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Former Member

Dember 3, 2016


While Government Ministers are still benefiting from their 50 per cent salary increases that they afforded themselves upon ascension into office, in addition to a host of amenities prescribed to their tenure such as free, phone, electricity and water among other utilities, they are expecting the citizens to adjust their lifestyles to cope with the impending VAT measures, aimed primarily at increasing the Government’s revenue base.

This public conservative approach was alluded to by Communities Minister Ronald Bulkan, who is of the firm view that the 14 per cent Valued Added Tax (VAT) which the 2017 Budget proposes that citizens pay on electricity bills exceeding $10,000 monthly, and water bills exceeding $1500 monthly would not affect them, provided that the conserve on the amount of water and electricity they utilize.

Communities Minister Ronald Bulkan
Communities Minister Ronald Bulkan

Bulkan speaking during a programme, “Budget in Focus”, aired on the National Communications Network (NCN) explained that with regards to the VAT on the water, he has done some calculations. He said that, for the VAT consumption at $1,500 per month, the tariff for someone living outside of Georgetown is about $61 per cubic meter of water and that this, “works out to 12 of those large black tanks per month so if a consumer can keep their consumption at two-and-a-half days for one of those 400 gallon black tanks, then the VAT does not apply.”

The tariff in Georgetown is a little higher and as such, Minister Bulkan explained that for a person living within the town, to keep their utility bill under $1500 per month, they would have to make one of those large black tanks last for four days.

“I do not think that there is any secret that there is a lot of waste of water out there, and whilst it is true that there is this popular opinion that water should be free because it is widely available, it is the delivery of that water, purified and treated that there is a cost incurred,” the Minister said.

He noted that the tariff that is being applied does not cater for the entire production cost and therefore, “it is important that as a nation, as individuals, we begin to practice conservation,” he said.

On the question of the 14 per cent VAT on electricity at $10,000 per month, Minister Bulkan also did some calculations and he said, “for the consumers that have a fridge, a washing machine, two fans, a microwave and a television and standard lighting, with the current tariff of $43.43 per kilowatt, their light bill will average $8,500 per month.”

He noted that this speaks to over 85 per cent of the customer base of Guyana Power & Light (GPL). “It is only the persons who are well off, who have air-condition, and such would the VAT apply to,” the Minister said.

According to Bulkan “of course we all have heard the naysayers out there seeking to condemn the budget. I hear the Leader of the Opposition refer to it as an ominous budget, but I believe that when the impacts resulting from the execution of the measures that are in the budget are felt, that verdict that we would hear from the average person would be a positive one.”

Apart from the Opposition Leader, the Private Sector Commission, the business community and others including economists have spoken out against some of the repressive measures outlined in the 2017 Budget.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I hear Bulkan tell the people when them get Bellywuk reading the details of the Budgeg, to wipe Dem Batty with Grass so not to have to pay VAT.


In the history of the World, no Country was ever ruled by ALL DONKEYS until 18 months ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jackass Granger targeting the Indians to squeeze vat out of them for higher electricity and water usage.  Some Black neighborhoods are known to steal electricity and water under the PPP administration. My assumption is that this practice continues under the Granger administration. In fact they even killed a GPL manager when he went to cut off electricity during PPP time. 

Imran posted:
Nehru posted:

I hope this is a lesson to Guyanese. Never give JACKASSES to rule you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am yet to see a successful country under these people...

You sure what happen some of the Caribbean Countries are not successful?? lots of Indo Guyanese reside in some of them.

I will share a little story,my Afro ST.Lucian friend cousin visit my home for the first time,while in the conversation she mentioned this Indo Guyanese who went to St.Lucia who was very poor, they set up a stand was selling on the street corner,eventually they moved up in life,she mentioned nothing bad about them for that matter they are friends.

Indo Guyanese need to emerge out of that racist cocoon,we are not superior to any other race.

Django posted:
Imran posted:
Nehru posted:

I hope this is a lesson to Guyanese. Never give JACKASSES to rule you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am yet to see a successful country under these people...

You sure what happen some of the Caribbean Countries are not successful?? lots of Indo Guyanese reside in some of them.

I will share a little story,my Afro ST.Lucian friend cousin visit my home for the first time,while in the conversation she mentioned this Indo Guyanese who went to St.Lucia who was very poor, they set up a stand was selling on the street corner,eventually they moved up in life,she mentioned nothing bad about them for that matter they are friends.

Indo Guyanese need to emerge out of that racist cocoon,we are not superior to any other race.

Take your head out the sand for your godfather Granger... What's your contribution on the subject matter..

Regarding the Indo Guyanese on the street corner... they are successful because because they are INDO..

Your Afro St Lucia Friend Cousins... was eating in your house and enjoy the Indo food you rass ... what the hell you expect them to say... 

Last edited by Former Member

"On the question of the 14 per cent VAT on electricity at $10,000 per month, Minister Bulkan also did some calculations and he said, “for the consumers that have a fridge, a washing machine, two fans, a microwave and a television and standard lighting, with the current tariff of $43.43 per kilowatt, their light bill will average $8,500 per month.”

He noted that this speaks to over 85 per cent of the customer base of Guyana Power & Light (GPL). “It is only the persons who are well off, who have air-condition, and such would the VAT apply to,” the Minister said."

Arright Imran,

Let us get back to the subject any dispute an what Minister Bulkan said about the consumption of electricity.

I man study Electronics suh i know lil bit about Electricity and we have VVP the engineer on this BB.

Present your case...

Django posted:

"On the question of the 14 per cent VAT on electricity at $10,000 per month, Minister Bulkan also did some calculations and he said, “for the consumers that have a fridge, a washing machine, two fans, a microwave and a television and standard lighting, with the current tariff of $43.43 per kilowatt, their light bill will average $8,500 per month.”

He noted that this speaks to over 85 per cent of the customer base of Guyana Power & Light (GPL). “It is only the persons who are well off, who have air-condition, and such would the VAT apply to,” the Minister said."

Arright Imran,

Let us get back to the subject any dispute an what Minister Bulkan said about the consumption of electricity.

I man study Electronics suh i know lil bit about Electricity and we have VVP the engineer on this BB.

Present your case...

It's not about electricity, it's about economics, at the consumer level!

Django posted:

"On the question of the 14 per cent VAT on electricity at $10,000 per month, Minister Bulkan also did some calculations and he said, “for the consumers that have a fridge, a washing machine, two fans, a microwave and a television and standard lighting, with the current tariff of $43.43 per kilowatt, their light bill will average $8,500 per month.”

He noted that this speaks to over 85 per cent of the customer base of Guyana Power & Light (GPL). “It is only the persons who are well off, who have air-condition, and such would the VAT apply to,” the Minister said."

Arright Imran,

Let us get back to the subject any dispute an what Minister Bulkan said about the consumption of electricity.

I man study Electronics suh i know lil bit about Electricity and we have VVP the engineer on this BB.

Present your case...

Standard Electricity...right!!! What  happens  to the extra lights around the house to keep the criminals out... frequent blackout... in Guyana the meter jump further when the electricity comes on.  

at 43.43 per KW - 230 kw  total per month 

Average of 8 kw per day 

1.5 KW extra per day with surpass the $ 10000 m 


Last edited by Former Member

BTW 7 KW will surpass the $ 10000. 

7 X 230 per KW - 1610 + 8500 = $ 10,110. 

7 KW is nothing 

What kind of formula is that ??

1 kilowatt cost=$43.43 suh $8,500.00 will purchase 195.71 kilowatt

am i on the right page??

bear in mind energy is charged per kilowatt hour.

Django posted:

BTW 7 KW will surpass the $ 10000. 

7 X 230 per KW - 1610 + 8500 = $ 10,110. 

7 KW is nothing 

What kind of formula is that ??

1 kilowatt cost=$43.43 suh $8,500.00 will purchase 195.71 kilowatt

am i on the right page??

bear in mind energy is charged per kilowatt hour.

Yeah I man make a mistake. But I correct em man. Hope I rite 

Imran posted:
Django posted:

"On the question of the 14 per cent VAT on electricity at $10,000 per month, Minister Bulkan also did some calculations and he said, “for the consumers that have a fridge, a washing machine, two fans, a microwave and a television and standard lighting, with the current tariff of $43.43 per kilowatt, their light bill will average $8,500 per month.”

He noted that this speaks to over 85 per cent of the customer base of Guyana Power & Light (GPL). “It is only the persons who are well off, who have air-condition, and such would the VAT apply to,” the Minister said."

Arright Imran,

Let us get back to the subject any dispute an what Minister Bulkan said about the consumption of electricity.

I man study Electronics suh i know lil bit about Electricity and we have VVP the engineer on this BB.

Present your case...

Standard Electricity...right!!! What  happens  to the extra lights around the house to keep the criminals out... frequent blackout... in Guyana the meter jump further when the electricity comes on.  

at 43.43 per KW - 230 kw  total per month 

Average of 8 kw per day 

1.5 KW extra per day with surpass the $ 10000 m 




This is modern time bhai,

there are lots of energy saving bulbs not like the olden days using incandescent bulbs that sucks up energy,the humongous refrigerator uses less energy today,electronics devices and appliances have been designed for a while now to reduce energy consumption,that why you see the "ENERGY STAR LOGO"


On the positive side, it might spur roof-top solar panels which will help mitigate the running costs.  Not sure of the economics.  Maybe Granger can seek the assistance of Norway or China to get a supply of cheap solar panels and sell to home owners!

ba$eman posted:

On the positive side, it might spur roof-top solar panels which will help mitigate the running costs.  Not sure of the economics.  Maybe Granger can seek the assistance of Norway or China to get a supply of cheap solar panels and sell to home owners!

Solar generating of power pays off,excess power not used during peak period are sold to the grid,there have been improvements in the efficiency of the solar panels made today and the prices is down.

Well cheap is not good,these products are not very efficient.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:

On the positive side, it might spur roof-top solar panels which will help mitigate the running costs.  Not sure of the economics.  Maybe Granger can seek the assistance of Norway or China to get a supply of cheap solar panels and sell to home owners!

Solar generating of power pays off,excess power not used during peak period are sold to the grid,there have been improvements in the efficiency of the solar panels made today and the prices is down.

Well cheap is not good,these products are not very efficient.

When I say "cheap", I don't mean cheap quality, but low costs.  As I said, I don't know of the economics as every country I know applies subsidies to make the economics work.

ba$eman posted:

When I say "cheap", I don't mean cheap quality, but low costs.  As I said, I don't know of the economics as every country I know applies subsidies to make the economics work.

All GY government have do is make all Solar Generating Equipment duty free.

Not sure if that's already in the books.

ba$eman posted:

On the positive side, it might spur roof-top solar panels which will help mitigate the running costs.  Not sure of the economics.  Maybe Granger can seek the assistance of Norway or China to get a supply of cheap solar panels and sell to home owners!

If they don't get ripped off and sold in the black market.

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:

On the positive side, it might spur roof-top solar panels which will help mitigate the running costs.  Not sure of the economics.  Maybe Granger can seek the assistance of Norway or China to get a supply of cheap solar panels and sell to home owners!

Solar generating of power pays off,excess power not used during peak period are sold to the grid,there have been improvements in the efficiency of the solar panels made today and the prices is down.

Well cheap is not good,these products are not very efficient.

When I say "cheap", I don't mean cheap quality, but low costs.  As I said, I don't know of the economics as every country I know applies subsidies to make the economics work.

PNc and their supporters most times cannot distinguish between quality and quantity.


Clearly the hikes in electricity and water are targeted at Indians who will consume over the vat treshhold. Many Indians now have air conditioning/hot water heaters for creature comforts.  And more apt to utilize water in cleaning yards, watering flower plants and hygiene in general.  


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