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Harmon promises further scrutiny of “controversial” Public Works projects

… Minister Benn says 2014 was a good year


December 23, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News Online


Even as the combined opposition and public stakeholders drilled and slammed the government over what has been described as a number of “controversial” state projects, some of which fell within the ambits of the Public Works sector, portfolio Minister Robeson Benn says that 2014 has been a good year, despite the challenges.


Shadow Public Works Minister Joseph Harmon

Shadow Public Works Minister Joseph Harmon

The Minister’s comments came last Friday at the Ministry’s Christmas party which was held at the Transport and Harbours Sports Club Kingston. The Public Works arm managed to keep going, despite the issues faced by the sector throughout the year.

The Ministry’s communications department said, that Benn described 2014 as a challenging year for the Ministry; however, irrespective of the budgetary and parliamentary processes “we found ways to keep the works going.”

Noting the criticisms leveled against the Ministry on the delivery of some of its works, Minister Benn added that there is still an appreciation of the works done. “The growth of the country is dependent on us.”

However, A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Member of Parliament, Joseph Harmon, has expressed his party’s dissatisfaction with the execution of works by the Ministry. He has promised a series of revelations following the scrutiny of several projects, which the APNU Member of Parliament (MP) believes should be placed in the public domain.

Harmon’s focus was on the state centered projects such as the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion project, and the Marriott Hotel project. Harmon, while hosting a special press briefing at Timehri North early last week, promised to go in-depth with many of the projects falling within his scope.


Public Works Minister Robeson Benn

Public Works Minister Robeson Benn

He thus warned Minister Benn to be alert since his next expose’ will be on the nation’s speed boat operations. Harmon had told the media prior to that, that the Ministry of Works and by extension the government, owed the Guyanese people an explanation as to what was occurring with the CJIA expansion project; since there were many changes occurring, but the public was not being made aware.

Harmon claimed that the airport expansion project which has a price tag of US$150M is likely to increase to as much as US$250M, because of the exemptions and benefits handed down to the Chinese contractor, and because of the heavily over -priced items that exist in the projects plans.

Additionally, he mentioned, that the airport project because of “poor planning and haste,” is likely to also cost Guyanese taxpayers an additional US$20M since more work has to be done at the initial stages, prior to the actual expansion.

These changes include, for example; the testing of soil in the northern end of the airport runway since the soil in the south, where the initial runway expansion was intended is “unsuitable” Ministry’s engineers had stated.  Harmon reiterated his demand for the government to update citizens on these changes.

Harmon also brought up the four lane highways being constructed both on the East Coast Demerara and the East Bank of Demerara; both of which had their share of setbacks.

“Just as I have given you a breakdown of the airport project and how monies are being spent, I will be examining other projects.” Harmon said that Minister Benn had told the National Assembly earlier in the year that by mid-2014 Transport and Habours would have fixed and established proper ramps for persons travelling with speed boats.

However, there had been nothing new on the issue and with the prorogation (closing) of Parliament; Harmon declared that the questions will still be asked, even if it is in the ‘People’s Parliament’.


Source - http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....blic-works-projects/

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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

CJIA expansion project.


Scrap it..don't need it. Guyana is not going to attract millions of vivitors that they will need a runway for a B747 or a A380.

Skeldon, I disagree, we must not think short term.  This Expansion is also for the Future. Soon, most Airlines will only have 747 and 380. What will Guyana do then?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Even as the combined opposition and public stakeholders drilled and slammed the government over what has been described as a number of “controversial” state projects, some of which fell within the ambits of the Public Works sector, portfolio Minister Robeson Benn says that 2014 has been a good year, despite the challenges.



Harmon promises further scrutiny of “controversial” Public Works projects, … Minister Benn says 2014 was a good year, December 23, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News Online


Public Works Minister Robeson Benn          Shadow Public Works Minister Joseph Harmon

Public Works Minister    Shadow Public Works

Robeson Benn          Minister Joseph Harmon

Guyana Government is pursuing the approach and procedures outlined in the constitution of works, projects, etc., when parliament is prorogued.


Joseph Harmon should been conversant with this specific situation, when parliament is prorogued.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

CJIA expansion project.


Scrap it..don't need it. Guyana is not going to attract millions of vivitors that they will need a runway for a B747 or a A380.

Skeldon, I disagree, we must not think short term.  This Expansion is also for the Future. Soon, most Airlines will only have 747 and 380. What will Guyana do then?

Nehru bai, Boeing and Airbus will still make the medium sized planes. They will be needed for domestic flights. The 747 is considered old and inefficient. The 380 will never fly to Guyana. Guyana will not attract milions of visitors to warrant larger planes. Forget the 380...will never fly to Guyana.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

CJIA expansion project.


Scrap it..don't need it. Guyana is not going to attract millions of vivitors that they will need a runway for a B747 or a A380.

Skeldon, I disagree, we must not think short term.  This Expansion is also for the Future. Soon, most Airlines will only have 747 and 380. What will Guyana do then?

two stooges,first before they ask if guyana will get airlines to go to guyana,a country with less than a million people and skeltonman family robbing the tourist ,they expanding for the ppp private jets


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