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Former Member
  • Police to launch investigation into alleged criminal conduct by Lowenfield, Mingo

Police to launch investigation into alleged criminal conduct by Lowenfield, Mingo


The Guyana Police Force says it will launch a “comprehensive investigation” into allegations of criminal conduct by Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield and Returning Officer of Region Four Clairmont Mingo in relation to the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections and the events that followed.

A statement from Police Headquarters revealed that it received “formal reports” against the two men on Friday and subsequently obtained advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Shalimar Ali-Hack.

The Police did not say who made the report against the two GECOM employees.

Lowenfield is already facing criminal charges in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court relating to fraud, misconduct in office and breach of the public’s trust by providing results of the March 2 elections which he knows to be false.

His case has been postponed until August 24, 2020, as lawyers are awaiting a decision from the DPP on whether she will agree with submissions made by counsel to drop the charges against him.

As such, “the DPP has further indicated that in the exercise of powers vested in her under Article 187 of the Constitution, she will take over the private criminal charges currently pending in the Magistrate’s Court in relation to the March 2nd, 2020, General and Regional Elections and its aftermath.”

Lowenfield and Mingo are accused of providing fraudulent results of the March elections to give the APNU+AFC a victory.

The results of the elections were finally announced on August 2 after a five-month delay.

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Excellent political persecution by the PPP. The PNC likes to say Never Again. Well never again will anyone attempt the depravity that Lowenfield and Mingo did. These two should be given sufficient time to seriously ponder on their actions.

@Former Member posted:

Why we are not hearing about Volda Lawrence's involvement and person(s) who orchestrated the rigging? Why were she and Mingo never served the court papers by the proper authority? Has the PPP gone quiet again? 

A COI coming soon to deal with Lawrence and the other intellectual authors of the attempted rigging.

@Former Member posted:

Not only them.  Probe the “dark forces” behind the police actions at Ashmin building.

If jail results, Ali should not play a nice boy like Jagdeo and grant pardon. 

They are out of luck then because Ali is not a nice boy like Jagdeo.  


These two people should be brought before the courts and punish severely.  A tough message has to be sent out that anyone who attempts to rig an election will pay a heavy price. It's a shame that our legal institution failed us and we had to go to the CCJ.  The riggers defied the CCJ and tried to force the nation to accept fraudulent results.  The international community stood behind the people and the law prevailed.  This could not have been achieved without the help of the ABC countries.

The ABC wasted no time in telling the PPP administration to embark on electoral and constitutional reforms.  The PPP must do everything possible to reform GECOM and the constitution.  They will get the full support of the ABC countries.  



Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

Yes! They will!


Ensuring people’s participation in revising the Supreme Law of our land We are aware that issues concerning constitutional reform, particularly in relation to a national, inclusive governance model, management of elections, fiduciary accountability, enhancing rights of Guyanese and ensuring constitutional language is simple to have been raised and discussed in the public domain. However, we believe that these, as well as other issues, must be part of a process of widespread consultation with the people of Guyana before being acted upon. The extensive changes to our Constitution under the PPP/C followed such a process. Moving forward, we are committed to the continuous revision of the Constitution. In this regard, we will ensure that the Committee on Constitutional Reform that will advance the work will pursue nationwide consultation following the model used in the past, that is, with half of the members from civil society and equal representation from Government and the Opposition.



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