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Miner locked up for heckling Minister


Robeson Benn hears: ‘Government will lose next general elections’

Public Works Minister Robeson Benn

Public Works Minister
Robeson Benn

A 32-year-old gold miner is seeking redress after a government Minister had him locked up overnight for saying that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) government will lose the next general elections.
The Georgetown resident, Andrew John Stone, said that he is taking legal action against Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn who reportedly ordered police officers from the Parika Police Station to have him tossed in the lock ups when he said that the PPP will be out of power for neglecting the people.
Stone told Kaieteur News that on Sunday afternoon he was at the Parika Stelling waiting for a boat to take him to Bartica when he noticed the Public Works Minister speaking to a group of people. He allegedly told the group, “Don’t listen to Benn; they are a bad government.”
He claimed that his next words were to the Minister, “Mr. Benn, the next elections ya’ll gone lose.” According to the North East La Penitence resident, Minister Benn then asked him “Why?” and he replied, “Cause ya’ll neglect ya’ll own people.”
Stone said that his comments were met with support from the people to whom the Minister was talking. “They started to cheer and encouraged me to continue speaking.”
Stone said he however left the area where the Minister was and joined a boat to Bartica, but within minutes of him being seated, Minister Benn turned up with two uniformed police officers.
Stone alleged that one of the officers said this boat can’t move. Benn then ordered the ranks to take him to the police station and lock him up. When the officers asked Minister Benn why, his reply was, “You hear what I say, I am the Minister lock him up,” Stone claimed.
Even after the officers asked Minister Benn to come to the station to make a report, he refused. “I am the Minister” the Minister allegedly said before driving off.

Andrew Stone holds up his bail receipt

Andrew Stone holds
up his bail receipt

The North East La Penitence resident said he was taken into police custody around 14:00hours on Sunday and was not released until 15:00hours yesterday after being placed on $10,000 bail without being charged. He said that ranks at the Parika Police Station told him that he should return at 08:00hours today.
When asked about the charge, Stone said the officers could not tell him why he was detained, only that they were following orders.
Stone said that he is peeved over the situation and sees the Minister’s action as an abuse of power and he will not take the incident lying down.
He added that his right of freedom of speech has been violated, while the Minister’s conduct is a clear case of victimization. Stone said he will be meeting with his lawyer this morning.
Several calls to Minister Benn’s cell phone went unanswered. Up to press time last night, there was still no response to calls for the Minister.
Minister Benn attracted attention earlier this year for walking into the National Communications Network (NCN) studios and reportedly banning what he said were “libelous, abusive and slanderous” calypsos.
The Minister later clarified that he made a personal objection about one of the calypsos. This however resulted in NCN posting a notice that “no 2013 calypsos must be aired…by order of management.”

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Dem boys seh … Robeson lock up a man fuh nutten

October 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Poor Donald. He seh that he ain’t getting a chance to prove that he can run de country. He seh that every time he try something is opposition. De man like Brumell fuh de Police Commissioner and he talk to Granger. But because he come up wid de idea Granger ain’t listen to he suh Brumell had to act fuh a whole year.
De thing when it come through mek de man cry. Dem boys seh that he cry because Henry Greene ain’t deh round fuh see how he tun out. And if wasn’t fuh Donald he wouldn’t a get de commissioner wuk.
Donald mek some other changes too. He change Kwame from being a spokesman but he had to wait till Kwame get sick. Dem boys seh that he gun change Brazzy too and that easy because Brazzy sick, too. Gee Nah gun get a new boss because Knee Ass sick too. Is only when people sick Donald can change dem. He still ain’t do nutten to Martin although all de evidence point to Martin thiefing. Perhaps if Martin get sick then he gun tek action.
That is why dem boys seh that Donald got belly but he ain’t got guts. That is why he don’t walk close to li’l children. Dem same li’l children like play wid pin and it ain’t gun be easy fuh one of dem bore he. Brazzy just like that; that is why Donald run to defend he because as everybody know de birds of a feather saying. But he got to explain wha Brazzy mean wid de advertisement that he put out.  Instead of explaining de situation Brazzy confuse de situation even more. Now dem boys want to know wha he mean when he explain bout de Marriott.
And dem boys want to know why Robeson mek de police lock up a man because de man tell he that he party gun lose de next elections. When de police ask Robeson why dem have to lock up dew man Robeson tell dem that he is de Minister and he ain’t got to mek a report. Donald ain’t dealing wid dem things. Talk half and hope Donald change.

Originally Posted by God:

This is what happens in Guyana if you dare to challenge the PPP. He actually got off light. Some people are paid a visit by the Phantoms.

People need to show respect.  Lawlessness cannot be encouraged.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:

This is what happens in Guyana if you dare to challenge the PPP. He actually got off light. Some people are paid a visit by the Phantoms.

People need to show respect.  Lawlessness cannot be encouraged.

How can you support this behavior by Benn? This is totalitarianism at its ugliest.


Why would anyone have any respect for an ignar like Benn? If this were the PNC days, you would be hollering bloody murder about the black man bullying the Indos. 


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