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Former Member


Mitt Romney Predicts Donald Trump Will Win Re-Election

Mitt Romney has predicted that President Donald Trump will "easily" grab the Republican Party’s nomination and win re-election in 2020.

Romney’s comments were made to a group of GOP donors Thursday evening in Utah, according to a Politico report, where he was hosting his annual E2 Summit that brings together politicians and donors. This year the guest list included House Speaker Paul Ryan, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.

"I think President Trump will be re-nominated by my party easily, and I think he’ll be reelected solidly,” Romney said.

To back up his claims, Romney pointed to Trump’s biggest political accomplishment to date: the rapidly growing economy. Unemployment hit an 18-year low in May falling to 3.8 percent with black and Hispanic unemployment reaching record lows.

Romney also speculated that another reason Trump will most likely win a second term is that he believes that the Democratic Party will select a presidential candidate that is not a mainstream figure.

“I think our Democrat friends are likely to nominate someone who is really out of the mainstream of American thought and will make it easier for a president who is presiding over a growing economy,” Romney said to the group.

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Demerara_Guy posted:
Ray posted:

AHHHH....since Romney predicted this, I think I put my money on Dems


DodoDonald will follow Romney who lost miserably in 2012.

Almost as bad as your prediction that the PPP will with with 60% of the votes.


The worse is behind Trump.  He is on an upward trajectory and will likely win by an even bigger margin in 2020.  Trump will widen his appeal among blacks and Hispanics and wipeout the Democrats.

Trump will secure his place in American history and will build a one of a kind Trump Mahal in Bedminister. This is in addition to his one of a kind Trump Wahal!


Trump will certain make his mark in US history.  The end of any pretention that this is a democracy.  It will be Trump News all day all the time.   People like baseman sent off to live with Granger.

caribny posted:

Trump will certain make his mark in US history.  The end of any pretention that this is a democracy.  It will be Trump News all day all the time.   People like baseman sent off to live with Granger.

Relax bai. Trump will do good things for Blacks and you will eventually come around. Remember how Blacks disliked Bush and even Mandela ended up praising him for turning AIDS around.  

Did you hear that Van Jones is talking to Trump about prison reform?  You saw he just let out an Afro grandma from an unfair heavy sentence?  Your Democrat friend are criticizing him for not following the process and then says it’s great. Which is it you want?

Trump has a lot more in store which will disproportionately benefit Afros.  

But we all know, those like you, diaper boy and others will never like him or give him credit for anything. He and his supporters are resigned to that fact.  But he will do what’s right regardless.

In any case, this will not stop him being re-elected.  Y’all just get used to him. 

And the fact that an outsider can get elected is ample proof that this is a democracy. Alyuh corrupt hand picked political successor was sent packing. 

Last edited by Former Member

For Mitt Romney to believe that Trump will win again, he has to see how Trump policies are shaping up to be. More so for the mainstream Americans. America needed Trump to put the break on things. For too long American has leaders that bows and say yes to everyone and everything. The world is taking notice of that. Trump was stressing on Russia to be back in the G8 summit, which is a good thing on the foreign policy stage. Only today, Putin said he is happy to have them in Mosco. Regardless of what Putin did, you can't isolate him from the world's industrialized nation's summit. Russia is a big player. Trump is tough, but moving in the right direction. 


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