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 Michael Bhopaul

Michael Bhopaul

August 15 2019


Queen’s College student Michael Bhopaul has once again excelled, securing an impressive 16 Grade 1 passes at the Carib-bean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE).Bhopaul, who has previously told Stabroek News that he intends to study Quantum Physics as he is fascinated by the idea of explaining particulate matter movements as waves, has been a consistent top performer.

In 2012 he, along with Ramesh Ghir, secured 563 marks and shared the top spot at the National Grade Six Examination. In 2017 Bhopaul repeated this performance when he sat and passed 25 subjects at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations.

At those examinations he was able to secure a total of 24 Grade I passes, representing Grade I passes in 23 subjects, including a double award for Agricultural Science, as well as a Grade II pass. The Council named him topped regional performer that year after he took home seven of the nine regional awards presented for performances at CSEC.

This year 880 candidates from 10 secondary schools and five Private Centres wrote the examination in Guyana and according to Minister of Education Nicolette Henry 93% were able to secure passes with Grades I to V.

Leonardo Gobin

Bhopaul now holds an Associate Degree in Natural Science as does his classmate Leonardo Gobin. Gobin secured 13 Grade I passes and two Grade II passes. He has earned a Grade I in Pure Mathe-matics Units 1 and 2, Applied Mathema-tics Units 1 and 2, Biology Units 1 and 2, Physics Units 1 and 2, Environmental Science Units 1 and 2, Communication Studies and Integrated Mathematics. He acquired Grade IIs in Caribbean Studies and Chemistry Unit 1.When Stabroek News reached out to Gobin, he was very happy with his performance and humbled by his success.He credited his family, God and his Mathematics teachers noting that even with his hard work he could not have achieved this success without them.  He now hopes to study medicine and become a cardiologist.Gobin advises future candidates to stay focused and set goals noting that when he set out to write the exams he had to discipline himself to stick to studying. 

Diego Barnett

Diego Barnett also of Queen’s College secured Grade Is in: Biology Units 1 and 2, Chemistry Units 1 and 2, Pure Mathematics Units 1 and 2, Physics Units 1 and 2, Applied Mathematics Units 1 and 2, Integrated Mathematics Units 1 and 2 and Caribbean Studies. He also secured Grade IIs in Spanish Units 1 and 2, communication studies and Communication Studies.In total Barnett passed 15 Units, a result with which he is well pleased. “I am feeling elated because God brought me this far” he stressed.He also expressed gratitude for his family who provided as much support as he needed even going so far as to wake early with him when necessary.Noting that he and his family are devout Christians, Barnett stressed that the Scripture from Joshua 1 brought him great comfort,“God has said that if you Meditate on my word then you shall know great success,” he reminded while encouraging other who feel they are up for the challenge to be consistent in their studies, but not to pressure themselves.“Consistency and persistence is the way to go,” the budding cardiologist who intends to spend a gap year teaching has advised.

 Farah Chin of Marian Academy who hopes to pursue her studies in Biology at a University in Canada (to become a dentist) told Stabroek News she is very satisfied with her performance given that she put just enough effort into securing her 12 units.Chin has earned nine Grade Is in Carib-bean Studies, Integrated Mathematics Units 1 and 2, Pure Mathematics Unit 2, Physics Unit 2, Chemistry Unit 2, Biology Unit 2, applied Mathematics Unit 2. She also acquired five Grade IIs in Pure Mathematics Unit 1, applied Mathematics Unit 1, Chemistry Unit 1, Physics Unit 1, and Communication Studies and Biology Unit 1.Her advice for future candidates is to choose subjects they are interested in doing. She emphasized that many people are influenced by others when choosing subjects but stressed that it’s not worth it.“If you are not enjoying it (the subject) do not do it” she said before explaining the importance of not underestimating the exam, “it’s not like CSEC”.

Jelena Arjune

Another student from Queen’s College to secure a place in the list top performances was Jelena Arjune who is “extremely satisfied and very grateful” with her results.Arjune was able to secure Grade 1 in Biology Units 1 and 2, Caribbean Studies, Environmental Science Unit 1, Integrated Mathematics Unit 1, Applied Mathematics Unit 2, Chemistry Unit 2, and Pure Mathematics Unit 2 Physics Unit 2. While acquiring Grade IIs in Chemistry Unit 1, Communication Studies and a Grade III in Pure Mathematics Unit 1. Arjune has already applied at the University of Guyana’s medical programme as she hopes to pursue a career as a medical doctor. Her greatest supporters she says are her parents and definitely God. She has also encouraged future CAPE candidates to stay focused as many distractions might pop up.“If you are determined, you can do anything,” she advised.

Jeevan Dalip

Jeevan Dalip also from Queen’s College acquired 12 Grade Is in Biology Units 1 and 2, Chemistry  Units 1 and 2, Environmental Science Units 1 and 2, Integrated Mathematics Units 1 and 2, Pure Mathematics Units 1 and 2, Physics Units 1 and 2, Caribbean Studies, and a Grade III in Communication Studies. Dalip says he is delighted about the achievement. He said he put a lot of work into it and is very grateful for his family and teachers who were always there for him. Dalip hopes to pursue a degree in Biology at the University of Guyana. His words of encouragement for persons who will be sitting the exam next year is to set a personal goal and work toward it.

Fidel DaSilva

Fidel DaSilva from Queen’s College was both happy and sad with his performance in the CAPE exams. He acquired Grade Is in Pure Mathematics Units 1 and 2, Applied Mathematics Unit 1, Physics Units 1 and 2, Caribbean Studies and Communication Studies. While acquiring a Grade II in Economics Units 1 and 2, Pure Mathematics Unit 2.He says his mother supported him a lot, along with his Pure Mathematics teacher and Communication studies teacher.

Jamal Thomas

Jamal Thomas from Queen’s College says he did not expect to do well, he hoped for it but did not think it would be this well.Thomas sat five Units in lower six and secured Grade 1 passes in Physics, Chemistry, Pure Mathematics, green engineering and a Grade II in Caribbean studies. This year he successfully wrote eight Units and acquired Grade 1 passes in Applied Mathematics Units 1 and 2, Chemistry Unit 2, Physics Unit 2, Integrated Mathematics Unit 2, Pure Mathematics Unit 2 and Integrated Mathematics Unit 2He told this newspaper that he has his family, and teachers to thank for all the support they have given him throughout the journey. He also told Stabroek News that he has realized that a number of students usually take on more than they can handle.He advises that if you can handle it, do it and do it for yourself only.

Pretha Smith

Pretha Smith wrote five subjects last year and acquired Grade 1 in Biology Unit 1, Chemistry Unit 1, Physics Unit 1 Caribbean Studies and this year she wrote 6 subjects and acquired Grade 1 in Biology Unit 2, Chemistry Unit 2, Physics Unit 2, Pure Mathematics Unit 2, Integrated Mathematics Unit 2. When Stabroek News reached out to Smith she exclaimed that she was overjoyed with her performance, “this amazing, I did work extremely hard for this and applied myself to this after I saw my results last year I knew I could do it.”She has since applied to the University of Guyana as well as an overseas University, where she hopes she can pursue studies to become a neurologist.  She hopes anyone planning to write the exams knows that they have to trust God and study and pray so they can achieve their goal.

Nial Beaton

Nial Beaton, a top performer from Saint Stanislaus College has already gone abroad and intends to pursue studies in the public health field. He acquired Grade Is in Biology Units 1 and 2, Integrated Mathematics Unit 2, Pure Mathematics Units 1 and 2, Caribbean Studies, Chemistry Unit 2 while he acquired a Grade 2 in Chemistry Unit 1 and a Grade III in Communication Studies.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

seignet posted:

Those are some real India Indian names. Whatever happened to Persauds, Kumars and Singhs. Are those Indian Nationals children.

Hear nuh, could very well be their parents were some of those brought in by BJ to help pad PPP vote list.

Congrats to the kids.

Last edited by cain
seignet posted:

Those are some real India Indian names. Whatever happened to Persauds, Kumars and Singhs. Are those Indian Nationals children.

Nah. Me know dem names growing up.  

Me thinks the Singh’s and Persauds pursue rum shop and roti shops!  Dem mekkin’ money!

Baseman posted:
seignet posted:

Those are some real India Indian names. Whatever happened to Persauds, Kumars and Singhs. Are those Indian Nationals children.

Nah. Me know dem names growing up.  

Me thinks the Singh’s and Persauds pursue rum shop and roti shops!  Dem mekkin’ money!

good one. would put a smiley face if i knew how.


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