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Minister Persaud should come clean on this statement
By Stabroek staff Editorial.
Monday, September 26, 2011.

On August 19 during a press conference where he baldly declared that GuySuCo did not have the expertise to run the troubled Skeldon factory, Agriculture Minister Mr Robert Persaud also made the statement that the board needed to hurry up with its consideration of proposals from an Indian and a Chinese company to manage the operations.

The latter statement produced reactions of disbelief not only because of the suddenness of the announcement but also because the public had been completely unaware that there was a management contract under consideration for the Skeldon factory let alone two apparently fully developed proposals rivalling each other.

In the days following Mr Persaud’s announcement, the main sugar union GAWU expressed surprise at Minister Persaud’s announcement and said that its information was that there was presently no proposal before the board for a management contract.

When pressed again about this, Minister Persaud would only say that what was before the board was an “enhanced” proposal of an existing arrangement. He provided no other details and referred further queries to the Guyana Sugar Corporation. How an “enhanced“ proposal could be transformed into serious, open bidding for a management contract at the corporation’s flagship factory has not been explained.

At a press conference last week, GuySuCo’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr Paul Bhim said there were several management proposals before the board but he provided no confirmation that an Indian company, Surendra and the builder of the problematic Skeldon factory, CNTIC were the ones whose proposals were before the board and under active consideration pending a final decision. Perhaps the management of the corporation wanted to avoid embarrassing Minister Persaud or was simply attempting to walk between the raindrops.

Whatever the reality, Minister Persaud has caused serious questions to be raised about the veracity of his statements in this very important matter and should therefore be made to account for them. His credibility is now on the line and he should be reprimanded unless he can convince the public of the truth of his statements. The sugar industry and its management are not playthings for this government and its preferred contractors. If it was the case that the government, as it is capable of doing, wanted to shoe-horn Surendra or CNTIC onto the Skeldon management contract without adhering to a well-publicised tendering then it must be exposed and condemned. Worse, it would appear that Minister Persaud’s startling condemnation of the GuySuCo management was intended to clear a path towards a rapid decision in favour of either Surendra or CNTIC, both of whom have serious questions surrounding them as it relates to the quality of their work in the sugar industry here and their bona fides for the tasks that they are to be considered for. The tenor and content of Minister Persaud’s statement unmasked again the serious problem of ministerial interference and hijacking of the functions of boards and managements of autonomous corporations.

Senior officials of this government have become inured to any fear of being held accountable for their misguided actions or misrepresentations, and so the ease with which these statements roll off their tongues is troubling. The worst apparently that could happen to them is a diplomatic posting to some cushy capital.

There is much at stake in the sugar industry as was stated in an August 29 editorial in this newspaper and much to be accountable for. Given the duplicitous statements that have recently emerged, it is important that the Minister clarify in exact manner what he said at the press conference. At the same time it would help if the management and the board of the sugar corporation answer the following. Has a decision been made to privatise the management of the Skeldon factory? If so, when, and why wasn’t the information released to the public? What would be the rationale for foreign management of the corporation at this point given the none too recent banishing of Booker Tate? Was there a well-publicised invitation for bids for management of Skeldon and if so what sort of due diligence was done to ensure that the bidders were fit and proper candidates? What penalties have been assigned to CNTIC for not completing the project as required and when will it finally hand over the factory? Answers to these questions will reveal the level of transparency attending the business of this important industry and whether the relevant stakeholders are being kept in the loop.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Persaud must be their expert, that is why Guysuco keep replacing CEOs.

We were at a gathering by Canje Turn when two senior managers from Albion showed up drunk, in a Guysuco vehicle.
After drinking again for about an hour, they wanted us to accompany them to Albion. These guys can hardly walk straight, but they drove to Albion, without us.
cut and paste all you want sugar workers and rice farmers throughout this country will not buy any of that nonsense and we will lose in what the AFC is now calling their country. Keep posting bullshit rather than doing something tangible for the people out here.
The PPP has failed in region 5 and 6 because of minister persaud. That is crystal clear he lacks the experience, the skill, the know how and he has zero business accumen to be able to run an industry as complex and dynamic as sugar and rice.

He is a mistfit who speaks well but at the end of the day when measured on results he is a total waste of time who has not delivered anything for sugar workers or rice farmers in this country.

These are tangible failures and he must go. These are failures that are well documented, he has failed to maintain MMA, he has failed to dredge any of the MMA rivers.

FAIL FAIL FAIL written all over this duck.
Hopefully Persaud will be kicked out by Ramotar, he was a failure in his position, overseeing the decline of Guysuco and rice industry, even if he was not personally responsible. His pronouncement that Guyanese were incapable of running the industry shows that he has little hands on experience in the industry. Ramotar is also accountable as he was in the mix when the industry fell apart.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Hopefully Persaud will be kicked out by Ramotar, he was a failure in his position, overseeing the decline of Guysuco and rice industry, even if he was not personally responsible. His pronouncement that Guyanese were incapable of running the industry shows that he has little hands on experience in the industry. Ramotar is also accountable as he was in the mix when the industry fell apart.

BG_S, you must understand that Robert Persaud made that statement not necessarily because locals actually do not possess capacity to manage Skeldon, but rather as a precursor to preparing the public for the transfer of said management to their own handpicked foreign counterparts (as part of a shady deal screwing the taxpayers).
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Hopefully Persaud will be kicked out by Ramotar, he was a failure in his position, overseeing the decline of Guysuco and rice industry, even if he was not personally responsible. His pronouncement that Guyanese were incapable of running the industry shows that he has little hands on experience in the industry. Ramotar is also accountable as he was in the mix when the industry fell apart.

Thank you Cde Bgurd thank you. Another PPP man standing up for what I am saying.
Originally posted by Tola:
These guys are starting to realise that Guyana comes first and those to benefit most by their actions, are the people of Guyana.



Brandon Samaroo, where are you, RIP brother, you would have answered this question for me.

Any other takers? Bookman??

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