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'Miracle baby' born to mom with terminal cancer celebrates first birthday

CTV Vancouver, Published Sunday, January 22, 2017 4:53PM PST, 
Last Updated Sunday, January 22, 2017 7:45PM PST,

The β€œmiracle baby” who captured the hearts of Canadians when his mother died of cancer just days after fulfilling her wish to hold him is continuing to defy the odds, recently celebrating his first birthday.

Baby Salvatore (which translates to savior) loves his toys, attention, and is a very happy little boy.

β€œIt’s almost like he knows he’s lucky to be here,” said his aunt Rose Pachota, smiling at her nephew, who goes by Sal.

And Sal is lucky to be here – in fact, doctors never expected him to be born.

His 22-year-old mother Breanne Smaaslet had already been diagnosed with terminal cancer when she found out she was pregnant. She fought to stay alive, and to give her unborn son a chance of surviving.

Breanne Smaaslet

β€œI can’t wait to see him, I always wanted to be a mom,” Smaaslet told CTV News just days before Christmas 2015.

β€œIt just makes me upset that I can't actually be a mom, but I know my baby will be in great hands when the time comes… It’s time to be strong for our little boy.”

Her wish to hold her son before she died was fulfilled on Christmas Day 2015, when tiny baby Sal was born only 26 weeks into her pregnancy and weighing just 1.9 pounds.


Sal spent the first four months of his life in the hospital, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at him. Just shy of 13 months, he now weighs 22 pounds, is in the 50th percentile for his height and weight - and is astounding doctors.


β€œWe were told by multiple doctors he was never going to be here, he likely wouldn’t survive his birth,” said Pachota, who is raising the little boy with her fiancΓ© Frank Vargas.

β€œThey’re now just amazed at his development…There are some of them of them actually in tears because of how well he’s doing.”

Sal spends time with other relatives as well, and the family is grateful for all the support from friends and strangers alike.

β€œThe situation was tragic but we also have this beautiful little boy who is a representation of the mom and dad,” said Pachota. "Breanne made it very clear we were to raise him as his mom and dad... He's such a blessing."

β€œI look forward to coming home so much,” added Pachota's fiancΓ©, Vargas. β€œAs soon as I see him, he gives me the biggest smile and lights up my life.”

Though the family is still grieving the loss of Sal’s mother, her niece’s son represents hope.

β€œI look at him, and it’s almost like I’m seeing my niece all over again, you know?” Pachota said. β€œSal brings us so much joy.”

With files from CTV Vancouver's Michele Brunoro


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