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Heritage Month Interfaith Service marred by controversial presentation

By Devina Samaroo

It was high drama on Wednesday evening when a Pandit made some startling remarks at the Heritage Month Interfaith Service, prompting the Adviser to the Indigenous Affairs Minister, Mervyn Williams to walk out, completely offended.
The Interfaith Prayer Service, which was held at the Amerindian Heritage Village in Sophia, is an annual event that ushers in the celebrations of Amerindian Heritage Month.

Pandit Deodatt Tillack

Pandit Deodatt Tillack

But this year’s event was far from traditional after Pandit Deodatt Tillack of the Shri Samayapuram Mariamma Temple took to the stage to offer his contributions to the service.
In examining this year’s theme “Our Culture, Earth’s Future – Save the Environment, Live the Indigenous Way”, Pandit Tillack declared to the amusement of sections of the audience that US oil giant ExxonMobil was here to rob the environment and that persons must beware.
Most shocking, however, was when he declared that the indigenous way is characterised by paedophilia.
“I was reliably informed that in Amerindians’ tradition and culture, and please I stand to be correct, that a girl as soon as she enters puberty, she must be equipped with these fundamental knowledge: she must know how to make the pepper-pot, the cassava bread and she must also know how to warm the bed…,” he stated.
At this point, a visibly upset Williams rose from his seat up in front and walked out of the benab.
Perhaps oblivious to the alarmed expressions on the faces of the audience, the Pandit went on to highlight that these practices were against the laws of the country.
“While they seem it is okay for you to get married at 12, or a 17-year-old boy to marry a 12-year-old girl; our Constitution speaks against that…and according to the criterion that meets the criteria of paedophilia is that the person has to be five years older than the victim,” he stated.
In wrapping up his speech, the Pandit charged that good qualities were the best garment, and urged everyone to decorate themselves with them.

The Ministerial Adviser was standing outside the benab trying to comprehend what had just transpired when the media exited.
Approached for a comment on the matter, he told media operatives that the presentation was utterly inappropriate for the prayer service.
“I was extremely uncomfortable, because I believe this to be a very sacred occasion. It is invoking the blessings of God Almighty under whatever name you call him on this activity and I think there was a misconception of some issues, and I believe that those issues, having been misconceived, lead to an inappropriate presentation,” Williams explained.
He posited that the Pandit should have sought clarity ahead of the presentation.
“I think it was perhaps misinformation and perhaps the absence of some clarification led to this inappropriateness. I believe if one is going to speak to an issue, I believe it is in one’s best interest to seek clarification on all the details one requires before making the presentation,” he stated.
Moreover, Williams indicated that he strongly disagreed that the culture to which the Pandit alluded did not exist.

Respecting opinions
Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs Minister Sydney Allicock, when approached for a comment on the situation, simply noted that everyone has their own opinions.
“Everybody has an opinion and that’s their opinion. For me personally, these things do happen. It’s a multiracial society and this is just one of those things to encourage dialogue,” he stated.

President’s take
Prompted for his position on the situation, President David Granger expressed that the indigenous people should speak for themselves regarding their cultural practices.
“I think every ethnic group has its own cultural and religious customs and rituals. It is my view that the best people to speak about their own cultures are the people themselves. Sometimes when we go outside of our cultural boundaries there be some practices which we won’t comprehend. I agree that it is common that we are one people and that we should understand each other better. But in the particular matter that you refer to, I would prefer that the indigenous people speak for themselves,” the President stated.
Generally, Granger also urged that individuals should broaden their knowledge and learn to understand and appreciate the country’s diverse cultures, especially before speaking definitively on them.

The controversy aside, the Interfaith Service was marked by prayers and cultural presentations from a number of Amerindian groups and religious organisations.
Prayers were offered by the Hallejuah Group Tasserene, the Baha’i community, the Anglican Church, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, the Muslim community, and the Guyana Rastafarian Council.
Various groups also presented Arecuna, Akawaio, Patamona, Makushi, Wapishana and WaiWai prayers.


Pandit clears air on controversial presentation


Dear editor,
I AM penning this letter in relation to an article captioned “Heritage month interfaith service marred by controversial presentation.” Guyana Times Thursday, September 1st, 2016. Firstly, I wish to offer an apology to the Minister of Indigenous People’s, Affairs the Hon Mr Sidney Allicock, MP, and the indigenous peoples for this rather unfortunate turn of events, because the essence of my presentation, although it may seem controversial, was misrepresented by sections of the media.
My presentation was in no way meant to discredit our indigenous peoples and their ways of life or anyone, but was geared to promote mutual respect for our indigenous culture whatever they may be despite some(if true) may conflict with our Constitution, because in my presentation I spoke to CULTURE that was part of the theme “Our culture, Earth’s people,” (save the environment, live the indigenous way) which states ‘culture is the behaviour patterns, beliefs, and other products of a particular group of people, such as values, work patterns, music, dress, diet and ceremonies, that are passed on from generation to generation.
A cultural group can be either large or small, but whatever its size, the group culture influences the identity, learning and social behaviour of its members.’ However, on the theme “save the environment,” I did not accuse Exxon Mobil of robbing earth as was reported by sections of the media, but I used Exxon Mobil as a classic example to say, that we are taking from the earth what we did not put in; therefore, we should live the indigenous way by living in harmony with our environment and to take from the earth what we need and not selfishly take from it. Finally, I am convinced that I’m living in a neurotic society and this neurosis is so common, it is almost like walking on egg shells, where you have to measure your thoughts and weigh your words, but notwithstanding this, while I firmly support press freedom, I wish to remind the media that press freedom comes at the expense of responsible and objective reporting.
Pandit Deodatt M. Tillack

Replies sorted oldest to newest

From the title of the thread, Django seems to be blaming Guyana Times for the controversy. Seeking to misrepresent or is the pandit denying what was published? From the letter, he mentioned misrepresentation by "sections of the media" so this indicates than not only the Guyana Times reported what he said.

Maybe, pretty soon he will have Lawrence Singh saying that the media misrepresented the essence of the medical storage bond issue.


Why mischevious Django? The more things change they more they stay the same. During PPP time the Stabroek and Kaiteur news participated in the same set of govt bashing. You should be thankful that the govt has critics to keep them honest.

Zed posted:

From the title of the thread, Django seems to be blaming Guyana Times for the controversy. Seeking to misrepresent or is the pandit denying what was published? From the letter, he mentioned misrepresentation by "sections of the media" so this indicates than not only the Guyana Times reported what he said.

Maybe, pretty soon he will have Lawrence Singh saying that the media misrepresented the essence of the medical storage bond issue.

No surprise there.  Anytime Django posts a thread the title is misleading.  I am still trying to decide if he can't read or if it is just maliciousness.  Or could be both. 

Bibi Haniffa
Zed posted:

From the title of the thread, Django seems to be blaming Guyana Times for the controversy. Seeking to misrepresent or is the pandit denying what was published? From the letter, he mentioned misrepresentation by "sections of the media" so this indicates than not only the Guyana Times reported what he said.

Maybe, pretty soon he will have Lawrence Singh saying that the media misrepresented the essence of the medical storage bond issue.

Bhai Zed, i looked for the story in other News Media can't find any,noticeably any Indian that support the current gov't have to look out for some blows,in Guyana the PNC [mostly African supported] according to some don't have the right to rule because of past atrocities committed by one of their leader,my belief is change of government is good in a country with multiracial societies every one at some period of time are content they are represented.The divisional politics in Guyana has hampered progress,it will end soon i am keeping my fingers crossed.

Drugb posted:

Why mischevious Django? The more things change they more they stay the same. During PPP time the Stabroek and Kaiteur news participated in the same set of govt bashing. You should be thankful that the govt has critics to keep them honest.

The G.T.have an agenda bhai they have no class in reporting,by the way most of the media bashing the current gov't which is good,i have no problem with that.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Zed posted:

From the title of the thread, Django seems to be blaming Guyana Times for the controversy. Seeking to misrepresent or is the pandit denying what was published? From the letter, he mentioned misrepresentation by "sections of the media" so this indicates than not only the Guyana Times reported what he said.

Maybe, pretty soon he will have Lawrence Singh saying that the media misrepresented the essence of the medical storage bond issue.

No surprise there.  Anytime Django posts a thread the title is misleading.  I am still trying to decide if he can't read or if it is just maliciousness.  Or could be both. 

Well if i can't read,i can write a little,since when the lesser edumacated [my friend way of saying educated] people don't have a voice.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

It appears that the pandit does not deny what was reported by Guyana Times so I don't see where it was mischievous.

They twisted his words,doesn't seem like objective reporting.

Where did they twist his words?


President Granger calls for an understanding of all cultures at Interfaith Service

President Granger calls for an understanding of all cultures at Interfaith Service

Speaking after an interfaith ceremony to mark the beginning of Indigenous Heritage month, President David Granger called on all Guyanese to take the time to learn about each other’s cultures and religious practices.

“Recently I was at Blairmont to a Hindu masjid and there was a ceremony, I learnt a lot…and I think other ethnic groups should do that, learn about the rights, the customs. I am a Christian I’m sure there must be people who do not understand the Christian rituals …and it’s only the education system we could apply to enhance understanding of each other’s cultures. We can’t take these things for granted,” the Head of State said.

 He noted that the different ethnic groups have been living together for long enough, hence he advocated that each gets to know and appreciate the culture of the others, without jumping to conclusions.

granger at interfaith

The President  also called for an understanding of the various religious sects, which would lend to the process of unity.Meanwhile, Granger expressed the view that the best people to explain a specific culture are the people themselves, noting that in instances when persons go outside their cultural boundaries, some practices may not be fully understood.

The President made these comments in reference to statements made by Pandit Deodatt Tillack, who during the interfaith service, condemned what he believes is a perception of aspects of the Indigenous culture.


“Their culture, being a woman at just 12 and a man at 16 conflicts with the constitution because while it is ok for you to get married at 12 for a 17-year-old boy to marry a 12-year-old girl our constitution speaks against that …is considered statutory rape,” Granger posited.

These comments by the Pandit was met with rejection by some officials belonging to the Indigenous Community. This is what President Granger had to say, “I agree with his comment that we are one people and that we should understand each other better, but in the particular matters he referred to I would prefer the Indigenous People speak for themselves.”

The interfaith service was held at the  Indigenous Village, Sophia on Wednesday evening , to mark the beginning of Indigenous Heritage Month with the theme: “Our Culture, Earth’s future.”

Prayers were made by the representatives of the various religious groups and Indigenous faiths.


Kaz,i am not going into the nitty-gritty,i found another piece of news from the above media,the Guyana Times was very crude in presenting what the Pandit said.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Why mischevious Django? The more things change they more they stay the same. During PPP time the Stabroek and Kaiteur news participated in the same set of govt bashing. You should be thankful that the govt has critics to keep them honest.

The G.T.have an agenda bhai they have no class in reporting,by the way most of the media bashing the current gov't which is good,i have no problem with that.

This sounds familiar, rewind to pre 2015, Kaiteur had the same agenda. 

Django posted:

President Granger calls for an understanding of all cultures at Interfaith Service

President Granger calls for an understanding of all cultures at Interfaith Service

Speaking after an interfaith ceremony to mark the beginning of Indigenous Heritage month, President David Granger called on all Guyanese to take the time to learn about each other’s cultures and religious practices.

“Recently I was at Blairmont to a Hindu masjid and there was a ceremony, I learnt a lot…and I think other ethnic groups should do that, learn about the rights, the customs. I am a Christian I’m sure there must be people who do not understand the Christian rituals …and it’s only the education system we could apply to enhance understanding of each other’s cultures. We can’t take these things for granted,” the Head of State said.

 He noted that the different ethnic groups have been living together for long enough, hence he advocated that each gets to know and appreciate the culture of the others, without jumping to conclusions.

granger at interfaith

The President  also called for an understanding of the various religious sects, which would lend to the process of unity.Meanwhile, Granger expressed the view that the best people to explain a specific culture are the people themselves, noting that in instances when persons go outside their cultural boundaries, some practices may not be fully understood.

The President made these comments in reference to statements made by Pandit Deodatt Tillack, who during the interfaith service, condemned what he believes is a perception of aspects of the Indigenous culture.


“Their culture, being a woman at just 12 and a man at 16 conflicts with the constitution because while it is ok for you to get married at 12 for a 17-year-old boy to marry a 12-year-old girl our constitution speaks against that …is considered statutory rape,” Granger posited.

These comments by the Pandit was met with rejection by some officials belonging to the Indigenous Community. This is what President Granger had to say, “I agree with his comment that we are one people and that we should understand each other better, but in the particular matters he referred to I would prefer the Indigenous People speak for themselves.”

The interfaith service was held at the  Indigenous Village, Sophia on Wednesday evening , to mark the beginning of Indigenous Heritage Month with the theme: “Our Culture, Earth’s future.”

Prayers were made by the representatives of the various religious groups and Indigenous faiths.


Kaz,i am not going into the nitty-gritty,i found another piece of news from the above media,the Guyana Times was very crude in presenting what the Pandit said.

Not unreasonable. However you don't know anymore than I do that the pandit did not make that crude statement. Secondly, it looks from the reporting above that Granger thought he visited a Hindu masjid in Blairmont.


The Pandit's comments were not appropriate for an honored guest offering prayers at an interfaith prayer service. Especially in the context that they were there to celebrate Amerindian Heritage Month. He probably never heard of people who live in glass houses, given the fact that Hindus have among the highest amount of child brides on the planet. 


Dah pandit musse been born same place dah pleasantly plump woman who cuss up de dam US man at he house, was a barn. This time no visits by three wise men, their barns were missed..po dem.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

Dah pandit musse been born same place dah pleasantly plump woman who cuss up de dam US man at he house, was a barn. This time no visits by three wise men, their barns were missed..po dem.

Looks like you visited the three wise(drug men..they carried all kinds of potions) men heh? Jesus was born in a kind ah barn. The plump woman you must be talking about is Amna Ally. She has been a lot in the news lately. I am sure she would make a good pitch woman for Weight Watchers if she lost about 100-150 pounds.


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