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Minister Bulkan contradicts Teixeira and Nandlall

Dear Editor,
I refer to a letter signed by Mr. Norman Whittaker captioned, ‘The Local Government Commission should be established’ (SN, October 9), in which Mr. Whittaker makes erroneous assertions which I intend to hereby address.

The current administration – having respect for the rule of law – has repeatedly made clear that it is committed to setting up the Commission. Moreover, the government has taken concrete steps to have the Commission established. Pursuant to Section 4 (1) (b) of the Local Government Commission Act of 2013, which states that the Local Government Commission shall include, ‘three members appointed by the President acting on Advice of Leader of the Opposition after consultation with other Parliamentary parties,’ I had written to the Honourable Leader of the Opposition on May 11, 2016 requesting his co-operation in this regard. On July 6, 2016, Opposition Chief Whip Ms. Gail Teixeira replied to my correspondence on Mr. Jagdeo’s behalf, naming three persons: Mr. Clinton Collymore, Mr. Norman Whittaker, and Ms. Carol Sooba.
I subsequently wrote to Ms. Teixeira on July 30, 2016 requesting confirmation that ‘consultation with other Parliamentary parties’ as required by Section 4 (1) (b) of the Act, leading to the submission of the three nominees by the Leader of the Opposition, had indeed occurred. To date, I have not received a reply.
Editor, evidently, for an administration that respects the law we cannot proceed to establish the Commission in the absence of confirmation that the requirements of the law have been met by all the stakeholders.

Editor, regarding another matter, on the same day, Mr. Anil Nandlall wrote a letter in the Kaieteur News captioned, ‘Anil Nandlall documents the current abuse of power.’ Mr. Nandlall made several claims; I wish to address two of them.
Mr. Nandlall, pronounced on the “lawfulness” of my input in the appointments of Mayor of Mabaruma and the Chairpersons of the five tied Neighbourhood Democratic Councils. As an Attorney, and moreover the former Attorney General, I am shocked that Mr. Nandlall would comment and further, pronounce on a matter which is before the court. Needless to say, I will offer no comment on this matter which is sub judice.
Secondly, Mr. Nandlall stated that the government systematically uses regional officials (“Overseers, Regional Executive Officers and Town Clerks, all agents of the executive”) to thwart and frustrate the work of local democratic organs not controlled by government. Editor, I categorically reject this ridiculous statement. I am puzzled; I wonder upon what basis is Mr. Nandlall’s statement premised. In any case, as has been repeatedly stated, this government has a policy of decentralisation of decision-making power and continuously strives to ensure harmony between the elected and appointed elements of all councils. And unlike the PPP regime, this administration does not hoard power in central government. That being said, I would welcome Mr. Nandlall sharing any evidence of such conduct so that if there is any merit in his statement, the matter can be addressed.
Ronald Bulkan
Minister of Communities

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"In any case, as has been repeatedly stated, this government has a policy of decentralisation of decision-making power and continuously strives to ensure harmony between the elected and appointed elements of all councils. And unlike the PPP regime, this administration does not hoard power in central government. That being said, I would welcome Mr. Nandlall sharing any evidence of such conduct so that if there is any merit in his statement, the matter can be addressed."
Ronald Bulkan
Minister of Communities


The honarable Bulkan, picked up and slammed Anil and Gail to the canvas.

Licks like peas!!


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