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@Former Member posted:

Bai Labba, me does rhyme when me selling cassava ball and cane juice. Me try to copy you business model but it failed. You na want fuh share you success.

Doan sell can jusice and egg ball. Mek cassava bread and sumotoo juice  Guyana go be sheet lika sumotoo and going to de moon. Time foh cassava bread and sumotoo juice...hey hey hey.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Irfan is the fella

Jagdeo released pon Guyana

Bright boy he supposed to be

But the certificates may not agree

Wish the people luck

Cause when the poop hit de fan

Everybody cork duck

XR, you baad like raas. Bai, you sure you are a newbie? You seem like you have been following this site for a long time. Welcome back.


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