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Originally Posted by albert:

The Ministers of the PPP/C Government have notified the opposition of their willingness to debate with them anytime/anyplace.

Let's see who from the opposition will take up the challenge.


What utter nonsense! The ministers are to explain and persuade the nation through the agency of parliament of  their plan for action and not issue wasteful challenges about debating on soapboxes of their choosing!


The opposition would be foolish to be gulled into useless argumentation. The matter for them is to scrutinize and distill a more palatable strategy  for our development than the autocratic corrupt, kith and kin enrichment schemes foisted on us these past two decades.


Thankfully they have the means to make that possible in parliament by holding the feet of these crooks to the fire. No one need to waste their time participating in crowing matches with these yard fowls.


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