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Minister Ramjattan clueless with a super salary

Dear Editor, Minister Ramjattan has so far rolled out three “master plans” for fighting crime that was totally useless and scientifically baseless. First he started with the now unpopular “2AM curfew” where he said that it would have reduced crime, road accidents, domestic violence and generate a better workforce all at once. From his perspective this was his silver bullet on the crime fighting front. As we can see now, the Minster had never provided any data to back up his position and in an ironic twist, he is now asking the entertainment business community to show data that they are losing money. Secondly was his gun amnesty programme, which saw people dumping their unwanted guns to the police. With over 90 per cent being single shooter shot guns, can someone ask Minister Ramjattan how many gun crimes in the past six months were done using shot guns? However, in his own fantasy world, he believed that it was a success? Now the Minister is rolling out his latest “master plan” and that is a public consultation on tints on vehicles. His logic here, I am assuming, is that criminal activities occur mostly using tinted vehicles, and as such crime will reduce by making tints less darker or removing it all together. Again the Minister seems to be so far from reality it becomes laughable. Everyone in Guyana, except for the Minister, can see that large number of deadly crimes have nothing to do with tints. Instead it is home invasions and motorcycles as transport. The recent robbery of the money changers was done by motorcycle bandits. All or most of the Berbice/East Coast crimes were home invasions. Can the Minister really look these victims in the eye with any conscience what so ever and say that his plans for fighting crime is working to protect them? The reality is that Minister Ramjattan is clueless and visionless on the crime fighting front and to make it worse, he got a salary increase for his disastrous efforts. Instead we are seeing that Minister Ramjattan is wasting valuable time to disrupt a Hindu/Guyanese tradition of Diwali and cussing out Bharat Jagdeo. One can argue that Minister Ramjattan is either a baggage to APNU/AFC that they cannot get rid of or they are all visionless like him. I will let my fellow Guyanese decide.


Malcolm Watkins, CSCP


Baseman supports 100% Mr Ramjattan's efforts to improve the environment surrounding the rule of law and upholding basic and common decency in Guyana.


A curfew on entertainment houses is needed and in my travels to many countries, 2am seem to be the magic hour.  The fact that some businesses complain about losing money, well so be it, this means the money not spent remains in the wallets of families to be spent there.  This is a good thing.  Mr Ramjattan erred in asking them to prove they are losing.  They are losing because there are just too many, let them shutter, this is not a zero-sum game.


Regarding the gun amnesty, well it's an attempt at addressing a real problem.  The fact that many criminals retained guns does not mean failure.  Now is the opportunity to implement some heavy-handed draconian measures.  Baseman supports the automatic death penalty for anyone committing murder of innocents in the commissioning of a robbery.  Death penalty should be carried out within 48 hours after all legal defense avenues have been exhausted.  I would like to see Mr Ramjattan float this idea. I have a feeling he will get resistance from within.


Regarding tints, this also falls in having limits to everything and also crime prevention. The standard here is any police must have a reasonable clear inside a vehicle at all times.


Baseman supports Mr Ramjattan in his efforts to improve the environment surrounding the rule of law.


Baseman however, does not support Mr Ramjattan cussing out the great leader Bharrat Jagdeo.  His efforts will be better invested cussing out the Buxton/Agricola terrorists gangs and the political sponsors who are the real clear and present danger.


The efforts to remove Mr Ramjattan stems from the dead-enders Caribj wing of the old PNC hell-bent on ethnic cleansing and further "Africanizing" the GoG.  The only place they see for Indian in Guyana is cutting cane, shying paddy and forking dutty.


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