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Opposition MPs disrupt sitting to demand apology from Manickchand

Saturday, 05 April 2014 02:48

Friday's banging on the parliament desks and the chanting took the House by surprise since the Government benches had considered the issue resolved with the Speaker’s ruling to allow the Minister to speak.
Nevertheless after one suspension with the intention of working out the issue, it was repeated each time the Minister attempted to speak.  While the Opposition continued to protest, members of the Government side stood up in solidarity with their colleague. Speaker Trotman then adjourned the sitting until Monday, April 7.
Meanwhile, Government MPs made their views clear after the adjournment, and did so on live television via the National Communications Network. Government’s Chief Whip Gail Teixeira stated clearly that an agreement had been reached with the two parliamentary parties. She said that APNU has since reneged on the agreement and is intent on using the Government as a whipping boy. MP Teixeira insisted that this has been the role of the opposition throughout the Tenth Parliament.
Minister Manickchand herself expressed disappointment that one heckle could have caused so much disruption. She reiterated that she thought the issue resolved and had made it clear that her heckle had not targeted anyone. The Minister expressed shock that the opposition would try to prevent her from representing her right to her constituents. She questioned what had happened between the time of the agreement and Friday night.
Leader of the House, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds also expressed astonishment and disappointment at the occurrences in the House. He noted that the message sent to the people of Guyana through the Opposition’s actions is that of their example of reneging on their agreements.
Government MP Carnel Damon also made it clear that he was disappointed with the occurrences in the National Assembly on Friday night. He insisted that the Minister did not say anything wrong, and posited that the Opposition was feeling battered (in terms of the debate) and as such reacted accordingly.
Other Government MPs who also vocally condemned the actions of the Opposition include Ministers Ashni Singh, Jennifer Westford, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Juan Edghill, Leslie Ramsammy and Irfaan Ali.
It is not clear what will occur on Monday when Minister Manickchand again rises to speak.

Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "It is not clear what will occur on Monday when Minister Manickchand again rises to speak." unquote

We can only speculate till then, but there are options that the Opposition my have and that is

1) When the Minister stands to address the Parliament on Monday, they can heckle some more, hit the table some more and then boycott Ms Manickchand's Speech by walking out of Parliament.


2) Another scenario is that they can stay out of Parliament on Monday

and carry on a picket exercise.


These are all but specualtions, we will have to wait until Monday to see how this plays out.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "It is not clear what will occur on Monday when Minister Manickchand again rises to speak." unquote

We can only speculate till then, but there are options that the Opposition my have and that is

1) When the Minister stands to address the Parliament on Monday, they can heckle some more, hit the table some more and then boycott Ms Manickchand's Speech by walking out of Parliament.


2) Another scenario is that they can stay out of Parliament on Monday

and carry on a picket exercise.


These are all but specualtions, we will have to wait until Monday to see how this plays out.

If they don't want to "play", let them take their marbles and go home. They don't have to sit down and listen or cause a "bru haha".

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "It is not clear what will occur on Monday when Minister Manickchand again rises to speak." unquote

We can only speculate till then, but there are options that the Opposition my have and that is

1) When the Minister stands to address the Parliament on Monday, they can heckle some more, hit the table some more and then boycott Ms Manickchand's Speech by walking out of Parliament.


2) Another scenario is that they can stay out of Parliament on Monday

and carry on a picket exercise.


These are all but specualtions, we will have to wait until Monday to see how this plays out.

If they don't want to "play", let them take their marbles and go home. They don't have to sit down and listen or cause a "bru haha".

The opposition must obey the speaker's ruling and allow the Honourable member to speak.


The PNC have no shame since Sharma himself reported that he was abandoned by the PNC. He may end up on the PPP side of the floor.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "It is not clear what will occur on Monday when Minister Manickchand again rises to speak." unquote

We can only speculate till then, but there are options that the Opposition my have and that is

1) When the Minister stands to address the Parliament on Monday, they can heckle some more, hit the table some more and then boycott Ms Manickchand's Speech by walking out of Parliament.


2) Another scenario is that they can stay out of Parliament on Monday

and carry on a picket exercise.


These are all but specualtions, we will have to wait until Monday to see how this plays out.

If they don't want to "play", let them take their marbles and go home. They don't have to sit down and listen or cause a "bru haha".

The opposition must obey the speaker's ruling and allow the Honourable member to speak.


The PNC have no shame since Sharma himself reported that he was abandoned by the PNC. He may end up on the PPP side of the floor.

We have seen that the speaker is part of the opposition. It's like putting th fox to watch the hen house.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "It is not clear what will occur on Monday when Minister Manickchand again rises to speak." unquote

We can only speculate till then, but there are options that the Opposition my have and that is

1) When the Minister stands to address the Parliament on Monday, they can heckle some more, hit the table some more and then boycott Ms Manickchand's Speech by walking out of Parliament.


2) Another scenario is that they can stay out of Parliament on Monday

and carry on a picket exercise.


These are all but specualtions, we will have to wait until Monday to see how this plays out.

If they don't want to "play", let them take their marbles and go home. They don't have to sit down and listen or cause a "bru haha".

The opposition must obey the speaker's ruling and allow the Honourable member to speak.


The PNC have no shame since Sharma himself reported that he was abandoned by the PNC. He may end up on the PPP side of the floor.

We have seen that the speaker is part of the opposition. It's like putting th fox to watch the hen house.



It was a PNC plan to put one of their own as speaker. Moses was pushed aside and rejected as speaker in favour of Trotman.


Inspite of this, the AFC still supports the PNC because Nigel is another PNC supporter and forces Indos in the AFC to support the PNC.


Indos in the AFC have no voice and cannot speak up since Nigel will kick them to the street curb.


A voter for the AFC - A vote for the PNC

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "It is not clear what will occur on Monday when Minister Manickchand again rises to speak." unquote

We can only speculate till then, but there are options that the Opposition my have and that is

1) When the Minister stands to address the Parliament on Monday, they can heckle some more, hit the table some more and then boycott Ms Manickchand's Speech by walking out of Parliament.


2) Another scenario is that they can stay out of Parliament on Monday

and carry on a picket exercise.


These are all but specualtions, we will have to wait until Monday to see how this plays out.

If they don't want to "play", let them take their marbles and go home. They don't have to sit down and listen or cause a "bru haha".

The opposition must obey the speaker's ruling and allow the Honourable member to speak.


The PNC have no shame since Sharma himself reported that he was abandoned by the PNC. He may end up on the PPP side of the floor.

We have seen that the speaker is part of the opposition. It's like putting th fox to watch the hen house.



It was a PNC plan to put one of their own as speaker. Moses was pushed aside and rejected as speaker in favour of Trotman.


Inspite of this, the AFC still supports the PNC because Nigel is another PNC supporter and forces Indos in the AFC to support the PNC.


Indos in the AFC have no voice and cannot speak up since Nigel will kick them to the street curb.


A voter for the AFC - A vote for the PNC

I don't hear too much from Ramjhattan. Is he gagged too? Looks like Nigel is Forbes reincarnated.


APNU’s desk-banging protest silences

Minister Manickchand

April 5, 2014 | By | Filed Under News


-  as First week of Budget debate ends in chaos


The 2014 Budget debates last evening descended into chaos and Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman was forced to abandon the sessions until Monday.

Manickchand makes a point during the live broadcast as her colleagues look on.

Manickchand makes a point during the live broadcast as her colleagues look on.


While it was not the first bout of tension between the Government and A Partnership for National Unity, the Debates came to a screeching halt when Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, rose to make her presentation to the House. The Alliance for Change, Members of Parliament left the sitting while APNU’s parliamentarians began banging on their desks loudly, effectively drowning out the Minister; effectively gagging her. The APNU Parliamentarians could be heard chanting “apology, apology, apology” which went on for several minutes. After Speaker Trotman failed to get the compliance of the APNU members to allow the Minister to make her presentation, he suspended the sitting. He then met with the Chief Whips in an attempt to broker a solution but both sides stuck to their position. APNU is demanding that Minister Manickchand apologize for a heckle she made during  Volda Lawrence’s presentation and which was objected to by then Member of Parliament, Jaipaul Sharma. Government is holding out that when Speaker of the House Trotman ruled on the matter it was concluded and as such the Minister must be allowed to speak. During the suspension, APNU members were observed milling around while the Government side was observed in caucus, presumably to strategize their next move. When the sitting was resumed by Speaker Trotman, he informed of the failed attempt to broker a solution. He indicated also that he was of the opinion that the matter had been dealt with and as such the protest by APNU was against him as much as it was against the Minister. Trotman then invited the Minister to make her presentation at which point in time the banging resumed. When Government’s Chief whip, Gail Teixeira attempted to intervene on behalf of Minister Manickchand, the decibel levels in the Chambers increased exponentially as the APNU Members of Parliament began banging even louder. The banging continued incessantly for several more minutes and each time the Speaker managed to invite the Minister to speak, the banging resumed to the point where Trotman was then forced to adjourn the sitting until Monday. A team of Ministers and other members of the Government side immediately arranged for live broadcast where in a show of support for their colleague Minister, lamented what transpired.

Opposition members banging on their desks to drown out Minster Manickchand’s [standing) presentation.

Opposition members banging on their desks to drown out Minster Manickchand’s (standing) presentation.


Teixeira, in updating the nation through the impromptu live broadcast said the Opposition members through their actions, defied the ruling of the Speaker of the National Assembly. Trotman had ruled that following a review of the video of what had transpired in the House when Manickchand made the heckle, he found that she was not making reference to the then sitting Member of Parliament, Jaipaul Sharma but rather she was speaking in relation to his father. As such he ruled that the Minister would be able to make her presentation. Teixeira in her broadcast, reminded that following the contentious heckle made by Manickchand, herself, the Minister and APNU’s Joseph Harmon met with the Speaker in order to broker an agreement. She reported that it was agreed that the Minister would make a statement in the House, which she did but “apparently APNU, in order to try to protect themselves and save face with the departure of Mr. Jaipaul Sharma and the support of CN Sharma and his television station to the APNU are now trying to use Minister Manickchand and the Government as their whipping boy.” Manickchand in her message during the live broadcast said that heckling was a common thing across the world and she was surprised that her action has attracted this much attention. “I am shocked that the Opposition would try and shut down my right to represent the people of this country by trying to gag meâ€ĶI am stunned that they would renege on their agreement,” according to Minister Manickchand. She said that the public should seek to examine why the Opposition should put on such behavior given that two days prior, they were fine with her statement to the House. The Minister said that what happened between the time that statement was made and now is that Jaipaul Sharma resigned from Parliament “and they have problems with that.” Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh used the opportunity to lament the fact that the Minister who oversees the largest allocation in the 2014 budget is being prevented from making her presentation. He reminded the House that Manickchand’s place in Parliament is as a result of thousands of votes and as such being prevented by 26 persons from speaking “is downright bullyism and lawlessness.”

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The Speaker has made his decision on the matter that Minister Manickchand is not prevented from speaking in the national assembly.


It is the Speaker's obligations to control the opposition members and not simply close the session for another day.




Words of the wise.

As this specific issue continues on Monday, it will be seen if the Speaker is properly attuned to allow members to make their presentations or he is much more interested in protecting those who heckle and disturb others from properly participating in the proceedings of parliament.


Since Priya works for Ramotar would that make her duck fat?


But seriously, Priya has thrown her fat about in an unsuccessful attempt to be funny. But it is not a laughing matter. Now she is playing the innocent damsel in distress, looking for a knight to rescue her backside from the backlash. But there is no man in parliament who can carry that kind of weight.  

Originally Posted by asj:

Will APNU walk out of Parliament,

I know that the Speaker will not suspend any of APNU Members.


Will Sharma now cut out the APNU free tv time from APNU? 


All our questions will be answered tomorrow.

the reasons given for Sharma's resignation and JFAP withdrawal from APNU are weak and confused


if my suspicions are correct, ASJ's musings might turn out to be prophesy


perhaps the case against Sharma the elder will now wither because of non-cooperation by important witnesses


curiouser and curiouser . . . hmmmmm?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The Speaker has made his decision on the matter that Minister Manickchand is not prevented from speaking in the national assembly.


It is the Speaker's obligations to control the opposition members and not simply close the session for another day.




Words of the wise.

As this specific issue continues on Monday, it will be seen if the Speaker is properly attuned to allow members to make their presentations or he is much more interested in protecting those who heckle and disturb others from properly participating in the proceedings of parliament.

think before open ing your stupid pagla mouth. Was Plumpy fully attuned to what was going on when she disrupted  a presentation with her ignorant comment  for which she arrogantly refuses to apologize? Note her failure to apologize  seems to have the full support of  her party. Is proper participation to be attributed to the PPP alone? On what account knuckle head?


Opposition walks out Parliament during

Manickchand’s presentation

April 7, 2014 2:36 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


By Kurt Campbell

The Opposition side of the House remains vacant, as Manickchand makes her presentation.

The Opposition side of the House remains vacant, as Manickchand makes her presentation.


[] – All opposition seats remained vacant as Education Minister Priya Manickchand made her contribution to the National 2014 Budget Debate.

The Opposition members walked out of the House at the beginning of Manickchand’s presentation.

The Opposition is protesting her refusal to issue an apology to Former APNU MP Jaipaul Sharma.

Manickchand had heckled “ask the APNU member Sharma” while MP Volda Lawrence was addressing the issue of rape in the society.

At the opening of Monday’s sitting (April 07), Speaker Raphael Trotman expressed his disappointment with the manner in which the last sitting ended, after the Opposition banged desks and shouted in an attempt to prevent the Minister from speaking unless an apology was forthcoming.

He recalled a meeting between the two sides where he believed the issue was resolved, adding that he was surprised by the subsequent actions including Sharma’s resignation from the House.

Education Minister, Priya Manickchand makes her contribution to the Budget debate. [iNews' Photo]

Education Minister, Priya Manickchand makes her contribution to the Budget debate. [iNews' Photo]

“The events have caused us all pain and anguish, I never thought the actions that followed would have occurred and I do believe that within parties exists decency to do what is right just and necessary,” the Speaker said.


Meanwhile, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds also registered his shock at the actions of the Opposition. He told the National Assembly that the matter was resolved after a set of words were agreed upon that Manickchand would use.

However, APNU MP Joseph Harmon objected stating that there were not words decided upon.

Trotman had lifted the ban he placed on Manickchand to participate in the debate.

Education Minister, Priya Manickchand makes her contribution to the Budget debate. [iNews' Photo]

Education Minister, Priya Manickchand makes her

contribution to the Budget debate. [iNews' Photo]


Trotman had lifted the ban he placed on Manickchand to participate in the debate.


Opposition walks out Parliament during

Manickchand’s presentation

April 7, 2014 2:36 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Kurt Campbell

The joint opposition, permanently joined, will however immediately return to partake of the meals and other refreshments, without regard to recognizing the importance of parliament and its proceedings.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Education Minister, Priya Manickchand makes her contribution to the Budget debate. [iNews' Photo]

Education Minister, Priya Manickchand makes her

contribution to the Budget debate. [iNews' Photo]


Trotman had lifted the ban he placed on Manickchand to participate in the debate.


Opposition walks out Parliament during

Manickchand’s presentation

April 7, 2014 2:36 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Kurt Campbell

The joint opposition, permanently joined, will however immediately return to partake of the meals and other refreshments, without regard to recognizing the importance of parliament and its proceedings.

Glutton Bunch of blood sucking Leaches!!!  EVERYONE of them!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Education Minister, Priya Manickchand makes her contribution to the Budget debate. [iNews' Photo]

Education Minister, Priya Manickchand makes her

contribution to the Budget debate. [iNews' Photo]

Best wishes to Priya Manickchand.  

Nehru....Aya be careful who wishing ayuh well...

Remember De PNC Engineer was wishing aya well with De Hydro Project...

Den...before da ....He promise PPP will get 55% or betta....

Nehru....careful of de PNC Black-tongue....

Yuh think eee got de Kabaka tongue?


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