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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by cain:

You should try prune juice, I hear it helps with your problem. You crotchety goat.

You must speak to your fellow AFCites in that manner because that's all you guys spew all day...the prune juice shit.

HEHEHE Ow Bhai nah fish up brother Cain so.

Cain is an old AFC fart who still chewing on free bread that GR donated in favor to speak shit on behalf of parasites. Them Canadians can be easily brainwash, except D_G.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by cain:

You should try prune juice, I hear it helps with your problem. You crotchety goat.

You must speak to your fellow AFCites in that manner because that's all you guys spew all day...the prune juice shit.

HEHEHE Ow Bhai nah fish up brother Cain so.

Cain is an old AFC fart who still chewing on free bread that GR donated in favor to speak shit on behalf of parasites. Them Canadians can be easily brainwash, except D_G.

Ow Bhai Canada cold and meh hear Dem bhias dont get it often.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by cain:

You should try prune juice, I hear it helps with your problem. You crotchety goat.

You must speak to your fellow AFCites in that manner because that's all you guys spew all day...the prune juice shit.

HEHEHE Ow Bhai nah fish up brother Cain so.

Cain is an old AFC fart who still chewing on free bread that GR donated in favor to speak shit on behalf of parasites. Them Canadians can be easily brainwash, except D_G.

In the case of Dementia_Guy, there is no hope to brainwash him as there are no healthy cells left in his brain. 


Even them boys on GNI running cold without anything new. I watch the episode in parliament how brazen the opposition could be even when confronted with facts. They want to be honorable gentlemen of the house and the oppositions are all dishonorable and fighting to save faces by relying on one frostbitten seat. I am getting to dislike Trotman on every grounds. He is the most bias speaker Guyana will ever seen.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Even them boys on GNI running cold without anything new. I watch the episode in parliament how brazen the opposition could be even when confronted with facts. They want to be honorable gentlemen of the house and the oppositions are all dishonorable and fighting to save faces by relying on one frostbitten seat. I am getting to dislike Trotman on every grounds. He is the most bias speaker Guyana will ever seen.

Dont ever call that FOOL a Speaker. He is a DISGRACE to Speakers all over the World. In Fiji and Malaysia Dem ah Laff Haaad Haad when dem read about his actions. In England dem ah ask which MAD MAN is the S-----r of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Even them boys on GNI running cold without anything new. I watch the episode in parliament how brazen the opposition could be even when confronted with facts. They want to be honorable gentlemen of the house and the oppositions are all dishonorable and fighting to save faces by relying on one frostbitten seat. I am getting to dislike Trotman on every grounds. He is the most bias speaker Guyana will ever seen.

Dont ever call that FOOL a Speaker. He is a DISGRACE to Speakers all over the World. In Fiji and Malaysia Dem ah Laff Haaad Haad when dem read about his actions. In England dem ah ask which MAD MAN is the S-----r of Guyana.

You said it right...Guyana news travels all over the world and he will go down in history as a PNC crabdag. Them fella is targetting the mighty Jagdeo to cut his monthly allowance to $5000 dollars per month. That's chicken feed for Jagdeo but it's the principle that's involved. You watch and see if APNU or AFC ever to win election, they will vote to increase those allowances. Anil Nandlall exposed Moses on his voting patters in parliament on the same issue in 2009 because he thought he was going to be president and now he voted against it now that he's out and mingling with neemakarams. The chap bare face in high day light.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Even them boys on GNI running cold without anything new. I watch the episode in parliament how brazen the opposition could be even when confronted with facts. They want to be honorable gentlemen of the house and the oppositions are all dishonorable and fighting to save faces by relying on one frostbitten seat. I am getting to dislike Trotman on every grounds. He is the most bias speaker Guyana will ever seen.

Dont ever call that FOOL a Speaker. He is a DISGRACE to Speakers all over the World. In Fiji and Malaysia Dem ah Laff Haaad Haad when dem read about his actions. In England dem ah ask which MAD MAN is the S-----r of Guyana.

You said it right...Guyana news travels all over the world and he will go down in history as a PNC crabdag. Them fella is targetting the mighty Jagdeo to cut his monthly allowance to $5000 dollars per month. That's chicken feed for Jagdeo but it's the principle that's involved. You watch and see if APNU or AFC ever to win election, they will vote to increase those allowances. Anil Nandlall exposed Moses on his voting patters in parliament on the same issue in 2009 because he thought he was going to be president and now he voted against it now that he's out and mingling with neemakarams. The chap bare face in high day light.

YUh see how Anil FISH UP Moses in Parliament Dat was something else but the man has become SHAMELESS so that is nothing to him. I am sure he was laughing.  First time I see Ashni so HAPPY, pounding the Table and thing while Moses sits a SHAMELESS man.


What pisses me off is when they talk about democracy. The PPP have all the credit for transforming Guyana to what it is today. Granger time was all about Guyline, Guyshit and Guypiss and to oppress indians. They sufficate the country from open market and private investment, and in Parliament, Roopnarine was talking about the ugliness of concrete structures and Guyanese developments and he also get fished up by Ashnie.  

Originally Posted by warrior:

its too bad they only cut is allowance and not hang him from the nearest tree in the days of the ROMANS they will nail him on the cross for stealing

You talking balls, they couldn't touch his with ten foot rod. However, I will allow you to tell me WHY they should hang him...and please don't come with balls again...give me PROVEN facts as to why he should be crucified.
Originally Posted by warrior:

shout a little more loud the people will belive you maybe you should ask ralph who is thiefing

Talking about Ralph Ramkarran, he wouldn't be a neemakaram like Moses and join a parasite party. If yall singing the praises of Ramkarran to get him to be a traitor then think again. Moses mention Ralph name a few times in parliament as though he can walk in Ralph's shoes. Gwan rass claat.


why you fighting is it because the government have no power and you fools crying like little wimps if you in control why come on this site do like what the government use to do before the last election and bully every body in everything that they feel like ops the people did make you lose that power its like god joke

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by warrior:

shout a little more loud the people will belive you maybe you should ask ralph who is thiefing

Talking about Ralph Ramkarran, he wouldn't be a neemakaram like Moses and join a parasite party. If yall singing the praises of Ramkarran to get him to be a traitor then think again. Moses mention Ralph name a few times in parliament as though he can walk in Ralph's shoes. Gwan rass claat.

The reverse might be true here. It is Ralph who cannot walk in Moses' shoes. Remember Ralph cooperated with the Jagdeo/Ramoutar cabal in the fake presidential candidate selections. Although he knew he was used and cheated he still hang on hoping to return as speaker ! Ralph knew of the corruption even before the last elections and did not participate in the campaign. Would Ralph have resigned if he was elected speaker ? Moses on the othe hand challenged the Jagdeo/Ramouthar cabal before and after he resigned. Ralph sat on the sideline grinning.


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