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You frocking jackass, Mingo has to decide  on  the tabulation base upon Section 84 (1) of the representation of the people’s act Cap 1:03 .  I attached a  copy for you dumb skonts 



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Last edited by Former Member

Rochelle, you are on the wrong side of history. 
Uncle Sam will put so much pressure on these PNC criminals that cancer will appear to be a better treatment for them. This small amount PNC Black dinosaurs who hijacked GECOM will be pissed upon by history. 
Burnham is scorned till this day and Granger will be no different. Guyana will someday declare a national holiday where Guyanese will line up to piss on his grave ! 


Exactly Dave. Thank god that Amral temporarily removed his admin rights. He would have deleted 90 percent of those speaking out against PNC burgery. 
That shameless Indo glees at the raping of the rights of Guyanese voters and the right to have every voted counted. I wonder how they sleep at nights ? 

Last edited by Former Member


@ DJ

I never attacked you, I stated that you are no better than mingo. You should consider that a compliment. 

DJ is no better than Mingo. All you leave dem Ko Ko Beah people alone. Karma will deal wid dem rass. 
Read your full statement , i would expect you to desist from further equating. Stick to the discussion.

This is a part of the court order.

The Returning Officer shall give the entitled persons ALL reasonable facilities for overseeing the proceedings and ALL information as he can give them consistent with the orderly conduct of the proceedings and with the discharge of his duties. The Returning Officer, in the presence of the entitled persons, shall ascertain the total votes cast in favor of each party by adding up the votes recorded in favor of the list in that district in accordance with the Statements of Poll.

The entitled persons are the following:
1. Members of the Commission
2. Duly appointed candidates;
3. Counting agents;
4. Such other persons as, in the opinion of the returning officer, that have good reason to be present. (Local & foreign observers)

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

Rochelle is just an ordinary PNC supporter and has equal rights like us to express our opinions but DJ on the other hand, makes my hand fall.History will never forgive people like him. 


Last edited by Former Member

Dave ....

Please consider ---

1. It is election time and indeed there will be heated arguments, debates, etc., among members.

2. At the end of the day, we are all friends who meet on GNI to exchange views, chat and pass the time away in a leisurely manner.

3. Indeed we all have differing views on issues, at times we can agree on some, differ on others and indeed also differ in extremely hard manner.

4. Let things cool off and hopefully you plus others who are contemplating to leave the forum will reconsider to remain as members.


So much for dummies - I man have a short time left on this forum and will hammer it out and then tell who deserves the F off.



What did sean insinuate Django.

Unless you class yourself to be part of the gang Sean refers to. 


Read what Sean wrote. I am not going to go around in circles on my request.

Last edited by Django

This is funny Rass.

so the ball head dark skin teacha in the class room - 

sunny, watch how u throw the paper , sir it was meant for the bin not YOU. 

devin speak - sunny throw me paper also 

teacha - devin r u joining sunny too ... 

heh heh 



oh Rass Sean sir Djanjo take out his wild cane 

he is not running around the class room in circles anymore. 

I think Nehru have some  Ganda egg . 


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Last edited by Former Member

I thought that Django left and will only peep, but since he gal Rochelle!Rochelle arrived on the scene, he get typie, he want to revive he Admin Role... 

 I think Granger put one holla put he rass, he has to work day and night to sell the stale bread, SOP is Slop and Spread Sheet is Chaddar.

 At the price of oil, the barrel DJ get only has value as scrap metal.


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