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Missing $90M…Police try to justify where $$$$$ went - Commanders maintain they got no money
By Dale Andrews




The Guyana Police Force, in a belated statement, has finally accounted for the money earmarked for their elections duties. In an attempt to set the record straight, the Force described as “unofficial, unauthorized and misleading”, statements on the issues from a Divisional Commander, which were carried in this newspaper.


David Ramnarine

Government is seeking approval for advances from the Contingencies Fund to the tune of $90,649,200 to the Force through the Ministry of Home Affairs.
This amount was to “meet additional expenditure for the General and Regional Election 2011; for feeding Rural Constables working on Elections day; for feeding of police ranks inlyned (sic) and to meet expenditure associated with intensification of patrols in and around the city.”

According to the police, during 2011, the Force prepared a budget of proposed activities for the General and Regional Elections, which was submitted to the Ministry of Finance through the Ministry of Home Affairs. Subsequently, supplementary provisions were received by the Force during November 2011, in the sum of $90,649,200.

The police said that of this amount, $39,641,200 were for the shortfall on voted provisions and $51,008,000 were received under the line item 6261 – local travelling and subsistence – which  also caters for the feeding of police ranks during the inlying period for Elections. “The Force wishes to clarify that the sum allotted to the police for elections duties was $51,008.000.00 and not the total $90,649,200.” Of the money received, the police said that $8M was to facilitate the cost of travelling expenses and the remaining $43,008,000 was brought to account by the police.


Commissioner of Police - Henry Greene


A total sum of $32,491,822.00 was drawn out to Police Divisions, Police Headquarters and Special Constabulary Headquarters to meet expenditure for the feeding of ranks, according to the police. The Force explained that Police Divisions, Police Headquarters and the Special Constabulary Headquarters were allocated “cash” and “commodities” from the Police Consumers’ Cooperative Society Limited and other outlets for the feeding of ranks.

They provided a breakdown of how the money was disbursed: Police Headquarters – $9,500,251; “A” Division – $8,526,676; “B” Division – $3,459,851; “C” Division – $2,299,465; “D” Division- $1,199,037; “E&F” Division – $1,696,888; “G” Division – $1,136,623; TSU – $4,176,144 and Special Constabulary – $496,887. 


“The remaining sum of $10,516,178 is still in the Force’s accounting system,” the police stated. “The Guyana Police Force wishes to reiterate that monies received were allocated to the appropriate Divisions and Branches for the feeding of ranks and other policing activities during the elections and that there was nothing sinister in the handling of the monies as alluded to by the media,” the Force added.

Some police Divisional Commanders as well as Heads of Departments are still maintaining that they never received the money…in fact they were instructed to seek the assistance of the public to cover the expense of feeding the ranks.
However, the only person to officially comment on the matter was Assistant Commissioner of Police David Ramnarine, who informed that he never received a cent from the police to feed his ranks.

“What I will say is this, as I have said before, and which I had already communicated to the ranks under my command, David Ramnarine did not receive a single cent. Much less, I was asked to seek the support of the miners and businessmen, particularly from the Bartica district, to fund feeding and other issues during the elections,” Ramnarine said.

Yesterday, he stated emphatically that he would put his career on the line and insist that he never received the money that the police said was allocated to his division. “To say that E&F division got $1.6M…for such a large division with 41 locations to cater for one week would really have been a disgrace in itself. I repeat, I never received a cent, except $1.2M in dry ration from the Police Consumers Co-op Society, a large portion of which spoilt before it reached some of the locations,” Ramnarine asserted.

The Assistant Commissioner insisted that now embattled Police Commissioner Henry Greene had always maintained that the force had not received money for the police elections programme and “it was he (Greene) who instructed me to advise my subordinate officers in the far-off locations to take certain quantities of commodities on credit from stores in their respective districts”.

Ramnarine said that it should be noted that had the Guyana Elections Commission not assisted with cash and dry ration for many of those ranks who accompanied them to some remote areas, “I really don’t know what would have happened”.
Another Divisional Commander, who spoke to this newspaper on condition of anonymity, said that although he had provided a budget in excess of five million dollars, all he received from the Police Finance Department was a cheque for just over $300,000 to pay creditors.


Minister of Home Affairs - Clement Rohee


Commander Ramnarine said that in any event, “to cut a long story short, I am putting my career on the line when I reiterate that from the contribution of miners and businessmen, I spent over $1.5M to police the elections in my division during the one week of inlying. I was informed by all my sub-divisional officers of the assistance in cash and kind that they received from various members of the public.”

He said that if it is indeed true that the meagre sum of $1.6M was disbursed to the interior division, to cater for 600 persons for a minimum of three days morning, midday and evening, “then someone else must have been commander at the time.”
Assistant Commissioner Ramnarine was keen to dispel the assertion that his previous statements in the media on the subject were misleading. “My integrity has been challenged…I am not the perfect person; no one can lay claim to be, but I would not be cowed. I know the difference between real courage and moral courage. Further, I am a qualified and an educated police officer,” he declared.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Abiha, perhaps Yuji can explain: "Allotted vs Allocated vs Budgeted vs Dispensed".


Abidha, where is David Ramnarine's money?


Why is the police not returning the $10M not spent to the Contingency Funds?




The KFC boys in the Police force embezzled the money and funneled it to pay for election campaign. Just another fund raiser at the expense of the guyanese public. What a shame. First it was robberies to pay for ads in trinidad news paper, now stealing tax payers money directly. Go KFC


Official police figures of multi-million $ allocation challenged
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Wednesday, 07 March 2012 13:07


policeClaims of discrepancies on Wednesday began emerging between the amount of monies Police Headquarters said was allocated and spent in various divisions and how much was actually received during the recent general elections. High-level police sources at Eve Leary have told Demerara Waves Online News ( that the official figures for at least two divisions so far are inaccurate.


As reported here, the Guyana Police Force has already refuted media reports that some GUY$90M allocated for the feeding of ranks and other duties during the election period went unaccounted for saying there was nothing sinister in the handling of the funds as alluded to in the media. While the Guyana Police Force has officially stated that GUY$1,696.888.00 were spent in E & F Division (Linden and the interior) , the sources say that division had actually received an estimated GUY$200,000.


In the case of “G” Division (Essequibo Coast), official figures show that G$1,136,623 were spent on subsistence on travelling. But those are being challenged by Eve Leary sources who say that division actually received GUY$500,000 and a cheque for GUY$200,000 from the Welfare to purchase green vegetables.


The bubble burst on the status of GUY$90 million earlier this month when former E&F Divisional Commander, Assistant Commissioner, David Ramnaraine spoke out, saying that he had solicited funds from businesses in the mining township to offset police expenses during the electioneering period while police.


Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee has since castigated Ramnaraine for speaking to the media in alleged violation of the Force Orders. “Once the Commissioner of Police issues a Force Order in respect to communications with the Media, it is expected that all and sundry within the Force, particularly at the Senior level will fall in line and uphold that Order and will not seek to adopt an individualistic and egoistic stand and moreso, provide their personal view to the media,” Rohee has said.

47 minutes ago

Where is Albert and Rev Al.  Those guys are not saying much now that their protector has to answer for the missing millions.



It is not only Millions Missing now.....

Albert seems to be in Hiding


Rev De Donkey Kong mystic when Real numbers start appearing



Ugeee escape into the nearest Rat Hole....

La Cucaracha scared AFC more than a Bagon Bomb attack.



Originally Posted by Jalil:
47 minutes ago

Where is Albert and Rev Al.  Those guys are not saying much now that their protector has to answer for the missing millions.



It is not only Millions Missing now.....

Albert seems to be in Hiding


Rev De Donkey Kong mystic when Real numbers start appearing



Ugeee escape into the nearest Rat Hole....

La Cucaracha scared AFC more than a Bagon Bomb attack.




11 hours ago

Missing $90M…Police try to justify where $$$$$ went - Commanders maintain they got no money
By Dale Andrews




The Guyana Police Force, in a belated statement, has finally accounted for the money earmarked for their elections duties. In an attempt to set the record straight, the Force described as “unofficial, unauthorized and misleading”, statements on the issues from a Divisional Commander, which were carried in this newspaper.


David Ramnarine

Government is seeking approval for advances from the Contingencies Fund to the tune of $90,649,200 to the Force through the Ministry of Home Affairs.
This amount was to “meet additional expenditure for the General and Regional Election 2011; for feeding Rural Constables working on Elections day; for feeding of police ranks inlyned (sic) and to meet expenditure associated with intensification of patrols in and around the city.”

According to the police, during 2011, the Force prepared a budget of proposed activities for the General and Regional Elections, which was submitted to the Ministry of Finance through the Ministry of Home Affairs. Subsequently, supplementary provisions were received by the Force during November 2011, in the sum of $90,649,200.

The police said that of this amount, $39,641,200 were for the shortfall on voted provisions and $51,008,000 were received under the line item 6261 – local travelling and subsistence – which  also caters for the feeding of police ranks during the inlying period for Elections. “The Force wishes to clarify that the sum allotted to the police for elections duties was $51,008.000.00 and not the total $90,649,200.” Of the money received, the police said that $8M was to facilitate the cost of travelling expenses and the remaining $43,008,000 was brought to account by the police.


Commissioner of Police - Henry Greene


A total sum of $32,491,822.00 was drawn out to Police Divisions, Police Headquarters and Special Constabulary Headquarters to meet expenditure for the feeding of ranks, according to the police. The Force explained that Police Divisions, Police Headquarters and the Special Constabulary Headquarters were allocated “cash” and “commodities” from the Police Consumers’ Cooperative Society Limited and other outlets for the feeding of ranks.

They provided a breakdown of how the money was disbursed: Police Headquarters – $9,500,251; “A” Division – $8,526,676; “B” Division – $3,459,851; “C” Division – $2,299,465; “D” Division- $1,199,037; “E&F” Division – $1,696,888; “G” Division – $1,136,623; TSU – $4,176,144 and Special Constabulary – $496,887. 


“The remaining sum of $10,516,178 is still in the Force’s accounting system,” the police stated. “The Guyana Police Force wishes to reiterate that monies received were allocated to the appropriate Divisions and Branches for the feeding of ranks and other policing activities during the elections and that there was nothing sinister in the handling of the monies as alluded to by the media,” the Force added.

Some police Divisional Commanders as well as Heads of Departments are still maintaining that they never received the money…in fact they were instructed to seek the assistance of the public to cover the expense of feeding the ranks.
However, the only person to officially comment on the matter was Assistant Commissioner of Police David Ramnarine, who informed that he never received a cent from the police to feed his ranks.

“What I will say is this, as I have said before, and which I had already communicated to the ranks under my command, David Ramnarine did not receive a single cent. Much less, I was asked to seek the support of the miners and businessmen, particularly from the Bartica district, to fund feeding and other issues during the elections,” Ramnarine said.

Yesterday, he stated emphatically that he would put his career on the line and insist that he never received the money that the police said was allocated to his division. “To say that E&F division got $1.6M…for such a large division with 41 locations to cater for one week would really have been a disgrace in itself. I repeat, I never received a cent, except $1.2M in dry ration from the Police Consumers Co-op Society, a large portion of which spoilt before it reached some of the locations,” Ramnarine asserted.

The Assistant Commissioner insisted that now embattled Police Commissioner Henry Greene had always maintained that the force had not received money for the police elections programme and “it was he (Greene) who instructed me to advise my subordinate officers in the far-off locations to take certain quantities of commodities on credit from stores in their respective districts”.

Ramnarine said that it should be noted that had the Guyana Elections Commission not assisted with cash and dry ration for many of those ranks who accompanied them to some remote areas, “I really don’t know what would have happened”.
Another Divisional Commander, who spoke to this newspaper on condition of anonymity, said that although he had provided a budget in excess of five million dollars, all he received from the Police Finance Department was a cheque for just over $300,000 to pay creditors.


Minister of Home Affairs - Clement Rohee


Commander Ramnarine said that in any event, “to cut a long story short, I am putting my career on the line when I reiterate that from the contribution of miners and businessmen, I spent over $1.5M to police the elections in my division during the one week of inlying. I was informed by all my sub-divisional officers of the assistance in cash and kind that they received from various members of the public.”

He said that if it is indeed true that the meagre sum of $1.6M was disbursed to the interior division, to cater for 600 persons for a minimum of three days morning, midday and evening, “then someone else must have been commander at the time.”
Assistant Commissioner Ramnarine was keen to dispel the assertion that his previous statements in the media on the subject were misleading. “My integrity has been challenged…I am not the perfect person; no one can lay claim to be, but I would not be cowed. I know the difference between real courage and moral courage. Further, I am a qualified and an educated police officer,” he declared.

<script type="text/**********"></script> <script type="text/**********"></script>
8 hours ago

Something fishy here why only now.

<script type="text/**********"></script>
5 hours ago

The money is accounted for. Why not updat the thread accordingly?




Abidha think this is a Game of Police & Thief

We Dealing with two thiefman here.



This is no game......two thiefman on the run

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

The money is accounted for.


Oh rant, that looks like something we boy albert would have for a nice treat if it came in a ice cream cone cup.

Speaking bout the critter, I doan see him post as abert but I think I do see him..I'm suspicious of a certain somebody...


It's either that or they both have the same writer.


[b]..."The Assistant Commissioner insisted that now embattled Police Commissioner Henry Greene had always maintained that the force had not received money for the police elections programme and “it was he (Greene) who instructed me to advise my subordinate officers in the far-off locations to take certain quantities of commodities on credit from stores in their respective districts”....

Ramnarine said that it should be noted that had the Guyana Elections Commission not assisted with cash and dry ration for many of those ranks who accompanied them to some remote areas, “I really don’t know what would have happened”.
Another Divisional Commander, who spoke to this newspaper on condition of anonymity, said that although he had provided a budget in excess of five million dollars, all he received from the Police Finance Department was a cheque for just over $300,000 to pay creditors.


Minister of Home Affairs - Clement Rohee


Commander Ramnarine said that in any event, “to cut a long story short, I am putting my career on the line when I reiterate that from the contribution of miners and businessmen, I spent over $1.5M to police the elections in my division during the one week of inlying. I was informed by all my sub-divisional officers of the assistance in cash and kind that they received from various members of the public.”

He said that if it is indeed true that the meagre sum of $1.6M was disbursed to the interior division, to cater for 600 persons for a minimum of three days morning, midday and evening, “then someone else must have been commander at the time.”
Assistant Commissioner Ramnarine was keen to dispel the assertion that his previous statements in the media on the subject were misleading. “My integrity has been challenged…I am not the perfect person; no one can lay claim to be, but I would not be cowed. I know the difference between real courage and moral courage. Further, I am a qualified and an educated police officer,” he declared.

 This  fish  is rotten from  he head down. These are  strong  and unambiguous statements  by  David  Ramnarine.  Now  we  can  put  this  to  rest, if  only Rohee,  Greene  or  Brummell ( as the  new  COP) could  only  display the  intestinal  fortitude to step  forward with an  equally unambiguous clarification, rather than the  load of  horse  shyt that  is  proffered as  explanation.    


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