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Mike Pence booed by crowd, addressed by cast of Hamilton

President-elect Donald Trump demands apology after Brandon Victor Dixon calls out future VP from stage

The Associated Press Posted: Nov 19, 2016 10:53 AM ET, Last Updated: Nov 19, 2016 12:24 PM ET,

In this image made from a video provided by Hamilton LLC, actor Brandon Victor Dixon from Hamilton gave Mike Pence a sharp message from the stage after the curtain call in New York, Friday.In this image made from a video provided by Hamilton LLC, actor Brandon Victor Dixon from Hamilton gave Mike Pence a sharp message from the stage after the curtain call in New York, Friday. (The Associated Press)

President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday demanded an apology from the cast member of the Broadway production Hamilton who gave Mike Pence an onstage earful about equality.

Actor Brandon Victor Dixon told vice-president-elect Pence after the curtain call that the multiracial and multicultural cast is concerned about the Trump administration.

"We, sir, are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights," said Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr, the nation's third vice-president.

'We truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values' - Brandon Victor Dixon, Hamilton musical

 "We truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and work on behalf of all of us. All of us."

Pence, a Republican, ducked out before Dixon finished the unprecedented message, but heard the full remarks from the hallway outside the auditorium.

"Vice-president-elect Pence, I see you walking out, but I hope you will hear us, just a few more moments. There's nothing to boo here, ladies and gentlemen," Dixon said.

"We're all here sharing a story about love."

Tonight, VP-Elect Mike Pence attended . After the show, @BrandonVDixon delivered the following statement on behalf of the show.

Trump tweeted Saturday that Pence was "harassed last night at the theatre by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing."

"The theatre must always be a safe and special place. The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!"

Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!

The Theater must always be a safe and special place.The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!

Dixon responded to Trump on Twitter, saying "conversation is not harassment sir" while adding that he appreciates Pence stopping to listen

Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!

@realDonaldTrump conversation is not harassment sir. And I appreciate @mike_pence for stopping to listen.

The atmosphere was tense from the time the vice-president-elect arrived at the Richard Rodgers Theatre in New York, triggering both cheers and boos as he slipped into row F in the prime orchestra seats. After the curtain-call, Dixon called Pence out from the stage, with the cast behind him.

The actor encouraged the audience to film and tweet so the cast's message could be spread "far and wide."

Outside, many protesters jeered, including one woman who held up a sign with a line from the musical that always gets a cheer: "Immigrants, we get the job done."

Dixon's speech, which ended with a plea to donate to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, brought down the house.

Hamilton, which won 11 Tony Awards, has been praised by politicians and rap stars alike. The story of the U.S.'s first Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, it raised a debate over the nation's currency and burst through the Broadway bubble like none other.

The first family has been big boosters of the show. President Barack Obama took daughters Sasha and Malia to see it last year after First Lady Michelle Obama caught it last spring. Pence's predecessor, Vice-President Joe Biden, also has seen it.

The show is by Lin-Manuel Miranda, who wrote the musical's book, music and lyrics. It stresses the orphan, immigrant roots of Hamilton and has a terrifically varied score, ranging from pop ballads to gospel to sexy R&B.

Miranda tweeted his support Saturday of the cast's decision.

Proud of @HamiltonMusical. Proud of @BrandonVDixon, for leading with love.
And proud to remind you that ALL are welcome at the theater.

It has been cheered for reclaiming the nation's founding story by a multicultural cast. The Alexander Hamilton that Pence saw was Javier Munoz, an openly gay actor.

Pence supported numerous efforts to ban gay marriage as governor of Indiana and opposed unfettered federal funding for HIV and AIDS treatment.

After Pence left, Jeffrey Seller, the show's lead producer, said he hopes the politician would share the show's message of empathy: "I hope that maybe it inspires him to feel for those not like him."

Seller, a Tony Award winner who has produced such shows as Rent and Avenue Q, said such notable Republicans as former vice-president Dick Cheney and presidential speechwriter Peggy Noonan have come to Hamilton.

"This show is absolutely for Republicans as well as Democrats, and we would like to host any Republican who would like to see the show," he said. 

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Mike Pence Hamilton

Heavily armed police stand guard as a motorcade carrying Vice President-elect Mike Pence, centre, leaves the Richard Rodgers Theatre in New York after a performance of Hamilton. (Andres Kudacki/The Associated Press)


Hamilton tells the story of an orphaned immigrant from the Caribbean who ended up becoming the first U.S. treasury secretary. Lin-Manuel Miranda, seen here as the lead, created and wrote the musical but has since vacated the role. (Joan Marcus/The Public Theatre)


President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday demanded an apology from the cast member of the Broadway production Hamilton who gave Mike Pence an onstage earful about equality.

Actor Brandon Victor Dixon told vice-president-elect Pence after the curtain call that the multiracial and multicultural cast is concerned about the Trump administration.

"We, sir, are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights," said Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr, the nation's third vice-president.'We truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values'

Mike Pence booed by crowd, addressed by cast of Hamilton, The Associated Press Posted: Nov 19, 2016 10:53 AM ET, Last Updated: Nov 19, 2016 12:24 PM ET,

Perhaps, Donald Trump strongly believes that everyone must comply with his words and expectations.

Demerara_Guy posted:

President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday demanded an apology from the cast member of the Broadway production Hamilton who gave Mike Pence an onstage earful about equality.

Actor Brandon Victor Dixon told vice-president-elect Pence after the curtain call that the multiracial and multicultural cast is concerned about the Trump administration.

"We, sir, are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights," said Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr, the nation's third vice-president.'We truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values'

Mike Pence booed by crowd, addressed by cast of Hamilton, The Associated Press Posted: Nov 19, 2016 10:53 AM ET, Last Updated: Nov 19, 2016 12:24 PM ET,

Perhaps, Donald Trump strongly believes that everyone must comply with his words and expectations.

So I guess you think this is appropriate for the cast to do with the VP trying to patronize the show?

VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday demanded an apology from the cast member of the Broadway production Hamilton who gave Mike Pence an onstage earful about equality.

Actor Brandon Victor Dixon told vice-president-elect Pence after the curtain call that the multiracial and multicultural cast is concerned about the Trump administration.

"We, sir, are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights," said Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr, the nation's third vice-president.'We truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values'

Perhaps, Donald Trump strongly believes that everyone must comply with his words and expectations.

So I guess you think this is appropriate for the cast to do with the VP trying to patronize the show?

Freedom of speech is alive in the ole USA,

this is not a third world country.

VishMahabir posted:

So I guess you think this is appropriate for the cast to do with the VP trying to patronize the show?

What did the cast do wrong.  They asked for assurance that the Trump regime will be fair, especially in light of white supremacists Bannon, and Sessions being integral parts of his administration.

When the AG is a man who said that he thought that the only thing wrong is that KKK members do drugs is this something that you think is OK.

Understand something. In this country you are BLACK, continue with your nonsense!

They are RIGHT to shine light given that we are seeing a white supremacist take over!

And the fact that Trump is demanding an apology shows that he wants us to be like the Jews who were docile when Hitler sent them off to the camps.

Trump needs to tell us why Bannon and Sessions.

VishMahabir posted:

So I guess you think this is appropriate for the cast to do with the VP trying to patronize the show?

Yes  Now think about how Obama was treated on many occasions. He did NOT put in his administration known racists, neither did he campaign based on threats to any group.

But you think that your straight hair means that you are white. NOT in this country.

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday demanded an apology from the cast member of the Broadway production Hamilton who gave Mike Pence an onstage earful about equality.

Actor Brandon Victor Dixon told vice-president-elect Pence after the curtain call that the multiracial and multicultural cast is concerned about the Trump administration.

"We, sir, are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights," said Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr, the nation's third vice-president.'We truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values'

Perhaps, Donald Trump strongly believes that everyone must comply with his words and expectations.

So I guess you think this is appropriate for the cast to do with the VP trying to patronize the show?

Freedom of speech is alive in the ole USA,

this is not a third world country.

Yes, knucklehead, I am glad you remember that free speech is alive. You miss my point by a mile.

I am questioning the forum where this point was made. This was inappropriate. The point could have been made in other ways, not with the person sitting there, not to mention being there to patronize a very popular show. 

By your logic, Manickchand was correct when she cuss out the US Ambassador.  

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

By your logic, Manickchand was correct when she cuss out the US Ambassador.  

1.  These cast members did NOT curse out Pence.  They expressed a hope that the Trump administration will be fair. And why not, given the appointment of Bannon, Flynn, and Sessions all known to be extreme bigots?

It is the reaction of Trump which should concern YOU, as he is denying them the right to ask for equal treatment.  This is a cast mainly of young Latinos, and blacks. BOTH groups much lambasted by people like Bannon, Flynn, Sessions, and Giuliani!

2.  If the crowd booed that would be their business, and I bet you didn't say a damn thing when Obama was similarly humiliated.

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted.

So I guess you think this is appropriate for the cast to do with the VP trying to patronize the show?

Freedom of speech is alive in the ole USA,

this is not a third world country.

Yes, knucklehead, I am glad you remember that free speech is alive. You miss my point by a mile.

I am questioning the forum where this point was made. This was inappropriate. The point could have been made in other ways, not with the person sitting there, not to mention being there to patronize a very popular show. 

By your logic, Manickchand was correct when she cuss out the US Ambassador.  

Apparently you seems not to know how America works,your point have no merit,there are huge differences between what took place at the theater and Priya feral blast.


Django Vish is another Indian who thinks that he is white.  By the end of next year he will be thanking blacks and Hispanics for making enough noise to show Bannon, Sessions, Giuliani, Flynn and all the assorted racists that their nasty racist attitudes should be kept hidden.

VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Perhaps, Donald Trump strongly believes that everyone must comply with his words and expectations.

So I guess you think this is appropriate for the cast to do with the VP trying to patronize the show?

And ... ???

caribny posted:

Django Vish is another Indian who thinks that he is white.  By the end of next year he will be thanking blacks and Hispanics for making enough noise to show Bannon, Sessions, Giuliani, Flynn and all the assorted racists that their nasty racist attitudes should be kept hidden.

Here we go again.


I just respond to your other super ridiculous comment that "This is not a country of LAWS". I dont know where you live, but if you feel this way and live in the US, you can enlighten me on which country has LAWS that suits you.

Here is another one of your ridiculous comment. And you brought Django along for defense.

You love calling people names  and hurling pejoratives at people who disagree with you. For the record, I am not "white", I am a proud Guyanese dougla boy.

This conversation started with the appropriateness and proper decorum for lodging a protest against the VP elect. You obviously did not read the article carefully. I simply pointed out that, freedom of speech or not, there are other ways to make this message known to the VP and the Trump administration. None of us like what is going on with the Trump Administration, but we cant be so blind by hatred that we loose all sense of decency and whats appropriate or not. Supporters from both sides of the spectrum have crossed all boundaries. We are going to see that for the next 4 years. 

But there are ways to do things and then there are ways to do thing. How is this so different from what Priya did. This would be like me coming to your house and while sitting there, you proceed to insult me. All I am saying is this was inappropriate behavior.

I have tickets to see HAMILTON in the next few months, because its difficult to get them. Should I expect to be berated in front of everyone for my views, which then leads to boos? 

Spare me. I know how you are going to respond. You are PREDICTABLE.

Demerara_Guy posted:

President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday demanded an apology from the cast member of the Broadway production Hamilton who gave Mike Pence an onstage earful about equality.

Actor Brandon Victor Dixon told vice-president-elect Pence after the curtain call that the multiracial and multicultural cast is concerned about the Trump administration.

"We, sir, are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights," said Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr, the nation's third vice-president.'We truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values'

Mike Pence booed by crowd, addressed by cast of Hamilton, The Associated Press Posted: Nov 19, 2016 10:53 AM ET, Last Updated: Nov 19, 2016 12:24 PM ET,

Perhaps, Donald Trump strongly believes that everyone must comply with his words and expectations.

I take it u r a Guyanese supporter of the Jagans and Jagdeo. I am not surprise at the way you think.

Dem things white people designed to comfort themselves with, u couldn't develop 0.00000000000000000000000000001% of it. That is why, u hiding in dem communities.

U support ignorance.   

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:


Spare me. I know how you are going to respond. You are PREDICTABLE.


Sell your Hamilton tickets if you feel so offended that they simple ask for fair treatment.  They have that right in a free least until Session,  Giuliani, Bannon, Trump and Flynn turn it into Putin's Russia.

Pence is in a .regime which is endorsed by the KKK. .

The AG sets the tone.  How will there be rule of law when the man who is supposed to enforce this said that the only thing wrong with the KKK is that they smoke pot.

And when another man, Giuliani, laughed when people spoke of the murders of Diallo and Dorismond will play a pivotal role?

If the KKK put their hands on you there is a tree branch that they will hang you from!

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

Yes, knucklehead, I am glad you remember that free speech is alive. You miss my point by a mile.

I am questioning the forum where this point was made. This was inappropriate. The point could have been made in other ways, not with the person sitting there, not to mention being there to patronize a very popular show. 

By your logic, Manickchand was correct when she cuss out the US Ambassador.  

This was inappropriate. The point could have been made in other ways, not with the person sitting there, not to mention being there to patronize a very popular show. 

VishNUT, ever heard of the First Amendment? Do you see athletes doing their own protests at the National Anthem? It's a special American way and place of doing things. Do you think it was appropriate for Trump to encourage "lock her up", or cussing down the Gold Star family at rallies? Yes, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. See how these dudes travel? Armed guards tarass. Obama was like a charm in his country. Now the Donald and Pence will feel like they're in a foreign hostile country. They can't walk the land they Preside over freely. They have to spend a lot of time in the big cities that they abhor (well, the Donald is playing a game on his fools supporters) and the entertainment industry that they cuss all the time.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

By your logic, Manickchand was correct when she cuss out the US Ambassador.  

1.  These cast members did NOT curse out Pence.  They expressed a hope that the Trump administration will be fair. And why not, given the appointment of Bannon, Flynn, and Sessions all known to be extreme bigots?

It is the reaction of Trump which should concern YOU, as he is denying them the right to ask for equal treatment.  This is a cast mainly of young Latinos, and blacks. BOTH groups much lambasted by people like Bannon, Flynn, Sessions, and Giuliani!

2.  If the crowd booed that would be their business, and I bet you didn't say a damn thing when Obama was similarly humiliated.

It is the reaction of Trump which should concern YOU, as he is denying them the right to ask for equal treatment. 

Excellent point! But then a bigot like VishMahaknspit would know no better. Even Baseless would not agree with this KKK mentality.

VishMahabir posted:

This conversation started with the appropriateness and proper decorum for lodging a protest against the VP elect.

If you think that Mike Pence's reception was uncomfortable, wait unti lthe January inauguration. You'll see what an unpopular President your hero Donald Trump is. The Washington Mall will scare the bejeesus out of him. Can't wait to see his tweets.

Kari posted:

Excellent point! But then a bigot like VishMahaknspit would know no better. Even Baseless would not agree with this KKK mentality.

Don't worry Vishnu Mahabir will soon be Victor Mahoney as your average Trumpster thinks that he has a Muslim name.

Kari posted:
caribny posted:

1.  These cast members did NOT curse out Pence.  They expressed a hope that the Trump administration will be fair. And why not, given the appointment of Bannon, Flynn, and Sessions all known to be extreme bigots?

It is the reaction of Trump which should concern YOU, as he is denying them the right to ask for equal treatment.  This is a cast mainly of young Latinos, and blacks. BOTH groups much lambasted by people like Bannon, Flynn, Sessions, and Giuliani!

2.  If the crowd booed that would be their business, and I bet you didn't say a damn thing when Obama was similarly humiliated.

It is the reaction of Trump which should concern YOU, as he is denying them the right to ask for equal treatment. 

Excellent point! But then a bigot like VishMahaknspit would know no better. Even Baseless would not agree with this KKK mentality.

Rude and arrogant.  Totally out of place and off message.  These Liberal clowns is exactly why we got Trump.  It's ok for a Black man to harass a White guy, but any reaction is racism.  All you do with this bullyism is harden positions.  Brandom should be ashamed using the forum to corner and harass an official!  He should be fired!

ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:
.  It's ok for a Black man to harass a White guy, but any reaction is racism. 

Obama was the president.

Trump: Obama you have to prove to me that you are born in the USA by showing your birth certificate.

Trump (after Hawaii showed the certificate):  This birth certificate is a forgery

Trump: Obama didn't deserve to graduate from Harvard Law and he didn't deserve to be in the Harvard Law Review.

Racist baseman proud member of this racist site, why don't you tell us why Obama could have been humiliated as a president?

Oh yes. I know he is a black man, so a member of an inferior species, so can be treated any way.

Who the hell are these blacks and Latinos to simply convey that they are worried given that Trump's cabinet is beginning to look like a KKK convention?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Wrong time.  Wrong place.  Wrong guy.  This is an obstruction of democracy.

Aaaaww....Bibi seems hurt, especially with democracy in danger by Hamilton's cast. Did she shed a tear when Trump said Obama was not an American? Now telling a sitting President of the USA he's not American is not an obstruction to democracy according to Bibi, but pleading for safety to a Vice-President-elect is.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Wrong time.  Wrong place.  Wrong guy.  This is an obstruction of democracy.

In a true democracy Hilary would be president. If the results were in the reverse, I doubt that the groper Trump would have conceded.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Wrong time.  Wrong place.  Wrong guy.  This is an obstruction of democracy.

I see so when goons attack blacks, Hispanics, INDIANS (given that these are the only people who you care about) and Muslims that is Democracy.

How come Trump is in a tweeting war with some Broadway Millennials rather than addressing the fact that legions of Trump thugs are now exposing their violent bigotry.  Feeling that is now OK with Trump winning.

In fact how come Trump isn't engaged in a tweeting war with the KKK, which has said publicly that the exclusion of nonwhites is near at hand now that Trump is in power.

Based on Trump's reaction the cast are quite justified in expressing their fear about how badly they will be treated as people of color, and as gays, which I have no doubt that some of them are.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Wrong time.  Wrong place.  Wrong guy.  This is an obstruction of democracy.

In a true democracy Hilary would be president. If the results were in the reverse, I doubt that the groper Trump would have conceded.

America is the greatest democracy, like it or leave it.  India is the largest democracy.  Both are democracies with different [but consistent] systems of determining who wins.  Like it or lump it.  It's only unfair when the rules are changed mid-stream.  The US system has been around for generations and it works, it fostered the greatest nation ever known to mankind!

NY/Cal gave her the numerical advantage.  The is an irrelevant matrix as Trump never even campaigned in these Hillaryabad!

Now, how about your corrupt PNC?  Were they ever a democratic Govt?  Even today, along with the crooked and hapless AFC and the US intervention, they "stole" the election.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Wrong time.  Wrong place.  Wrong guy.  This is an obstruction of democracy.

In a true democracy Hilary would be president. If the results were in the reverse, I doubt that the groper Trump would have conceded.

What puts my mind at ease for now is that we have a lot of distinguished white men publicly criticize the President Elect for his choices. I don't think we should pack our suitcases for now. Give The Donald a chance and let's see how he does. He cannot be worse than "W". Hope not.

ba$eman posted:

NY/Cal gave her the numerical advantage.  The is an irrelevant matrix as Trump never even campaigned in these Hillaryabad!


Why not just stick to the point that the election is determined by the electoral college, and will remain so until it is changed.

By screaming that CA/NY give her on unfair advantage is nonsense, when in fact tiny states have way more power in the college than their population suggests.

It is but a mere tactical fact for those screaming about the electoral college to remind themselves that if the Dems cannot win in this then it suggests that they will do poorly in the mid terms.  The college is the numbers of congressional and senate seats allocated by state.

Unless the Dems work on the Midwest it portends poorly for their chances to win seats in 2018 in the mid terms.

Please remember that Trump "won" the Midwest by small margins, based mainly on the Dem base not showing up in the numbers that the rural vote did. Next time if the narrative of the white working class remains that of closing factories and dim prospects Trump will lose.

This wasn't a pro Trump vote. It was an anti Hillary vote, mainly because Hillary's messaging was off.  We can add the fact that the media didn't scrutinize Trump as they did Hillary, but all will be out soon, once we see Th Trump family engaged in corruption abusing the fact that their Daddy is president.  In fact it has already started.


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