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Opposition destabilization plot revealed …APNU admits that it wants snap electionsPDFPrintE-mail
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Friday, 16 November 2012 21:59

THE plot to create mayhem and a state of emergency in Guyana as part of efforts to grab power by the combined opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)and Alliance for Change (AFC) has been exposed following reports that the APNU is in favour of snap elections now.

The Guyana Times reported that the Chief Whip of APNU, Amna Ally, stated she believes her party is ready for a snap election, if called at this time in Guyana. Asked whether the party was using motions and other parliamentary tactics to frustrate the running People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) administration into calling elections, Ally said no. Another executive of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)––a party now synonymous with APNU–– is also quoted as saying that the conditions following the Linden and Agricola unrest and alleged police excesses have resulted in the parliamentary coalition “feeling confident”. On the other hand, many political analysts disagree with the APNU-PNCR's opinion, saying they could be reading the voters wrong. They believe the Linden and Agricola mayhem, both well supported by the combined opposition, has led to stronger support for the ruling party, which won the last elections by more than 20000 votes. Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall, had said publicly on TV's Current Issues and Analysis Show, with Senior Journalist Michael Younge, that “the AFC and APNU are out to create mayhem and mischief with the aim of making the country ungovernable, while seeking to propel itself into power through the back door”. Nandlall argued that the ruling administration was not going to give in to any form of pressure from the APNU-led opposition, which now has the support of the AFC. He reminded citizens that they must beware of the unfolding plot which started with the street demonstrations following the November 28 elections, and then quickly saw the opposition eroding all of the parliamentary norms and principles. The AG accused the APNU/AFC of further scheming to unseat the PPP administration by seeking to “falsely lay corruption allegations at its doorstep each time a new transformation project was endorsed or announced by the government”. Meanwhile, Agriculture Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy has also warned PPP supporters not to fall prey to the violence and street protest behaviours being endorsed by the David Granger-led opposition, as he commented on the atrocities committed during the recent Agricola unrest. “You can’t on one hand bring the people there to protest and then when the protest becomes violent, they are the government’s people”, Ramsammy noted on another edition of TV's CIA.



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Nehru how can you live with yourself when you know in your heart that the PPP is in bed with drug lords. How can you explain to your children that every child here in America that die with OD,  your friends at Freedom House partially contribute to that. HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF KNOWING THAT sAT sAWH AND HIS FAMILY WAS WIPED OUT BY rOGER kHAN AND YOUR FRIEND jAGDEO IS ON RECORD SAYING THAT HE KNOW THE KILLER. hE DID KNOW THE KILLER WAS ROGER kNAN.


Nehru when you light your diya did you see the faces of the Linden protestors who were murdered by Clement Rohee and the cowards at Freedom House? Nehru how can you live with yourself when  you darn well know that Jagdeo and his cohorts allowed thousands to lose their hard earned cash  through ez jet?


Nehry how can you live with yourself and explaingto your children that their are hundreds of orphans because the PPP used a phantom gang to execute citizens of GUYANA?


Finally Nehru  I know you are a devout Hindu and you are not in the low caste however, you  are also  aware,  according your religion, you will have to born back.  you  are aware that the PPP is a corrupt, murderous, drug connected party and you are part and parcel of the PPP  and  continue to dring their soup, what do you think you will born back as??

Originally Posted by Chief:

Nehru how can you live with yourself when you know in your heart that the PPP is in bed with drug lords. How can you explain to your children that every child here in America that die with OD,  your friends at Freedom House partially contribute to that. HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF KNOWING THAT sAT sAWH AND HIS FAMILY WAS WIPED OUT BY rOGER kHAN AND YOUR FRIEND jAGDEO IS ON RECORD SAYING THAT HE KNOW THE KILLER. hE DID KNOW THE KILLER WAS ROGER kNAN.


Nehru when you light your diya did you see the faces of the Linden protestors who were murdered by Clement Rohee and the cowards at Freedom House? Nehru how can you live with yourself when  you darn well know that Jagdeo and his cohorts allowed thousands to lose their hard earned cash  through ez jet?


Nehry how can you live with yourself and explaingto your children that their are hundreds of orphans because the PPP used a phantom gang to execute citizens of GUYANA?


Finally Nehru  I know you are a devout Hindu and you are not in the low caste however, you  are also  aware,  according your religion, you will have to born back.  you  are aware that the PPP is a corrupt, murderous, drug connected party and you are part and parcel of the PPP  and  continue to dring their soup, what do you think you will born back as??

We saw the faces of the innocent people of Lusignan, Bartica and the police who were slaughtered by PNC sponsored bandits who YOU support.  What we saw were the 10s of thousands of innocent Indians living in bondage, brutalized and subjugated for decades and stripped of rights and dignity.  That is what we saw, you hypocrite.


Are you aware, coolie muslim katahar, if you go and blow up yourself and kill innocent women and children in the name of Allah, you are blessed with 13 virgins.  Now run long and preach to your terrorists brothers.


Most of what Chief wrote above is Raw Sewage so all I will say is that when hypocrits from Guyana talk about Religion, it is time to RUN away.


Now, with regards to Phantom saving the Nation, I want again to thank Bhai Gajraj and others for eliminating the TERRORISTS. Chief, the hypocrit you are, you would not care if your Family in Guyana was Raped, killed as long as the Terrorists were able to destroy Guyana. You are NOT capable of understanding that Lusignan and Bartica would have been ONLY the beginning. It would have continued from Village to Village all the way to Skeldon. But as I noted, that would be no problem for you. So when you talk about living with one's self, first look into the Mirror.


Good morning Nehru,

Its Sunday morning and give thanks to God that we live to see another day.


ONLY you and Freedom HOUSE  with no brains   handed over the security of a nation to a drug controlled phantom gang. The end result my friend was LUSIGNAN AND bARTICA.


Some of the innocent people that your Bhai Gajraj killed has children and they loved ones behind.



Originally Posted by Nehru:

Most of what Chief wrote above is Raw Sewage so all I will say is that when hypocrits from Guyana talk about Religion, it is time to RUN away.


Now, with regards to Phantom saving the Nation, I want again to thank Bhai Gajraj and others for eliminating the TERRORISTS. Chief, the hypocrit you are, you would not care if your Family in Guyana was Raped, killed as long as the Terrorists were able to destroy Guyana. You are NOT capable of understanding that Lusignan and Bartica would have been ONLY the beginning. It would have continued from Village to Village all the way to Skeldon. But as I noted, that would be no problem for you. So when you talk about living with one's self, first look into the Mirror.

Many of these low-lives who talk fat were shivering in their pants and would not venture to Guyana when the terrorist reined.  They, like Chief, are low-life katahar back-stabbing coolies are the worse of the lot.  They are more dangerous than the political terrorist who seek to impose their will be the gun.


Let them cry and whimper, the PPP will remain there for a very long time, till they all grow old and croak.


"Me  throw me corn but me na call no fowl""



Freedom House and Jagan has brainwashed the types like baseman and Nehru to attack any and every Indian who darde to challenge  them. This is nothing new, today it is even more profound , just look at the way they are going after the Hon Moses Nagamootoo.


the ppp is asking every day for mo fire what happen to the TV station they have to give to the people of linden. the people should get back on the streets,this is the only peace the ppp know.


After 20 years in office they still have 2 radio stations in Guyana.

Freedom House  said that they must not issue any license because they are afraid that the people in Linden will be influenced by ant Gov't forces.


Moses Nagamootoo can attest to that .


the ppp is not scare of the black people they know the black people will not vote for them,they scare of the indian people getting wise to their thiefing ways,without the indian people the ppp is dead so the more they can keep honest indians to speak out its what they want,what happen on this site indian people like me speak out against the ppp government and the ppp lowlife supporters want to kill me


You notice Nehru and his gang gone into hiding.


They are feeding the Indians lie telling them that the PNC HAD THEM IN BONDAGE. What Nehru and his gang is not honest about is the role that Cheddie Jagan and the PPP played in assisting the PNC to become a dictatorship.

Jagan endorsed and embraced  Burnham socialism and was excited when Burnham give the order that everyone must be addressed as Comrade.


Comrade Cheddi was a fool and was outsmarted by the late Burnham in every which way.

Nehru and his gang  does not want to admit the truth.


Gone into hiding my ASS. You hang your mouth with Burnham and he shafted you when you were looking for Soup. The People of Skeldon span on you and talk about you and your Family up to today. You used to report People to the PNC Party and cause them to be visited by the Black Clothes Police. You come here now and talk about Religion, Morals and such things that you are VOIDED of.

Originally Posted by Chief:

You notice Nehru and his gang gone into hiding.


They are feeding the Indians lie telling them that the PNC HAD THEM IN BONDAGE. What Nehru and his gang is not honest about is the role that Cheddie Jagan and the PPP played in assisting the PNC to become a dictatorship.

Jagan endorsed and embraced  Burnham socialism and was excited when Burnham give the order that everyone must be addressed as Comrade.


Comrade Cheddi was a fool and was outsmarted by the late Burnham in every which way.

Nehru and his gang  does not want to admit the truth.

HEHEHE Jagan made Burnham a Dictator.. How far up your ASS Burnham shoved hid Garden Tools????

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gone into hiding my ASS. You hang your mouth with Burnham and he shafted you when you were looking for Soup. The People of Skeldon span on you and talk about you and your Family up to today. You used to report People to the PNC Party and cause them to be visited by the Black Clothes Police. You come here now and talk about Religion, Morals and such things that you are VOIDED of.

These katahars will be cringing to their graves watching the PPP rule Guyana.  Chief hate anything Indian not Islamic, so the current PPP is his poison.  He is pissed cuz the PPP did not take Guyana down the Asgar Ally path of a partnership with Pakistan.  The GoG instead chose a partnership with India.  That acid still in his stomach, so he prefer the PNC.


You saw him mocking the stealing of the hindu statue in Wayne, this made his Sunday.  He is one of the muslim katahars who was cheering when the Taliban destroyed the Budha statues.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Comrade Cheddi was a fool and was outsmarted by the late Burnham in every which way.

Nehru and his gang  does not want to admit the truth.

Cheddie may have been a fool, but BJ and RG was not, so deal with it.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gone into hiding my ASS. You hang your mouth with Burnham and he shafted you when you were looking for Soup. The People of Skeldon span on you and talk about you and your Family up to today. You used to report People to the PNC Party and cause them to be visited by the Black Clothes Police. You come here now and talk about Religion, Morals and such things that you are VOIDED of.

These katahars will be cringing to their graves watching the PPP rule Guyana.  Chief hate anything Indian not Islamic, so the current PPP is his poison.  He is pissed cuz the PPP did not take Guyana down the Asgar Ally path of a partnership with Pakistan.  The GoG instead chose a partnership with India.  That acid still in his stomach, so he prefer the PNC.


You saw him mocking the stealing of the hindu statue in Wayne, this made his Sunday.  He is one of the muslim katahars who was cheering when the Taliban destroyed the Budha statues.

Exactly my point and that is why People like that come here and talk about Religion, Morals and so on I does suddenly get an urge to Shit and Piss!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gone into hiding my ASS. You hang your mouth with Burnham and he shafted you when you were looking for Soup. The People of Skeldon span on you and talk about you and your Family up to today. You used to report People to the PNC Party and cause them to be visited by the Black Clothes Police. You come here now and talk about Religion, Morals and such things that you are VOIDED of.

Freedom House training at it's best!!

Smear and slander!!


Put Sat Sawh picture  in your altar.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gone into hiding my ASS. You hang your mouth with Burnham and he shafted you when you were looking for Soup. The People of Skeldon span on you and talk about you and your Family up to today. You used to report People to the PNC Party and cause them to be visited by the Black Clothes Police. You come here now and talk about Religion, Morals and such things that you are VOIDED of.

These katahars will be cringing to their graves watching the PPP rule Guyana.  Chief hate anything Indian not Islamic, so the current PPP is his poison.  He is pissed cuz the PPP did not take Guyana down the Asgar Ally path of a partnership with Pakistan.  The GoG instead chose a partnership with India.  That acid still in his stomach, so he prefer the PNC.


You saw him mocking the stealing of the hindu statue in Wayne, this made his Sunday.  He is one of the muslim katahars who was cheering when the Taliban destroyed the Budha statues.


Correct Baseman.


Chief hates Hindus and his subtle remarks like using words like chammar to describe hindus on this BB is distasteful. He is a disgrace to the peaceful religion of Islam and the holy prophet Mohamad (PBUH).


Chief drank liquor and ate pork in Guyana, he is the real chammar.


He used to report Indo Guyanese who brought food in from Surinam to the PNC police. These are the shameless folks here. His hate will never end. He has never exercised any remorse.


Like many from Skeldon and other areas, we will never forget these PNC stooges.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gone into hiding my ASS. You hang your mouth with Burnham and he shafted you when you were looking for Soup. The People of Skeldon span on you and talk about you and your Family up to today. You used to report People to the PNC Party and cause them to be visited by the Black Clothes Police. You come here now and talk about Religion, Morals and such things that you are VOIDED of.

These katahars will be cringing to their graves watching the PPP rule Guyana.  Chief hate anything Indian not Islamic, so the current PPP is his poison.  He is pissed cuz the PPP did not take Guyana down the Asgar Ally path of a partnership with Pakistan.  The GoG instead chose a partnership with India.  That acid still in his stomach, so he prefer the PNC.


You saw him mocking the stealing of the hindu statue in Wayne, this made his Sunday.  He is one of the muslim katahars who was cheering when the Taliban destroyed the Budha statues.

There are thousands of decent hard working Guyanese  Indian non muslims that are out there who are honest. The ones I detest are who raping the country, the FREEDOM hOUSE BOYS and their friends.


Some of the well known industrialists  that made a name without staling or Gov't handouts were The Kissoon Family of AHL kISSOON, Nagasar Sawh, Toolsie Persaud and a host of others.   

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gone into hiding my ASS. You hang your mouth with Burnham and he shafted you when you were looking for Soup. The People of Skeldon span on you and talk about you and your Family up to today. You used to report People to the PNC Party and cause them to be visited by the Black Clothes Police. You come here now and talk about Religion, Morals and such things that you are VOIDED of.

These katahars will be cringing to their graves watching the PPP rule Guyana.  Chief hate anything Indian not Islamic, so the current PPP is his poison.  He is pissed cuz the PPP did not take Guyana down the Asgar Ally path of a partnership with Pakistan.  The GoG instead chose a partnership with India.  That acid still in his stomach, so he prefer the PNC.


You saw him mocking the stealing of the hindu statue in Wayne, this made his Sunday.  He is one of the muslim katahars who was cheering when the Taliban destroyed the Budha statues.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gone into hiding my ASS. You hang your mouth with Burnham and he shafted you when you were looking for Soup. The People of Skeldon span on you and talk about you and your Family up to today. You used to report People to the PNC Party and cause them to be visited by the Black Clothes Police. You come here now and talk about Religion, Morals and such things that you are VOIDED of.

These katahars will be cringing to their graves watching the PPP rule Guyana.  Chief hate anything Indian not Islamic, so the current PPP is his poison.  He is pissed cuz the PPP did not take Guyana down the Asgar Ally path of a partnership with Pakistan.  The GoG instead chose a partnership with India.  That acid still in his stomach, so he prefer the PNC.


You saw him mocking the stealing of the hindu statue in Wayne, this made his Sunday.  He is one of the muslim katahars who was cheering when the Taliban destroyed the Budha statues.


Correct Baseman.


Chief hates Hindus and his [not so] subtle remarks like using words like chammar to describe hindus on this BB is distasteful. He is a disgrace to the peaceful religion of Islam and the holy prophet Mohamad (PBUH).


Chief drank liquor and ate pork in Guyana, he is the real chammar.


He used to report Indo Guyanese who brought food in from Surinam to the PNC police. These are the shameless folks here. His hate will never end. He has never exercised any remorse.


Like many from Skeldon and other areas, we will never forget these PNC stooges.

Well, you can take the man out the guttah, not the guttah out the man.  Beware of these low-life katahars who try to "resurrect" themselves in the USA.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These katahars will be cringing to their graves watching the PPP rule Guyana.  Chief hate anything Indian not Islamic, so the current PPP is his poison.  He is pissed cuz the PPP did not take Guyana down the Asgar Ally path of a partnership with Pakistan.  The GoG instead chose a partnership with India.  That acid still in his stomach, so he prefer the PNC.


You saw him mocking the stealing of the hindu statue in Wayne, this made his Sunday.  He is one of the muslim katahars who was cheering when the Taliban destroyed the Budha statues.

There are thousands of decent hard working Guyanese  Indian non muslims that are out there who are honest. The ones I detest are who raping the country, the FREEDOM hOUSE BOYS and their friends.


Some of the well known industrialists  that made a name without staling or Gov't handouts were The Kissoon Family of AHL kISSOON, Nagasar Sawh, Toolsie Persaud and a host of others.   

Save your bad breadth.  And there are thousands of decent hard-working Indo-Guyanese muslims here in the USA, and YOU are NOT one of them.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gone into hiding my ASS. You hang your mouth with Burnham and he shafted you when you were looking for Soup. The People of Skeldon span on you and talk about you and your Family up to today. You used to report People to the PNC Party and cause them to be visited by the Black Clothes Police. You come here now and talk about Religion, Morals and such things that you are VOIDED of.

These katahars will be cringing to their graves watching the PPP rule Guyana.  Chief hate anything Indian not Islamic, so the current PPP is his poison.  He is pissed cuz the PPP did not take Guyana down the Asgar Ally path of a partnership with Pakistan.  The GoG instead chose a partnership with India.  That acid still in his stomach, so he prefer the PNC.


You saw him mocking the stealing of the hindu statue in Wayne, this made his Sunday.  He is one of the muslim katahars who was cheering when the Taliban destroyed the Budha statues.


Correct Baseman.


Chief hates Hindus and his subtle remarks like using words like chammar to describe hindus on this BB is distasteful. He is a disgrace to the peaceful religion of Islam and the holy prophet Mohamad (PBUH).


Chief drank liquor and ate pork in Guyana, he is the real chammar.


He used to report Indo Guyanese who brought food in from Surinam to the PNC police. These are the shameless folks here. His hate will never end. He has never exercised any remorse.


Like many from Skeldon and other areas, we will never forget these PNC stooges.



The PPP down the coast mentality is manifesting itself. Anyone who disagree with you just smear them, I leave you in the hands of Pandit Mitwah!!




Its Sunday evening and I started out this morning by asking you a few questions.


Now let me conclude , I have no reason to believe that you are not a decent man. When I refer to the low caste people  I want you to know that you are not one of them.


All Iam asking is for you to be very honest with yourself and answer the questions I asked. Do not come and say that the genuine opposition in Guyana wants mo fiah. THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER IS THE ppp IS POURING FUEL HENCE FIAH.


Remember when you point your finger at men like Mose Nagamootoo, a man who has dedicated his life  for the working class, three fingers are pointing back at you.


Now have a good night and a blessed week ahead.




Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gone into hiding my ASS. You hang your mouth with Burnham and he shafted you when you were looking for Soup. The People of Skeldon span on you and talk about you and your Family up to today. You used to report People to the PNC Party and cause them to be visited by the Black Clothes Police. You come here now and talk about Religion, Morals and such things that you are VOIDED of.

These katahars will be cringing to their graves watching the PPP rule Guyana.  Chief hate anything Indian not Islamic, so the current PPP is his poison.  He is pissed cuz the PPP did not take Guyana down the Asgar Ally path of a partnership with Pakistan.  The GoG instead chose a partnership with India.  That acid still in his stomach, so he prefer the PNC.


You saw him mocking the stealing of the hindu statue in Wayne, this made his Sunday.  He is one of the muslim katahars who was cheering when the Taliban destroyed the Budha statues.


Correct Baseman.


Chief hates Hindus and his subtle remarks like using words like chammar to describe hindus on this BB is distasteful. He is a disgrace to the peaceful religion of Islam and the holy prophet Mohamad (PBUH).


Chief drank liquor and ate pork in Guyana, he is the real chammar.


He used to report Indo Guyanese who brought food in from Surinam to the PNC police. These are the shameless folks here. His hate will never end. He has never exercised any remorse.


Like many from Skeldon and other areas, we will never forget these PNC stooges.



The PPP down the coast mentality is manifesting itself. Anyone who disagree with you just smear them, I leave you in the hands of Pandit Mitwah!!

Pandith Mitwah ? His language is vile and disgusting. He is no pandit.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gone into hiding my ASS. You hang your mouth with Burnham and he shafted you when you were looking for Soup. The People of Skeldon span on you and talk about you and your Family up to today. You used to report People to the PNC Party and cause them to be visited by the Black Clothes Police. You come here now and talk about Religion, Morals and such things that you are VOIDED of.

These katahars will be cringing to their graves watching the PPP rule Guyana.  Chief hate anything Indian not Islamic, so the current PPP is his poison.  He is pissed cuz the PPP did not take Guyana down the Asgar Ally path of a partnership with Pakistan.  The GoG instead chose a partnership with India.  That acid still in his stomach, so he prefer the PNC.


You saw him mocking the stealing of the hindu statue in Wayne, this made his Sunday.  He is one of the muslim katahars who was cheering when the Taliban destroyed the Budha statues.


Correct Baseman.


Chief hates Hindus and his subtle remarks like using words like chammar to describe hindus on this BB is distasteful. He is a disgrace to the peaceful religion of Islam and the holy prophet Mohamad (PBUH).


Chief drank liquor and ate pork in Guyana, he is the real chammar.


He used to report Indo Guyanese who brought food in from Surinam to the PNC police. These are the shameless folks here. His hate will never end. He has never exercised any remorse.


Like many from Skeldon and other areas, we will never forget these PNC stooges.



The PPP down the coast mentality is manifesting itself. Anyone who disagree with you just smear them, I leave you in the hands of Pandit Mitwah!!

Pandith Mitwah ? His language is vile and disgusting. He is no pandit.

Pundit Yugii22, I don't speak to idols and pictures like you.


Pundit Mits.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gone into hiding my ASS. You hang your mouth with Burnham and he shafted you when you were looking for Soup. The People of Skeldon span on you and talk about you and your Family up to today. You used to report People to the PNC Party and cause them to be visited by the Black Clothes Police. You come here now and talk about Religion, Morals and such things that you are VOIDED of.

These katahars will be cringing to their graves watching the PPP rule Guyana.  Chief hate anything Indian not Islamic, so the current PPP is his poison.  He is pissed cuz the PPP did not take Guyana down the Asgar Ally path of a partnership with Pakistan.  The GoG instead chose a partnership with India.  That acid still in his stomach, so he prefer the PNC.


You saw him mocking the stealing of the hindu statue in Wayne, this made his Sunday.  He is one of the muslim katahars who was cheering when the Taliban destroyed the Budha statues.


Correct Baseman.


Chief hates Hindus and his subtle remarks like using words like chammar to describe hindus on this BB is distasteful. He is a disgrace to the peaceful religion of Islam and the holy prophet Mohamad (PBUH).


Chief drank liquor and ate pork in Guyana, he is the real chammar.


He used to report Indo Guyanese who brought food in from Surinam to the PNC police. These are the shameless folks here. His hate will never end. He has never exercised any remorse.


Like many from Skeldon and other areas, we will never forget these PNC stooges.



The PPP down the coast mentality is manifesting itself. Anyone who disagree with you just smear them, I leave you in the hands of Pandit Mitwah!!

Pandith Mitwah ? His language is vile and disgusting. He is no pandit.

Pundit Yugii22, I don't speak to idols and pictures like you.


Pundit Mits.


Henforce your Arya Samaj anti Sanatana Dharma sentiment. No more to be said. You finally spewed it out.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gone into hiding my ASS. You hang your mouth with Burnham and he shafted you when you were looking for Soup. The People of Skeldon span on you and talk about you and your Family up to today. You used to report People to the PNC Party and cause them to be visited by the Black Clothes Police. You come here now and talk about Religion, Morals and such things that you are VOIDED of.

These katahars will be cringing to their graves watching the PPP rule Guyana.  Chief hate anything Indian not Islamic, so the current PPP is his poison.  He is pissed cuz the PPP did not take Guyana down the Asgar Ally path of a partnership with Pakistan.  The GoG instead chose a partnership with India.  That acid still in his stomach, so he prefer the PNC.


You saw him mocking the stealing of the hindu statue in Wayne, this made his Sunday.  He is one of the muslim katahars who was cheering when the Taliban destroyed the Budha statues.


Correct Baseman.


Chief hates Hindus and his subtle remarks like using words like chammar to describe hindus on this BB is distasteful. He is a disgrace to the peaceful religion of Islam and the holy prophet Mohamad (PBUH).


Chief drank liquor and ate pork in Guyana, he is the real chammar.


He used to report Indo Guyanese who brought food in from Surinam to the PNC police. These are the shameless folks here. His hate will never end. He has never exercised any remorse.


Like many from Skeldon and other areas, we will never forget these PNC stooges.



The PPP down the coast mentality is manifesting itself. Anyone who disagree with you just smear them, I leave you in the hands of Pandit Mitwah!!

Pandith Mitwah ? His language is vile and disgusting. He is no pandit.

Pundit Yugii22, I don't speak to idols and pictures like you.


Pundit Mits.


Henforce your Arya Samaj anti Sanatana Dharma sentiment. No more to be said. You finally spewed it out.

Seriously I can provide you with a jharay claath to remove any omen you may have. But you have to stop worshiping those demonic Nau grahas Devtas.

Originally Posted by Chief:



Its Sunday evening and I started out this morning by asking you a few questions.


Now let me conclude , I have no reason to believe that you are not a decent man. When I refer to the low caste people  I want you to know that you are not one of them.


All Iam asking is for you to be very honest with yourself and answer the questions I asked. Do not come and say that the genuine opposition in Guyana wants mo fiah. THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER IS THE ppp IS POURING FUEL HENCE FIAH.


Remember when you point your finger at men like Mose Nagamootoo, a man who has dedicated his life  for the working class, three fingers are pointing back at you.


Now have a good night and a blessed week ahead.




Push for Nehru.


Buddy Nehru it's not a matter of opinion when it is all plain to see that Jagdeo shared out Gov't property like it was his own. It is not my opinion that Ed Ahmad and Jagdeo were friends and he gave Ed THE PROPERTY THAT THE LATE dR &mRS jAGAN PURCHASED for the Mirror newspaper. It is not my opinion that Jagdeo gave Roger Khan(a convicted drug dealer) land to build houses. It is not my opinion that Jagdeo and he PPP gave away GPC to his friend that own the newspapers.

It is not myopinion that Mooses Nagamootoo served our country Guyana with distinction despite being locked up and haraased by the PNC POLICE and now today you calling the man all kind of deragotary names all because he is calling out your Freedom House friends, telling them that they are corrupt.


So buddy Nehru put it in your pipe and smoke it that my opinion are based on facts and yours are based on sand!

Originally Posted by Chief:

Buddy Nehru it's not a matter of opinion when it is all plain to see that Jagdeo shared out Gov't property like it was his own. It is not my opinion that Ed Ahmad and Jagdeo were friends and he gave Ed THE PROPERTY THAT THE LATE dR &mRS jAGAN PURCHASED for the Mirror newspaper. It is not my opinion that Jagdeo gave Roger Khan(a convicted drug dealer) land to build houses. It is not my opinion that Jagdeo and he PPP gave away GPC to his friend that own the newspapers.

It is not myopinion that Mooses Nagamootoo served our country Guyana with distinction despite being locked up and haraased by the PNC POLICE and now today you calling the man all kind of deragotary names all because he is calling out your Freedom House friends, telling them that they are corrupt.


So buddy Nehru put it in your pipe and smoke it that my opinion are based on facts and yours are based on sand!



Chief give it to de duce chammar good and prappa.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Buddy Nehru it's not a matter of opinion when it is all plain to see that Jagdeo shared out Gov't property like it was his own. It is not my opinion that Ed Ahmad and Jagdeo were friends and he gave Ed THE PROPERTY THAT THE LATE dR &mRS jAGAN PURCHASED for the Mirror newspaper. It is not my opinion that Jagdeo gave Roger Khan(a convicted drug dealer) land to build houses. It is not my opinion that Jagdeo and he PPP gave away GPC to his friend that own the newspapers.

It is not myopinion that Mooses Nagamootoo served our country Guyana with distinction despite being locked up and haraased by the PNC POLICE and now today you calling the man all kind of deragotary names all because he is calling out your Freedom House friends, telling them that they are corrupt.


So buddy Nehru put it in your pipe and smoke it that my opinion are based on facts and yours are based on sand!


Wah happen wen ah yu PNC bin give out all dem fee land, houses, food an everyting ah yu want? Rememba fat PNC Washingtan? He put 2 hassa in he mouth and wen he done he spit out only bone? Yu no wah happen to am? De bastad dead from heart attack. Too much freeness. Yu no also PNC blackman Cerees dead from heart attack too? All dem dis bin ah PNC man who got everyting fuh free.
Rememba Rabbi Washington. He bin ah wan drug deala too in Guyana wanted in America. He bin ah PNC main thug terrorising dem coolie who support PPP.

Stop counting the PPP for now and reflect back on the PNC nepotism and crimes.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Buddy Nehru it's not a matter of opinion when it is all plain to see that Jagdeo shared out Gov't property like it was his own. It is not my opinion that Ed Ahmad and Jagdeo were friends and he gave Ed THE PROPERTY THAT THE LATE dR &mRS jAGAN PURCHASED for the Mirror newspaper. It is not my opinion that Jagdeo gave Roger Khan(a convicted drug dealer) land to build houses. It is not my opinion that Jagdeo and he PPP gave away GPC to his friend that own the newspapers.

It is not myopinion that Mooses Nagamootoo served our country Guyana with distinction despite being locked up and haraased by the PNC POLICE and now today you calling the man all kind of deragotary names all because he is calling out your Freedom House friends, telling them that they are corrupt.


So buddy Nehru put it in your pipe and smoke it that my opinion are based on facts and yours are based on sand!


Wah happen wen ah yu PNC bin give out all dem fee land, houses, food an everyting ah yu want? Rememba fat PNC Washingtan? He put 2 hassa in he mouth and wen he done he spit out only bone? Yu no wah happen to am? De bastad dead from heart attack. Too much freeness. Yu no also PNC blackman Cerees dead from heart attack too? All dem dis bin ah PNC man who got everyting fuh free.
Rememba Rabbi Washington. He bin ah wan drug deala too in Guyana wanted in America. He bin ah PNC main thug terrorising dem coolie who support PPP.

Stop counting the PPP for now and reflect back on the PNC nepotism and crimes.


A simple question for you on a Monday morning.

Does two wrongs make a right?

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Buddy Nehru it's not a matter of opinion when it is all plain to see that Jagdeo shared out Gov't property like it was his own. It is not my opinion that Ed Ahmad and Jagdeo were friends and he gave Ed THE PROPERTY THAT THE LATE dR &mRS jAGAN PURCHASED for the Mirror newspaper. It is not my opinion that Jagdeo gave Roger Khan(a convicted drug dealer) land to build houses. It is not my opinion that Jagdeo and he PPP gave away GPC to his friend that own the newspapers.

It is not myopinion that Mooses Nagamootoo served our country Guyana with distinction despite being locked up and haraased by the PNC POLICE and now today you calling the man all kind of deragotary names all because he is calling out your Freedom House friends, telling them that they are corrupt.


So buddy Nehru put it in your pipe and smoke it that my opinion are based on facts and yours are based on sand!


Wah happen wen ah yu PNC bin give out all dem fee land, houses, food an everyting ah yu want? Rememba fat PNC Washingtan? He put 2 hassa in he mouth and wen he done he spit out only bone? Yu no wah happen to am? De bastad dead from heart attack. Too much freeness. Yu no also PNC blackman Cerees dead from heart attack too? All dem dis bin ah PNC man who got everyting fuh free.
Rememba Rabbi Washington. He bin ah wan drug deala too in Guyana wanted in America. He bin ah PNC main thug terrorising dem coolie who support PPP.

Stop counting the PPP for now and reflect back on the PNC nepotism and crimes.


A simple question for you on a Monday morning.

Does two wrongs make a right?

Two negatives make a positive. Just joking.



I know you are a decent and nice guy. I have given you crap for being a past PNC member. We behave as if we want Guyana to be a shining beacon to the world. This is not going to happen beacuse of economics. As we load up against the current administration, we should look if the good outweighs the bad. I am sure all over the world, we do have corrupt members of the government. If and when these members are caught, they should be dealt with the full force of the law. This was absent during the PNC administration. I am not condoning the corruption of the PPP if there is any. Remember everything so far is "alleged". You do not call friends to play marbles and when the you are losing you take your marbles and go home. We cannot have progress this way.   



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