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Ministries wallowing in massive underperformance - PPP

Sep 06, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...nderperformance-ppp/

Opposition Member, Bishop Juan Edghill

With the presentation of the 2018 budget just two months away, opposition members are already scrutinizing the performance of several ministries for the year.

In fact, members of the Peopleโ€™s Progressive Party (PPP) are of the view that most ministries, if not all, have been wallowing in massive underperformance for the past two years.

Specifically making such assertions recently was PPP Executive Member, Juan Edghill.

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Ministries wallowing in massive underperformance - PPP

Sep 06, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...nderperformance-ppp/

With the presentation of the 2018 budget just two months away, opposition members are already scrutinizing the performance of several ministries for the year.

In fact, members of the Peopleโ€™s Progressive Party (PPP) are of the view that most ministries, if not all, have been wallowing in massive underperformance for the past two years.

Specifically making such assertions recently was PPP Executive Member, Juan Edghill. Edghill told Kaieteur News that when one assesses the performance of several ministries, it is clear that some Government officials are not doing anything at all. In local Guyanese parlance, the former Junior Finance Minister said, โ€œThey just deh.โ€

Edghill asserted that the government and its Ministers have essentially failed to inspire the people of Guyana. He opined that the job of the Executive is to give citizens a sense of understanding of where they are taking the country, how they are going to get there and what would be the benefit when they get there.

The PPP Executive Member opined, โ€œWhen I think about the various ministries and how they are overloaded with Ministers, as a citizen, I am yet to be inspired. We see more bureaucratic bungling; rampant display of incompetence; insensitivity to the perceived and real needs of the Guyanese people and policies that make no sense.โ€

Apart from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs headed by Vice President Carl Greenidge, which in Edghillโ€™s eyes, has maintained a stable position as it relates to the nationโ€™s representation and advancing of its national ideals, there is hardly any other ministry that is making sense in the current construct.

The Opposition member commented that the Ministry of Legal Affairs has become a total disaster; the Ministry of Social Protection is now a laughing stock and the Ministry of Public Health remains scandal ridden.

Edghill said, โ€œAs for the Ministry of Finance, it is putting out nice statements and crunching numbers but the economy is still stagnant. With respect to the Ministry of Public Telecommunications, it is yet to articulate a policy direction that the Guyanese people can buy into. Making declaratory statements is not policy direction.

โ€œHere is a simple question: What has been done to improve telecommunications and related services in Guyana in the past two years?

Let Minister Cathy Hughes state publically, one thing she has done in terms of improving this.โ€

The Opposition Member added, โ€œThe internet is still bouncing, it going and coming. They said they are giving you 4G service when most times, you are getting three or three and a half.โ€

Edghill was also very critical of the performance of the Ministry of Natural Resources. He said that the Ministry has the benefit of two ministers but it continues to be mishandled.

The politician said, โ€œMiners are crying out every day. At one point, they did not even participate in the Mining Week, and I donโ€™t have to mention what is going on with oilโ€ฆ There are more suspicions than confidence there.โ€

In addition to criticizing the Ministries of Communities and Public Security, Edghill lumped in the same category, the Ministry of Business. In fact, he deemed it the Ministry of โ€œNOโ€ business which is headed by AFC Member, Dominic Gaskin.

Edghill said, โ€œYour performance is not by how many cocktails you attend or trips you make abroad. Let the Minister of Business tell the nation of one significant Foreign Direct Investment that he has made since his tenureโ€ฆ

Let him tell us what is the sum total of the money that has flowed into the economy as a result of FDIs or his ministryโ€™s input. Our contention is that there is noneโ€ฆLocally, the business sector is stagnated. In fact, there is a reduction in imports and exports.โ€

The Opposition member continued, โ€œWhether you call it the Ministry of Industry and Commerce or Business, you indeed, need to have a person in a position dealing with the private sector and who would put forward governmentโ€™s policy as well as bring in business.

โ€œWe need it. But if you have people who are incompetent but paid high salaries โ€ฆthen one is left to wonder if something is something wrong with Guyana.โ€
Turning his attention to another area, Edghill said he would give Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson an A+ for bluff. He said that Pattersonโ€™s Ministry is one which continues to require much attention and intervention.

Edghill opined that at the moment, there is a growing discontent among contractors. In this regard, he commented, โ€œWe believe that there are special people earmarked ahead of time for certain projects and a lot of things are being stalled to accommodate that. So the underperformance of the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) at this time is particularly due to the underperformance at the Ministry of Public infrastructure.โ€

Edghill also criticized President David Granger for failing to meet with the media, which has been calling for him to host a press conference for some time.

The Parliamentarian said that when one looks at the big picture, the problem is not with a lack of funding. He said that the struggle is with proper management, efficient project implementation and proper monitoring and evaluation. He said that this cuts across every Ministry; it has left the Government open to criticisms of incompetence.


Public Telecommunications Minister, Cathy Hughes

Telecommunications, it is yet to articulate a policy direction that the Guyanese people can buy into. Making declaratory statements is not policy direction.

โ€œHere is a simple question: What has been done to improve telecommunications and related services in Guyana in the past two years?

Let Minister Cathy Hughes state publically, one thing she has done in terms of improving this.โ€

The Opposition Member added, โ€œThe internet is still bouncing, it going and coming. They said they are giving you 4G service when most times, you are getting three or three and a half.


Business Minister, Dominic Gaskin

In addition to criticizing the Ministries of Communities and Public Security, Edghill lumped in the same category, the Ministry of Business. In fact, he deemed it the Ministry of โ€œNOโ€ business which is headed by AFC Member, Dominic Gaskin.

Edghill said, โ€œYour performance is not by how many cocktails you attend or trips you make abroad. Let the Minister of Business tell the nation of one significant Foreign Direct Investment that he has made since his tenureโ€ฆ

Let him tell us what is the sum total of the money that has flowed into the economy as a result of FDIs or his ministryโ€™s input. Our contention is that there is noneโ€ฆLocally, the business sector is stagnated. In fact, there is a reduction in imports and exports.โ€

Drugb posted:

Incompetence all around from these jackasses in power, not even the slop can crew will come to their defense.  Noticeably absent from this thread is Mars, gt, caribj, django, gilly, warrior et al. This indicates that they are in agreement with Juan's analysis of the pnc/afc. 

This fella is a self acclaimed Bishop,lots of Fake People in the new PPP,

hip...hip...horay... alyuh PPPites cheer him on.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Incompetence all around from these jackasses in power, not even the slop can crew will come to their defense.  Noticeably absent from this thread is Mars, gt, caribj, django, gilly, warrior et al. This indicates that they are in agreement with Juan's analysis of the pnc/afc. 

This fella is a self acclaimed Bishop,lots of Fake People in the new PPP,

hip...hip...horay... alyuh PPPites cheer him on.

What do you think of his claims that the PNC Ministers are wallowing in massive underperformance?  Name the achievements of each Minister he has listed.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Incompetence all around from these jackasses in power, not even the slop can crew will come to their defense.  Noticeably absent from this thread is Mars, gt, caribj, django, gilly, warrior et al. This indicates that they are in agreement with Juan's analysis of the pnc/afc. 

This fella is a self acclaimed Bishop,lots of Fake People in the new PPP,

hip...hip...horay... alyuh PPPites cheer him on.

What do you think of his claims that the PNC Ministers are wallowing in massive underperformance?  Name the achievements of each Minister he has listed.

That fella making noise,any way that is the job of the Opposition.


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