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Former Member

it has nothing to do with whether they are deserving . . . it is simply a necessary building block in the war on corruption


these are the full-time people, some of whom could make much more outside of Gov't, esecially overseas


MPs are part-time, and can hold down other jobs, so do not need the salary increase as much; their allowances should be increased to encourge work in the communities where their focus should be


the PM and the President should hold the line on their own salary increase for morale purposes and to underline that the purpose is good and not greed . . . their basic expenses & lifestyle is thoroughly subsidised by the taxpayer anyways, as it should be


this kind of adult thinking is hard to sell to infants; unfortunately, those in charge are going about this in an inarticulate, less-than-fortright manner; leaving space for the real thieves, the bigots and charlatans to vomit their lies floating on top of much evil . . . to carry the day

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by redux:

it has nothing to do with whether they are deserving . . . it is simply a necessary building block in the war on corruption


these are the full-time people, some of whom could make much more outside of Gov't, esecially overseas


MPs are part-time, and can hold down other jobs, so do not need the salary increase as much; their allowances should be increased to encourge work in the communities where their focus should be


the PM and the President should hold the line on their own salary increase for morale purposes and to underline that the purpose is good and not greed . . . their basic expenses & lifestyle is thoroughly subsidised by the taxpayer anyways, as it should be


this kind of adult thinking is hard to sell to infants; unfortunately, those in charge are going about this in an inarticulate, less-than-fortright manner; leaving space for the real thieves, the bigots and charlatans to vomit their lies floating on top of much evil . . . to carry the day

Bai, you preaching to the choir.  Me done seh, change is:


PPP salary + lil bribe = PNC new salary structure = End of corruption.  Now all the sweet woman dem happy.


You rass late, baseman lapping yuh and yuh think yuh ahead.  You build the corruption premium into the friggin' salary, corruption done,(at least till the 2nd and 3rd sweet woman show up wid she big belly).


You, Caribj, Itaname, just infantile jealosy!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Bai, you preaching to the choir.  Me done seh, change is:


PPP salary + lil bribe = PNC new salary structure = End of corruption.  Now all the sweet woman dem happy.


You rass late, baseman lapping yuh and yuh think yuh ahead.  You build the corruption premium into the friggin' salary, corruption done,(at least till the 2nd and 3rd sweet woman show up wid she big belly).


You, Caribj, Itaname, just infantile jealosy!!

dude, don't u have some antiman party u need to prepare your klown act for?


juss prancing around in a buckta, after all, can only take u so far . . . even with barat and anil's sponsorship and subsidy

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Bai, you preaching to the choir.  Me done seh, change is:


PPP salary + lil bribe = PNC new salary structure = End of corruption.  Now all the sweet woman dem happy.


You rass late, baseman lapping yuh and yuh think yuh ahead.  You build the corruption premium into the friggin' salary, corruption done,(at least till the 2nd and 3rd sweet woman show up wid she big belly).


You, Caribj, Itaname, just infantile jealosy!!

dude, don't u have some antiman party u need to prepare your klown act for?


juss prancing around in a buckta, after all, can only take u so far . . . even with barat and anil's sponsorship and subsidy

Hey hey, did I say something wrong??

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Bai, you preaching to the choir.  Me done seh, change is:


PPP salary + lil bribe = PNC new salary structure = End of corruption.  Now all the sweet woman dem happy.


You rass late, baseman lapping yuh and yuh think yuh ahead.  You build the corruption premium into the friggin' salary, corruption done,(at least till the 2nd and 3rd sweet woman show up wid she big belly).


You, Caribj, Itaname, just infantile jealosy!!

dude, don't u have some antiman party u need to prepare your klown act for?


juss prancing around in a buckta, after all, can only take u so far . . . even with barat and anil's sponsorship and subsidy

Hey hey, did I say something wrong??

no one really cares what u have to say . . . people just watching yuh do de PPP antiman dance for de rat and babbie and anil looking on sans sunshades . . . watching the spectacle


clap clap

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Bai, you preaching to the choir.  Me done seh, change is:


PPP salary + lil bribe = PNC new salary structure = End of corruption.  Now all the sweet woman dem happy.


You rass late, baseman lapping yuh and yuh think yuh ahead.  You build the corruption premium into the friggin' salary, corruption done,(at least till the 2nd and 3rd sweet woman show up wid she big belly).


You, Caribj, Itaname, just infantile jealosy!!

dude, don't u have some antiman party u need to prepare your klown act for?


juss prancing around in a buckta, after all, can only take u so far . . . even with barat and anil's sponsorship and subsidy

Hey hey, did I say something wrong??

no one really cares what u have to say . . . people just watching yuh do de PPP antiman dance for de rat and babbie and anil looking on sans sunshades . . . watching the spectacle


clap clap

Hay banna, alyuh just skinning di cyatt only lil different.  Not so, or you playing PNC stupid!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Bai, you preaching to the choir.  Me done seh, change is:


PPP salary + lil bribe = PNC new salary structure = End of corruption.  Now all the sweet woman dem happy.


You rass late, baseman lapping yuh and yuh think yuh ahead.  You build the corruption premium into the friggin' salary, corruption done,(at least till the 2nd and 3rd sweet woman show up wid she big belly).


You, Caribj, Itaname, just infantile jealosy!!

dude, don't u have some antiman party u need to prepare your klown act for?


juss prancing around in a buckta, after all, can only take u so far . . . even with barat and anil's sponsorship and subsidy

Hey hey, did I say something wrong??

no one really cares what u have to say . . . people just watching yuh do de PPP antiman dance for de rat and babbie and anil looking on sans sunshades . . . watching the spectacle


clap clap

Hay banna, alyuh just skinning di cyatt only lil different.  Not so, or you playing PNC stupid!!

i much prefer skinning you up so that all can see your nakedness and have a good laugh

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Bai, you preaching to the choir.  Me done seh, change is:


PPP salary + lil bribe = PNC new salary structure = End of corruption.  Now all the sweet woman dem happy.


You rass late, baseman lapping yuh and yuh think yuh ahead.  You build the corruption premium into the friggin' salary, corruption done,(at least till the 2nd and 3rd sweet woman show up wid she big belly).


You, Caribj, Itaname, just infantile jealosy!!

dude, don't u have some antiman party u need to prepare your klown act for?


juss prancing around in a buckta, after all, can only take u so far . . . even with barat and anil's sponsorship and subsidy

Hey hey, did I say something wrong??

no one really cares what u have to say . . . people just watching yuh do de PPP antiman dance for de rat and babbie and anil looking on sans sunshades . . . watching the spectacle


clap clap

Hay banna, alyuh just skinning di cyatt only lil different.  Not so, or you playing PNC stupid!!

i much prefer skinning you up so that all can see your nakedness and laugh

Hmm, you is Caribj "pole" defender??  Lil session buddy!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Bai, you preaching to the choir.  Me done seh, change is:


PPP salary + lil bribe = PNC new salary structure = End of corruption.  Now all the sweet woman dem happy.


You rass late, baseman lapping yuh and yuh think yuh ahead.  You build the corruption premium into the friggin' salary, corruption done,(at least till the 2nd and 3rd sweet woman show up wid she big belly).


You, Caribj, Itaname, just infantile jealosy!!

dude, don't u have some antiman party u need to prepare your klown act for?


juss prancing around in a buckta, after all, can only take u so far . . . even with barat and anil's sponsorship and subsidy

Hey hey, did I say something wrong??

no one really cares what u have to say . . . people just watching yuh do de PPP antiman dance for de rat and babbie and anil looking on sans sunshades . . . watching the spectacle


clap clap

Hay banna, alyuh just skinning di cyatt only lil different.  Not so, or you playing PNC stupid!!

i much prefer skinning you up so that all can see your nakedness and laugh

Hmm, you is Caribj "pole" defender??  Lil session buddy!

what little wit u thought u had failing you now . . . uh huh


u down to yuh sharts now

Originally Posted by redux:

it has nothing to do with whether they are deserving . . . it is simply a necessary building block in the war on corruption


these are the full-time people, some of whom could make much more outside of Gov't, esecially overseas


MPs are part-time, and can hold down other jobs, so do not need the salary increase as much; their allowances should be increased to encourge work in the communities where their focus should be


the PM and the President should hold the line on their own salary increase for morale purposes and to underline that the purpose is good and not greed . . . their basic expenses & lifestyle is thoroughly subsidised by the taxpayer anyways, as it should be


this kind of adult thinking is hard to sell to infants; unfortunately, those in charge are going about this in an inarticulate, less-than-fortright manner; leaving space for the real thieves, the bigots and charlatans to vomit their lies floating on top of much evil . . . to carry the day

I agree.


However, considering the coalition's previous opposition to this when the PPP was in office, they should have 1) waited a little longer, maybe after a few months and b) sell the concept to the public first. 


The way its been done smacks of corruption and "abe no different".

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by redux:

it has nothing to do with whether they are deserving . . . it is simply a necessary building block in the war on corruption


these are the full-time people, some of whom could make much more outside of Gov't, esecially overseas


MPs are part-time, and can hold down other jobs, so do not need the salary increase as much; their allowances should be increased to encourge work in the communities where their focus should be


the PM and the President should hold the line on their own salary increase for morale purposes and to underline that the purpose is good and not greed . . . their basic expenses & lifestyle is thoroughly subsidised by the taxpayer anyways, as it should be


this kind of adult thinking is hard to sell to infants; unfortunately, those in charge are going about this in an inarticulate, less-than-fortright manner; leaving space for the real thieves, the bigots and charlatans to vomit their lies floating on top of much evil . . . to carry the day

I agree.


However, considering the coalition's previous opposition to this when the PPP was in office, they should have 1) waited a little longer, maybe after a few months and b) sell the concept to the public first. 


The way its been done smacks of corruption and "abe no different".

Alyuh coolies should live and learn from Black people.  You see how them different from us coolies.  We coolies are our own worse enemy, we get a real high cussing out and dragging down we mattie.


Look at how this things gon go.  Black people already lining up behind their massa big salaries which will end up with them burying PPP leaders in acquired wealth.  Ordinary Black people will eat grass and wild edoe but that will be very happy and proud of the big big villas of their dear black massas.  You watch how the will happily point out their dear leaders castles with glee and admiration while they lumber home to their little tent and wild edoe stew.  They will use that to inspire their kids to obey, go to school, and aspire to become a minister and live large like massa.  If you fail, go beat up and rob dem coolie scrooges.  You see Redux, Caribj, Itaname, etc sounded negative on these announced increases, is not it was wrong, just look lil bad that the PPP did not really leave things as bad after all.  Now watch how them gon line up behind, and support their black massa.


Coolies, on the other hand are covetous.  They are happy when they, their immediate clan, kids, etc make it big.  They will feel proud and happy at showing the success of their clan.  However, they will tear down, ridicule and try their utmost to show their mattie coolie success is shady, after they must be into drugs, or tiefing.  Coolies will do whatever it takes to show they are better then their successful mattie, the will hold hands with blacks to sink their claws, and climb onto the backs of their own.  They will join up, cuss, spit and piss of their mattie with the hope of becoming a protected and loved house pet.


See now, and remember how the coolie crabs was cussing out the PPP, see how they can't wait for black massa beat up and lynch their mattie coolie.  This is a coolie best day, the day his mattie get beat up and brought down. They will join up and help the blacks so it don't look "racial".  In doing so, they hope to get something for themselves and they can stand and piss on their mattie.


Today look at how coolie crabs coming around to accepting the PNC can tief just like the PPP, just institutionalize it, and better you, PLEASE gi me lil piece action too nah, look me hey perked up wagging me tail.  I mean me ain't cuss, spit and beat up pon me mattie for nothing, me want in.  Some of them sitting here in North America just salivating at them big increases, now dem gon write and talk nuff and show how smart they are (much more than King Kong) and how they can solve all Guyana's problems with the hope of landing a nice payload.


Aye aye aye coolies, what can I say, we just don't have enough Nehrus, Cobras, Yujjis and baseman.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by redux:

it has nothing to do with whether they are deserving . . . it is simply a necessary building block in the war on corruption


these are the full-time people, some of whom could make much more outside of Gov't, esecially overseas


MPs are part-time, and can hold down other jobs, so do not need the salary increase as much; their allowances should be increased to encourge work in the communities where their focus should be


the PM and the President should hold the line on their own salary increase for morale purposes and to underline that the purpose is good and not greed . . . their basic expenses & lifestyle is thoroughly subsidised by the taxpayer anyways, as it should be


this kind of adult thinking is hard to sell to infants; unfortunately, those in charge are going about this in an inarticulate, less-than-fortright manner; leaving space for the real thieves, the bigots and charlatans to vomit their lies floating on top of much evil . . . to carry the day

I agree.


However, considering the coalition's previous opposition to this when the PPP was in office, they should have 1) waited a little longer, maybe after a few months and b) sell the concept to the public first. 


The way its been done smacks of corruption and "abe no different".

Alyuh coolies should live and learn from Black people.  You see how them different from us coolies.  We coolies are our own worse enemy, we get a real high cussing out and dragging down we mattie.


Look at how this things gon go.  Black people already lining up behind their massa big salaries which will end up with them burying PPP leaders in acquired wealth.  Ordinary Black people will eat grass and wild edoe but that will be very happy and proud of the big big villas of their dear black massas.  You watch how the will happily point out their dear leaders castles with glee and admiration while they lumber home to their little tent and wild edoe stew.  They will use that to inspire their kids to obey, go to school, and aspire to become a minister and live large like massa.  If you fail, go beat up and rob dem coolie scrooges.  You see Redux, Caribj, Itaname, etc sounded negative on these announced increases, is not it was wrong, just look lil bad that the PPP did not really leave things as bad after all.  Now watch how them gon line up behind, and support their black massa.


Coolies, on the other hand are covetous.  They are happy when they, their immediate clan, kids, etc make it big.  They will feel proud and happy at showing the success of their clan.  However, they will tear down, ridicule and try their utmost to show their mattie coolie success is shady, after they must be into drugs, or tiefing.  Coolies will do whatever it takes to show they are better then their successful mattie, the will hold hands with blacks to sink their claws, and climb onto the backs of their own.  They will join up, cuss, spit and piss of their mattie with the hope of becoming a protected and loved house pet.


See now, and remember how the coolie crabs was cussing out the PPP, see how they can't wait for black massa beat up and lynch their mattie coolie.  This is a coolie best day, the day his mattie get beat up and brought down. They will join up and help the blacks so it don't look "racial".  In doing so, they hope to get something for themselves and they can stand and piss on their mattie.


Today look at how coolie crabs coming around to accepting the PNC can tief just like the PPP, just institutionalize it, and better you, PLEASE gi me lil piece action too nah, look me hey perked up wagging me tail.  I mean me ain't cuss, spit and beat up pon me mattie for nothing, me want in.  Some of them sitting here in North America just salivating at them big increases, now dem gon write and talk nuff and show how smart they are (much more than King Kong) and how they can solve all Guyana's problems with the hope of landing a nice payload.


Aye aye aye coolies, what can I say, we just don't have enough Nehrus, Cobras, Yujjis and baseman.

I dont have a problem with a little bit of thieving. Everyone does that. As long as they keep it to the bare minimum and not steal the entire treasury like Papa and Baby Doc of Haiti. There is something terribly wrong also when a minister, making a small salary can end up with a huge mansion in a few months.


If everyone stealing big time can you imagine the level at which this will be when oil money pouring in?


We need an integrity commission with teeth and a full declaration of personal assets before a person takes office, so we can monitor their worth after demitting office and scrutinize their acquired wealth then also.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Alyuh coolies should live and learn from Black people.  You see how them different from us coolies.  We coolies are our own worse enemy, we get a real high cussing out and dragging down we mattie.


Look at how this things gon go.  Black people already lining up behind their massa big salaries which will end up with them burying PPP leaders in acquired wealth.  Ordinary Black people will eat grass and wild edoe but that will be very happy and proud of the big big villas of their dear black massas.  You watch how the will happily point out their dear leaders castles with glee and admiration while they lumber home to their little tent and wild edoe stew.  They will use that to inspire their kids to obey, go to school, and aspire to become a minister and live large like massa.  If you fail, go beat up and rob dem coolie scrooges.  You see Redux, Caribj, Itaname, etc sounded negative on these announced increases, is not it was wrong, just look lil bad that the PPP did not really leave things as bad after all.  Now watch how them gon line up behind, and support their black massa.


Coolies, on the other hand are covetous.  They are happy when they, their immediate clan, kids, etc make it big.  They will feel proud and happy at showing the success of their clan.  However, they will tear down, ridicule and try their utmost to show their mattie coolie success is shady, after they must be into drugs, or tiefing.  Coolies will do whatever it takes to show they are better then their successful mattie, the will hold hands with blacks to sink their claws, and climb onto the backs of their own.  They will join up, cuss, spit and piss of their mattie with the hope of becoming a protected and loved house pet.


See now, and remember how the coolie crabs was cussing out the PPP, see how they can't wait for black massa beat up and lynch their mattie coolie.  This is a coolie best day, the day his mattie get beat up and brought down. They will join up and help the blacks so it don't look "racial".  In doing so, they hope to get something for themselves and they can stand and piss on their mattie.


Today look at how coolie crabs coming around to accepting the PNC can tief just like the PPP, just institutionalize it, and better you, PLEASE gi me lil piece action too nah, look me hey perked up wagging me tail.  I mean me ain't cuss, spit and beat up pon me mattie for nothing, me want in.  Some of them sitting here in North America just salivating at them big increases, now dem gon write and talk nuff and show how smart they are (much more than King Kong) and how they can solve all Guyana's problems with the hope of landing a nice payload.


Aye aye aye coolies, what can I say, we just don't have enough Nehrus, Cobras, Yujjis and baseman.

Baseman unhinged. LOL. So let's see what we've learnt this morning from Baseman's daily verbal diarrhea, read and approved by the indo kkk as they sip their morning tea and nod approvingly.


1) Ordinary black man willing fuh eat grass wid eddoe stew, live in he  lil tent and support an elite black class to destroy Indians. (I guess all the ordinary black man, the rodneys and so on who fight Burnham was grass and eddoe eaters)


2) Black man point their children to the largesse of black dictators as motivation, and if the kid fails then sic them pon coolie people. Meanwhile Indians encourage hard work and rejoice at the success of their clan. There is, obviously, no success for blacks to rejoice in and no corrupt coolie.


3) A tongue lashing for any Indian who dares criticize a corrupt coolie government, seen as destroying "we mattie".


And for the last time Baseman, you fcking, lying prick - show me where I supported this pay increase.


Reading shit like this early in the morning really makes one lose hope in humanity.

Originally Posted by redux:

it has nothing to do with whether they are deserving . . . it is simply a necessary building block in the war on corruption


these are the full-time people, some of whom could make much more outside of Gov't, esecially overseas


MPs are part-time, and can hold down other jobs, so do not need the salary increase as much; their allowances should be increased to encourge work in the communities where their focus should be


the PM and the President should hold the line on their own salary increase for morale purposes and to underline that the purpose is good and not greed . . . their basic expenses & lifestyle is thoroughly subsidised by the taxpayer anyways, as it should be


this kind of adult thinking is hard to sell to infants; unfortunately, those in charge are going about this in an inarticulate, less-than-fortright manner; leaving space for the real thieves, the bigots and charlatans to vomit their lies floating on top of much evil . . . to carry the day

Along with your recommendations for ministers, I favor some sort of "penalty" for non performance. Some ministries are in such disarray and corrupt that no quantiative study is necessary to prove their malfeasance. Ministers must lead.

Originally Posted by redux:

it has nothing to do with whether they are deserving . . . it is simply a necessary building block in the war on corruption


these are the full-time people, some of whom could make much more outside of Gov't, esecially overseas


MPs are part-time, and can hold down other jobs, so do not need the salary increase as much; their allowances should be increased to encourge work in the communities where their focus should be


the PM and the President should hold the line on their own salary increase for morale purposes and to underline that the purpose is good and not greed . . . their basic expenses & lifestyle is thoroughly subsidised by the taxpayer anyways, as it should be


this kind of adult thinking is hard to sell to infants; unfortunately, those in charge are going about this in an inarticulate, less-than-fortright manner; leaving space for the real thieves, the bigots and charlatans to vomit their lies floating on top of much evil . . . to carry the day

You cannot pay yourself out of corruption.  These people choose to serve as Ministers.  How many of them could just pick up and land a good job overseas?  It is absurd to think you have to pay ministers not to be corrupt.


I am a public servant.  I can make twice as much in the private sector but I would not consider it for a second.  Anyone trying to bribe me will land their ass in jail.  I deal with extremely large budgets for capital expenditures US$500M to over US$1 billion.  In my job I am not allowed to drink a cup of coffee from the people we regulate.  I am not trying to be pompous; I am just giving you real life arguments. 


If someone choose to be a Minister they should be ready to sacrifice. BTW I did contact a minister and offer free service to review an energy project.  It is up to them if they want the service.  If they had gone through with this raise I wouldn't do shit.  Everybody has to put their shoulder to the wheel in these times.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by redux:

it has nothing to do with whether they are deserving . . . it is simply a necessary building block in the war on corruption


these are the full-time people, some of whom could make much more outside of Gov't, esecially overseas


MPs are part-time, and can hold down other jobs, so do not need the salary increase as much; their allowances should be increased to encourge work in the communities where their focus should be


the PM and the President should hold the line on their own salary increase for morale purposes and to underline that the purpose is good and not greed . . . their basic expenses & lifestyle is thoroughly subsidised by the taxpayer anyways, as it should be


this kind of adult thinking is hard to sell to infants; unfortunately, those in charge are going about this in an inarticulate, less-than-fortright manner; leaving space for the real thieves, the bigots and charlatans to vomit their lies floating on top of much evil . . . to carry the day

Along with your recommendations for ministers, I favor some sort of "penalty" for non performance. Some ministries are in such disarray and corrupt that no quantiative study is necessary to prove their malfeasance. Ministers must lead.

It's very subjective.  I can understand non-performance/incompetence as there are goals and when not met with no good reason for not meeting, then what's the penalty, maybe only replacement. You cannot penalize incompetence, you just don't reward it.


Leadership, well how you define that?  Everyone have their style and as long as objectives are being achieved within a balanced framework, one had to conclude the leadership is appropriate for the mission at hand.  People need to be tested and given the chance under differing settings.  There is no hard and fast quantitative measure of leadership.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:

it has nothing to do with whether they are deserving . . . it is simply a necessary building block in the war on corruption


these are the full-time people, some of whom could make much more outside of Gov't, esecially overseas


MPs are part-time, and can hold down other jobs, so do not need the salary increase as much; their allowances should be increased to encourge work in the communities where their focus should be


the PM and the President should hold the line on their own salary increase for morale purposes and to underline that the purpose is good and not greed . . . their basic expenses & lifestyle is thoroughly subsidised by the taxpayer anyways, as it should be


this kind of adult thinking is hard to sell to infants; unfortunately, those in charge are going about this in an inarticulate, less-than-fortright manner; leaving space for the real thieves, the bigots and charlatans to vomit their lies floating on top of much evil . . . to carry the day

You cannot pay yourself out of corruption.  t s.

No, but you can used a combination of carrots and sticks and you can put "value at risk" which will cause people to think twice before they act.  This is why I support comprehensive comp packages for officials rather than plain high salary.  This in itself has a short shelf-life for deterance.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:

it has nothing to do with whether they are deserving . . . it is simply a necessary building block in the war on corruption


these are the full-time people, some of whom could make much more outside of Gov't, esecially overseas


MPs are part-time, and can hold down other jobs, so do not need the salary increase as much; their allowances should be increased to encourge work in the communities where their focus should be


the PM and the President should hold the line on their own salary increase for morale purposes and to underline that the purpose is good and not greed . . . their basic expenses & lifestyle is thoroughly subsidised by the taxpayer anyways, as it should be


this kind of adult thinking is hard to sell to infants; unfortunately, those in charge are going about this in an inarticulate, less-than-fortright manner; leaving space for the real thieves, the bigots and charlatans to vomit their lies floating on top of much evil . . . to carry the day

You cannot pay yourself out of corruption.  t s.

No, but you can used a combination of carrots and sticks and you can put "value at risk" which will cause people to think twice before they act.  This is why I support comprehensive comp packages for officials rather than plain high salary.  This in itself has a short shelf-life for deterance.

Minister could be in and out in 5 years; what kind of comprehensive comp packages can you set up for them?  Do they all get pensions after 5 years.  I think it is a travesty that Jagdeo is getting a pension.  It should only be applicable over a certain age.  He should get his ass to work.  Can you imagine a 30 years old get 7/8 of the sitting president salary for the rest of his life?


Guyana is one F-uped backwards country where the elites are living big on a jackass economy.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by VVP:

You cannot pay yourself out of corruption.  t s.

No, but you can used a combination of carrots and sticks and you can put "value at risk" which will cause people to think twice before they act.  This is why I support comprehensive comp packages for officials rather than plain high salary.  This in itself has a short shelf-life for deterance.

Minister could be in and out in 5 years; what kind of comprehensive comp packages can you set up for them?  Do they all get pensions after 5 years.  I think it is a travesty that Jagdeo is getting a pension.  It should only be applicable over a certain age.  He should get his ass to work.  Can you imagine a 30 years old get 7/8 of the sitting president salary for the rest of his life?


Guyana is one F-uped backwards country where the elites are living big on a jackass economy.

Jagdeo and Ramotar and any past president deserve every penny of the pension they receive by law.  Serving as head of state is a unique position in any country which leaves little options after serving.  In any case, you do not want a past president taking a key position in a big company then start lobbying/influencing peddling.


Serving a full term as president should come with an attractive base-level pension.  Two term, maybe a bit more, but not twice.  The base should be adequate to allow the former president and wife and minor kids to live comfortable.


If you want people to aspire to leadership, be elected, serve conscientiously, then ride off into the sunset, then you want a worthwhile incentive.  This is the most important job in any nation and should come with the appropriate merits.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by VVP:

You cannot pay yourself out of corruption.  t s.

No, but you can used a combination of carrots and sticks and you can put "value at risk" which will cause people to think twice before they act.  This is why I support comprehensive comp packages for officials rather than plain high salary.  This in itself has a short shelf-life for deterance.

Minister could be in and out in 5 years; what kind of comprehensive comp packages can you set up for them?  Do they all get pensions after 5 years.  I think it is a travesty that Jagdeo is getting a pension.  It should only be applicable over a certain age.  He should get his ass to work.  Can you imagine a 30 years old get 7/8 of the sitting president salary for the rest of his life?


Guyana is one F-uped backwards country where the elites are living big on a jackass economy.

Jagdeo and Ramotar and any past president deserve every penny of the pension they receive by law.  Serving as head of state is a unique position in any country which leaves little options after serving.  In any case, you do not want a past president taking a key position in a big company then start lobbying/influencing peddling.


Serving a full term as president should come with an attractive base-level pension.  Two term, maybe a bit more, but not twice.  The base should be adequate to allow the former president and wife and minor kids to live comfortable.


If you want people to aspire to leadership, be elected, serve conscientiously, then ride off into the sunset, then you want a worthwhile incentive.  This is the most important job in any nation and should come with the appropriate merits.

Appropriate yes, not US$105,000 per year (without perks) in a jackass economy.  


The president of Guyana makes US$120,000 (without perks) vs the Governor of New York who makes US$174,000.

The budget of Guyana is US$1 billion vs the budget of NY at US$174 billion.  What does the president of Guyana do so special compared to peer countries?  When you set salaries you always compare it to your peers.  If they do that Guyana will be well served rather than well fleeced.


nothing but contempt for all PPP antiman here . . . their "sources" and their numbers, and their 'intrigue'


special mention to 'Guyana Times' VVP, the small-timer overmatched Baseman, and the deranged, scary, race-baiting Jalilwho, i guess, will have to conclude that dem APNU-AFC rawan mussbe wuk strang obeah pan Moses

Originally Posted by redux:

nothing but contempt for all PPP antiman here . . . their "sources" and their numbers, and their 'intrigue'


special mention to 'Guyana Times' VVP, the small-timer overmatched Baseman, and the deranged, scary, race-baiting Jalilwho, i guess, will have to conclude that dem APNU-AFC rawan mussbe wuk strang obeah pan Moses

Banna I knew the increase would not be 100%.  I am just working on my propaganda skills   Remember the chaos I created in the PPP and get them to publish their list in a matter of hours after I started a thread here.  I tried to log in to this site 10 minutes after the post and I got a message "Site is Overloaded with Traffic" I never seen that message before or after that post  




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