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Bibi Haniffa posted:

We should also be cognizant of the fact that Amral is the site administrator and not a mental health professional.  Those who have mental health issues such as schizophrenia, bipolar, substance abuse, manic depression, and other problems should seek assistance elsewhere rather than crowd the board with emotional outbursts and varying forms of self destruction.

How bout Datt!!!    Did you take your Vraylar today?

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

We should also be cognizant of the fact that Amral is the site administrator and not a mental health professional.  Those who have mental health issues such as schizophrenia, bipolar, substance abuse, manic depression, and other problems should seek assistance elsewhere rather than crowd the board with emotional outbursts and varying forms of self destruction.

How bout Datt!!!    Did you take your Vraylar today?

I so badly wanted to respond to that but I shall keep my mouth shut, thank the lord for small favors that I haven't been suspended given the influence of certain members and be satisfied with another "like".....

GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

We should also be cognizant of the fact that Amral is the site administrator and not a mental health professional.  Those who have mental health issues such as schizophrenia, bipolar, substance abuse, manic depression, and other problems should seek assistance elsewhere rather than crowd the board with emotional outbursts and varying forms of self destruction.

How bout Datt!!!    Did you take your Vraylar today?

I so badly wanted to respond to that but I shall keep my mouth shut, thank the lord for small favors that I haven't been suspended given the influence of certain members and be satisfied with another "like".....

Go ahead.  Respond.  Let’s hear what you have to say.

Bibi Haniffa
GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

We should also be cognizant of the fact that Amral is the site administrator and not a mental health professional.  Those who have mental health issues such as schizophrenia, bipolar, substance abuse, manic depression, and other problems should seek assistance elsewhere rather than crowd the board with emotional outbursts and varying forms of self destruction.

How bout Datt!!!    Did you take your Vraylar today?

I so badly wanted to respond to that but I shall keep my mouth shut, thank the lord for small favors that I haven't been suspended given the influence of certain members and be satisfied with another "like".....

Bai, dem gatt nuff crazy ass people running around constantly talking to themselves about themselves and believe dem seeing things.

Spectrum thingy!!

Baseman posted:
GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

We should also be cognizant of the fact that Amral is the site administrator and not a mental health professional.  Those who have mental health issues such as schizophrenia, bipolar, substance abuse, manic depression, and other problems should seek assistance elsewhere rather than crowd the board with emotional outbursts and varying forms of self destruction.

How bout Datt!!!    Did you take your Vraylar today?

I so badly wanted to respond to that but I shall keep my mouth shut, thank the lord for small favors that I haven't been suspended given the influence of certain members and be satisfied with another "like".....

Bai, dem gatt nuff crazy ass people running around constantly talking to themselves about themselves and believe dem seeing things.

Spectrum thingy!!


GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

We should also be cognizant of the fact that Amral is the site administrator and not a mental health professional.  Those who have mental health issues such as schizophrenia, bipolar, substance abuse, manic depression, and other problems should seek assistance elsewhere rather than crowd the board with emotional outbursts and varying forms of self destruction.

How bout Datt!!!    Did you take your Vraylar today?

I so badly wanted to respond to that but I shall keep my mouth shut, thank the lord for small favors that I haven't been suspended given the influence of certain members and be satisfied with another "like".....

Bai, dem gatt nuff crazy ass people running around constantly talking to themselves about themselves and believe dem seeing things.

Spectrum thingy!!


‘Twas a General statement not focused on anyone.  You never know what’s under the rug until you pull it up!!!

Baseman posted:
GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

We should also be cognizant of the fact that Amral is the site administrator and not a mental health professional.  Those who have mental health issues such as schizophrenia, bipolar, substance abuse, manic depression, and other problems should seek assistance elsewhere rather than crowd the board with emotional outbursts and varying forms of self destruction.

How bout Datt!!!    Did you take your Vraylar today?

I so badly wanted to respond to that but I shall keep my mouth shut, thank the lord for small favors that I haven't been suspended given the influence of certain members and be satisfied with another "like".....

Bai, dem gatt nuff crazy ass people running around constantly talking to themselves about themselves and believe dem seeing things.

Spectrum thingy!!


‘Twas a General statement not focused on anyone.  You never know what’s under the rug until you pull it up!!!

That's why I prefer hardwood floors.......

GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

We should also be cognizant of the fact that Amral is the site administrator and not a mental health professional.  Those who have mental health issues such as schizophrenia, bipolar, substance abuse, manic depression, and other problems should seek assistance elsewhere rather than crowd the board with emotional outbursts and varying forms of self destruction.

How bout Datt!!!    Did you take your Vraylar today?

I so badly wanted to respond to that but I shall keep my mouth shut, thank the lord for small favors that I haven't been suspended given the influence of certain members and be satisfied with another "like".....

Bai, dem gatt nuff crazy ass people running around constantly talking to themselves about themselves and believe dem seeing things.

Spectrum thingy!!


‘Twas a General statement not focused on anyone.  You never know what’s under the rug until you pull it up!!!

That's why I prefer hardwood floors.......

Yuh mek mi gulp for a second.  Thought you said that s why you prefer hard wood!!!!


Amral is the Boss and whatever he says goes. Riff is second in line and whatever he says goes. Posting at GNI is a privilege and not a right. I always respect both of them. 

Those who are thin skinned should go home with their toys and join Mitwah in a sandbox.

Some posters like to dish it out and whine and complain when others fire back at them. 

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:


Those who are thin skinned should go home with their toys and join Mitwah in a sandbox.


Funny you should say this. Didn't you pack up your toys about three times and left crying, vowing never to return to GNI? 

Yes I did pack up my toys but realized that I had to slug it out and never looked back since. If anyone punches me, I bloody up their noses and send them home. Look at how Mitwah is crying in pain.

yuji22 posted:

Amral is the Boss and whatever he says goes. Riff is second in line and whatever he says goes. Posting at GNI is a privilege not a right. I always respect both of them. 

Those who are thin skinned should go home with their toys and join Mitwah in a sandbox.

Some posters like to dish it out and whine and complain when others fire back at them. 

Oh, please, you're so transparent. You and friends want us to leave so you can make this a PPP paradise. You threaten with Firings -- Censorship is alive and well from Forbes' days. Recently some of us were ordered by fellow members to leave because we rob them of the spotlight; others were told to die off and will get Madrasi sport-up funerals; etc. Wow, what a wonderful place Guyana News and Information is!  

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:


Those who are thin skinned should go home with their toys and join Mitwah in a sandbox.


Funny you should say this. Didn't you pack up your toys about three times and left crying, vowing never to return to GNI? 

Yes I did pack up my toys but realized that I had to slug it out and never looked back since. If anyone punches me, I bloody up their noses and send them home. Look at how Mitwah is crying in pain.

Who you sent packing twerp?  Admin stepped in and did the dirty work for you!

You attacking him and he cannot respond.   Big bad man dah mek yuh!!


Bai Base, you talking nonsense as usual.

BTW, you declared war on anyone who agrees with Bibi. And shame on you for speaking in public about Bibi on whatever may or may not have transpired between the two of you.

Which respectable man goes to a public forum and whines and complains because a woman dumped him ? Are you so insecure and immature ? Amral should lock you up in the Pen with Mitwah. That will teach you. 

I can see that coming your way.

Anyway, I cannot waste my time arguing with you. I have better things to do.

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:

Wow, big bad man Yugistair and friends own GNI! 

I don't know about "own", but he has preference here. His dirty work is all washed away as though he never did it. He get lots of "rigs". Mind you, he specifically stated that

a. He will buy and share personal information on others
b. Has the ability to pay people to "hack".

That someone with his criminal mindset is given preferential treatment by moderators is worrisome. And I say this because he made a statement regarding who uses proxy servers. How does he know who is using proxy servers? Who told him that?

yuji22 posted:

Bai Base, you talking nonsense as usual.

BTW, you declared war on anyone who agrees with Bibi. And shame on you for speaking in public about Bibi on whatever may 

Listen Banna, I had left this site for peace sake.   It’s the unprovoked defamation by Bibi of me that brought me back.  Then it went quiet, then I’m in ny at an event minding my own business, then Bibi, unprovoked again, texted a common friend derogatory statements about me and another.  The txt was shared.  

Then several friends opened up and shared all the lies she told them.  I immediately discredited her and she was exposed as a pathological and sick liar.  They are now cautious of her.  She has since unfriended some of them. 

She keeps it up, I will do same.  She can run to Amral and the rest of the posse to get people banned, when she instigated the issue.  I know where she goes, no one fooling me!

She is plain wicked then run and cries like a victim.  She is not!  You really don’t know the woman, you DONT.   Don’t be fooled by sibling support here.  It’s more complicated that that.  Say no more!!

And BTW, notwithstanding that, I do agree with Bibi on several issues in Guyana and the USA.


You lovers should kiss, make up, get married and live happily ever after. Nehru and I will be best man and maid of honor at the wedding; Nehru will also be the DJ. Ray will be the MC. Amral will give a speech that thank god y'all met on GNI. Yugi will donate a fatted calf. KP's gift will be a boat. 

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:

You lovers should kiss, make up, get married and live happily ever after. Nehru and I will be best man and maid of honor at the wedding; Nehru will also be the DJ. Ray will be the MC. Amral will give a speech that thank god y'all met on GNI. Yugi will donate a fatted calf. KP's gift will be a boat. 

And I will fly to any part of the world, wid me assistant Inger from Denmark and photograph the wedding, including the first kiss. 


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