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Former Member

Missing in action…

…the Code of Conduct If it’s one thing the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) was lambasted for by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) when in Opposition was their alleged “unprofessional” conduct in the performance of their governmental office. With the Muckraker embellishing and even inventing lapses of the PPP governmental apparatus, it might’ve cost the PPP the Government. Now if you cuss out your opponents for indiscretions, then you’d better come good. So with beatific countenances and simpering smiles, APNU/AFC promised in their manifesto a “Code of Conduct” that’d guarantee they tread the straight and narrow should the people give them a crack at Government. The Code was one of the 21 promises they’d accomplish within 100 days!! Well, the people did slip APNU/AFC into office. But it’s been six months down the line – and NO Code of Conduct!! How’re folks to judge whether these self-proclaimed paragons of virtue are following their own rules. Another promise bites the dust! Two months ago, pressed to explain what happened to the Code, Trotman – who’d just asked the Guyanese people to “trust the Government” on their 50 per cent raise – said that he was “circulating” a draft Code of Conduct for comments. He explained – as a halo floated over his head – the “Code of Conduct for Ministers and Government Officials” (CCMGO) he was sending around to “stakeholders” was SOOOO thorough, wings would soon sprout from the backs of the said officials. The CCMGO, Trotman explained, was built around 10 principles: duty, honour, integrity, dignity, loyalty, accountability, objectivity, diligence, transparency, and responsibility. Now if this wasn’t a return of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table at Camelot, what was? So even though the Government was three months late at that time, folks gave them the benefit of the doubt. Some supporters might’ve even held their breath! And woe to them because Halloween’s over; Thanksgiving is nigh upon us – and still NO Code of Conduct! What happened? Pressed by reporters, Trotman conceded sheepishly that his Government hadn’t even started the promised public consultations! Trust them!! Meantime, the entire Government has abandoned its DUTY to rice farmers to find markets; shown no HONOUR in rescinding their obscene pay raises; degutted INTEGRITY when appointing REO’s; shown no DIGNITY in ostentatious revelry while the economy crashes; abandoned LOYALTY to their Public Workers’ supporters and jettisoned ACCOUNTABILITY for open-ended audits. No OBJECTIVITY was shown in firing 1972 Amerindian workers, no DILIGENCE in setting up trade desks in the foreign service; absolutely no TRANSPARENCY in the big bash splurge spending and finally, an abdication of RESPONSIBILITY of the crashing economy. But Guyanese should still “trust” them… they’re all honourable men (and women), no?


…auditors of the State organs Your Eyewitness’ wondering what happened to all those audits the Government launched like gang busters when they took office in May. The PPP/Civic Government, APNU/AFC screamed, were “siphoning off” money through various schemes and scams that were draining the treasury dry. Once the audits located how and where the siphoning was taking place, the savings alone would massively increase investment – not to mention paying “significant” increases to public workers, who’d placed their “X’s” on the line for them. So we heard about those crack auditors, Lalloo Ram and Ghoolsarran – being hired to ferret out the pilferers. But here we are, six months down the line – and the only “siphoning off” we had reported didn’t even come out of any audit. But because one PPP functionary spilled the beans! The Minister in charge of audits has since told us to “trust” the Government on the audits. They were a) just “stock taking exercises”, b) just to satisfy donors and finally c) were “confidential”! And here we thought governance was public business.

…democracy When in Opposition, APNU/AFC convinced us of the importance of Parliament to the maintenance of democracy. And today, they can just postpone sittings because Nagamootoo must keep up his frequent flyers miles? O tempora! O mores!!

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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Sugar workers have to realize that half a loaf is better than  no loaf. This is not the time to strike.

Sugar workers must remember

when Jagdeo & Ramotar tried

to kill their Union GAWU...

Who was there to defend them.

Light a candle for

Guyana sugar workers –

Moses Nagamootoo



Statement by Moses Nagamootoo


The threat by the state-owned Guyana Sugar Corporation (Guysuco) to de-recognise the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union (GAWU) is intemperate and reckless.


The media report that Guysuco has notified GAWU that it is considering to end the 1976 Recognition and the Avoidance and Settlement of Disputes Agreement with the union, is an extreme provocation.

This year sugar workers were given not a cent either as wage increase or annual bonus as Guysuco did not achieve its set target. The workers were literally expected to “produce or perish”.

I am shocked that the Government could condone this attack on GAWU and the sugar workers; and that leaders of my party, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), would expect to be in silent conspiracy with this outrage against the vanguard of the working class movement in Guyana.

I can no longer remain silent. This is a grave national matter, and one of conscience.

I dissociate myself from what seems to be a state-party alliance in sledge-hammering GAWU, judging from the leading role of Dr. N.K. Gopaul, Permanent Secretary in the Office of the President and former acting Head of the Presidential Secretariat, as Chairman of Guysuco,

and Mr. Donald Ramotar, General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), who is a prominent member of the Board.

The sugar workers have been the bedrock of the anti-colonial struggles for independence from Great Britain.

For 28 years (1948-1976) they fought for industrial democracy and won union recognition.

For 28 years (1964-1992) they were in the front trenches for restoration of democratic rule in Guyana.

Their struggles gave birth to the PPP, and were exemplified in the commitment of Cheddi Jagan, the sacrifices of the Enmore Martyrs, Kowsilia, and many others.

No one denies that the sugar industry is in crisis due to a combination of exogenous and internal management factors. Low worker turn-out, work stoppages and inclement weather compounded the problem. But the sugar workers cannot be the only scapegoats for failure.

For many years, I have been associated with the cause of Guyana’s sugar workers and, invariably, marched under their banner in their epic fight for union recognition.

As a young teacher I founded a school to help mainly sugar workers’ children to get an education.

Later, as a journalist, I captured in many feature articles the consistent and unwavering struggles in the sugar belt.

And I can attest that their union has never allowed itself to be intimidated or blackmailed in the past. I expect no more from GAWU which should, with dignity and responsibility, prosecute all reasonable options to end the stalemate in the industry. Strikes must be the last resort.

I also expect Guysuco to re-think its options, and to eschew its intention to de-recognise GAWU.

The de-recognition threat ought to be withdrawn immediately and unconditionally before irreparable damage is done. The Government would do well also to explore all possibilities to give the sugar workers even a nominal wage increase. Zero is an insult, not an option.

I’d like to borrow the poignant words of Ricky Singh, a former colleague of mine, when he wrote several years ago in another context, that we should, as we observe Christmas, “Light a Candle” for our sugar workers.

• When the last

administration left office,

GuySuCo’s debt burden

stood at $82 BILLION...

Jagdeo & Ramotar

left the Sugar Workers

Bankrupt & Broke

Jagdeo & Ramotar plan to De-recognise

GAWU in the

Sugar Industry



Last edited by Former Member

So, what is your point, selling the praise of Moses. Nuff talk and no action, something has to give, the same place they find MONEY for 50% RAISE go there again to give to the sugar workers. Moses be a Guyanese and fight for his mattie.

Originally Posted by kp:

So, what is your point, selling the praise of Moses. Nuff talk and no action, something has to give, the same place they find MONEY for 50% RAISE go there again to give to the sugar workers. Moses be a Guyanese and fight for his mattie.

My friend this is not about praising Moses.....

this is about our poor sugar workers

being misled by Goats in the PPP & GAWU.






There will be more 2020

Sugar Workers will not be led by Goats.


Jagdeo's Dream will come thru....


Jagdeo decided House of Israel thugs

fit better in his scheme of things...

than the Hard Working Sugar Workers



GAWU will self destruct....

and their Double standards....

Blind & Blind support of Jagdeo is


Exposed by Sugar workers....


If PPP love or care for the

Sugar Workers so much....


how come the Black House of Israel Thugs

who were used to Break-up GAWU strikes

and attack and Injure

Indian Workers and GAWU Supporters

on the Sugar Estates.......

end up ..... in Top Leadership Position

at the Office of the President...and...

Freedom House.....


I challange any Jagdeo GNI 

to show us you are not a

Blind, Deaf & Dumb Crab Louse.....

by admitt the PPP was wrong to 

take in Black House of Israel Thugs

into Freedom House &

Office of the President....



what Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton,

Rabbai and other Black Thugs

from the House of Israel ....

did to our brothers

during the Sugar Strike

for GAWU Recognition....




The GAWU strike for recognition

Faced with this situation, the Guyana Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU) called a strike in the sugar industry in 1975.

The strike had a three-fold objective:

(1) to remove the sugar levy;

(2) to fight for better wages and improved working conditions; and

(3) to demand official recognition for the union to be the bargaining agent for sugar workers.



At that time, the Man Power Citizens' Association (MPCA), widely regarded as a "company union" was the recognised union whose call to the striking workers to return to work went totally unheeded.

The MPCA itself was heavily backed by the PNC

and The Black House Of Israel Thugs & Killers.


The sugar workers maintained their strike

for seven weeks during the "spring" crop and

then again for six weeks in the "autumn" crop.


They made tremendous sacrifices

but they received support in food and finance

from workers and farmers all over Guyana.


In the end,

after a loss of nearly $150 million in foreign exchange

and $50 million in revenue,

the government was forced to order a poll

among sugar workers to choose the union

to represent them in the industry.


This is what Jagdeo

& House of Israel want to Reverse...

and they got the Crab Louse supporting them.



This was a big victory for the workers

since the government had stubbornly

refused to apply this measure for many years.


In the poll which was held at the end of December 1975,

the sugar workers voted overwhelmingly for the GAWU

giving it 98 percent of the votes cast.



This poll, in which 83 percent of the workers turned out to vote, demonstrated three facts:

(1) first, that the GAWU had the confidence

of the majority of sugar workers,

as it had always asserted;



(2) second, the PNC's claim

that it had made inroads into PPP strongholds

(especially the sugar estates) was spurious -

a claim based on the 71 percent votes

which it took at the 1973 general elections

with the help of the army;

and Burnham Black House Of Israel Thugs & Killers.


(3) third, it clearly exposed the fact

that the PNC rigged the 1973 elections

since the PNC-backed union could not obtain

more than 2 percent of the sugar workers' votes.....


Political History :

Jagan & PPP supporters.....

fight Burnham, GDF & House of Israel......

for the Guyanese Sugar Workers.


Jagdeo & House of Israel Thugs.....

(1) came from nowhere and .......

Hijacked the PPP......


(2) threaten to De-recognise GAWU......


(3) Moved House of Israel Thugs

into Top Freedom House Positions...

and in The office of the President....


Let us now see

Who support the Sugar Workers????  


Who Support The House of Israel Thugs????

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by kp:

So, what is your point, selling the praise of Moses. Nuff talk and no action, something has to give, the same place they find MONEY for 50% RAISE go there again to give to the sugar workers. Moses be a Guyanese and fight for his mattie.

My friend this is not about praising Moses.....

this is about our poor sugar workers

being misled by Goats in the PPP & GAWU.






There will be more 2020

Sugar Workers will not be led by Goats.


Jagdeo's Dream will come thru....


Jagdeo decided House of Israel thugs

fit better in his scheme of things...

than the Hard Working Sugar Workers



GAWU will self destruct....

and their Double standards....

Blind & Blind support of Jagdeo is


Exposed by Sugar workers....


If PPP love or care for the

Sugar Workers so much....


how come the Black House of Israel Thugs

who were used to Break-up GAWU strikes

and attack and Injure

Indian Workers and GAWU Supporters

on the Sugar Estates.......

end up ..... in Top Leadership Position

at the Office of the President...and...

Freedom House.....


I challange any Jagdeo GNI 

to show us you are not a

Blind, Deaf & Dumb Crab Louse.....

by admitt the PPP was wrong to 

take in Black House of Israel Thugs

into Freedom House &

Office of the President....



what Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton,

Rabbai and other Black Thugs

from the House of Israel ....

did to our brothers

during the Sugar Strike

for GAWU Recognition....




The GAWU strike for recognition

Faced with this situation, the Guyana Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU) called a strike in the sugar industry in 1975.

The strike had a three-fold objective:

(1) to remove the sugar levy;

(2) to fight for better wages and improved working conditions; and

(3) to demand official recognition for the union to be the bargaining agent for sugar workers.



At that time, the Man Power Citizens' Association (MPCA), widely regarded as a "company union" was the recognised union whose call to the striking workers to return to work went totally unheeded.

The MPCA itself was heavily backed by the PNC

and The Black House Of Israel Thugs & Killers.


The sugar workers maintained their strike

for seven weeks during the "spring" crop and

then again for six weeks in the "autumn" crop.


They made tremendous sacrifices

but they received support in food and finance

from workers and farmers all over Guyana.


In the end,

after a loss of nearly $150 million in foreign exchange

and $50 million in revenue,

the government was forced to order a poll

among sugar workers to choose the union

to represent them in the industry.


This is what Jagdeo

& House of Israel want to Reverse...

and they got the Crab Louse supporting them.



This was a big victory for the workers

since the government had stubbornly

refused to apply this measure for many years.


In the poll which was held at the end of December 1975,

the sugar workers voted overwhelmingly for the GAWU

giving it 98 percent of the votes cast.



This poll, in which 83 percent of the workers turned out to vote, demonstrated three facts:

(1) first, that the GAWU had the confidence

of the majority of sugar workers,

as it had always asserted;



(2) second, the PNC's claim

that it had made inroads into PPP strongholds

(especially the sugar estates) was spurious -

a claim based on the 71 percent votes

which it took at the 1973 general elections

with the help of the army;

and Burnham Black House Of Israel Thugs & Killers.


(3) third, it clearly exposed the fact

that the PNC rigged the 1973 elections

since the PNC-backed union could not obtain

more than 2 percent of the sugar workers' votes.....


Political History :

Jagan & PPP supporters.....

fight Burnham, GDF & House of Israel......

for the Guyanese Sugar Workers.


Jagdeo & House of Israel Thugs.....

(1) came from nowhere and .......

Hijacked the PPP......


(2) threaten to De-recognise GAWU......


(3) Moved House of Israel Thugs

into Top Freedom House Positions...

and in The office of the President....


Let us now see

Who support the Sugar Workers????  


Who Support The House of Israel Thugs????

Banna, I see you writing a storybook again. Stop with the propaganda

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Banna, I see you writing a storybook again. Stop with the propaganda

Vish please tell us how Jagdeo & His Black House Of Israel thugs can help the Sugar Workers now?


Then tell us if it is true Jagdeo lock his wife out the Bedroom...

and she had to sleep outside on the couch.


How did Kwame get in?


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