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Mingo and assistant arrested on elections forgery allegations

Police ranks yesterday arrested the Returning Officer (RO) of Region Four, Clairmont Mingo, and his assistant, Carolyn Duncan, on elections forgery charges.

Arrested: Clairmont Mingo

Mingo’s arrest comes just five days after the Department of Public Prosecution (DPP) announced that a comprehensive investigation will commence into allegations of electoral fraud committed by Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield, and others.
According to information reaching this publication, the RO of Region Four was arrested at around 15:45 hrs at his home located in Abary, Region Five.
Sources told Kaieteur News that Mingo was escorted by the ranks to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) at Eve Leary, Kingston where up to press time, he remained in police custody.
Sometime later, Kaieteur News was reliably informed that Mingo’s assistant, Duncan, was arrested too.
Information obtained by this newspaper suggested that hours after Mingo was grilled by investigators, a decision was made to arrest Duncan as well.
Police sources were unable to verify whether Mingo and his assistant will be detained for the normal 72 hours or whether a decision will be taken to release them on bail.

Arrested Assistant: Carolyn Duncan

However, Kaieteur was able to confirm that the pair’s arrest was in relation to serious allegations made of document forgery with the intent to deliver fraudulent results of the March 2 General and Regional Elections.
Attorney-at-law and member of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), Charles Ramson, had filed private criminal charges against Mingo and the People National Congress Reform’s (PNCR) Chairman, Volda Lawrence on March 13. Those charges are in relation to a pair of fraudulent elections declarations for Region Four.
Only on Tuesday last, Lawrence appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in relation to these charges and was granted bail.
According to reports, the Chairperson of the PNCR was released on $100,000 bail for a joint private criminal charge, which alleges the forging of a document that was used for a fraudulent election declaration on March 5, 2020. The public was notified as well that her co-accused Mingo was yet to be served with his court summons.
Kaieteur News had reported and highlighted extensively that there were attempts to rig the Guyana elections in mid-March by key players, after Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire ruled that the pair of declarations of the Region Four results made by Mingo were unlawful.
It was clearly detailed that upon a resumption of a tabulation process halted by a slew of circumstances, Mingo returned with a spreadsheet, which showed numbers that could not be verified by observers and party representatives.
PPP/C officials and others protested those results but Mingo went ahead and made his declaration in favour of the then ruling coalition, A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC).
These declarations showed Lawrence’s signature. They were challenged in court and the Chief Justice ruled that the RO did not follow the law. As a result, Mingo was sent once more to the drawing board by the judge to produce and declare credible results.
Mingo did go back to the table but again on March 13, produced strange numbers from a tabulation marred by lack of transparency and accusations of elections fraud.
Despite strong criticisms made against the ‘magic numbers’ by the contending political parties, local and international observers, Mingo’s results were declared a second time, and another fraudulent pair of Regional and General Elections declarations were made.
Claims were made by political parties that his declaration was made on inflated Statement of Polls, which he had produced with clumsily doctored numbers.
These claims were later supported with evidence from the National Recount of Votes, which was reported by this publication, that Mingo’s numbers for Region Four were indeed fraudulent.


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Everyone must have remembered how he acted like a bad man on March 13 when so many in the gathering were objecting and pleading with him to stop his fraudulent behavior. Lets see how much of a bad man he is now.


Mingo held by police in elections fraud probe

Clairmont Mingo

Clairmont Mingo

August 26 2020


The police yesterday arrested beleaguered Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo as part of their investigations into alleged fraud surrounding the March 2 General and Regional Elections (GRE).

Also arrested is Carolyn Mikhaik Duncan who worked as a clerk in Mingo’s High Street Secretariat. 

Stabroek News understands that the controversial 69-year-old was arrested at his residence at Little Abary, Mahaicony and transported to the Criminal Investigation Department at Eve Leary.

Mingo is one of two named defendants in charges filed on March 13 by Charles Ramson Jr. in relation to the controversial results for District Four.

His co-defendant PNCR Chair Volda Lawrence was Monday placed on $100,000 bail after appearing before Chief Magis-trate Ann McLennon. Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield is also the subject of a similar investigation.

According to a Court Officer, attempts to serve the notices on both Mingo and Lawrence failed but Lawrence, the former Minister of Public Health, appeared without being served.

Ramson, the PPP/C party agent for District Four has accused Mingo and Lawrence of uttering a forged document with intent to defraud the public contrary to Section 278 of the Criminal Law (Offences) Act.

The section specifies that everyone who …utters knowing it to be forged or altered, any document whatsoever, with intent to defraud the public…shall be guilty of a felony and liable to imprisonment for three years.

The charges have since been taken over by the state through the Chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

The police have since announced that they have launched an investigation into the March elections and the events that occurred during the ensuing five months up to when President Irfaan Ali was declared the winner on August 2nd.

The particulars of the offence allege that, “the accused Clairmont Mingo having been procured by the accused Volda Lawrence on or about March 5, 2020 at Hadfield Street, uttered to the Chief Election Officer a Form 24 Representation of the People’s Act dated March 5 knowing it to be forged, with intent to defraud the people of the state of Guyana.”

The two persons identified in the complaint appear as signatories on a declaration which has since been found to be inaccurate.

On March 5 chaos erupted at the Ashmins Building on High Street after Mingo attempted to make the declaration which would’ve granted the APNU+AFC Coalition victory. The PPP/C however obtained an injunction stalling the process.

This declaration which resulted from an unverified “spreadsheet” tallying votes was vitiated by Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George who ordered that Mingo use the statutory document, Statements of Poll, to calculate the results.

Mingo failed to do as directed and made a second declaration with different numbers which again showed the APNU+AFC as victorious.

Despite pressure from local and international observers, Mingo stuck to his numbers and a National Recount which lasted for more than a month was called.

That recount showed the PPP/C as victorious.

Yesterday, lawyers for Mingo complained to media operatives that his constitutional rights were violated as he was denied legal representation during questioning.

For at least one hour while Mingo was questioned by police his attorney Darren Wade was prevented from accessing him. Up to press time Wade and Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde who also showed up to represent Mingo had not been addressed by the Police or allowed to advocate for bail on their client’s behalf.

 “I have never seen this before…he has a right to an attorney…why is the state denying an attorney access to a client,” he asked.

Forde called on the Guyana Bar Association to condemn what he des-cribed as “police abuse”.

“Democracy is more than elections,” he stressed explaining that he had been informed that questions were put to Mingo even as he asked for his attorney.

“He had to keep insisting that he would like to have a lawyer present [and] after a good period police belatedly recognized that Mr Mingo in fact has legal right and allowed Wade to talk to Mingo. Wade was however not allowed to be present at the interview,” the senior counsel noted.

Mingo was expected to remain in police custody overnight.

The government has said that it will be undertaking a review of the five-month impasse over the elections result and that those found culpable would be answerable.


A new sherif is in town. Lock them up !!!!

This chap Mingo must pay for his crimes against the Guyanese people. A judge already ruled that his declaration was illegal and unconstitutional !!


@Former Member posted:

A new sherif is in town. Lock them up !!!!

This chap Mingo must pay for his crimes against the Guyanese people. A judge already ruled that his declaration was illegal and unconstitutional !!


The party is over.    You do the crime you do the time.


”like to have a lawyer present [and] after a good period police belatedly recognized that Mr Mingo in fact has legal right and allowed Wade to talk to Mingo.“


Finally this criminal know about legal rights. Funny that he didn’t think about the legality of his actions.Jail him for a long time along with his other crony Volda


@Former Member posted:

Duncan can frighten lil picky:


Sean, you are not breaking any rules but I can ask you to be civil and sensitive to others who may think otherwise of how you characterize another human being.


The riggers must be brought to justice. The PPP has to see this through. If they don’t, this curse will be passed to the next generation. The PNC never answered for their crimes of the past, so they carry on. It needs to stop, now is the time. 

Lock them up. 

@Former Member posted:

The riggers must be brought to justice. The PPP has to see this through. If they don’t, this curse will be passed to the next generation. The PNC never answered for their crimes of the past, so they carry on. It needs to stop, now is the time. 

Lock them up. 

Who is next?


I think two of the bigger fishes now: 1.Ramjattan for letting them Russians out of the country and trying to trade gun licenses in return for votes at a rum shop in Mon Repos.

2. Basil for using State funds to defend rigging

@Ace posted:

I think two of the bigger fishes now: 1.Ramjattan for letting them Russians out of the country and trying to trade gun licenses in return for votes at a rum shop in Mon Repos.

2. Basil for using State funds to defend rigging

Ramjattan may be complicit of the rigging attempt but I don't think he is materially involved either before or after the elections. Trotman and Kathy may be more involved. While the state will have to pay most of Basil's legal expenses, Basil has quite a few misappropriation matters that will haunt him. He will be going down too.

@Former Member posted:

Is the PPP Pulling sein to catch shrimps or sharks? 

What’s is the point of your question? All crimes committed deserved punishment to the fullest extent of the law.

@Former Member posted:

Sean, you are not breaking any rules but I can ask you to be civil and sensitive to others who may think otherwise of how you characterize another human being.

Lawd, y'all really let this moderator job go to your head. Leff the man alone. You were one of the most vile racists here a few years ago and now you're playing sanctified. Cha man.

@Bigan Choka posted:

Just stating the obvious with a lil humor.

Does it matter where I come from? Thought this was a open forum for all?

Rama has no sense of humor. He us to tell little children how Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch water. When the children would laugh, he would shout at them to be quiet.

@Mitwah posted:

Rama has no sense of humor. He us to tell little children how Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch water. When the children would laugh, he would shout at them to be quiet.

LOL. 😆


Beware of the Net

IT Officer in GECOM’s flash drive scandal arrested  

IT Officer in GECOM’s flash drive scandal arrested

Enrique Livan, who is an IT staff at the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), has been arrested as police continue to investigate allegations of electoral fraud at the March 2 polls.

Livan was previously questioned by police on the evening of March 4 when the tabulation of votes for District Four at the Office of the Returning Officer [Ashmins Building] was obstructed.

Party agents and other observers became suspicious when Livan, after complaining of feeling tired and wanted to conclude the tabulation process, left the room with a flash drive and computer – both of which were being used during the tabulation process.

The police were called in and Livan was questioned.

The next day, embattled Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo made a fraudulent declaration which was eventually overturned by the courts.

Several persons, including Mingo, have been taken into custody as police continue to investigate the alleged electoral fraud.


This is a beautiful sight. Fitting for a criminal who made two separate fraudulent elections declarations. At his age he should have done the decent thing of simply counting the SOPs instead of first mutilating them before making those two fraudulent declarations. He had no trouble bullying people at the GECOM pasture when he used a soiled bedsheet to make it impossible for anyone to see his fraudulent behavior. But thankfully there are the audio recording that proved his frauds. 


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