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Mexico is not sending their worst; their worst are the ones who stay to run their country

Mexicans cross the river and climb over the border walls because their corrupt elites have impoverished them, left them with no other option than to migrate to America. That is the truth the Donald Trump should be shouting out, but he won't,  because he himself is very much like those uneducated and corrupted elites of Mexico.

Under Donald Trump America will officially have a president with less qualifications and brais than those required to run any Latin American country.

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Why yuh going there with this one?

I read and I like ur commentaries. But this one about Trump is out of bounds. The man must have atleast some education. He has done very well in his businesses. Many other Americans, past and present have developed many businesses without Phds. Carnegie paid his employees very low wages and yet he built libraries throughout the world for poor people to get books to read.

There were Presidents who knew nothing about the world other than America. Harry S. Truman was a salesman of goods and yet he governed America. These men, once elected are briefed on all matters by those who administer the State. Their decisions are guided and formulated by permanence. Donald Trump will be no different.

I agree Mexico has more work than USA and Canada, but it is the American businesses who pays low wages in Mexico. Forcing Mexicans to flee, working low wages in America but higher than working n Mexico.

Donald Trump knows that it is American businesses who creates poverty in America and maintain the poverty levels in Mexico. He knows also, that American business pushes illegals into the USA, due to their practices. Trump knows the culprits. So does Bernie Sanders. 


All i want to say is that Trump is a supreme hypocrite. 

He is capitalizing on the anger of the white poor to gain power, but he is not going to do anything for them. He is not going to give them jobs.

He criticizes poor Mexican migrants but for sure he makes business with the corrupt Mexicans who have impoverished the Mexican people.

He is a businessman, he doesn't like poor Muslim migrants but he definitively loves the repulsive Saudi royals who finance ISIL  and other moderate terrorists.

His term in the white house will be an reality show, no work no policies, just soap opera drama.






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