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CNN)The mayor of Clay, West Virginia, has resigned and another county official is out following their exchange over a racist Facebook post that compared first lady Michelle Obama to an "ape in heels."

The county employee, Pamela Taylor, worked as director of the Clay County Development Corporation and wrote on Facebook: "It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm tired of seeing an ape in heels," according to a screengrab obtained by CNN affiliate WSAZ.
Mayor Beverly Whaling commented on the post saying: "Just made my day Pam," the screengrab shows.
Clay County Commissioner Greg Fitzwater confirmed to CNN that Whaling resigned, but did not know if Taylor was terminated or resigned her post. But he said that she was no longer working for the county.
CNN has attempted to reach both Whaling and Taylor for comment and have not heard back.


There is a difference. I condemn PNC racism towards Indos and I will do so until my very last breath.

You were ahead when you were being a hypocrite and acting as though you are commenting on an injustice.  Blaming your lie on the PNC is just too much. What you said here for public consumption made that awful lady being a racist to Mrs Obama a girl scout.



I wish you had saved that advise for yourself. You led the pack here on attacking anyone and anything PNC.

Chief, you are shameless, you cuss any Indian who is non-Muslim.  You were Hi-5ing whenever a Indo PPP lost their job under the PNC, but grumbled when Sataur got booted, why, because he in Muslim the PNC suddenly not fair!!

The racist comments against the Obamas were there since 2008, nothing to do with Trump!  In any case,such is not correct and must stop!


Baseman what you are screaming about. This is what people like you, Bannon, and Rush Limbaugh, think of the woman.

Here is the issue with you though. Bannon and his cronies are against multi culturalism, in other words any one who doesn't adhere to a white Anglo Saxon cultural identity.  They consider people like YOU to be a contaminant to what the USA is all about..

THIS is who you defend.  Has Trump been making condemning this a priority.

NO. He in fact has empowered these people by picking Bannon, who will claim that these people are exercising their rights.

Thankfully I live in NYC so any KKK who tries that stunt here will face a good buss ass. Add the non whites and the Jews and that is over 75% of the population!


D_G's comment: 'As Michelle Obama said recently at the public meetings ..."When they go low, you should go high."'

Baseman's response: "D_G, that's a spent shell!!"

Gilly's reaction: No surprise at Base's response. Dictionary definition --- base noun  1. the lowest part or edge of something

Conclusion: The concept of "going high" is alien to a baseman.


Last edited by Former Member

These are the people who supported Trump.  Now in the land of Trump bigotry and outward racism are acceptable.  No fear commander and chief id in place.

Over 400 incidents of hate crime reported. Some states have set up special hot lines to deal with the increasing number of hate crimes.  Black kids are told to go to the back of the bus.  Hail to a better America under Trump.


Bhai, Whites were stifled. Pent up frustrations have finally gained an exit.

Obama and Michelle attacks on White People hero Donald Trump were racist and smug. They believed that America is a free society and they can attack the most revered White man. Well, White People have answered.

Obama attacks on Trump re-instituted racism in America.

Fool wouldn't just shut up and leave the Office on cordial terms. He had to demonstrate his ignorance. He cost Hillary the election. The Whites who voted for him saw his antics and simply supported Trump. All that in the last few days of the election.

And he still continues to be the idiot, even after meeting Trump. Obama thinks he is important.


D_G's comment: 'As Michelle Obama said recently at the public meetings ..."When they go low, you should go high."'

Baseman's response: "D_G, that's a spent shell!!"

Gilly's reaction: No surprise at Base's response. Dictionary definition --- base noun  1. the lowest part or edge of something

Conclusion: The concept of "going high" is alien to a baseman.

Well, it seems when alyuh was busy going high, Trump and his team went for a "yorker"!  Poor Hillary blaming a "sticky wicket"!!


Gilly talking about respect for the first lady...guess base agree with those West Virginians

Like you Gilly in a hypocrite.  All the years of the PPP and even now, what respect did many Afros have for the Indian and other women in the PPP.  Varshnie got lil props because it was convenient to attach BJ, that's all!


Siggy you do know that whites are offended by the presence of people like you.  They might tolerate the world if it was just blacks and whites. After all these groups have been living together for a long time.  They mightn't like each other but they have become accustomed to each other.

Then we have you folks, with your jhandi flags, 2 day weddings with "foreign" music.  Strong smelling foods.  And many of you believed to worship elephants, cows, monkeys and rats.

That is too much diversity.  Siggy they are coming after YOU!. So continue to pander to their white supremacy attitudes.


baseman what respect to Indians have for blacks. You all call us lazy, stupid, dirty, violent and useless. In other words using the same stereotypes that the KKK used.

Explain how the average black views Indians, and note that when there was political violence directed against Indians, it was the many blacks who rescued them, and moved them to safety.  I cannot recall instances where Indians have sacrificed for blacks.



Quote from the Indo Hater carib:

"Then we have you folks, with your jhandi flags, 2 day weddings with "foreign" music. Strong smelling foods. And many of you believed to worship elephants, cows, monkeys and rats."

Indos are multimillionaires in the USA and Canada while your relatives live off social housing in Brooklyn.

Your racist stench is unacceptable and quite disgusting.

Are you referring to your stinking Ackee and saltfish ? There is nothing wrong with our culture, close to a billion subscribe to Hinduism.

We did NOT bow down to the massa and accepted their names and religion.

You are the reason why Indos resent the racist PNC and you are an accurate representation of the blatant PNC racist attitude towards Indos.

We can afford to live high. We do not fete and worry about tomorrow, it is in our genes.

Carib, you are a racist and Indo hater. It stinks like your Ackee and Salt fish.

Last edited by Former Member

Yuji use your screams at your fellow Trump supporters.  THAT is what they say about Indians.

Don't like it, then vote for some one else next time.  Trump supporters scream that the USA is for WHITE men, and they don't want FOREIGN culture.

Maybe you will learn that you support a man whose supporters have no use for you as your ancestors did NOT come from Germany or the British Isles.

This is why the VAST majority of Indian Americans vote Democratic,  even in higher numbers than do Hispanics and Jews. When combined with other South Asians Indians are the SECOND highest in their support for the Dems behind blacks!

Why? Anti immigrant bigotry which is what the GOP have on offer!

Last edited by Former Member


Any animal finds itself in lions domain will get eaten. I think when mankind decided to transport people into their domains, serious problems will emerge. However, the world has become mingled in culture, religion and food. There will never be homogeneous societies anymore. 

Those who want to impose there will upon people will find trouble. That what was happening in America. Blacks were never part of that scheme, they are resigned to their faith, Rap music and Obama were their high points in American society. The other groups in the Clinton fan base wanted to dominate the white man. And they responded.

I have met racists whites before and I pray, they stay out of my space. I trust the ministering angels. 



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