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Former Member
Anthony Vieira

Military take over
Over the time this government has been in power, we have seen some strange actions which one would not expect to see from a government which garners support from a minority ethnic group in a country as badly divided as Guyana is along racial lines. I don’t see how I can be asked to condone wrongdoing by a government I fought to place in power. The time has come to speak up. For over four years I have been compiling this list of actions by Government which raised great trepidation in my mind. Several months ago I spoke to Adam Harris about this, so this is not something I concocted overnight, I have been telling my close friends for over 3 years that all of what I have recorded below has been troubling me.
1. From day one ex-personnel from the army were being placed in very high and strategic positions in government.
2. Finding this Oil changes everything for Guyana, oil producing countries basically do what they want in the face of a silent international community, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia, are good examples, so it allows some very important fundamental rights to be eroded by such governments without the international community sanctioning them. Most countries which find sudden wealth from one of its resources end up as very undemocratic, dictatorial and corrupt. Countries which really prosper from the resource must have strong institutions, and an ever-vigilant population. It is also clear that countries which suffer this sudden wealth, are more prone to breed political strife and civil war. Is this why they are building up the army in Guyana to keep the civilian population of all races under control? Recently there surfaced in the newspapers a letter telling us that the President of Guyana Granger is finding time to micromanage the GDF, he is even controlling things like promotions in the army, but the same president told the media in this country some time ago, that he will not micromanage his Ministers, who were making many glaring mistakes, and a lot of them were patently corrupt. This statement is totally inappropriate for an Executive President to make, since we voted for him, and it was he who chose his ministers, so he is responsible to us for their performance as an Executive President.
3. This government has not been kind to its business community, using the Revenue Authority to extort money from them, oppressing then with numerous taxes and other Burhnam era outrages have been reported, and capital flight has occurred. But Granger and his government do not seem to care. Why?
4. The sugar industry was indeed a huge drain on our economy. But the East Demerara Estates closure is so unbelievably harsh, that one is still stunned by the political stupidity of it. It was an act which effectively destroyed the collation partner the AFC. Which now cannot obtain one cross over vote.
5 The national service and other paramilitary organizations have been reintroduced! Further militarizing the society.
6 The GDF spending in the 2019 budget is very high [14 billion], higher than the Ministry of Agriculture [9 billion] and the GDF spending is now on the front page of the newspaper promoted by the President himself as being restructured for “Effective transformation for Total National Defense.” And “Securing our Borders”. Now he is telling the army recently that they are ready!! Ready for what? Letters in the newspaper criticizing the high amounts of money, which this Government says that they did not have, to diversify the sugar industry, is being wasted to pay an endless list of army advisors to the President [we are told that there are nearly 500 contracted “advisors” to the Office of the President”. We are told that it is for securing the borders, it is my opinion that they are securing something entirely different. This man has surrounded himself with the biggest, most corrupt, most incompetent government in our history. And it is costing the taxpayers in this country, a lot.
7 The GDF also wasted money on drones which cost almost as much as actual helicopters and shows the incompetence and the corruption of the army’s procurement procedures.
8 We don’t seem to want anyone of competence or independence to chair the Elections Commission! Any selection of a GECOM chairman which excludes Joe Singh as a good candidate, is not legitimate, and can only be viewed as having the most sinister motives.
9 Interference in the judicial arm of this government is very apparent to any casual observer, a notable exception happens to be our current Chief Justice. The judiciary must be independent. It hardly needs mentioning that the Judge being sought to be our Chancellor was a former GDF Judge Advocate, who is not a high performer and was actually sanctioned by the bar association of Belize for not delivering his judgements promptly.
10 We also do not seem to be planning our priorities right, raising suspicions about motivations. We don’t need to be acquiring a new bridge now, it is years in the future, we have the East Bank highway congestion to consider, long before we even think of a new Demerara Bridge, we must establish a parallel road or roads on the east Bank to relieve the congestion on the East Bank Highway daily. We have a Minister who is constantly blowing his trumpet and patting himself on the back, but who is incompetent to understand this simple fact, according to Charles Ceries.
11 The rush to get the border dispute resolved is an indication that we don’t want to have even one area where we can allow international pressure or control to exist. It is also a good excuse to funnel more money to the GDF on the pretext they we have to prepare for military action from Venezuela and it is hilarious, that country has one of the strongest military forces in the world ranked # 43 globally in 2019 out of 150 countries, with 140,000 military personnel, 53 attack jet fighters, 10 attack helicopters, 390 tanks,73 self propelled artillery, 104 towed artillery launchers, 36 rocket projectors . Our 25 buses and 4 canoes would not be much help against them so what is Granger telling the army they are ready for?
12 The other evening, I had the misfortune to be caught on the street in Alboystown at night, as a former MP for the PNC one Guyana, how can we possible have been in power for over 4 years and leave this stronghold of our supporters in that condition? All of those areas East, North, West Ruimveldt, Sophia are in exactly the same totally unacceptable condition. The collation has done nothing to improve it now that they have the power to do so.
13 At all times since the NCM we have been seeing total contempt for the rule of law by this government, they are doing exactly what they want in gross violation of our laws, which is in most circumstances contrary to the constitution, and this government is giving excuses to their supporters which my 9 year old grandchild would not accept.
14 The GDF are now in possession of over 25 buses, these are not army vehicles, the money they have spent on buying these buses appear to me to be more appropriate to mobilize the army in our civilian population. One time supporters of the collation such as myself, must deduce that if this happens in Guyana, we will enter a new level of anarchy and none of us will see any benefit from this oil.
15 At Dora on the highway and probably other areas the GDF is running roads dissecting people’s transported land in complete disregard for our laws.
Given this list of ingredients, what would any reasonable person believe is the menu their government is preparing for them? Democracy or Military Dictatorship? In a military dictatorship no one wins, not even the supporters of the dictators, only the actual dictators benefit. The US did not allow a military dictatorship in Venezuela and have put sanctions on the people and we know the chaos that now exist there, and we must always remember that we stand to lose 5/8 of our country to Venezuela if we no longer have friends in the international community.

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It is also a good excuse to funnel more money to the GDF on the pretext  we have to prepare for military action from Venezuela and it is hilarious, that country has one of the strongest military forces in the world ranked # 43 globally in 2019 out of 150 countries, with 140,000 military personnel, 53 attack jet fighters, 10 attack helicopters, 390 tanks,73 self-propelled artillery, 104 towed artillery launchers, 36 rocket projectors. Our 25 buses and 4 canoes would not be much help against them so what is Granger telling the army they are ready for?

I have always said that Granger is fooling the people when he refers to the GDF and invasion by Venezuela. His supporters will not believe these facts. Imagine 25 buses and 4 canoes attacking as an attack force? One RPG and the GDF army will jump in the nearest tench they could find.


@Former Member:
I do admire Viera for abandoning the PNC and pen this article. I did not realize how much he has in common with the dictators. I have always said that Granger and his friends in the government might open foreign bank accounts and have EXXON deposit Guyana's oil money in their foreign bank accounts as they are doing in the African countries with oil. Very good analysis and a chronicle of Granger's actions.


@Gwanaman: also shouting loud about Venezuelan soldiers at the border ready to come over and about invasion. Suh apparently Bibi wukking fuh Granger.

4 canoes and 25 buses. What a show of force against the 43rd largest military in the world. You want fuh see big men shit in dem pants and run?


Forget about the Venezuela army.  The GDF cannot even sustain prolong causalities in a  Guerrilla war lasting five years or more. They were set up to threaten innocent and peaceful East Indians.  Just like the Hutu Rwandan army.


Excellent points in the article but I would like to contest some.

1. GDF personnel benefit from a ridiculous amount of overseas training in both military and civil areas of studies. They are supposed to be well-suited for administrative positions. It seems adequate to put their education, that the government paid for, to use.

2. Iran, Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia are poor examples of countries that became undemocratic, dictatorial, and corrupt after finding oil. These countries were always undemocratic, dictatorial, and corrupt.

3. Many in the business community have grown accustomed to cheating the government of taxes over successive administrations and now balk at having to pay their dues. I know a few.

4. Conceded although the PPP administration did also close sugar estates.

5. A small nation that cannot afford a large standing army should invest in a citizen army. National service and the militia are appropriate.

6. Conceded.

7. Conceded although any spending by the GDF would probably be considered wasteful.

8. Conceded and if I may add, there are way too many square pegs in round holes.

9. Conceded. Executive interference in the judiciary should not be tolerated.

10. Conceded. The administration seems unable to implement any progressive strategy for national development. But the same can be said of the previous administration.

11. Resolving the border dispute is critical for more reasons than one. What Granger is telling the army it's ready for is a separate issue.

12. Conceded.

13. Conceded. In my opinion the previous administration displayed equal or more disregard for the law.

14. I don't understand the issue. The military needs transportation.

15. Never heard of the GDF commandeering private property. If so, not good.

The US doesn't care where military dictatorships exist as long as US corporations are allowed to exploit that country's resources. If they're not allowed to exploit, chaos soon befalls.




Only foreign military intervention can save Guyana from this Police and Military take over. Jagan told Kulie to cut cane and this is the end result. It would have been a different result had some Indo been in the army and Police to kick ass.

Imagine dem boys blocked Court Sherifs from delivering injunctions !

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Granger, Rumjaat and Volda were hoping to incite violence and civil unrest, then Granger would bring out the army to have military rule. Elections would then have to be postponed at a later date.


Now all you seeing the light. 

PPP made a crucial mistake by calling off peaceful protests. They lost leverage. International pressure would have been heavier had people been in the streets. The protests were effective.

1973, Three Berbicians killed by the army

2020, Another Berbician killed by the army

Anil showed up and stopped peaceful protests. HUGE Mistake.



Last edited by Former Member

Sean and Rama: Please take Prashad with you. With his military experience, you guys might just make this a shot order task. He doesn't have to return. You can give him permission to set up his own country and partition Guyana with his coolies and Mugla(Mulato/Dugla).


Me guess: foreign intervention with international coalition forces and Commonwealth. Give dem 24 hours if granger is sworn in illegally. Me heard dat Moses clinging to he green card. 

Last edited by Former Member

This is a test for the international community to act against a dictator.  Guyanese at home and abroad are waiting to see what transpires.  If they allow Granger to get away with fraud then it would a sad day for others who are struggling for freedom in other countries.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

Skeldon Man


How long shall these Racist anti -koolie Demon dogs continue to kill our people while we bury our heads in the sand like Ostriches.  It is long pass our time to fight back.  I say we Guerrilla casualty them in the jungles until they agree to an independent nation for our people to live in peace. 


Sean you got to be more blind than Steve Wonder and Ray Charles put together.  You cannot see that the police and their uniforms are being used as the front end of the coup because these deep hardcore anti- koolie racists cannot use their military at this moment because the world is watching Guyana right now due to the fact that everyone and their buddy have a cell phone with a camera


@Former Member:

This military imbalance will only correct itself when Indians realize that the army and police are predominantly populated by blacks and this is a disadvantage to the coolies. I am sure there are lots of males and females with good secondary education...5-6 subjects CXC, who can replace some of the brain dead, card-carrying PNC party members. Hopefully, if the government is forced to relinquish power and a new government is sworn in, Indians should seize the opportunity to join.


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