it has nothing to do with whether they are deserving . . . it is simply a necessary building block in the war on corruption
these are the full-time people, some of whom could make much more outside of Gov't, esecially overseas
MPs are part-time, and can hold down other jobs, so do not need the salary increase as much; their allowances should be increased to encourge work in the communities where their focus should be
the PM and the President should hold the line on their own salary increase for morale purposes and to underline that the purpose is good and not greed . . . their basic expenses & lifestyle is thoroughly subsidised by the taxpayer anyways, as it should be
this kind of adult thinking is hard to sell to infants; unfortunately, those in charge are going about this in an inarticulate, less-than-fortright manner; leaving space for the real thieves, the bigots and charlatans to vomit their lies floating on top of much evil . . . to carry the day