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Miners agitate over “unfair” Amerindian land titling


September 27, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


A powerful mining body says it is mulling actions in face of its members being forced out of the interior in favor of Amerindians.

The Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA), in a tough statement yesterday sure to raise alarm bells in the sector, said that it is highly concerned over continuous reports that miners are being driven out.

“GGDMA notes with concern that an unfortunate outcome of the application of the Amerindian Legislation is that miners are being forced out of the interior. GGDMA submits that the days of forcing selected persons out of the interior are long gone. Poor legislation must not be allowed to facilitate the return of such policies.”

According to the Association, it has received reports that application of the Amerindian legislations, has resulted in the compulsory acquisition of gold and diamonds operations being run by ‘coastlanders‘.

The lands are then given out in a discriminatory manner to a few. Complaints about the situation are not being addressed.

“The Toshao and/or Village Council then acts as a broker to selectively award the acquired operations to friends, family and the powerful. It is the position of the GGDMA that the above-mentioned outcomes of the Amerindian Legislation are too odious to be accepted. Calls by the GGDMA and others to have the legislation reviewed have not been heeded.”

The body, whose membership comprises some of the countries’ biggest gold and diamond miners, said it has no choice but now seek to act in the interest of its stakeholders, especially small and medium scale miners.

“GGDMA notes that today it is the miner`s property which is being taken away. Tomorrow the extensions of the Amerindian villages could take away the property of any selected industry or person. After all, approximately 44 percent of the land mass of Guyana is being claimed by Amerindian Communities.”

GGDMA insisted that it respects the rights of others and expects the same from others.

“GGDMA notes that the current Amerindian Act, as applied, results in outcomes which promote a clash with the rights of miners. GGDMA notes that many small miners are operating in the mining industry in the interior in pursuance of their right to work and to achieve poverty alleviation.”

Under the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS), Government is implementing a program to issue titles to Amerindians. However, the demarcation process has been meeting with resistance from miners who said that their livelihoods are under threat.

There is a lot at stake in the demarcation process.

The price of gold has hit record levels in recent years before falling last year as the US dollar started to strengthen.

There had been a rush to the gold fields with huge investments made by miners.

The last few years have seen gold mining activities reaping benefits for the economy with the sector the biggest foreign currency earner for the country.

The issue of the Amerindian land titling raised its head earlier this month when GGDMA hosted its Annual General Meeting. Its President, Patrick Harding, said that the process was not fair with its members worried about losing their businesses and investments.

Pic filed as amerindian

President Donald Ramotar handing over a land title certificate to Toshao of Rupunau, Daniel Aguilar, back in 2012.


Source - http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....indian-land-titling/

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
“GGDMA notes with concern that an unfortunate outcome of the application of the Amerindian Legislation is that miners are being forced out of the interior. GGDMA submits that the days of forcing selected persons out of the interior are long gone. Poor legislation must not be allowed to facilitate the return of such policies.”

According to the Association, it has received reports that application of the Amerindian legislations, has resulted in the compulsory acquisition of gold and diamonds operations being run by ‘coastlanders‘.


Miners agitate over “unfair” Amerindian land titling, September 27, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Operators were always developing in areas where the Government would eventually grant titles to the Amerindians.


The issue is to focus on dealing with the local Amerindians and Amerindian councils.


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