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Increase in land rates necessary to avoid MMA becoming another GuySuCo -Agri. Minister

Jan 18, 2017


Ministry of Agriculture, Guyana, January 18, 2017

The recent protest action by sections of Cash Crop, Rice and Cattles farmers of Region Five is a cause for concern, and a move which the Ministry of Agriculture deems ‘unfortunate’. For the past 18 years, farmers were required to pay $2500 per acre annually despite the increasing cost of material and supplies in the provision of D&I services by the MMA/ADA.

Despite such a low cost for land and drainage and irrigation services provided by the State, some sections of farmers were still not keeping their end of the agreement, by paying their lease rates as stipulated by the Mahaica Mahaicony and Abary/Agricultural Development Authority (MMA/ADA) Act.

As such, this has hampered the Authority from executing planned works outlined in its work program with the most important being the completion of MMA Phases 2 and 3. In this year’s budget the MMA received $357M from Central Government. As the Authority in view of the existing D&I rates and land rent charges is unable to meet its operating cost.

The MMA- a statutory agency under the aegis of the Ministry of Agriculture is required to provide Drainage and Irrigation services within the MMA/ADA area; as laid out in the Authority’s Act. The areas which falls under the MMA preview are:- Abary/Berbice, Abary/Mahaicony and Mahaica/Mahaicony.

Agriculture Minister, Hon. Noel Holder, remains adamant that the increase in rates is not an unfair move, but one which is necessary to finance the services being provided by the Authority and to ensure that it doesn’t become another GuySuCo draining the country’s coffers.

The budgetary appropriations received for D&I services in these blocks cannot offset the currently high cost for maintenance of its structures… As such the MMA has faced serious challenges in meeting the expenditure required to provide these critical services since the charges fixed were too low,” the Minister explained.

Drainage and Irrigation charges have remained the same for almost two decades, despite the escalating cost for fuel, spares for machinery, equipment, building materials and wages for the Authority’s workers. The benefits of extensive infrastructural and other works provided to the area by the MMA is evident in the fact that the areas production has doubled.

the MMA area now produces approximately half of the national rice production and its cattle population is considerably larger than the other regions. It is therefore only fair that farmers pay the economic cost of the services provided ” Minister Holder said.

Over two year ago, two critical drainage pumps in the Trafalgar area were vandalized and the MMA was unable to have the structures fixed due to lack of available funds. Central Government was required to provide a subvention to off-set the expenses in 2015 due to the importance drainage plays in the region and to prevent excessive flooding in the Union, Tempie and Trafalgar villages.

Land Rent charges

In 1998, land rent charges for pasturage were fixed at $1,000 per acre annually. The Rice Farmers (Security of Tenure) Act Chap. 69:02 sets out the guidelines for basic rental and are expressed in bags (140 llb) per acre which is five percent of the quantity of paddy produced in one two crop year.

The Calculation are outlined below:-

Rice yield (national average)= 35 bags per acre per crop

5 percent of yields (By 2 crops per year)= 3.5 bags

3.5 x $2000 per bag = $7000 per acre ($583 per month)

In addition, it has been established that the basic rent for land for pasture is 20 percent of the rent for rice lands. Therefore, the rents livestock farmers are being asked to pay will be $1400 per acre annually or $117 per month.

These rates are not exorbitant and yet some farmers are of the view that they should not pay the increased rates being asked to enable the MMA to provide effective drainage and irrigation services which are critical for development to take place, the Minister said.

On Thursday last, the Agriculture Minister led a team on an outreach exercise to the Mahaica, Mahaicony and Abary areas where discussions were held on a number of issues with the increase in land rates taking center stage.

The issue was addressed, with farmers only then understanding the fees being asked to pay each month by the MMA/ADA.

The Ministry of Agriculture is calling on farmers to be responsible in their judgment and for all players to work together in the best interest of the sector.

Drainage and Irrigation charges   
Description of AreaExisting rates per acre per yearProposed rates per acre per yearCost Per Month  
Abary/Berbice Block
Profit to Rosignol Villages
Abary/Mahaicony Block
Mahaicony/Abary Rice development
Mahaicony/Mahaica Block
All lands between the sea coast to Biabu/Grasshook Junction on the R.B Mahaica River and to the Wash Clothes/E.J Junction L.B Mahaicony River
All lands in the 4th, 5th, 6th , and extra depths in the area described above



Replies sorted oldest to newest

The monthly cost is equivalent to a few beers per month,yet one can hear all the screams of oppression,Cost to maintain the D&I increases and the Gov't should foot the bill.

That Ramasammy fella wrote wan big article how them farmers a suffah,these fellas are well trained Communist,Uncle Sam need to keep an eye on them.

Damn i forget to mention the RPA fella Rajahsee who can't give account for a couple million dollars,that crook represents farmers.

poo Anil ah faalah them too he just wasting his talent running behind these Leftist Commies.

Last edited by Django

It is pellucid to Gilbakka that rice, cattle and cash-crop farmers in the MMA area want a socialist/Marxist-Leninist government to satisfy their interests by providing state-financed drainage and irrigation services. APNU+AFC is not such a government. It looks like those farmers had no serious issues with the former PPP/C regime, the component PPP having Marxism-Leninism in its Constitution. 

Another thing. Django is dragging beers into this matter as if farmers have no right to drink beer. In heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it down here, as the song says. Beer drinking is a basic human right.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

The monthly cost is equivalent to a few beers per month,yet one can hear all the screams of oppression,Cost to maintain the D&I increases and the Gov't should foot the bill.

That Ramasammy fella wrote wan big article how them farmers a suffah,these fellas are well trained Communist,Uncle Sam need to keep an eye on them.

Damn i forget to mention the RPA fella Rajahsee who can't give account for a couple million dollars,that crook represents farmers.

poo Anil ah faalah them too he just wasting his talent running behind these Leftist Commies.

It's going to be famine if rice farmers are treated the way Burnham took their rice away. By taxing them, they will give up rice farming. Everyone loses. HERE COMES THE COCONUT FARMER..DRY COCONUTS FOR SALE!!!! Eat dry coconut and dance without music just to keep your mind off of hunger.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

The monthly cost is equivalent to a few beers per month,yet one can hear all the screams of oppression,Cost to maintain the D&I increases and the Gov't should foot the bill.

That Ramasammy fella wrote wan big article how them farmers a suffah,these fellas are well trained Communist,Uncle Sam need to keep an eye on them.

Damn i forget to mention the RPA fella Rajahsee who can't give account for a couple million dollars,that crook represents farmers.

poo Anil ah faalah them too he just wasting his talent running behind these Leftist Commies.

It's going to be famine if rice farmers are treated the way Burnham took their rice away. By taxing them, they will give up rice farming. Everyone loses. HERE COMES THE COCONUT FARMER..DRY COCONUTS FOR SALE!!!! Eat dry coconut and dance without music just to keep your mind off of hunger.

This is a clear case of a bureaucratic approach to governance on the part of the Coalition. Officials sit at their desks, tap their calculators and levy taxes.


The rice farmers are self employed, unlike the sugar industry, these people are the bread and butter for the agricultural sector and these people are Indo Guyanese. Can't you see the squeeze is on the Indians by the Black PNC, What??stifle,suffocate a dehumanize the poor Indians until they become helpless then give in to all their demands.

Gilbakka posted:

It is pellucid to Gilbakka that rice, cattle and cash-crop farmers in the MMA area want a socialist/Marxist-Leninist government to satisfy their interests by providing state-financed drainage and irrigation services. APNU+AFC is not such a government. It looks like those farmers had no serious issues with the former PPP/C regime, the component PPP having Marxism-Leninism in its Constitution. 

Another thing. Django is dragging beers into this matter as if farmers have no right to drink beer. In heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it down here, as the song says. Beer drinking is a basic human right.

I have to agree with Uncle Gilly Here.  The principle is correct, every one have to pay their way, but I think the rise was too steep.  Maybe $5K an acre.


Now it is absolutely stupid of DJANGO to suggest a monthly rate of $583 per acres.  People do not sell rice every month, just two times a year.  Some weeks the small rice farmers do not even have enough salt in their house - the planting weeks and they still got to pay an uncaring government $583 per acre in those planting period?  Drop the blasted rate to $5000 per acre.  Not $8000.

KishanB posted:
Gilbakka posted:

It is pellucid to Gilbakka that rice, cattle and cash-crop farmers in the MMA area want a socialist/Marxist-Leninist government to satisfy their interests by providing state-financed drainage and irrigation services. APNU+AFC is not such a government. It looks like those farmers had no serious issues with the former PPP/C regime, the component PPP having Marxism-Leninism in its Constitution. 

Another thing. Django is dragging beers into this matter as if farmers have no right to drink beer. In heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it down here, as the song says. Beer drinking is a basic human right.

I have to agree with Uncle Gilly Here.  The principle is correct, every one have to pay their way, but I think the rise was too steep.  Maybe $5K an acre.


Now it is absolutely stupid of DJANGO to suggest a monthly rate of $583 per acres.  People do not sell rice every month, just two times a year.  Some weeks the small rice farmers do not even have enough salt in their house - the planting weeks and they still got to pay an uncaring government $583 per acre in those planting period?  Drop the blasted rate to $5000 per acre.  Not $8000.

Hogwash!! Give them a tax break incentive to produce more. They do that for the oil companies in America.

skeldon_man posted:
KishanB posted:
Gilbakka posted:

It is pellucid to Gilbakka that rice, cattle and cash-crop farmers in the MMA area want a socialist/Marxist-Leninist government to satisfy their interests by providing state-financed drainage and irrigation services. APNU+AFC is not such a government. It looks like those farmers had no serious issues with the former PPP/C regime, the component PPP having Marxism-Leninism in its Constitution. 

Another thing. Django is dragging beers into this matter as if farmers have no right to drink beer. In heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it down here, as the song says. Beer drinking is a basic human right.

I have to agree with Uncle Gilly Here.  The principle is correct, every one have to pay their way, but I think the rise was too steep.  Maybe $5K an acre.


Now it is absolutely stupid of DJANGO to suggest a monthly rate of $583 per acres.  People do not sell rice every month, just two times a year.  Some weeks the small rice farmers do not even have enough salt in their house - the planting weeks and they still got to pay an uncaring government $583 per acre in those planting period?  Drop the blasted rate to $5000 per acre.  Not $8000.

Hogwash!! Give them a tax break incentive to produce more. They do that for the oil companies in America.

Ok, you say tax break and I ask why?  Let us understand your reason?

KishanB posted:

I have to agree with Uncle Gilly Here.  The principle is correct, every one have to pay their way, but I think the rise was too steep.  Maybe $5K an acre.


Now it is absolutely stupid of DJANGO to suggest a monthly rate of $583 per acres.  People do not sell rice every month, just two times a year.  Some weeks the small rice farmers do not even have enough salt in their house - the planting weeks and they still got to pay an uncaring government $583 per acre in those planting period?  Drop the blasted rate to $5000 per acre.  Not $8000.

Hogwash!! Give them a tax break incentive to produce more. They do that for the oil companies in America.

Ok, you say tax break and I ask why?  Let us understand your reason?

Incentive to produce more. If they can give electricity subsidies to the McKenzie terrorists and thugs, why not help the man who is working for a living and producing to fee the nation? What is wrong with rewarding progress?


When you have DUNCES ruling a Country expect BACKWARD thinking and Policies For the FILTH HEAFDS on GNI and the INCOMPETENT Govt they back, there are very, very good reasond that Europe and USA subsidized their Farmers to the tune of BILLIONS, example 2 billion will be this: 2,000,000,000.00. However, the subsidies are way more than 2.

Easy lesson good for Dunces meh neighba seh.

Who need lessons can Register at my sight, make sure you pay the Registration Fee.



KishanB posted:
Gilbakka posted:

It is pellucid to Gilbakka that rice, cattle and cash-crop farmers in the MMA area want a socialist/Marxist-Leninist government to satisfy their interests by providing state-financed drainage and irrigation services. APNU+AFC is not such a government. It looks like those farmers had no serious issues with the former PPP/C regime, the component PPP having Marxism-Leninism in its Constitution. 

Another thing. Django is dragging beers into this matter as if farmers have no right to drink beer. In heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it down here, as the song says. Beer drinking is a basic human right.

I have to agree with Uncle Gilly Here.  The principle is correct, every one have to pay their way, but I think the rise was too steep.  Maybe $5K an acre.


Now it is absolutely stupid of DJANGO to suggest a monthly rate of $583 per acres.  People do not sell rice every month, just two times a year.  Some weeks the small rice farmers do not even have enough salt in their house - the planting weeks and they still got to pay an uncaring government $583 per acre in those planting period?  Drop the blasted rate to $5000 per acre.  Not $8000.

Oii Kishan,wha wrong with you?? the rates are paid yearly,the rates breakdown to show mthly cost.

Banna we pay property tax every 6 mths in ole USA.

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:

When you have DUNCES ruling a Country expect BACKWARD thinking and Policies For the FILTH HEAFDS on GNI and the INCOMPETENT Govt they back, there are very, very good reasond that Europe and USA subsidized their Farmers to the tune of BILLIONS, example 2 billion will be this: 2,000,000,000.00. However, the subsidies are way more than 2.

Easy lesson good for Dunces meh neighba seh.

Who need lessons can Register at my sight, make sure you pay the Registration Fee.



You are mentioning FIRST WORLD COUNTRIES.

Can THIRD WORLD countries afford huge subsidies,

Looks like you want the country to stay BACKWARD.


But they can afford 500 Million Backball winedown low, 100% Salary Increase, New million dollars vehicles, Furniture, Houses, Travel Expenses, Vacation Benefits.


Please Register at my Site ASAP, you need much, much lessons. Also, try Brain surgery!!!

Django posted:
KishanB posted:


Now it is absolutely stupid of DJANGO to suggest a monthly rate of $583 per acres.  People do not sell rice every month, just two times a year.  Some weeks the small rice farmers do not even have enough salt in their house - the planting weeks and they still got to pay an uncaring government $583 per acre in those planting period?  Drop the blasted rate to $5000 per acre.  Not $8000.

Oii Kishan,wha wrong with you?? the rates are paid yearly,the rates breakdown to show mthly cost.

Banna we pay property tax every 6 mths in ole USA.

Django, we live in USA, not Guyana. You are on the wrong track. If the current installed administration can steal, like the $5 mil(USD) and hide it, the Guyanese people might have a chance in life. You remember during the campaign, things will change? Things change alright, It's like Mugabe running Guyana.

Nehru posted:

But they can afford 500 Million Backball winedown low, 100% Salary Increase, New million dollars vehicles, Furniture, Houses, Travel Expenses, Vacation Benefits.


Please Register at my Site ASAP, you need much, much lessons. Also, try Brain surgery!!!

Banna I wouldn't gain anything from your tutoring,I have been in Small Business 23 years,11 yrs in the homeland and 12 yrs in ole USA.

Maybe i can teach you a few things,first you have to shed the commie style of thinking.

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:

Django, we live in USA, not Guyana. You are on the wrong track. If the current installed administration can steal, like the $5 mil(USD) and hide it, the Guyanese people might have a chance in life. You remember during the campaign, things will change? Things change alright, It's like Mugabe running Guyana.

So far they haven't out do the previous kleptocrats,

What do you prefer for the homeland CAPITALISM or COMMUNISM??

Gilbakka posted:

It is pellucid to Gilbakka that rice, cattle and cash-crop farmers in the MMA area want a socialist/Marxist-Leninist government to satisfy their interests by providing state-financed drainage and irrigation services. APNU+AFC is not such a government. It looks like those farmers had no serious issues with the former PPP/C regime, the component PPP having Marxism-Leninism in its Constitution. 

Another thing. Django is dragging beers into this matter as if farmers have no right to drink beer. In heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it down here, as the song says. Beer drinking is a basic human right.

In the bastion of capitalism, the good ole USA, the US Department of Agriculture spends more than $25 billion on subsidies to its farmers.  Drainage and irrigation comes under govt services and not under socialist/Marxist policy.  In every country in the world, the govt maintains infrastructure, generally with money collect from taxes.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

But they can afford 500 Million Backball winedown low, 100% Salary Increase, New million dollars vehicles, Furniture, Houses, Travel Expenses, Vacation Benefits.


Please Register at my Site ASAP, you need much, much lessons. Also, try Brain surgery!!!

Banna I wouldn't gain anything from your tutoring,I have been in Small Business 33 years,11 yrs in the homeland and 12 yrs in ole USA.

Maybe i can teach you a few things,first you have to shed the commie style of thinking.

Maybe you should learn to count first before you start to teach..11+12=23

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

But they can afford 500 Million Backball winedown low, 100% Salary Increase, New million dollars vehicles, Furniture, Houses, Travel Expenses, Vacation Benefits.


Please Register at my Site ASAP, you need much, much lessons. Also, try Brain surgery!!!

Banna I wouldn't gain anything from your tutoring,I have been in Small Business 23 years,11 yrs in the homeland and 12 yrs in ole USA.

Maybe i can teach you a few things,first you have to shed the commie style of thinking.

Maybe you should learn to count first before you start to teach..11+12=23

Sorry man my bad,that does happen when multitasking,edited the mistake.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

But they can afford 500 Million Backball winedown low, 100% Salary Increase, New million dollars vehicles, Furniture, Houses, Travel Expenses, Vacation Benefits.


Please Register at my Site ASAP, you need much, much lessons. Also, try Brain surgery!!!

Banna I wouldn't gain anything from your tutoring,I have been in Small Business 33 years,11 yrs in the homeland and 12 yrs in ole USA.

Maybe i can teach you a few things,first you have to shed the commie style of thinking.

Maybe you should learn to count first before you start to teach..11+12=23

Lol.  I hope he hires someone to count his money This is the only capitalist I know who doesn't know how to count.  How did Granger miss this man when he was looking for a Ministaaa of Finance??

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Nehru posted:

Django, a brainless FOOL like you cant teach me Diddly. From your statements here it is quite obvious you are illiterate!!!!!!

Arright bass you are the brightest bulb in the shed,one of the reasons you are abusive.

 student of school bottom house don't need the tutoring you offered.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

But they can afford 500 Million Backball winedown low, 100% Salary Increase, New million dollars vehicles, Furniture, Houses, Travel Expenses, Vacation Benefits.


Please Register at my Site ASAP, you need much, much lessons. Also, try Brain surgery!!!

Banna I wouldn't gain anything from your tutoring,I have been in Small Business 33 years,11 yrs in the homeland and 12 yrs in ole USA.

Maybe i can teach you a few things,first you have to shed the commie style of thinking.

Maybe you should learn to count first before you start to teach..11+12=23

Lol.  I hope he hires someone to count his money This is the only capitalist I know who doesn't know how to count.  How did Granger miss this man when he was looking for a Ministaaa of Finance??

I was counting the $$$ to depost and slipped up with the typo,

is that a big deal?? alyuh love to nit pick.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

But they can afford 500 Million Backball winedown low, 100% Salary Increase, New million dollars vehicles, Furniture, Houses, Travel Expenses, Vacation Benefits.


Please Register at my Site ASAP, you need much, much lessons. Also, try Brain surgery!!!

Banna I wouldn't gain anything from your tutoring,I have been in Small Business 33 years,11 yrs in the homeland and 12 yrs in ole USA.

Maybe i can teach you a few things,first you have to shed the commie style of thinking.

Maybe you should learn to count first before you start to teach..11+12=23

Lol.  I hope he hires someone to count his money This is the only capitalist I know who doesn't know how to count.  How did Granger miss this man when he was looking for a Ministaaa of Finance??

I was counting the $$$ to depost and slipped up with the typo,

is that a big deal?? alyuh love to nit pick.

I used to think you only can't write proper grammar and punctuation.  Now you can't even count.  Dude, I think Harvard University is looking for you. 

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I used to think you only can't write proper grammar and punctuation.  Now you can't even count.  I think Harvard University is looking for you. 

Have you not made an error in your life,what's the big deal,or hitting below belt give some form gratification.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I find it morally unacceptable thatsomeone with your level of intelligence is on this board every day denigrating people of higher education.

You are a twit,what are you doing on this board ??

And who are you to judge my intelligence ?? I have interacted with thousands of individuals of all walks of life,they surely differs from individuals with your type of mentality.

Have a good day.


He need to learn to count but that is just the beginning. Five more Special Prosecutors in addition to the 500 million already spent.

Now we know he is a DUMMY at Math so I will not go too deep!!!

kp posted:

The rice farmers are self employed, unlike the sugar industry, these people are the bread and butter for the agricultural sector and these people are Indo Guyanese. Can't you see the squeeze is on the Indians by the Black PNC, What??stifle,suffocate a dehumanize the poor Indians until they become helpless then give in to all their demands.

This was done once before by the PNC and it forced many Indians to leave Guyana and seek their fortune elsewhere.  It was a program of ethnic cleansing which the PNC has reconstituted in an effort to have a final solution to the "Indian problem".

Venezuela should offer Guyanese rice farmers land and support to end their dependency of imported rice.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I find it morally unacceptable thatsomeone with your level of intelligence is on this board every day denigrating people of higher education.

You are a twit,what are you doing on this board ??

And who are you to judge my intelligence ?? I have interacted with thousands of individuals of all walks of life,they surely differs from individuals with your type of mentality.

Have a good day.

The fool knows not that he knows not.

Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:
kp posted:

The rice farmers are self employed, unlike the sugar industry, these people are the bread and butter for the agricultural sector and these people are Indo Guyanese. Can't you see the squeeze is on the Indians by the Black PNC, What??stifle,suffocate a dehumanize the poor Indians until they become helpless then give in to all their demands.

This was done once before by the PNC and it forced many Indians to leave Guyana and seek their fortune elsewhere.  It was a program of ethnic cleansing which the PNC has reconstituted in an effort to have a final solution to the "Indian problem".

Venezuela should offer Guyanese rice farmers land and support to end their dependency of imported rice.

Quite an interesting solution.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

But they can afford 500 Million Backball winedown low, 100% Salary Increase, New million dollars vehicles, Furniture, Houses, Travel Expenses, Vacation Benefits.


Please Register at my Site ASAP, you need much, much lessons. Also, try Brain surgery!!!

Banna I wouldn't gain anything from your tutoring,I have been in Small Business 33 years,11 yrs in the homeland and 12 yrs in ole USA.

Maybe i can teach you a few things,first you have to shed the commie style of thinking.

Maybe you should learn to count first before you start to teach..11+12=23

Dat Bai Django is slow all around. Bibi also just messed him up too but all of this will go right over his head. What kind of businessman counts like him ?

yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

But they can afford 500 Million Backball winedown low, 100% Salary Increase, New million dollars vehicles, Furniture, Houses, Travel Expenses, Vacation Benefits.


Please Register at my Site ASAP, you need much, much lessons. Also, try Brain surgery!!!

Banna I wouldn't gain anything from your tutoring,I have been in Small Business 33 years,11 yrs in the homeland and 12 yrs in ole USA.

Maybe i can teach you a few things,first you have to shed the commie style of thinking.

Maybe you should learn to count first before you start to teach..11+12=23

Dat Bai Django is slow all around. Bibi also just messed him up too but all of this will go right over his head. What kind of businessman counts like him ?

Successful one,made every dime from my hard workt,no hand out,lawsuits etc.

You,Bibi,Nehru and Skelly just,nit picking,name calling,belittling,I can point many times where you guys goofed up,I don't hit below belt.

You showed up to pat their shoulders,I can very nasty but that is not my forte,leave that to the so called highly educated nonsense crew.

Last edited by Django
Mr.T posted:

Money doesn't grow on trees. So where do these farmers think that the that the money is coming from to pay for these things?

The same place the Linden arsonists get electricity subsidies.

Nehru posted:

Django, my next Class will help you know Facts from Fiction, how to be human again, Not to be naive and STUPID.


Register ASAP!!!!!!!!!!

That class is useless,nothing to learn.

I am human as it can be,but you will never know.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Django, my next Class will help you know Facts from Fiction, how to be human again, Not to be naive and STUPID.


Register ASAP!!!!!!!!!!

That class is useless,nothing to learn.

I am human as it can be,but you will never know.

Django, with all dem lashes pun you battie today, you will need hot pack to sit on tonite. Bai like you need to put some padding on you battie tomorrow.


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