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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Vish not happy with yall


No doubt. The man is a victim of identity theft

Shaits, OK, enough is enough, this is a site for all and is not a boxing ring where two people punch it out because of personal vendetta. It's been getting too close of personal issues airing to the public. Use your personal emails, phone or write each other, lawyer to lawyer.Keep it CIVIL.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Chief, happy holy to you even though you're not celebrating. I am happy the Muslim community in NYC won two holidays on the calender. Congrats, my friend.  De Blasio fulfill his promise. He seem to be a Mayor like the Pope who see the goodness in everything. 

It is not what De Blasio saw,this was in the making for several years. Now muslim students will not have to to choose between taking a test or attending Eid prayers at the Mosque.


Hop you had a nice holi celebration and I am so dissapointed with the action of some of Hindu leaders who caused the pHAGWAH PARADE TO BE CANCELLED. Myself and a few others were with Pandit Ramlall when the first parade was held.


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