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Militarisation of PNC/APNU-AFC  a recipe for dictatorship

Dear Editor,

A strongman does not apologise for his past and Brigadier David Granger fits this profile perfectly. So let us take a tour of this man’s PNC credentials.

The Brigadier joined the GDF, as so many others did, to serve his country, but the mission of the Army of Guyana under the PNC dramatically changed course. This change was initiated by Forbes Burnham because he feared that the Army was going to overthrow him. So the Army became the tool of the PNC.

Granger willingly swore allegiance to Burnham and the PNC and this is a documented fact. Granger, an eager supporter and member of the Social, Political, and Economic Council (SPEC), an imitator of the feared German Gestapo organisation, branded Indians as the backward ones and they were marked for subjection and elimination.

This indoctrination of the GDF by people like the scholastic Granger was to have deadly consequences for two young men in the 1973 election. The deaths of Jagan Ramasssar and Bholanauth Paramanand were a direct result of the indoctrination of the PNC’s GDF to demonise Indians.

This traumatisation of Indians continues to this day, with Indians in the Corentyne “sleeping with one eye open”.

To further demonstrate Granger’s belief that Indians are his enemy, one needs to look no further than Granger’s categorisation of the ballot box martyrs as gangsters. Has the tiger changed its stripes, Moses Nagamootoo?

At every private and public meeting, Nagamootoo goes into his mantra about forgiving and moving forward. Granger on the other hand gets that condescending look in his eyes and face when the myopic traitor tries to earn his keep.

The Brigadier will repeat what he knows best and that is to militarise the Government. Everything about Granger is excessive and militaristic down to his associates and advisers. Do not be fooled by his civilian attire, beneath is a dictator with an iron fist.

So I say to you, when you read this letter, ask yourself a simple question. Do these two old men Nagamootoo and Granger (140 years of failure) offer change?

One failed in every organisation he has been a part of and the other has been a PNC (Burnham) enforcer.


Latchman Mohabir

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Vote PNC!



"Granger willingly swore allegiance to Burnham and the PNC and this is a documented fact. Granger, an eager supporter and member of the Social, Political, and Economic Council (SPEC), an imitator of the feared German Gestapo organisation, branded Indians as the backward ones and they were marked for subjection and elimination"

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Harper seh yall looking forward...why yuh messin wid the message?

What is your definition of a message?

According to Harper, PPP lookin fawad...yuh sem to be lookin backwad...which is it?

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Harper seh yall looking forward...why yuh messin wid the message?

What is your definition of a message?

According to Harper, PPP lookin fawad...yuh sem to be lookin backwad...which is it?

Does not change the FACT that Granger was/is the TOOL of the PNC. Vote PNC!

Originally Posted by alena06:

Vote PNC!



"Granger willingly swore allegiance to Burnham and the PNC and this is a documented fact. Granger, an eager supporter and member of the Social, Political, and Economic Council (SPEC), an imitator of the feared German Gestapo organisation, branded Indians as the backward ones and they were marked for subjection and elimination"

Wow interesting,PPP protecting the Indos???? that set

of thieves in the current cabal.


Who believe the Guyana Times owned by

the friend of Jaggy, who was given all the

contracts to supply inferior drugs charging

the govt for top class drugs.The same inferior

drugs are given to the Indos and the rest

of lesser mortals.Indos protecting Indos,

when will some of the people remove the

bubu form their eyes.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Harper seh yall looking forward...why yuh messin wid the message?

What is your definition of a message?

According to Harper, PPP lookin fawad...yuh sem to be lookin backwad...which is it?

Does not change the FACT that Granger was/is the TOOL of the PNC. Vote PNC!

Clutching on straws to win this election...but it aint gonna happen...not on PPP failures

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Harper seh yall looking forward...why yuh messin wid the message?

What is your definition of a message?

According to Harper, PPP lookin fawad...yuh sem to be lookin backwad...which is it?

Does not change the FACT that Granger was/is the TOOL of the PNC. Vote PNC!


“Hypocrisy” – Granger responds to claims of APNU/AFC militarization


[] – Presidential Candidate of the APNU+AFC coalition, Brigadier David Granger has said that the ruling party’s  continued criticisms of the APNU/AFC political faction for its inclusion of former service men in its hierarchy is nothing short of hypocrisy.

The Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has said that the presence of the former servicemen is an indication that the Opposition wants to take Guyana to a “military state.”

Granger made the comment on Sunday April 12 while attending a commemorative church service marking the one-year anniversary of the merger of the Guyana Legion and Ex-GDF Association into the Guyana Veteran’s Legion.

Granger was very passionate in his delivery to the veterans, contending that the PPP continues to peddle lies against the men and women who have served Guyana honorably.

“It is deceitful for them to speak about militarization, they militarize the government long before the national assembly came into being, there are two former military officers in the national assembly or what use to be the national assembly, Brigadier Granger and Colonel Harmon, two out of 65.” Guyana Veteran's Legion 6

He pointed to what he deemed “hypocrisy” from the PPP, who employed an expelled veteran in its cabinet as its Ministry of Home Affairs.

They make the biggest mistake when they were the ones who put in the PPP cabinet a GDF officer who had been cashiered, Ronald Jairam Gajraj. I almost choked to say veteran but it was the PPP that put him in the cabinet so they found use for former soldiers.

He also acknowledged the  numerous sacrifices veterans make while serving their country, “many people do not know about broken families when we have to spend months in the border, many people don’t know about our training, many people don’t know about the number of soldiers who have died in service, the diseases that they have contracted.”

He said proper provisions are not in place for ex- veterans when they retire and many of them end up with, “we have the training and leadership skill to do something better but because of the state of the economy were confined to poor paying jobs, many of us have migrated and have done well… some of us have surrendered our youths for this country.”

He also noted that his motion to establish a national veterans commission which was approved in the national assembly with support from the AFC, “but the President never implemented it, the commander in chief, the patron of this organization never implemented it, I don’t know any part of the western hemisphere where an executive of an administration could be so dismissive of his veterans.”

“Veterans need to be placed on a sound economic footing and pay them due respect.”

His proposal for veterans, a veteran’s act, provides for the welfare of all military veterans in Guyana.




This is the truth. More former military with PPP govt.


He said that currently,

-Guyana’s Ambassador to India and Bangladesh is a rank that was kicked out of the army, former Home Affairs Minister Ronald Gajraj.

-There is also Retired Major General Michael Atherly who holds a senior position within the Ministry of Home Affairs,

-retired Chief of Staff Joe Singh who is attached to Office of the President and

-former Police Commissioner Floyd McDonlad, also attached to OP among others.

-Several others have been offered positions within the government. There are Col Bruce Lovell, Col Frank Bishpam, Col Chabilal Ramsarup and many others.


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