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Former Member

A daughter will not be silenced


Dear Editor, Father’s Day is rapidly approaching and I cannot help but think of the untimely death of my beloved father, Vickramaditya Vidyasagar Puran. We, the members of the Puran family, have been waiting in hope that some measure of justice would be meted out on those who killed him. We were afraid for our own safety to take action, lest we should have “accidents” but I can no longer cower to the fear of death and let those responsible walk the earth and live in sweet bliss, while my father has been reduced to nothing but a molecule. We have put in place measures, locally and internationally, so that in the event our vehicles wind up in Mahaicony trenches, our deaths would not go unsolved. Also, please let it be known that none of us are suicidal. I am sure that more than 90 per cent of the Guyanese population is already convinced that indeed my father was murdered and in fact from the forensic evidence I can come to no other conclusion. My father prided himself in the fact that he had many friends in the legal fraternity, but I say that he had none. None of the ‘friends’ have offered us an ear, assistance or even their condolences. I need not drop names. Those persons know who they are. Vic Puran offered assistance to many of those same ‘friends’ when they were in need. My father’s kindness and generosity extended to many persons who hold high positions now. Those persons have done nothing to vindicate his death or to even set the record straight that it was no accident. Everywhere I go I hear of ‘the lawyer who was killed and put in Mahaicony’ and it angers me that nothing was done. Those of us who knew Vic Puran, knew that he never drove to Mahaicony with his windows up. Ask this, how can a person who drowned have a mask of dried blood on his face? Wouldn’t he have bled out into the water while drowning? How can you drown and be dry at the same time? Those of us who had the chance to inspect the vehicle would also note that his vehicle was in park, the headlights not on, windows up and no air conditioning on. How those things escape police is a mystery to me. Where is the vehicle now? I am told that it has been sold. Pictures tell a thousand words and from them you will see that my father was tortured before he died, but officially, cause of death ‘asphyxiation’. There are numerous things that I can list and I am sure that the public is already aware of those things that will show that indeed my father was murdered. I am surprised that the amateur pathologist on the scene on the morning of the 16th of October, 2012, when my father’s body was discovered and uncovered, could make a declaration that ‘Given my experience, I am satisfied that it was an accident.  I suspect that it was a combination of tiredness and hurrying to reach back to his wife to celebrate his birthday’. (Taken from Kaieteur newspapers dated the 17th of October, 2012.) From all reports, he never reached the farm and therefore could not have been hurrying back. I wonder if being an attorney-at-law qualifies you to practice forensic medicine? Perhaps the brush up course at Hugh Wooding Law School is sufficient to allow a person to determine cause of death. My five years of medical school wouldn’t even qualify me to make such a statement. I am ashamed of our justice system for making no effort whatsoever to investigate and find those responsible. There has been much speculation as to who could have done this cruel act. I say the answer to that is quite simple. Who stood to benefit from the death of Vic Puran and who has in fact benefited from the death of Vic Puran? No need to call the FBI, Scotland Yard, or Sherlock Holmes to solve that! I do not think that the ‘drug lords’ would seek to get rid of him. Why get rid of the best legal mind available? The government? I keep hearing that, but no. What threat was he to the government? I know that the Guyanese population has many intelligent people and they will be able to decipher who has benefited from the death of Vic Puran. I will never rest until justice is served. Our family wants the public to know that we are not idiots and we know what happened. I will keep on writing and doing whatever I can because I will not let my father’s murder remain unsolved. To quote the FBI Chief in response to the Boston bombings, ‘someone knows something’. I urge anyone with information to come forward and speak up. Let us not let a great son of our soil go unavenged. His name will live on forever in the hearts of those who loved him. Let the trumpets be sounded and the horses parade. Justice will come for Vic Puran. Mikhaila Puran

Replies sorted oldest to newest

There are so many unsolved murders in Guyana it's a shame. The Muinister of Home Affairs and the PPP Gov't need rtto come clean and admit that they have failed the country in terms of security and justice.


I commend the young lady for taking up the cause of her father's murder.


It is a sad situation but blaming the Govt is insane. The love of a family Member can make one insane. I am sure detectives have done a good job but did not come up with any evidence.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is a sad situation but blaming the Govt is insane. The love of a family Member can make one insane. I am sure detectives have done a good job but did not come up with any evidence.

Bro it's early saturday morning  stop sounding like a blind donkey.


Is no point talking about justice if the Ms. Puran knows the reason for her father's death and be quiet about it. In his memory, she should say who she accuses for his demise.


The mother of Monica Reece, unto this day never got an answer from the government. Even though, Jagan said he was going to leave no page unturned.


Guyana is a scary place.



Mikhaila Puran must know that her father, like Nigel Hughes and others,represented some of the worst drug offenders and criminals. Now she wants the GOG to do the job of the police. This is a task for Brummel, he is in charge of the police force, why is he not being held accountable? Also the forensic evidence indicated that it was an accident with no gunshots or other suspicious wounds. The AFC/PnC dogs would have been behind this if it was a murder, after all they control the drug trade as well as law enforcement in Guyana. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

Is no point talking about justice if the Ms. Puran knows the reason for her father's death and be quiet about it. In his memory, she should say who she accuses for his demise.


The mother of Monica Reece, unto this day never got an answer from the government. Even though, Jagan said he was going to leave no page unturned.


Guyana is a scary place.


"Is no point talking about justice if the Ms. Puran knows the reason for her father's death and be quiet about it. In his memory, she should say who she accuses for his demise."..."Guyana is a scary place."


I agree. She says the family knows what happened and she knows who is NOT responsible so she should indeed say who IS responsible. Also, it seems that they did not insist on a Post Mortem Examination? There have been instances where families got T&T pathologists to conduct PMs on their deceased relatives. Vic had educated children, lawyers and it looks like this one is a doctor.  Seems strange to me that more was not done immediately just after his death to investigate.


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Mikhaila Puran must know that her father, like Nigel Hughes and others,represented some of the worst drug offenders and criminals. Now she wants the GOG to do the job of the police. This is a task for Brummel, he is in charge of the police force, why is he not being held accountable? Also the forensic evidence indicated that it was an accident with no gunshots or other suspicious wounds. The AFC/PnC dogs would have been behind this if it was a murder, after all they control the drug trade as well as law enforcement in Guyana. 

drug_b sticks his hand in his BT, pulls it out, smells, grins stupidly and brays just because . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Mikhaila Puran must know that her father, like Nigel Hughes and others,represented some of the worst drug offenders and criminals. Now she wants the GOG to do the job of the police. This is a task for Brummel, he is in charge of the police force, why is he not being held accountable? Also the forensic evidence that it was an accident with no gunshots or other suspicious wounds. The AFC/PnC dogs would have been behind this if it was a murder, after all they control the drug trade as well as law enforcement in Guyana. 

drug_b sticks his hand in his BT, pulls it out, smells, grins stupidly and brays just because . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Mikhaila Puran must know that her father, like Nigel Hughes and others,represented some of the worst drug offenders and criminals. Now she wants the GOG to do the job of the police. This is a task for Brummel, he is in charge of the police force, why is he not being held accountable? Also the forensic evidence indicated that it was an accident with no gunshots or other suspicious wounds. The AFC/PnC dogs would have been behind this if it was a murder, after all they control the drug trade as well as law enforcement in Guyana. 

drug_b sticks his hand in his BT, pulls it out, smells, grins stupidly and brays just because . . .

Maybe the man had nut-butter.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It would not surprise me if the afc/pnc was behind this murder as some time back they proclaimed Vic Puran to be defending  PPP drug barons.

drug_b now sticks both his hands even further up his BT . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It would not surprise me if the afc/pnc was behind this murder as some time back they proclaimed Vic Puran to be defending  PPP drug barons.

drug_b now sticks both his hands even further up his BT . . .

His head too.


This sounds really fishy indeed.  Viv Puran took the so call coup case when no other lawyer would touch it or have anything to do with it.  Now he is dead a few months after and no one is doing an independent inquest or independent investigation into his death. It begs to wonder about his death and the wall of silence now that surrounds it.  His death may have become just like the coup case no one wants to touch it. His death should be independently investigated by an outside source from the Caribbean.

Last edited by Prashad

The afc/pnc getting away with murder daily as they rob and kill Guyanese to fill their campaign coffers. Puran is just another victim to them, in fact it is funny to hear Chief calling for independent inquest as his party, the afc/pnc, are the ones who control the police and did the investigations. Is he saying that the afc/pnc  top boy Brummel covered up the death of a PPP supporter, Puran?


Clearly, a grieving family who cannot come to terms with a senseless death caused by one's own error.  It's interesting she said "none of his "friends" offered assistance or even condolences".  Well, I'm sure he has "friends" in the joint opposition who would not hesitate to dig into this.


Such is a normal emotional reaction to a tragedy and people try their utmost to prove it was not a senseless accident.  I find it strange that a well known lawyer would meet his demise and no one, apart from his relatives, would question.


Another interesting position she took, "why would drug lords want to get rid of the best legal mind".  Well, again, this is a double-edge sword.  If he defends drug lords and snares one in defense of another, he has to watch out.


In the end, it seems like an unfortunate accident which the family is finding hard to come to terms with.

 . . . I am surprised that the amateur pathologist on the scene on the morning of the 16th of October, 2012, when my father’s body was discovered and uncovered, could make a declaration that ‘Given my experience, I am satisfied that it was an accident.  I suspect that it was a combination of tiredness and hurrying to reach back to his wife to celebrate his birthday’. (Taken from Kaieteur newspapers dated the 17th of October, 2012.) From all reports, he never reached the farm and therefore could not have been hurrying back. I wonder if being an attorney-at-law qualifies you to practice forensic medicine? Perhaps the brush up course at Hugh Wooding Law School is sufficient to allow a person to determine cause of death. My five years of medical school wouldn’t even qualify me to make such a statement . . .

Mikhaila Puran

Vic Puran daughter clap wan lash pun Glen Hanoman deh

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The afc/pnc getting away with murder daily as they rob and kill Guyanese to fill their campaign coffers. Puran is just another victim to them, in fact it is funny to hear Chief calling for independent inquest as his party, the afc/pnc, are the ones who control the police and did the investigations. Is he saying that the afc/pnc  top boy Brummel covered up the death of a PPP supporter, Puran?

Iam saying that you are a fool.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The afc/pnc getting away with murder daily as they rob and kill Guyanese to fill their campaign coffers. Puran is just another victim to them, in fact it is funny to hear Chief calling for independent inquest as his party, the afc/pnc, are the ones who control the police and did the investigations. Is he saying that the afc/pnc  top boy Brummel covered up the death of a PPP supporter, Puran?

Iam saying that you are a fool.

Let us not start throwing stones, you support the afc/pnc and now you are on the preferred vendor list for the super bowl. I am sure the relevant authorities are taking note and checking your background. Al this crap you post on this forum is not beyond their reach as well as any affiliation you have with criminal elements in the opposition and the Arab world. Be careful now. 

Originally Posted by redux:
 . . . I am surprised that the amateur pathologist on the scene on the morning of the 16th of October, 2012, when my father’s body was discovered and uncovered, could make a declaration that ‘Given my experience, I am satisfied that it was an accident.  I suspect that it was a combination of tiredness and hurrying to reach back to his wife to celebrate his birthday’. (Taken from Kaieteur newspapers dated the 17th of October, 2012.) From all reports, he never reached the farm and therefore could not have been hurrying back. I wonder if being an attorney-at-law qualifies you to practice forensic medicine? Perhaps the brush up course at Hugh Wooding Law School is sufficient to allow a person to determine cause of death. My five years of medical school wouldn’t even qualify me to make such a statement . . .

Mikhaila Puran

Vic Puran daughter clap wan lash pun Glen Hanoman deh

If that was how the pathologist phrased his conclusion, then she have a point.  It should be based on evidence not opinion.  If he died from drowning, then there are tell-tale signs.  Did he show signs of unusual injuries given the circumstances of his death?  A conclusion should be based on a summation of facts and a professional could then bridge the gaps with sound judgement and opinion.


However, these are her words and opinion, we have not seen the official report.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The afc/pnc getting away with murder daily as they rob and kill Guyanese to fill their campaign coffers. Puran is just another victim to them, in fact it is funny to hear Chief calling for independent inquest as his party, the afc/pnc, are the ones who control the police and did the investigations. Is he saying that the afc/pnc  top boy Brummel covered up the death of a PPP supporter, Puran?

Iam saying that you are a fool.

Let us not start throwing stones, you support the afc/pnc and now you are on the preferred vendor list for the super bowl. I am sure the relevant authorities are taking note and checking your background. Al this crap you post on this forum is not beyond their reach as well as any affiliation you have with criminal elements in the opposition and the Arab world. Be careful now. 

GNI klown with deformed, estrogen-producing man sacs trying to 'intimidate' . . .


har de har har har har har har har . . . ROTFLMFAO!

Originally Posted by Chief:


Why don't your PNC buddies initiate that call.  They did with Linden and got what they asked for, didn't they?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
 . . . I am surprised that the amateur pathologist on the scene on the morning of the 16th of October, 2012, when my father’s body was discovered and uncovered, could make a declaration that ‘Given my experience, I am satisfied that it was an accident.  I suspect that it was a combination of tiredness and hurrying to reach back to his wife to celebrate his birthday’. (Taken from Kaieteur newspapers dated the 17th of October, 2012.) From all reports, he never reached the farm and therefore could not have been hurrying back. I wonder if being an attorney-at-law qualifies you to practice forensic medicine? Perhaps the brush up course at Hugh Wooding Law School is sufficient to allow a person to determine cause of death. My five years of medical school wouldn’t even qualify me to make such a statement . . .

Mikhaila Puran

Vic Puran daughter clap wan lash pun Glen Hanoman deh

If that was how the pathologist phrased his conclusion, then she have a point.  It should be based on evidence not opinion.  If he died from drowning, then there are tell-tale signs.  Did he show signs of unusual injuries given the circumstances of his death?  A conclusion should be based on a summation of facts and a professional could then bridge the gaps with sound judgement and opinion.


However, these are her words and opinion, we have not seen the official report.

she is citing a layman's opinion by Glen Hanoman on the day of the accident . . . the pathologist's report came later


like alyuh doan read before u post . . . jeeez

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:

There are so many unsolved murders in Guyana it's a shame. The Muinister of Home Affairs and the PPP Gov't need rtto come clean and admit that they have failed the country in terms of security and justice.


I commend the young lady for taking up the cause of her father's murder.

Is it deemed a "murder".

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
 . . . I am surprised that the amateur pathologist on the scene on the morning of the 16th of October, 2012, when my father’s body was discovered and uncovered, could make a declaration that ‘Given my experience, I am satisfied that it was an accident.  I suspect that it was a combination of tiredness and hurrying to reach back to his wife to celebrate his birthday’. (Taken from Kaieteur newspapers dated the 17th of October, 2012.) From all reports, he never reached the farm and therefore could not have been hurrying back. I wonder if being an attorney-at-law qualifies you to practice forensic medicine? Perhaps the brush up course at Hugh Wooding Law School is sufficient to allow a person to determine cause of death. My five years of medical school wouldn’t even qualify me to make such a statement . . .

Mikhaila Puran

Vic Puran daughter clap wan lash pun Glen Hanoman deh

If that was how the pathologist phrased his conclusion, then she have a point.  It should be based on evidence not opinion.  If he died from drowning, then there are tell-tale signs.  Did he show signs of unusual injuries given the circumstances of his death?  A conclusion should be based on a summation of facts and a professional could then bridge the gaps with sound judgement and opinion.


However, these are her words and opinion, we have not seen the official report.

she is citing a layman's opinion by Glen Hanoman on the day of the accident . . . the pathologist's report came later


like alyuh doan read before u post . . . jeeez

This is a fishing expedition.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
 . . . I am surprised that the amateur pathologist on the scene on the morning of the 16th of October, 2012, when my father’s body was discovered and uncovered, could make a declaration that ‘Given my experience, I am satisfied that it was an accident.  I suspect that it was a combination of tiredness and hurrying to reach back to his wife to celebrate his birthday’. (Taken from Kaieteur newspapers dated the 17th of October, 2012.) From all reports, he never reached the farm and therefore could not have been hurrying back. I wonder if being an attorney-at-law qualifies you to practice forensic medicine? Perhaps the brush up course at Hugh Wooding Law School is sufficient to allow a person to determine cause of death. My five years of medical school wouldn’t even qualify me to make such a statement . . .

Mikhaila Puran

Vic Puran daughter clap wan lash pun Glen Hanoman deh

If that was how the pathologist phrased his conclusion, then she have a point.  It should be based on evidence not opinion.  If he died from drowning, then there are tell-tale signs.  Did he show signs of unusual injuries given the circumstances of his death?  A conclusion should be based on a summation of facts and a professional could then bridge the gaps with sound judgement and opinion.


However, these are her words and opinion, we have not seen the official report.

she is citing a layman's opinion by Glen Hanoman on the day of the accident . . . the pathologist's report came later


like alyuh doan read before u post . . . jeeez

This is a fishing expedition.

suh, wuh happen in the past 1/2 hr to make u change your mind . . . hmmm?


embarrassed much?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
 . . . I am surprised that the amateur pathologist on the scene on the morning of the 16th of October, 2012, when my father’s body was discovered and uncovered, could make a declaration that ‘Given my experience, I am satisfied that it was an accident.  I suspect that it was a combination of tiredness and hurrying to reach back to his wife to celebrate his birthday’. (Taken from Kaieteur newspapers dated the 17th of October, 2012.) From all reports, he never reached the farm and therefore could not have been hurrying back. I wonder if being an attorney-at-law qualifies you to practice forensic medicine? Perhaps the brush up course at Hugh Wooding Law School is sufficient to allow a person to determine cause of death. My five years of medical school wouldn’t even qualify me to make such a statement . . .

Mikhaila Puran

Vic Puran daughter clap wan lash pun Glen Hanoman deh

If that was how the pathologist phrased his conclusion, then she have a point.  It should be based on evidence not opinion.  If he died from drowning, then there are tell-tale signs.  Did he show signs of unusual injuries given the circumstances of his death?  A conclusion should be based on a summation of facts and a professional could then bridge the gaps with sound judgement and opinion.


However, these are her words and opinion, we have not seen the official report.

she is citing a layman's opinion by Glen Hanoman on the day of the accident . . . the pathologist's report came later


like alyuh doan read before u post . . . jeeez

This is a fishing expedition.

suh, wuh happen in the past 1/2 hr to make u change your mind . . . hmmm?


embarrassed much?

I stand by what I wrote, fishing was in reference to you.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
 . . . I am surprised that the amateur pathologist on the scene on the morning of the 16th of October, 2012, when my father’s body was discovered and uncovered, could make a declaration that ‘Given my experience, I am satisfied that it was an accident.  I suspect that it was a combination of tiredness and hurrying to reach back to his wife to celebrate his birthday’. (Taken from Kaieteur newspapers dated the 17th of October, 2012.) From all reports, he never reached the farm and therefore could not have been hurrying back. I wonder if being an attorney-at-law qualifies you to practice forensic medicine? Perhaps the brush up course at Hugh Wooding Law School is sufficient to allow a person to determine cause of death. My five years of medical school wouldn’t even qualify me to make such a statement . . .

Mikhaila Puran

Vic Puran daughter clap wan lash pun Glen Hanoman deh

If that was how the pathologist phrased his conclusion, then she have a point.  It should be based on evidence not opinion.  If he died from drowning, then there are tell-tale signs.  Did he show signs of unusual injuries given the circumstances of his death?  A conclusion should be based on a summation of facts and a professional could then bridge the gaps with sound judgement and opinion.


However, these are her words and opinion, we have not seen the official report.

she is citing a layman's opinion by Glen Hanoman on the day of the accident . . . the pathologist's report came later


like alyuh doan read before u post . . . jeeez

This is a fishing expedition.

suh, wuh happen in the past 1/2 hr to make u change your mind . . . hmmm?


embarrassed much?

I stand by what I wrote, fishing was in reference to you.

so, let me get this straight . . . pointing out the fact that you either didn't read or were too illiterate to understand what the man's daughter wrote = me going on a "fishing expedition" . . . huh?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
If that was how the pathologist phrased his conclusion, then she have a point.  It should be based on evidence not opinion.  If he died from drowning, then there are tell-tale signs.  Did he show signs of unusual injuries given the circumstances of his death?  A conclusion should be based on a summation of facts and a professional could then bridge the gaps with sound judgement and opinion.


However, these are her words and opinion, we have not seen the official report.

she is citing a layman's opinion by Glen Hanoman on the day of the accident . . . the pathologist's report came later


like alyuh doan read before u post . . . jeeez

This is a fishing expedition.

suh, wuh happen in the past 1/2 hr to make u change your mind . . . hmmm?


embarrassed much?

I stand by what I wrote, fishing was in reference to you.

so, let me get this straight . . . pointing out the fact that you either didn't read or were too illiterate to understand what the man's daughter wrote = me going on a "fishing expedition" . . . huh?

I read what she said and a lot is perception borne out of grief.  It seems no one in the professional circle, even the grand opposition seem sold on her position.


As I said, it's a sad situation, but do not politicize.  You got your Linden hearings, now just walk along.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
If that was how the pathologist phrased his conclusion, then she have a point.  It should be based on evidence not opinion.  If he died from drowning, then there are tell-tale signs.  Did he show signs of unusual injuries given the circumstances of his death?  A conclusion should be based on a summation of facts and a professional could then bridge the gaps with sound judgement and opinion.


However, these are her words and opinion, we have not seen the official report.

she is citing a layman's opinion by Glen Hanoman on the day of the accident . . . the pathologist's report came later


like alyuh doan read before u post . . . jeeez

This is a fishing expedition.

suh, wuh happen in the past 1/2 hr to make u change your mind . . . hmmm?


embarrassed much?

I stand by what I wrote, fishing was in reference to you.

so, let me get this straight . . . pointing out the fact that you either didn't read or were too illiterate to understand what the man's daughter wrote = me going on a "fishing expedition" . . . huh?

I read what she said and a lot is perception borne out of grief.  It seems no one in the professional circle, even the grand opposition seem sold on her position.


As I said, it's a sad situation, but do not politicize.  You got your Linden hearings, now just walk along.

nonsense . . . any fool would have known that she wasn't talking about the pathologist report if they bothered to read before they brayed


u guys tap dance all over the place to music only u can hear when cornered, or lacking clothes to cover your foolishness . . . that 'strategy' doesn't work with me

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
If that was how the pathologist phrased his conclusion, then she have a point.  It should be based on evidence not opinion.  If he died from drowning, then there are tell-tale signs.  Did he show signs of unusual injuries given the circumstances of his death?  A conclusion should be based on a summation of facts and a professional could then bridge the gaps with sound judgement and opinion.


However, these are her words and opinion, we have not seen the official report.

she is citing a layman's opinion by Glen Hanoman on the day of the accident . . . the pathologist's report came later


like alyuh doan read before u post . . . jeeez

This is a fishing expedition.

suh, wuh happen in the past 1/2 hr to make u change your mind . . . hmmm?


embarrassed much?

I stand by what I wrote, fishing was in reference to you.

so, let me get this straight . . . pointing out the fact that you either didn't read or were too illiterate to understand what the man's daughter wrote = me going on a "fishing expedition" . . . huh?

I read what she said and a lot is perception borne out of grief.  It seems no one in the professional circle, even the grand opposition seem sold on her position.


As I said, it's a sad situation, but do not politicize.  You got your Linden hearings, now just walk along.

nonsense . . . any fool would have known that she wasn't talking about the pathologist report if they bothered to read before they brayed


u guys tap dance all over the place to music only u can hear when cornered, or lacking clothes to cover their foolishness . . . that 'strategy' doesn't work with me

I never said she was, she was offering an opinion and her insight.  However, she seem to doubt the official conclusion in her reference to the "amateur pathologist" implying incompetence.


Baseman this is what she said:  I wonder if being an attorney-at-law qualifies you to practice forensic medicine? Perhaps the brush up course at Hugh Wooding Law School is sufficient to allow a person to determine cause of death. My five years of medical school wouldn’t even qualify me to make such a statement.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Baseman this is what she said:  I wonder if being an attorney-at-law qualifies you to practice forensic medicine? Perhaps the brush up course at Hugh Wooding Law School is sufficient to allow a person to determine cause of death. My five years of medical school wouldn’t even qualify me to make such a statement.

bai, at the end of the day baseman remains a slow-witted tool . . . he thinks Glen Hanoman is the pathologist

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Baseman this is what she said:  I wonder if being an attorney-at-law qualifies you to practice forensic medicine? Perhaps the brush up course at Hugh Wooding Law School is sufficient to allow a person to determine cause of death. My five years of medical school wouldn’t even qualify me to make such a statement.

bai, at the end of the day baseman remains a slow-witted tool . . . he thinks Glen Hanoman is the pathologist

His responses used to be deep and meaningful. But of lately, he has been lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; seems concerned only with what is obvious; his arguments are shallow and tedious.


Perhaps  the katahar curry and Kur BT choka for brekky have an effect on him.


Mikhaila has brought forward some very important points that needs to be examine.  In the future I hope there is an independent inquest to examine if this death may have been some type of trade off deal.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Baseman this is what she said:  I wonder if being an attorney-at-law qualifies you to practice forensic medicine? Perhaps the brush up course at Hugh Wooding Law School is sufficient to allow a person to determine cause of death. My five years of medical school wouldn’t even qualify me to make such a statement.

Surely part of it and a reference to the "amateur pathologist".  As I said, this is a grieving family struggling to come to terms with a senseless death.  Unless there is objective and professional substantiation anything different, then anything else is just noise.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Baseman this is what she said:  I wonder if being an attorney-at-law qualifies you to practice forensic medicine? Perhaps the brush up course at Hugh Wooding Law School is sufficient to allow a person to determine cause of death. My five years of medical school wouldn’t even qualify me to make such a statement.

bai, at the end of the day baseman remains a slow-witted tool . . . he thinks Glen Hanoman is the pathologist

His responses used to be deep and meaningful. But of lately, he has been lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; seems concerned only with what is obvious; his arguments are shallow and tedious.


Perhaps  the katahar curry and Kur BT choka for brekky have an effect on him.

I don't bother, you see alyuh gatt one response to anything, so why bother.  Alyuh come to conclusions even before an event even occurs.


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