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Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Redux you and carib J

can spin whatever I say how you want to . . .

this is about me not caribj


how exactly am i "spinning" or misrepresenting what you posted?


here is your post:


"VVP are you saying....

Ravi Dev and De Old PNC jackass

are not Yanking Granger Balls..

on Emancipation Day 2015....


And further

You have joined an alliance with

Dem Ole Black PNC Racist Thug...

 aya can today prove....

(1) Carib J is a Decent or Honest Fella..

(2) Moses calling for Increase in His Salary

(3) AFC & APNU

Indian & Non-Black Ministers

are calling for Pay Increase....

(4) And....your source .....

is not coming from the mouth

of any Black Racist PNC Minister....

who trying to stretch Granger Balls...

and Break up the AFC-APNU Partnership."


my response to this was:


Jalil, is this how you separate and elevate yourself above caribj?


by carving out "Indian & Non-Black Ministers" as the decent ones in the coalition, the others as "Ole Black PNC Racist Thug[s]"


by labeling Finance Minister Jordan as a "Black Racist PNC Minister"


and so on . . .


banna, you are not doing Moses Nagamootoo any favors . . . believe me





show me where i am lying on you

Redux show us .....what I have said is wrong or not True.

Did Moses Call for Pay Increase?

Did Any AFC Minister Indian, Black or Mixed call for a Pay Increase?

Did any APNU Minister Indian, Black, or Mixed who is not an Ole PNC call for a pay increase?


Are you ashamed to say this is a Call by.....


who made an Emancipation Call

because they think like J the Black Racist?


Go ahead.....Name Them....let us have the Names.

this is very simple bai


(i) is Minister Jordan a "Black Racist PNC Minister"?


(ii) please name the "few black PNC ministers" who made this "emancipation Call" and define what that particular racist provocation means


(iii) what exactly is the ethical difference between AFC & APNU Indian & Non-Black Ministers (Nagamootoo, Ramjattan, Holder, Roopnarine, Bulkan, Ally, Norton, etc.) [vs] AFC & APNU Black ministers (Patterson, Trotman, Hughes, Harmon, Greenidge, etc) . . . is this the rawan effect you are not-so-slyly pointing to?




please cc Hon. Moses Nagamootoo with your reply

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Redux you and carib J

can spin whatever I say how you want to...

If Redux want to Join CaribJ

and Other Ole PNC Boys

To Grab Granger Balls...

we cannot stop them....




I know what I am saying is the truth.


I am saying.....

(1) No Indian

 (2) No AFC Minister (Indian, Black or Mixed)  

(3) No Indian, Non Black or Mixed APNU Cabinet Ministers

have not joined with the Old Black PNC Racist Thug

who are Yanking Granger Balls

on Emancipation Day 2015.






Redux since you want to spin what I said

Give us the name of one....Just One...

Indian or Non Black.... AFC - APNU Minister

who is teaming up with the Old PNC Black Racist Thugs

and Yank Granger Balls  about Pay Increase now....


Redux ....Name One....Just One


CaribJ would be a good Outrider for Redux...

He just have to make sure

his sunglases do not fall

and Muzzle his Racist Views


jalil, it is a good sign that u now feel constrained to pretend u did not say what is pellucid to anybody with a pulse who can read


banna, there is no dignity in the barefaced lie!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by caribny:

I see Jalil's true racist nature has surfaced as I knew that it would.  So its only the black PNC "racists" who are crying out for an increase in pay.


Yet we have heard not a word from Nagamootoo saying that he wants know part of it.  In fact to be quite honest, we don't hear Nagamootoo saying a single thing.



You know the AFC is a distinct party from APNU, so they do have a right to state their position on these discussions surrounding the pay increase.  Especially as the discussions haven't been finalized.  All they need say is that the matter is being discussed, but that the position of the AFC is that no pay increases are merited at this time, given the myriad of challenges, which have forced the gov't to reduce or withdraw certain social support programs.



So Jalil and Mitah can scream from the mountain top.  It looks like APNU and AFC are chatting about more pay for themselves.  Let us hope that the share shame of this exposure embarrasses them into withdrawing it, until there is greater certainty as to the state of the economy, and of the government's source of revenues.

Ow Carib J.


Why don't you shut up.  Everything is not about race brother.  CHILL OUT.

Tell that to Jalil who is now calling Granger a black PNC SKKKunt.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

It doesn't matter what jalil called Granger, The PNC started to steal from the treasury. The ministers are getting richer.

I don't care what Jalil says as I have him blocked.  But I just find him amusing when he now screams like a racist PPP bytch against the PPP.   that is YOUR job.


He is clearly angry that he didn't get a big job, and that PNC blacks are content to be seen, but not heard, as the PPP blacks, were until Luncheon just outed the PPP as being a racist anti black party.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

It doesn't matter what jalil called Granger, The PNC started to steal from the treasury. The ministers are getting richer.

I don't care what Jalil says as I have him blocked.  But I just find him amusing when he now screams like a racist PPP bytch against the PPP.   that is YOUR job.


He is clearly angry that he didn't get a big job, and that PNC blacks are content to be seen, but not heard, as the PPP blacks, were until Luncheon just outed the PPP as being a racist anti black party.



The PNC started to steal the from the treasury.  Luncheon was running the civil service. was he incompetent. ?  he was responsible for all appointments. he never objected to any as Moses is now doing.


Do not talk about racism as you are a typical example of what it is... 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Do not talk about racism as you are a typical example of what it is... 

I see that Luncheon has now joined your idea of what a racist is, as he now accuses the PPP of being hostile to its own blacks.  We always knew this, as did he, but now goat bite him, he feels compelled to squeal.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Do not talk about racism as you are a typical example of what it is... 

I see that Luncheon has now joined your idea of what a racist is, as he now accuses the PPP of being hostile to its own blacks.  We always knew this, as did he, but now goat bite him, he feels compelled to squeal.

They offer him the Leadership of the PPP and he refused it.  Whatever he is blaming on others, he should blame it on himself.   He and Sam Hinds were supposed to help blacks but did not.  Could you tell me what the blacks did for the PPP besides filling their pockets?


Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Do not talk about racism as you are a typical example of what it is... 

I see that Luncheon has now joined your idea of what a racist is, as he now accuses the PPP of being hostile to its own blacks.  We always knew this, as did he, but now goat bite him, he feels compelled to squeal.

They offer him the Leadership of the PPP and he refused it.  Whatever he is blaming on others, he should blame it on himself.   He and Sam Hinds were supposed to help blacks but did not.  Could you tell me what the blacks did for the PPP besides filling their pockets?


Don't bother about blacks.  Bother about the fact that Luncheon is now calling the PPP a racist party which is protecting Indians, and sacrificing blacks.


Now if Luncheon, a hard core PPP man, called the PPP racist, then why should blacks support them?   All Luncheon is now admitting is what we all knew LONG AGO!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Do not talk about racism as you are a typical example of what it is... 

I see that Luncheon has now joined your idea of what a racist is, as he now accuses the PPP of being hostile to its own blacks.  We always knew this, as did he, but now goat bite him, he feels compelled to squeal.

They offer him the Leadership of the PPP and he refused it.  Whatever he is blaming on others, he should blame it on himself.   He and Sam Hinds were supposed to help blacks but did not.  Could you tell me what the blacks did for the PPP besides filling their pockets?


Don't bother about blacks.  Bother about the fact that Luncheon is now calling the PPP a racist party which is protecting Indians, and sacrificing blacks.


Now if Luncheon, a hard core PPP man, called the PPP racist, then why should blacks support them?   All Luncheon is now admitting is what we all knew LONG AGO!

In other words he was dishonest.  How many times did I not say that your people cannot be trusted.  We all know that blacks hate Indians and that is a fact.  When the monkey does not get the grapes, he always say the grapes are sour.  Luncheon lost hos mojo.   


Ministers need to be paid a respectable salary – PM Nagamootoo – confirms salary increase in pipeline for public service workers

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo
Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

Ministers need to be paid a respectable salary –

PM Nagamootoo –

confirms salary increase in pipeline for public service workers


IN responding to recent reports in sections of the media about a pending salary increase for Ministers and other top level Government officials, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo said that there has been mention of an increase in salaries, that is “an increase for sure for persons in the public service,” as Government officials need to be paid a respectable salary.


Speaking yesterday during an interview with media operatives,

the Prime Minister made it clear that

he is unware of any 100% increase for Ministers, Members of Parliament (MPs), Presidential Advisors and Vice Presidents,

noting that he has not seen those reports

but knows for sure that no such declarations were made by the Government.



 let us hearCarib J

and the Ole PNC Black Racist Troop of Gorilla

from Monkey Mountain admit

they Joined with Ravi Dev

to yank Granger Balls

on Emancipation Day 2015.....







However, he said that there would be an increase because of the fact that “there has been a reduction in the number of ministries, and also it would be used as a method of preventing ministers from putting their hands into the cookie jars.”


Additionally, “they need to be paid respectable salaries, same as the police ranks and other persons so as to avoid the temptation of stealing, accepting bribes and indulging in corrupt practices.”


The Prime Minister further mentioned that the Government has decided that the salary increases will help to avoid those things because once reasonable stipends and salaries are being paid, it would necessarily be an indictment for them to do something bad.


“We are moving away from the past, you see in the audits how many people have been helping themselves to vehicles and state funds, so I believe that ministers deserve to be paid,” said Mr. Nagamootoo.


Apart from avoiding the illegalities, the Prime Minister noted that there are many qualified Ministers who didn’t come into office because of political loyalties and affiliation, but because they want to make a commitment to their country for which they are qualified.


“Look at the number of persons who have left their legal practices and other highly qualified callings to give service to the Guyanese people… do we pay them enough?”



Former President Donald Ramotar

Former President Donald Ramotar


Meanwhile when asked to share his views on the reports about pending salary increases for Ministers and other senior Government Officials, former President Donald Ramotar stated that it would be “callous” on the Government’s behalf to give themselves huge increases. “Taking into consideration increases in the number of ministries and also the increasing bureaucracy… and it is callous and insensitive what is taking place in this country,” said Mr. Ramotar.


 these Monkeys Grab Granger Balls

on African Emancipation Day....

Reports of pending salary increases

first appeared in the

Saturday August 1, 2015(African Emancipation Day)

edition of Guyana Times (Ravi Dev-Jihaji's),

which said that, “Finance Minister Winston Jordan confirmed the assertion that had been swirling of social media to the Guyana Times.”


The article also stated that, “He said the matter is currently under consideration by the Administration and the increase also extends to Members of Parliament (MPs) and basically all individuals who have a role in the House of Assembly.

The increase in Ministers’ salary is under consideration.

All people that concern the House of Assembly, so that will include Chief Whip, the Opposition, Ministers, and Vice Presidents and so on.”


By Navendra Seoraj


Redux you and carib J

can spin whatever I say how you want to...

If Redux want to Join CaribJ

and Other Ole PNC Boys

To Grab Granger Balls...

we cannot stop them....




I know what I am saying is the truth.


I am saying.....

(1) No Indian

 (2) No AFC Minister (Indian, Black or Mixed)  

(3) No Indian from APNU,

No Black from APNU Except a few from PNC  

or Any of the Mixed APNU Cabinet Ministers

have not joined

 with the Old Black PNC Monkey Mountain Racist Thug

who are Yanking Granger Balls

on Emancipation Day 2015.






Redux since you want to spin what I said

Give us the name of one....Just One...

Indian or Black.... AFC - APNU Minister(who is not PNC)

who is teaming up with the Old PNC Black Racist Thugs

and Yank Granger Balls  about Pay Increase now....


Redux ....Name One....Just One


Redux climb on CaribJ Back


CaribJ Yank Granger Balls

on African Emancipation Day 2015


CaribJ would be a good Outrider for Redux...

CaribJ just have to make sure

his sunglases do not fall

over his stink mouth

and Muzzle his Racist Views


How much is $247million in U$? Isn't it around U$1.2 Million? How many ministers etc are there? About 100 or so? That equates to about U$10,000 each on average. That's a mere fraction of what Alexei Ramotar was being paid to run a piece of fibre cable.


Ministers need to be paid a respectable salary

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

– PM Nagamootoo –

confirms salary increase

in pipeline

for public service workers


Speaking yesterday

during an interview with media operatives,


the Prime Minister made it clear that


he is unware

of any 100% increase for Ministers,

Members of Parliament (MPs),

Presidential Advisors and Vice Presidents,


noting that he has

not seen those reports

but knows for sure

that no such declarations

were made by the Government.



 let us hearCarib J

and the Ole PNC Black Racist Troop of Gorilla

from Monkey Mountain admit

they Joined with Ravi Dev

to yank Granger Balls

on African Emancipation Day 2015.....

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Ministers need to be paid a respectable salary

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

– PM Nagamootoo –

confirms salary increase

in pipeline

for public service workers



the Prime Minister made it clear that


he is unware

of any 100% increase for Ministers,

Members of Parliament (MPs),

Presidential Advisors and Vice Presidents,


noting that he has

not seen those reports

but knows for sure

that no such declarations

were made by the Government.



 let us hearCarib J

and the Ole PNC Black Racist Troop of Gorilla

from Monkey Mountain admit

they Joined with Ravi Dev

to yank Granger Balls

on African Emancipation Day 2015.....

Read lawyer Nagamootoo's choice of words.  PNC old guard NOT happy.  I can see lots of upset sweet woman pouting around GT today!!

Originally Posted by asj:

Ministers/VPs pay hike pegged at over $245M annually

Finance Minister Winston Jordan

Finance Minister Winston Jordan

… move mean not lean – Amerindian leaders


… Guyanese shocked


By Michael Younge


The 100 per cent pay hike which is being considered by the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC)coalition Government could see the country’s treasury being depleted by $245 million annually sparking shock and outrage among various stakeholders in the country, who have been told that the economy has sputtered to a halt.

The proposed pay hike would now see Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and First Vice President, earning approximately $2.2 million monthly, inclusive of benefits, while the three other Vice Presidents will earn a total of $5.4 million altogether monthly.

President David Granger

President David Granger

Additionally, the fifteen Ministers in the new Government would earn $1.5 million each bringing their pay package to over $22.5 million altogether monthly.

Junior Ministers are expected to pocket $1.2 million each monthly inclusive of $500,000 in benefits. This means that the 12 Ministers altogether will drain the treasury of $14.4 million.

That aside, all of the Ministers will receive duty allowance, entertainment allowance, a chauffeur and annual vacation allowance which amounts to over $13.5 million.

In short, over $58 million would be expended on a monthly basis to service the payout to Ministers of Government alone.

Finance Minister Winston Jordan had confirmed that Cabinet is actively considering a salary increase for not only Ministers of Government but advisors as well as Members of Parliament.

He would not confirm nor deny the figures that have been floated in the public over the past two days.

On average, an Advisor is paid close to $800,000 per month which means that annually over $9.6 million could be expended on this category of Government staff. President Granger has appointed four Advisors so far; therefore they be paid 38.4 million annually.

The salaries of Members of Parliament would see the overall cost of the figure being significantly increased monthly.

Brian Allicock

Brian Allicock

This revelation comes as a governmental volte face as President David Granger has been quoted as saying that he wants to lead a “lean” Administration and the only way to achieve this is by cutting away wastage of tax payers’ monies and stopping the exuberance associated with occupying Executive Office and trailing behind a Cadillac lifestyle.

In fact, Granger had exhibited uneasiness about the salaries, pension and uncapped benefits of former Presidents arguing that it was a burden to the treasury. Only two weeks ago, his Government piloted legislation to change the laws allowing for caps to be placed on a former president’s entitlements and benefits.

The new APNU/AFC Government has also terminated the services of over 2000 young Amerindians who earned a mere stipend of $30,000 per month and scores staff from the One Laptop Per Family Project (OLPF).


Amerindian shock

It has moved to scrap the previous Government’s “Because We Care” Cash Grant Programme which saw families being given $10,000 to prepare each child in the public education system for school.

Speaking during an invited comment, Region Nine Regional Chairman Brian Allicock, brother of the Indigenous People’s Affairs Minister and Vice President Sydney Allicock, expressed his disappointment over this development, especially against the backdrop that the APNU/AFC had promised to put the people first.

Aleister Charlie

Aleister Charlie

He expressed shock over the Government decision to fire the young Community Services Officer (CSO) especially given the revelations about a pay hike for Ministers.

“For me, it has been a really sad situation… I think it has gone against the promises that the present administration has made during this campaign that they were going to look after the youths. This was a grand opportunity for them. I think now, dismissing the CSOs in the country, I think it’s terrible and just to make room for those monies to go to the Ministers, I feel really, really saddened. I think they should reconsider the situation,” the Amerindian leader expressed.

Another Amerindian leader Aleister Charlie, a People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Member of Parliament for Region Nine posited, “Where is the plan for the young people? Those individuals who were on the CSO programme benefited, even though the pay was little, it helped them, and it helped single mothers, particularly in my region, in Region Nine. What are you going to put in place for these young people now? They are now jobless.”

Charlie reasoned that it appears as though the Government just wrote off the 2000 Amerindian youths as “collateral damage” to make way for a massive salary hike for themselves.

Douglas Casimero, former Region Nine Vice Chairman and newly elected Toshao of Aishalton said that it “is unfair to our young people, especially those who are now unemployed. I am fully disappointed and against the decision of the new Government especially in their period of campaigning, they would have focused on employment for youths and to me this is an insult to the Amerindians”.


Mother’s response

“They cancelled the “Because We Care” grant where every child, every child was getting $10,000 to help them go to school. Look how many children we have.

It’s like they taking this money away from the people and giving it to themselves. What about the promises they made to the people? How they expect people to vote back for them. They are just showing us that they are greedy politicians,” said Jasmine Headley, a mother of three from Diamond, East Bank Demerara.

PPP’s response

Meanwhile, the People’s Progressive Party in a statement to the media said it is appalled of recent reports quoting Finance Minister Winston Jordan as saying the Cabinet of David Granger is actively considering pay increases, in some cases more than 100 per cent for its Ministers and Vice Presidents.

The party condemned this act of excessive generosity to the satraps of the Granger Administration.

“As is establishing a bloated is not enough, the Granger Administration is now planning to rub salt in the wounds of Guyanese, by “ fixing up the boys and girls” with big pay increases”, it said Saturday.

 The PPP said, “this is the same administration which had claimed there is no money in the treasury to continue the School Uniform Voucher Programme and to give public servants a promised 20 per cent pay increase”.

It reminded that the APNU/AFC, while in opposition, had accused the PPP/C Government of excessive spending.

“Clearly, the Granger Administration is more concerned with living extravagant lifestyles and earning big bucks, while the population suffers, it is meat for the boys and bones for the rest of the nation. Every day, it is becoming clearer that vintage Burnhamism is slowly but surely returning to Guyana once again”, the party said.


Social media

On social media, Guyanese wasted no time in berating the Government for mulling a pay hike for itself of a greater magnitude than what is being offered to the public.

Trudie Daniels-Clarke said “I am hoping this is not true….I would more rather see 100 per cent increase for teachers and Police” while Rehanna A Rahaman suggested that, “Hmmm full them pocket first.. no wonder the school children 10 grand was taken away.. plus the false promises to teachers and others… Smh..”

Another facebook user, Nanda Juman said, “Omg…weren’t they making outrageous minister salaries a big campaign thing? And didn’t they say the economy cant afford to raise the salary of public servants? Whats this now?

And where are all the supporters who blindly justify everything they do and say? How will you justify this now?”


Welcome to change, this is worse than the Burnham days.


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