input, it's a temporary reprieve and worth the business.  In the end, unless there is added value, Guyana Agro will always struggle on the international market.

The Govt has to ensure the foreign currency earned is efficiently converted to high-value domestic economic activity, apply adequate taxing and flow back subsidies to the Rice and Sugar industries.


Apply adequate taxing??  The VATican City of Guyana doesn't need anymore taxing.  Taxing should not be a form of revenue.  Manufacturing should be bringing in income.  At the current cost of production, it does not make sense to manufacture rice.  The Gov't is filling its pocket and the rice farmers have to make the sacrifice.  Naga lied to the rice farmers when he said he would give them $9,000 per bag for rice when he become Ministaaaaa of AGriculchaaaaa!  Last harvest the millers were paying $3,000 per bag to the rice farmers.  Many of them have abandoned their fields and are looking for other sources of income.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Apply adequate taxing??  The VATican City of Guyana doesn't need anymore taxing.  Taxing should not be a form of revenue.  Manufacturing should be bringing in income.  At the current cost of production, it does not make sense to manufacture rice.  The Gov't is filling its pocket and the rice farmers have to make the sacrifice.  Naga lied to the rice farmers when he said he would give them $9,000 per bag for rice when he become Ministaaaaa of AGriculchaaaaa!  Last harvest the millers were paying $3,000 per bag to the rice farmers.  Many of them have abandoned their fields and are looking for other sources of income.

Macro economy is not a simple buy and sell trade goods business.  Business produce income, Govt collects taxes (Govt revenue) and redistribute to run the country.  Basic farming is not "manufacturing".  The current VAT/Taxes should be used for this purpose rather than funding fat salaries, benefits, opulent lifestyles of officials and massive overhead.  I do believe this is where the money is going instead of the producing farmers, Bbce bridge subsidy, etc.

Almost every basic food industry in the world are lost-leader industries, economics 091, perfect market scenario.  Rice, Sugar, potatoe, grain, wheat, milk, etc are all loss-making and receive subsidies from their central Govts, even the USA.  Guyana is no different.

Anyway, I assume they getting the rice from somewhere domestic to sell the Mexicans, unless the importing from Brazil!

Nehru posted:
antabanta posted:
Nehru posted:

LAAD AH MERCY! You would think the PNC just invented the Internet. I guess bottom feeders get excited at seeing cow shit ah Pasture!!!!!!!

You don't like this news?

You lack understanding???

Perhaps. You don't like this news? Very simple question that someone with your understanding can answer easily.


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