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cain posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.


Siegnet, this documentary was made some time after the 1968 Elections, it's about the 1968 rigged Elections.

I was mid teenager then.Having viewed this video, Peter D'Aguiar had class.

You should check Peter D'Aguiar body language when ever he spoke with Cheddie. Definitely, there was no respect. CBJ was always cordial, I think he sense the resentment.

I would agree Peter D'Aguiar, doesn't seem to like Cheddi Jagan.

At the time Jagan leaned toward Communism, no one in their right mind wanted that for Guyana. Had Peter disliked someone for their colour he would never have hired the various races in DIH, paying them well.

Cheap labour. Putagees were not easily available.

seignet posted:
Cheap labour. Putagees were not easily available.

There were many Indians at the executive level at Banks DIH. They were not being paid cheaply. It was one of the best paying companies in GT.

Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Cheap labour. Putagees were not easily available.

There were many Indians at the executive level at Banks DIH. They were not being paid cheaply. It was one of the best paying companies in GT.

Yes, we are business minded ppl. D'Augiar recognize talent in making him money. He knew the putagees were getting an edge over the other races. Always scoring high marks from seeing the exams before the rest of the country.

Besides, the putagees had full employment bcz of their position in the Guyanese society. That is why forbes put the squeeze on them and hoyte termed dem as the putagee mafioli. Privilized, they din care about the country and when no more in their interest, dey cut and run. 


Gilbakka posted:

Nothing wrong with what Kathy Hughes said. No patriotic citizen will promote racial intolerance. Gilbakka always places CLASS above Race. Always. In fact I'm pissed off when threads in this forum degenerate into race-based comments on both sides. I closed my Facebook account since mid-2017 so thankfully I'm spared the race fighting there.

Well Gilbakka our ethnic insecurity is most rooted among the working class of the two major races because these are the two who lose out when ethnically biased gov'ts seize power.

Dont go to Linden and tell them that the difficulties of that town weren't due in part to a vengeful Indian gov't.  With limited opportunities in that town many had to go into distant gold fields to earn a living, moving away from their families. 

Note that Linden has (based on the 2002 and the 2012 censuses) the densest cluster of skilled workers.  Given the lower energy costs in that town and its strategic role as a gateway to the interior the PPP could have set up Linden as an Economic Zone.  This to encourage new activities in that town.

So cease with your archaic "class" nonsense.  The PPP has absolutely no respect for the black working class, as they have no money.  They play around with the black middle class as it suits their interests, though preventing them from assuming top leadership roles.

seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Cheap labour. Putagees were not easily available.

There were many Indians at the executive level at Banks DIH. They were not being paid cheaply. It was one of the best paying companies in GT.

Yes, we are business minded ppl. D'Augiar recognize talent in making him money. He knew the putagees were getting an edge over the other races. Always scoring high marks from seeing the exams before the rest of the country.

Besides, the putagees had full employment bcz of their position in the Guyanese society. That is why forbes put the squeeze on them and hoyte termed dem as the putagee mafioli. Privilized, they din care about the country and when no more in their interest, dey cut and run. 


You talking sheer tripe about seeing exams. Jealously eating out your black heart. All body cut and run when the Kabaka put the squeeze on the entire country.  

seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Cheap labour. Putagees were not easily available.

There were many Indians at the executive level at Banks DIH. They were not being paid cheaply. It was one of the best paying companies in GT.

Yes, we are business minded ppl. D'Augiar recognize talent in making him money. He knew the putagees were getting an edge over the other races. Always scoring high marks from seeing the exams before the rest of the country.

Besides, the putagees had full employment bcz of their position in the Guyanese society. That is why forbes put the squeeze on them and hoyte termed dem as the putagee mafioli. Privilized, they din care about the country and when no more in their interest, dey cut and run. 


You ran...everyone that could did. No crime there. That is why I think APNU and this ruling that should have been grandfathered in on account of its generation of use, is grating to me at least.

D2 posted:

I lose respect for people whose practices and public claim are on tangents. I would have loved to hear her explanation as to why we have all 17 private secretaries of one race or why not a squeak came from her after Volga's racial tirade.


When I came here and said the same thing about the PPP that you say about APNU AFC you called me a racist and jumped into your ethnic nation state diatribe as a solution to the problem.

Bear in mind that the colonial legacy of Trinidad, Guyana and Suriname and the traditional hostility of the private sector to blacks means that they look to the public sector for upward mobility.

Dont chat about over representation of blacks in the public sector unless you are willing to address the under representation in the private sector. And dont get into some nonsense about who owns what business because everyone of us living in North America is connected, directly or indirectly, with white owned companies and we would be quite angry of our opportunities were limited only by our race.  The same ought to apply in Guyana. 

Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Cheap labour. Putagees were not easily available.

There were many Indians at the executive level at Banks DIH. They were not being paid cheaply. It was one of the best paying companies in GT.

Yes, we are business minded ppl. D'Augiar recognize talent in making him money. He knew the putagees were getting an edge over the other races. Always scoring high marks from seeing the exams before the rest of the country.

Besides, the putagees had full employment bcz of their position in the Guyanese society. That is why forbes put the squeeze on them and hoyte termed dem as the putagee mafioli. Privilized, they din care about the country and when no more in their interest, dey cut and run. 


You talking sheer tripe about seeing exams. Jealously eating out your black heart. All body cut and run when the Kabaka put the squeeze on the entire country.  

But the putagee claimed European Status, once again securing the edge.

Dem duz see the exam papers.

Why you always want to get very personal. You think my heart is black?

I grew up fencing with worst pricks than you. I could tease yuh skont until yuh go fenzy in harming yourself.

Sicko, yuh expose your venom wid the Charrandass and cobra post. Just disappear from decent ppl. Even Ronan, Iguana and Craibj would rebuke you.

D2 posted:

Will not be pigeon holed to delineate what you missed. Check the permanent secretaries for example. Theron has a whole article comment on this among other things. It is posted here somewhere. 

In 1992 the PPP cleaned blacks out of a lot of leadership positions.  By 2011 few blacks were in top leadership to the point where even Roger Luncheon was at a loss to point them out.

So now people who were squeezed out now play tit for tat and your reserve your ire for them.

PLEASE.  When black professionals can be assured that they will be treated fairly at Muneshwar's then you can opine as to why all of the PS's are black.  The reality in Guyana is if a company is Indian owned blacks have extreme difficulties in being hired into top management positions, so yes they will attempt to secure their space within the public sector.

You cannot talk about ethnic imbalance in the public sector until you do the same with the private sector. Jamaican companies are as competitive, if not more than are Guyanese and are staffed mainly by blacks.

So this nonsense that blacks lack the mindset to function in the private sector, yes the racism which is peddled in both Trinidad and Guyana is pure unadulterated racism and in fact is the root cause of our ethnic angst.  This because blacks in both countries place much emphasis on political domination because the private sector excludes them.

seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.

Because Portuguese are few in number they cannot engage in ethically exclusive behavior, so maybe had the UF and not the PNC or the PPP dominated Guyanese politics we might have been better off.

The conflicts between blacks and Indians in T&T is less sharp than it is in Guyana is both groups also have to contend with that country's white/Syrian/red people population.

caribny posted:
D2 posted:

I lose respect for people whose practices and public claim are on tangents. I would have loved to hear her explanation as to why we have all 17 private secretaries of one race or why not a squeak came from her after Volga's racial tirade.


When I came here and said the same thing about the PPP that you say about APNU AFC you called me a racist and jumped into your ethnic nation state diatribe as a solution to the problem.

Bear in mind that the colonial legacy of Trinidad, Guyana and Suriname and the traditional hostility of the private sector to blacks means that they look to the public sector for upward mobility.

Dont chat about over representation of blacks in the public sector unless you are willing to address the under representation in the private sector. And dont get into some nonsense about who owns what business because everyone of us living in North America is connected, directly or indirectly, with white owned companies and we would be quite angry of our opportunities were limited only by our race.  The same ought to apply in Guyana. 

You are remembering wrong.  I wrote a piece for the Guyanajournal then repudiating this ethnic states thing ma jig. I used to fite with Ravi boys on their  Guest book on the matter and on their site. I think I can find your posts from the era and I consistently had the same view as I do now.

I called you a bigot for the name calling, Indic, Indo KKK etc and not because we differed on partitioning to ethnic states. Mars and I used to fight those ROAR guys this issue and he can tell you I objected to Amerindians in land locked Rupunini not to mention it obviated their natural patrimony as native tribes with tribal lands.

I remember fighting Ramarahk because he said he does not mind moving people to facilitate his states. 

I can find that post quickly and will post it later. You are remembering wrong with old age. I was never for federalism or ethnic states. 

seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Cheap labour. Putagees were not easily available.

There were many Indians at the executive level at Banks DIH. They were not being paid cheaply. It was one of the best paying companies in GT.

Yes, we are business minded ppl. D'Augiar recognize talent in making him money. He knew the putagees were getting an edge over the other races. Always scoring high marks from seeing the exams before the rest of the country.

Besides, the putagees had full employment bcz of their position in the Guyanese society. That is why forbes put the squeeze on them and hoyte termed dem as the putagee mafioli. Privilized, they din care about the country and when no more in their interest, dey cut and run. 


You talking sheer tripe about seeing exams. Jealously eating out your black heart. All body cut and run when the Kabaka put the squeeze on the entire country.  

But the putagee claimed European Status, once again securing the edge.

Dem duz see the exam papers.

Why you always want to get very personal. You think my heart is black?

I grew up fencing with worst pricks than you. I could tease yuh skont until yuh go fenzy in harming yourself.

Sicko, yuh expose your venom wid the Charrandass and cobra post. Just disappear from decent ppl. Even Ronan, Iguana and Craibj would rebuke you.

I never saw an exam paper in my life before I sat an exam. Maybe they did this for you in Berbice to promote you after you were nine years old and still in 1st standard. You're a vile ole racist so your bloody heart has to be black. You really think you can tease me and it would have any impact on me. I bet you would go and drink some malathion before I am even bothered with you. First of all, I don't take this place seriously like many others who post here. I have a life beyond GNI and it's almost 80 degrees outside so I have things to do, places to go and people to meet. I posted a picture that I found on social media and you're going out of your mind about it. Please, lighten up ole fart before you get another stroke and croak on we. And don't even talk about decency when you're a racist ole goat.

skeldon_man posted:

Catherine Hughes should be giving this lecture to the Vulga lady who would only hire people who look like her.

Volda said.

1.  "De PNC need more people who look like Jagdeo".  Meaning that the PNC needed to do more outreach to get Indians. 

2.  "I gun only hire PNC".


Where YOU are wrong is to say that Volda said that she is only going to hire blacks.

Did she say that she was going to hire AFC or WPA blacks? No. Only PNC members who are black, mixed, Amerindian, Indian, Portuguese or Chinese as being a "PNC" was her criteria to exclude.

Volda was wrong to use party considerations as a criteria to exclude. She did NOT exclude by race.  In fact Volda was telling Indians that if they want work they would have to join the PNC. Wrong of course, but racist not!

Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:

Min. Hughes warns against racial intolerance

It is a simple matter ... 33 is greater than 32.

Why dont you sit down and relax and let the courts tell them that.  Of course there is the dual citizen issue and whether MPs are allowed to vote against the party that nominated them. 

In islands like Barbados an MP can vote against his party because he wasn't selected by the party. He was selected by the voters.  In Guyana people vote only for the number of seats that a party will get. Not who sits in these seats.

So the courts will decide whether Charran had the right to vote against the AFC.

And I will also suggest to the PPP that they would want a court ruling on this, and even the CCJ as whatever is decided will be baked into how the constitution is interpreted. Most people think that the days of a party winning the majority of the seats is over so NC votes will be increasingly used.  

If the PPP is forced to form a coalition in 2024 then what is to prevent them from suffering the same fate?  This can well happen if the Amerindians succeed in developing their own tribal party in the way that blacks and Indians have.

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Cheap labour. Putagees were not easily available.

There were many Indians at the executive level at Banks DIH. They were not being paid cheaply. It was one of the best paying companies in GT.

Banks DIH has been a private company which has had diversity in its management and professional positions.

Mars posted:

 You talking sheer tripe about seeing exams. Jealously eating out your black heart. All body cut and run when the Kabaka put the squeeze on the entire country.  

I dont remember the Portuguese being an academically gifted group. Both QC and Bishops (with very few Portuguese) outperformed Saints and St. Roses.

Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Cheap labour. Putagees were not easily available.

There were many Indians at the executive level at Banks DIH. They were not being paid cheaply. It was one of the best paying companies in GT.

Yes, we are business minded ppl. D'Augiar recognize talent in making him money. He knew the putagees were getting an edge over the other races. Always scoring high marks from seeing the exams before the rest of the country.

Besides, the putagees had full employment bcz of their position in the Guyanese society. That is why forbes put the squeeze on them and hoyte termed dem as the putagee mafioli. Privilized, they din care about the country and when no more in their interest, dey cut and run. 


You talking sheer tripe about seeing exams. Jealously eating out your black heart. All body cut and run when the Kabaka put the squeeze on the entire country.  

But the putagee claimed European Status, once again securing the edge.

Dem duz see the exam papers.

Why you always want to get very personal. You think my heart is black?

I grew up fencing with worst pricks than you. I could tease yuh skont until yuh go fenzy in harming yourself.

Sicko, yuh expose your venom wid the Charrandass and cobra post. Just disappear from decent ppl. Even Ronan, Iguana and Craibj would rebuke you.

I never saw an exam paper in my life before I sat an exam. Maybe they did this for you in Berbice to promote you after you were nine years old and still in 1st standard. You're a vile ole racist so your bloody heart has to be black. You really think you can tease me and it would have any impact on me. I bet you would go and drink some malathion before I am even bothered with you. First of all, I don't take this place seriously like many others who post here. I have a life beyond GNI and it's almost 80 degrees outside so I have things to do, places to go and people to meet. I posted a picture that I found on social media and you're going out of your mind about it. Please, lighten up ole fart before you get another stroke and croak on we. And don't even talk about decency when you're a racist ole goat.

speaks loudly how your mind works. Keep on going your cheating ways will come to an end. Never had a stroke. Yuh seem to be in the rite place for a sun stroke and croak. I was an accelerated student 3 times, waited 3 years before writing school leaving exams, missed grade 1, 1st stanard and standard 4. I suppose u ain a racists, just reading u I know what a racist u r. 


I would say that all big private companies in Guyana would seek to hire the most qualified,  be it Banks,Insurance Co. ,DDL, etc.  But a job at the front desk to serve the public, physical appearance is a requirement  and yes these places pay far better than the government jobs so in a way you were rewarded for your brains and beauty. 

Last edited by kp
caribny posted:
Mars posted:

 You talking sheer tripe about seeing exams. Jealously eating out your black heart. All body cut and run when the Kabaka put the squeeze on the entire country.  

I dont remember the Portuguese being an academically gifted group. Both QC and Bishops (with very few Portuguese) outperformed Saints and St. Roses.

That's right man, the priest used to open up the exams for them. The whole of GT knows that.

D2 posted:

You are remembering wrong.  I wrote a piece for the Guyanajournal then repudiating this ethnic states thing ma jig. I used to fite with Ravi boys on their  Guest book on the matter and on their site. I think I can find your posts from the era and I consistently had the same view as I do now.

I called you a bigot for the name calling, Indic, Indo KKK etc and not because we differed on partitioning to ethnic states. Mars and I used to fight those ROAR guys this issue and he can tell you I objected to Amerindians in land locked Rupunini not to mention it obviated their natural patrimony as native tribes with tribal lands.

I remember fighting Ramarahk because he said he does not mind moving people to facilitate his states. 

I can find that post quickly and will post it later. You are remembering wrong with old age. I was never for federalism or ethnic states. 

Indic isnt a word that I would use. Indo KKK was derived from TKs brown bai KKK. Given that "brown" has several connotations I changed it to Indo KKK. And if an Indian behaves like a KKK member I will call him exactly that, because as an Indian the real KKK doesnt want him.  Read rants from seignet, drugb, rev (who stopped posting) and others and one would think that its a white supremacist posting.

I distinctly remember arguing with you about the private sector bias that was rampant against blacks then, and may well be even today.  Your solutions to the problem was limited to the constitution.  

The difference between Trinidad/Guyana and the rest of the English speaking Caribbean is that an anti black bias remains within parts of the private sector to a greater degree than in other places. So the black populations of these two nations fight for political power as they feel that without this they will be reduced to 2nd class status.

So until this issue is resolved blacks will demand political domination, triggering ethnic angst from the Indian population in response.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
Mars posted:

 You talking sheer tripe about seeing exams. Jealously eating out your black heart. All body cut and run when the Kabaka put the squeeze on the entire country.  

I dont remember the Portuguese being an academically gifted group. Both QC and Bishops (with very few Portuguese) outperformed Saints and St. Roses.

That's right man, the priest used to open up the exams for them. The whole of GT knows that.

If they did then their results would have been better. QC boys considered Saints boys to be dunces (druggie is indicative of that).  Also other things too but I will leave it at that.  Suffice to say that druggie's infatuation with aubergine noir might have been a habit that he picked up long ago.

kp posted:

I would say that all big private companies in Guyana would seek to hire the most qualified,  be it Banks,Insurance Co. ,DDL, etc.  But a job at the front desk to serve the public, physical appearance is a requirement  and yes these places pay far better than the government jobs so in a way you were rewarded for your brains and beauty. 

And of course the Indian owned companies think that blacks are almost all unqualified.  Indian managers hire Indians as professionals and managers.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

I would say that all big private companies in Guyana would seek to hire the most qualified,  be it Banks,Insurance Co. ,DDL, etc.  But a job at the front desk to serve the public, physical appearance is a requirement  and yes these places pay far better than the government jobs so in a way you were rewarded for your brains and beauty. 

And of course the Indian owned companies think that blacks are almost all unqualified.  Indian managers hire Indians as professionals and managers.

That can be said of all races when in authority,  they navigate to their own first. In the sugar factory ,one would refer their family to the manager for a job and if you were good then your family would be just as good. But I can clearly remember in the sixties and seventies when the PNC was in office, the party Card was the object of guaranteed employment. 

kp posted:

That can be said of all races when in authority,  t

The Banks DIH CEO is a black identified person.  Clearly DIH has a very diversified management and professional team.  Blacks are not as ethnocentric as are Indians.  You can see that in terms of how more open they have ALWAYS been to Douglas, and other part black mixtures.

Black ethnic behavior is largely in the public sector and that is because they see bias against them in the private sector so feel that they need to dominate the public sector in order to survive.  

I remember looking at the management of New Building Society some years ago. 100% Indian even though loads of black people had deposits there.  I walked into Muneshwar's and thought that I was in Mumbai. I remember arguing with baseman about who 20 out of 21 hires at AINLIM were Indians in GT. The hiring manager being Indian.

Please dont tell me that in GT they cannot find blacks qualified to be managers or professionals.

So if the private sector continues with this behavior black professionals and managers will think that they must either control the public sector or migrate to the Caribbean. When the PPP also squeezed them out of top levels of the public sector many did in fact have to leave Guyana.  The Caribbean Dev Bank used to be packed with black Guyanese, and this btw was viewed at the time as being a very well run entity with AAA credit ratings.

The reaction of the Coalition to the NC comes directly from fears that it will be back to the "23" years of exclusion when BOTH the public and private sectors had bias against black management/professionals.  

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
D2 posted:

You are remembering wrong.  I wrote a piece for the Guyanajournal then repudiating this ethnic states thing ma jig. I used to fite with Ravi boys on their  Guest book on the matter and on their site. I think I can find your posts from the era and I consistently had the same view as I do now.

I called you a bigot for the name calling, Indic, Indo KKK etc and not because we differed on partitioning to ethnic states. Mars and I used to fight those ROAR guys this issue and he can tell you I objected to Amerindians in land locked Rupunini not to mention it obviated their natural patrimony as native tribes with tribal lands.

I remember fighting Ramarahk because he said he does not mind moving people to facilitate his states. 

I can find that post quickly and will post it later. You are remembering wrong with old age. I was never for federalism or ethnic states. 

Indic isnt a word that I would use. Indo KKK was derived from TKs brown bai KKK. Given that "brown" has several connotations I changed it to Indo KKK. And if an Indian behaves like a KKK member I will call him exactly that, because as an Indian the real KKK doesnt want him.  Read rants from seignet, drugb, rev (who stopped posting) and others and one would think that its a white supremacist posting.

I distinctly remember arguing with you about the private sector bias that was rampant against blacks then, and may well be even today.  Your solutions to the problem was limited to the constitution.  

The difference between Trinidad/Guyana and the rest of the English speaking Caribbean is that an anti black bias remains within parts of the private sector to a greater degree than in other places. So the black populations of these two nations fight for political power as they feel that without this they will be reduced to 2nd class status.

So until this issue is resolved blacks will demand political domination, triggering ethnic angst from the Indian population in response.

I found all the posts. At some time it appeared I resorted to downloading in PDF format. Anyways, they do not do either of us credit to post those files. They are tiresome reading.  

Yes you did argue about private sector but I never disputed that with you. Our arguments have always been on terms, racism and what do we do. My answer was constitution reform and not ethnic states as you suggested

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:

Yes you did argue about private sector but I never disputed that with you. Our arguments have always been on terms, racism and what do we do. My answer was constitution reform and not ethnic states as you suggested

So maybe you didn't argue ethnic states as I know that TK did.  But you did think that the resolution of the problem was purely political.  I suggested that it was broader than this. 

Blacks in T&T and Guyana think that they must "own" the public sector because they face more private sector bias against them than one will see in majority blacks islands like Jamaica and Barbados.  This was true in the colonial era everywhere in the Caribbean, but in Guyana and T&T, with their large non black populations, a continuation of those practices has continued.  In the other islands like it or not they had to absorb blacks into their upper ranks.

Given that black and Indian ethnic insecurity feed off each other this anti black bias has to be addressed and blacks need then to be convinced that they will be fairly treated. Even DDL, which isnt the worst, I have heard reports of the fact that its very difficult for blacks.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
D2 posted:

Yes you did argue about private sector but I never disputed that with you. Our arguments have always been on terms, racism and what do we do. My answer was constitution reform and not ethnic states as you suggested

So maybe you didn't argue ethnic states as I know that TK did.  But you did think that the resolution of the problem was purely political.  I suggested that it was broader than this. 

Blacks in T&T and Guyana think that they must "own" the public sector because the face more bias against them than one will see in majority blacks islands like Jamaica and Barbados.

Given that black and Indian ethnic insecurity feed off each other this anti black bias has to be addressed and blacks need then to be convinced that they will be fairly treated. Even DDL, which isnt the worst, I have heard reports of the fact that its very difficult for blacks.

I will gather up a few and post them on PM so you can see what it was back then. I have a long debate between the two of us that somehow was hosted with only the two of us participating. I will post that tonight.

 BTW, I have nothing of TK on ethnic states. He spoke of Federalism back then. He always saw African plight and Indian plight as similar. I have a long posting on Guyana Gazette to that effect....if my memory serves me right. 

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:


 BTW, I have nothing of TK on ethnic states. He spoke of Federalism back then. He always saw African plight and Indian plight as similar. I have a long posting on Guyana Gazette to that effect....if my memory serves me right. 

Federalism was based on the false premise that Region 4 is black and Region 6 is Indian.  None of the regions, except regions 8 and 9 are ethnically exclusive.  So Federalism doesnt address the angst that we now see in Guyana, compliments of Jagdeo, that is provoking a warning from Cathy.   

Federalism addresses the problem as if it is political. In fact the problem is economic. This is why Indians scream that the PPP supported blacks and not them, and now blacks scream that the Coalition is supporting (rich) Indians and not them.  Their lives didn't get better so the belief is that the gov't that they voted for is focusing on the other side and not on them.

Jagdeo pulled his stunt using an Indian to unseat a majority black gov't. Since then the responses have been very ethnically polarized.  And increasing in anger by the day.  

I just cannot understand what enters Jagdeo's head and why he thought that this wouldn't provoke a problem.  

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Cheap labour. Putagees were not easily available.

There were many Indians at the executive level at Banks DIH. They were not being paid cheaply. It was one of the best paying companies in GT.

Yes, we are business minded ppl. D'Augiar recognize talent in making him money. He knew the putagees were getting an edge over the other races. Always scoring high marks from seeing the exams before the rest of the country.

Besides, the putagees had full employment bcz of their position in the Guyanese society. That is why forbes put the squeeze on them and hoyte termed dem as the putagee mafioli. Privilized, they din care about the country and when no more in their interest, dey cut and run. 


You talking sheer tripe about seeing exams. Jealously eating out your black heart. All body cut and run when the Kabaka put the squeeze on the entire country.  

speaks loudly how your mind works. Keep on going your cheating ways will come to an end. Never had a stroke. Yuh seem to be in the rite place for a sun stroke and croak. I was an accelerated student 3 times, waited 3 years before writing school leaving exams, missed grade 1, 1st stanard and standard 4. I suppose u ain a racists, just reading u I know what a racist u r. 

Rass Siggy bai, You bin prappa smart. Were you at the age of 12 when you wrote school leaving exams?

skeldon_man posted:

Rass Siggy bai, You bin prappa smart. Were you at the age of 12 when you wrote school leaving exams?

He wrote school leaving for Primary School at the age of 12. He did better than I thought. He was only held back two years.

skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Cheap labour. Putagees were not easily available.

There were many Indians at the executive level at Banks DIH. They were not being paid cheaply. It was one of the best paying companies in GT.

Yes, we are business minded ppl. D'Augiar recognize talent in making him money. He knew the putagees were getting an edge over the other races. Always scoring high marks from seeing the exams before the rest of the country.

Besides, the putagees had full employment bcz of their position in the Guyanese society. That is why forbes put the squeeze on them and hoyte termed dem as the putagee mafioli. Privilized, they din care about the country and when no more in their interest, dey cut and run. 


You talking sheer tripe about seeing exams. Jealously eating out your black heart. All body cut and run when the Kabaka put the squeeze on the entire country.  

speaks loudly how your mind works. Keep on going your cheating ways will come to an end. Never had a stroke. Yuh seem to be in the rite place for a sun stroke and croak. I was an accelerated student 3 times, waited 3 years before writing school leaving exams, missed grade 1, 1st stanard and standard 4. I suppose u ain a racists, just reading u I know what a racist u r. 

Rass Siggy bai, You bin prappa smart. Were you at the age of 12 when you wrote school leaving exams?

I had a good start in schooling. Had this lady in the village, Mrs. Kingston who had a private pre-school. Was sent there very early in life. Under her tutorship I was reading and writing before going to the regular school. I am praised for my penmanship, that is only bcz, she held my fingers to form letters and numbers. Great lady-always was interested in my progress in life. 

Couldn't afford High School.

Barely missed out on the opportunity to write the exams for a scholarship to Queens College while waiting to write PSC. No one in the village knew about those opportunties. Mr. Welcome, just stumbled onto the ad in the copy of an old Official Gazette and told Mrs. Kingston. She preped me for the exam even though I was unable to apply due to the deadline.

She felt, the extra lesson would come in handy one day. And it did.

At the age of 14 plus, I started the process of obtaining a place at BSE Training Cetre. The interviews and exams took a whole year. Out of thousands that applied and started the process of selection only 20 would be selected. And I was one of the 20.

God Bless Mrs. Kingston. 

Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. I had excellent mentors. 

seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Cheap labour. Putagees were not easily available.

There were many Indians at the executive level at Banks DIH. They were not being paid cheaply. It was one of the best paying companies in GT.

Yes, we are business minded ppl. D'Augiar recognize talent in making him money. He knew the putagees were getting an edge over the other races. Always scoring high marks from seeing the exams before the rest of the country.

Besides, the putagees had full employment bcz of their position in the Guyanese society. That is why forbes put the squeeze on them and hoyte termed dem as the putagee mafioli. Privilized, they din care about the country and when no more in their interest, dey cut and run. 


You talking sheer tripe about seeing exams. Jealously eating out your black heart. All body cut and run when the Kabaka put the squeeze on the entire country.  

But the putagee claimed European Status, once again securing the edge.

Dem duz see the exam papers.

Why you always want to get very personal. You think my heart is black?

I grew up fencing with worst pricks than you. I could tease yuh skont until yuh go fenzy in harming yourself.

Sicko, yuh expose your venom wid the Charrandass and cobra post. Just disappear from decent ppl. Even Ronan, Iguana and Craibj would rebuke you.

Portuguese seeing exams is in your dumbass mnd. Do not blame others because you werr a duncified goat.

You are a godam lyin sxunt.


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