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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:


digging up old post to tarnish Trotty is infantile,Weslhman was setup [by you know who] to throw some dirt and it backfired.

What happened to the case you have any info.???

So this is infantile and whenyou all broadcasting what is going on in other people's bedroom that is OK????

Pelt your mud at someone else.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:


digging up old post to tarnish Trotty is infantile,Weslhman was setup [by you know who] to throw some dirt and it backfired.

What happened to the case you have any info.???

So this is infantile and when you all broadcasting what is going on in other people's bedroom that is OK????

No wonder Mithwah is walking around with Jagdeo's shoe print on his face and rear. Kudos to Jagdeo.

Django posted:


digging up old post to tarnish Trotty is infantile,Weslhman was setup [by you know who] to throw some dirt and it backfired.

What happened to the case you have any info.???

I wonder when they gonna bring up the other lying wretch who blamed the opposition for an acid attack on her. Election over so she disappeared so did lying fagbutt Johnny.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:


digging up old post to tarnish Trotty is infantile,Weslhman was setup [by you know who] to throw some dirt and it backfired.

What happened to the case you have any info.???

So this is infantile and when you all broadcasting what is going on in other people's bedroom that is OK????

Oh stop it

The Welshman case regarding Trotman was beyond weak while  Jagdeo's business was nailed on a lantern post by his ex-wife

Further, I have yet to see here any passionate 'defense' of Trotman's virtue (no one really cares) the likes of which you bring daily regarding Jagdeo as if he is yuh man or yuh family

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Guyana gat plenty Laff. The woman was Trotty Assistant at the Min of Nat Res. You think she is Guyana Monika Lewinsky????

In Berbice they would say that Trotty choice box has a big hole. With all of the beautiful women Guyana, is that the one that Trotty chose ?

Dem Dougla girls are the prettiest, how come he could not find one ?

As one poster suggested, Trotty must have done this wedding to cover up something.

Last edited by Former Member

Is this what you people sit on your asses and do in this forum, while there are other serious issues that need addressing... why not make a contribution to the society (guyana) you talk about... as old ppl does sey "mouth tar and guitar a two different things"... all of u overseas based Guyanese how about joining hands to make a positive contribution to your society, maybe since most of you politicking on social media casting stones and deciding what's right for the Guyanese ppl, you should together come up with a plan to see some economic growth and changes u all talking about; you all are just a waste of space, put your thoughts into something more contributory to society, and if y'all paying taxes in any other country besides guyana then decide for that country not us... truth be told the coalition is no better than the PPP.... PPP done thief, fill their pockets and living it up...wha y'all think BJ got to work at 8 or 9am tommorrow like most of you, he sipping on some fine wine laughing at some ppl championing his cause, he ain't got much work to do, stupid dumb folks doing the job, and well the Coalition took over from where he left off....

Princess posted:

Is this what you people sit on your asses and do in this forum, while there are other serious issues that need addressing... why not make a contribution to the society (guyana) you talk about... as old ppl does sey "mouth tar and guitar a two different things"...

Perhaps, you are unaware and in a different world to state that individuals on GNI do not contribute to Guyana.

Princess posted:

Is this what you people sit on your asses and do in this forum, while there are other serious issues that need addressing... why not make a contribution to the society (guyana) you talk about... as old ppl does sey "mouth tar and guitar a two different things"... all of u overseas based Guyanese how about joining hands to make a positive contribution to your society, maybe since most of you politicking on social media casting stones and deciding what's right for the Guyanese ppl, you should together come up with a plan to see some economic growth and changes u all talking about; you all are just a waste of space, put your thoughts into something more contributory to society, and if y'all paying taxes in any other country besides guyana then decide for that country not us... truth be told the coalition is no better than the PPP.... PPP done thief, fill their pockets and living it up...wha y'all think BJ got to work at 8 or 9am tommorrow like most of you, he sipping on some fine wine laughing at some ppl championing his cause, he ain't got much work to do, stupid dumb folks doing the job, and well the Coalition took over from where he left off....

Princess, a con like you are asking members to make a contribution? Looks like you think Guyana has altar boys in the government. PPP done thief, PNC done thief one round already. They are on their second round of emptying the treasury. Looks like you following Jagdeo step for step. Just guh haul you rass dah side.


It's take one con to know another, why am I even replying to this shit...will gladly remove myself fr this group of idlers , my husband had me join to read comments ppl here made about a decent individual during the last election, hence my membership in this group... clearly if u don't know someone personally don't assinate the person's character, wouldn't like it for anyone of your family members and you all won't know how words affect the lives of ppl, just because they hold high profile jobs and public offices doesn't make them less of a human being, there are still some humans that live by honesty and intergrity....goodbye all!!'

Last edited by Former Member
Princess posted:

It's take one con to know another, why am I even replying to this shit...will gladly remove myself fr this group of idlers , my husband had me join to read comments ppl here made about a decent individual during the last election, hence my membership in this group... clearly if u don't know someone personally don't assinate the person's character, wouldn't like it for anyone of your family members and you all won't know how words affect the lives of ppl, just because they hold high profile jobs and public offices doesn't make them less of a human being, there are still some humans that live by honesty and intergrity....goodbye all!!'

Please tell your husband, Sheik101 that Cobra says hello. Thanks, Princess.


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