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Former Member

Minister Harmon’s continuation in office should end

April 5, 2016 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
As reported by Kaieteur News, Joseph Harmon, Minister of State had appointed Brian Tiwarie as a Ministerial Adviser on Business Development on Jan. 19, 2016. He was also officially part of Minister Harmon’s delegation which went to China recently on State Business.
Mr. Tiwarie’s appointment was not approved by President Granger nor was his Cabinet aware of the “Honorific Title” accorded him as was subsequently reported. During his short tenure as Adviser, Mr. Tiwarie had access to sensitive confidential State information which will no doubt compromised the Government’s business. Further, his appointment was unethical as he is the largest Govt. contractor with a checkered past as his Company, BK International has outstanding financial obligations with the Govt. for liquidating damages associated with contracts such as the Head Regulator for the Hope Canal and the Supernaam Stelling which he allegedly executed poorly and with large time and costs overruns.
President Granger and his APNU+AFC Government were elected to serve Guyanese as anti-corruption advocates with transparency and accountability as their hallmark. It is inconceivable therefore that Minister Harmon without the Govt.’s consensus would appoint Mr. Tiwarie who was part of a small cabal during the PPP/C administration which benefitted handsomely from state contracts which were easily acquired.
He has since apparently shifted his allegiance but the underlying motives are evident. There is also the developing GRA/BaiShanLin scandal and others back door deals for which Minister Harmon may have some answers for President Granger and Guyanese generally.
The writing is on the wall and President Granger will have no alternative but to relieve Minister Harmon of his duties since he has crossed the boundaries of good and responsible governance. After all, the APNU+AFC was elected to serve the people of Guyana and not for party members to use the  Govt.’s resources to enrich themselves through shady deals as had been the pattern of the previous administration.
Charles Sohan

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