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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Caribj, what did your fellow blacks do to the Indian women in Wismar? .

The same that loads of PY goons did to black women all over coastal Guyana.


Now I am called a racist when I draw attention to the FACT that it was not only blacks or the PNC that was involved in violence in the 60s.


Indians and the PYO were also very involved in violence against bkacks.  But you see in RACIST GUYANA it is RACIST when a black Guyanese points this fact out.


You can call me a racist all you want but I will NOT sit silent while people like YOU lambaste blacks for being the ONLY racists in Guyana!

Originally Posted by Jalil:


It would be interested to hear CaribJ views on Gerhard and DR TK joining and Supporting ( PNC and Granger) the Afro Guyanese Party? 

 TK and GR can do as they wish. What I will say is that the prospects of a APNU victory is remote so these guys were clearly not looking for soup.


Don't you think that it is arrogant for a party which commands only 10% of the votes to announce that they should LEAD Guyana?



Let the AFC go out and become the party with the largest, or the second largest votes, and then they can scream that they ought to lead an alliance with those who wish to join it.


Better yet.  Let the AFC force a discussion of how the constitution should be changed to reflect the real needs of Guyana, allowing pre and post election alliances and strengthening our local governance.


Instead the AFC woos only 10% of the vote, but yet feels that they ought to crown themselves KING!


Are they mad?  Or do they simply not understand how democracy works!


Listen Ramjattan and Nagamootoo might think that they were past over and less deserving people were given leadership positions in the PPP.  But that is not the concern of Guyanese people.  If they wish to lead they will have to EARN that right!


And Ramjattan of all people shouldn't talk because he couldn't deliver any votes in 2006 and it was Nagamootoo who delivered them in 2011, but not enough to be anything other than a minor party!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I could care less what you say about the AFC.


Your overall modus operandi is racist.

Now cite ONE comment that I make that suggests that I desire black domination of Guyana.


Indeed apparently it is YOU who seek Indian domination of Guyana why you are so angered by some one who demands INCLUSION of Afro Guyanese!  Is demanding that Afro Guyanese be included and not discriminated against such a bad thing?


Apparently you think that it is bad, so what does that make YOU?


Don't worry.  Being the low breed that you are your response will be some rant with no sign of intelligence, the reason why you think that pictures of feces is how you are happy for Guyanese to be represented as tolerating.

CaribJ if you are "some one who demands INCLUSION of Afro Guyanese!".....


CaribJ....Do you support AFC's solution to Solving the problems in Guyana

to Forming a National Broad Based Govt which 

includes your Blacks like Granger and others from APNU .......

and even the Decent Indians from the PPP who are opposed to the current corruption and thiefing.



CaribJ.... "Is demanding that Afro Guyanese be included and not discriminated against such a bad thing?".

Look like AFC is thinking like CaribJ....



CaribJ claim People love to misquote him....

but here is his exact words....Quote...

"Indeed apparently it is YOU who seek Indian domination of Guyana

why you are so angered by some one who demands INCLUSION of Afro Guyanese

Is demanding that Afro Guyanese be included and not discriminated against such a bad thing?"


Like CaribJ ......AFC.... is against Indian dominance in Guyana.


Like CaribJ demanding the Inclusion of Afro Guyanese (Granger & others from APNU)


Like CaribJ ......AFC....Is demanding that Afro Guyanese be included and not discriminated against .....and...this is a good thing for Guyana.



It would be interested to hear CaribJ views on Gerhard and DR TK joining and Supporting ( PNC and Granger) the Afro Guyanese Party? 

CaribJ how yuh doing bro?

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Like CaribJ ......AFC.... is against Indian dominance in Guyana.



By focusing on the Indian vote, and this has been said by many, and yet not denied by Nagamootoo how is the AFC communicating that they are above race politics in Guyana? 


Why didn't Nagamootoo expose himself to Afro Guyanese, who know that he was in the PPP and said NOTHING about anti black racism from the PPP, and in fact DENIED that it existed when he was in the he will need to earn their trust.


But his focus is on Indian votes.  The PPP is upset and APNU is deliriously happy that they don't have to contend with the formidable Hughes, who would be a serious threat to them, were he the presidential candidate.


At this point I don't think that the AFC is any more qualified to speak on the role of race in Guyana politics, any more than are the PPP and APNU. 


If Nagamootoo was a transformative leader who could have used the protest in G/town as a chance to raise the debate.  To show blacks that he isn't afraid to speak in front of them, even though he knows that they prefer Hughes.  To show Indians that he isn't afraid of the racist lies that the PPP peddles, and that they ought to rise above that too.


But he didn't, so please don't pretend as if the AFC is any less led by the role of race in Guyanese politics than is the PPP and APNU.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:


CaribJ claim People love to misquote him....

but here is his exact words....Quote...

"Indeed apparently it is YOU who seek Indian domination of Guyana

why you are so angered by some one who demands INCLUSION of Afro Guyanese

Is demanding that Afro Guyanese be included and not discriminated against such a bad thing?"



Now do you have a problem with that statement, or do you rather not to discuss the topic so that the broad based EXCLUSION of blacks in the PRIVATE sector can continue?


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