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Minor crimes cause major US deportation for Caribbean nationals – Report

April 8, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source


A significant number of Caribbean nationals have been deported after committing minor infractions, including traffic violations, according to an analysis of internal United States government records since President Barack Obama assumed office.

The figures showed that two-thirds of the nearly two million deportation cases involved Caribbean and other immigrants.

The study conducted by the New York Times found that 20 per cent, or about 394,000 of the cases involved immigrants convicted of serious crimes, including drug-related offences.


The paper said that an examination of the Obama administration record shows how the disconnect evolved between the President’s stated goal of blunting what he called the harsh edge of immigration enforcement and the reality that has played out.

Obama came to office promising comprehensive immigration reform, but lacking sufficient support, the administration took steps it portrayed as narrowing the focus of enforcement efforts on serious criminals.

Yet the records show that the enforcement net actually grew, said the newspaper, adding that its analysis is based on government data covering more than 3.2 million deportations over 10 years, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

According to the records, the largest increases were in deportations involving illegal immigrants, whose most serious offence was listed as a traffic violation, including driving under the influence.

“For years, the Obama administration’s spin has been that it is simply deporting so-called “criminal aliens,” but the numbers speak for themselves,” said Marielena HincapiÉ, Executive Director of the National Immigration Law Center.

“In truth, this administration, more than any other, has devastated immigrant communities across the country, tearing families away from loved ones, simply because people drove without a licence, or re-entered the country desperately trying to be reunited with their family members,” she added.

But Obama administration officials say the deportations are a result of a decade in which the US Congress has passed tougher immigration laws, increased funding for enforcement and stymied efforts to lay out a path to legal residency for the bulk of the nation’s 11.5 million illegal immigrants.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
“For years, the Obama administration’s spin has been that it is simply deporting so-called “criminal aliens,” but the numbers speak for themselves,” said Marielena Hincapié, Executive Director of the National Immigration Law Center.

Simple matter which is consistent with all US administrations ...


1. Illegal immigrants, when caught or after imprisonment, are returned to their native countries.


2. Legal immigrants can only be stripped of their citizenship after exhaustive legal proceedings for major crimes committed in the US_of_A or their native countries. One of the numerous cases is that of John Demjanjuck who was involved with Nazi war and criminal activities, emigrated to the US_of_A until his his past activities were discovered and actions taken by the US_of_A government.


It matters not if the deportation rate increase for minor infractions under Obama administration. Guyanese need to stay out of trouble at all cost. To obtain your U.S. Citizenship is becoming harder because most Guyanese failed to answer a few questions and pay their taxes. Plus, most of them have their green card expired for five to ten years without renewal. God forbid if they get into a traffic violation what you think would happen to them. Guyanese would rather drink till them piss in them pants, but they feel to spend that money to get their paper work up to date. There goes my business in this freaking community. Nehru, you taking note bhai?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

It matters not if the deportation rate increase for minor infractions under Obama administration. Guyanese need to stay out of trouble at all cost. To obtain your U.S. Citizenship is becoming harder because most Guyanese failed to answer a few questions and pay their taxes. Plus, most of them have their green card expired for five to ten years without renewal. God forbid if they get into a traffic violation what you think would happen to them. Guyanese would rather drink till them piss in them pants, but they feel to spend that money to get their paper work up to date. There goes my business in this freaking community. Nehru, you taking note bhai?

I say deport the Bastards back to the JUngle. I am speaking of those who cant behave, like fighting in Bars and on the Streets, Pissing in the Streets and are quick to throw a Punch. I have NO Friggin sympathy for those!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

It matters not if the deportation rate increase for minor infractions under Obama administration. Guyanese need to stay out of trouble at all cost. To obtain your U.S. Citizenship is becoming harder because most Guyanese failed to answer a few questions and pay their taxes. Plus, most of them have their green card expired for five to ten years without renewal. God forbid if they get into a traffic violation what you think would happen to them. Guyanese would rather drink till them piss in them pants, but they feel to spend that money to get their paper work up to date. There goes my business in this freaking community. Nehru, you taking note bhai?

I say deport the Bastards back to the JUngle. I am speaking of those who cant behave, like fighting in Bars and on the Streets, Pissing in the Streets and are quick to throw a Punch. I have NO Friggin sympathy for those!!!!

I receive a punch for no apparent reason and never chose to react because I have a family and a job to attend. I live to see another day for my good deeds. so I know what you're saying. Me nah go back ah them place dah. Meh rather sit by you back yard or you front gate. Me nah get luck bhai.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
“For years, the Obama administration’s spin has been that it is simply deporting so-called “criminal aliens,” but the numbers speak for themselves,” said Marielena Hincapié, Executive Director of the National Immigration Law Center.

Simple matter which is consistent with all US administrations ...


1. Illegal immigrants, when caught or after imprisonment, are returned to their native countries.


2. Legal immigrants can only be stripped of their citizenship after exhaustive legal proceedings for major crimes committed in the US_of_A or their native countries. One of the numerous cases is that of John Demjanjuck who was involved with Nazi war and criminal activities, emigrated to the US_of_A until his his past activities were discovered and actions taken by the US_of_A government.

Lying on ones application is an automatic revocation of citizenship. those involved in the Nazi's would have had to lie so they would not have a case if they are caught.

Having a green card means nothing. It is just a document giving you permission to stay. Any minor crime and you could be refused reentry into the USA.


If you are here Illegally and do not want to abide with the law then your stupidity will definitely get you a one way ticket home.


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