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@Former Member posted:

Glad I can help, Django. GNI has been my home away from home for many years. The least I can do is to give back to the forum I belong to. I just want to see it clean and professionally maintained. Lol 

Thank you for the help.

Need some time to focus on other things ,i am in the habit of getting ideas which keep me active

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Django, how is your internet service in CT?

Mine is down for the second day now. I am using my Mobil device at present. I hope it get fixed by tomorrow. I guess all of us in the tristate area get the royal treatment. Lol

We are back to normal yesterday. Was using my phone as hot spot for internet connection ,racked up the data on a fixed data plan.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

There will be two more moderators of the Forum

Rochelle and Cobra ,they will assist the current moderator, Demerara_Guy

Welcome to the new moderators.

Admins remains unchanged.

Amral ,Sunil and Django aka Ram will handle the technical aspects of the forum.

Did Amral hand over the Forum because the Party that wins the Election controls the forum for their term in gov't? I did some research and found out that the Party in power used to control the site. He said he used to babysit Irfaan; and never said anything good about him. He handed over the Forum but kept the rest of the GNI site, did he foresee troubles with the PPP?

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

sigh;  There goes another chance fo me become moderater so Iman could do some real good bannin pon some loudmouth people dem.

The idea of moderating is not about banning or suspending members, it's to make sure a civil debate/discussion is maintained at all times. I hope to encourage members to participate in meaningful debates rather than to discourage them. GNI is a family oriented site. We all have to play our part.

@Former Member posted:

The idea of moderating is not about banning or suspending members, it's to make sure a civil debate/discussion is maintained at all times. I hope to encourage members to participate in meaningful debates rather than to discourage them. GNI is a family oriented site. We all have to play our part.

I like this way of moderating. But it seems when a moderator shows much about their political support by posting her/his political opinion, it is perceived by some posters as biased against opposing posters and they might moderate accordingly.  But it  does not mean that everyone should not have equal access to post. This is just my opinion.  

@Former Member posted:

The idea of moderating is not about banning or suspending members, it's to make sure a civil debate/discussion is maintained at all times. I hope to encourage members to participate in meaningful debates rather than to discourage them. GNI is a family oriented site. We all have to play our part.

As Moderator you need to report for duty early and put a stop to those posters who are habitually attacking other posters personally. Please don't fall asleep on the job.

@Sheik101 posted:

What a waste. Surely Jango could find more suitable people

Don’t agree. Cobra has been hissing around for years, now he’s call to duty.  He will be fine. Rochelle is PNC but not crab in the barrel. I think she will be fair.  You see how quickly she acknowledged the positivity of the statement by the new First Lady?  I think Rochelle has some class and is intelligent.

@Former Member posted:

Don’t agree. Cobra has been hissing around for years, now he’s call to duty.  He will be fine. Rochelle is PNC but not crab in the barrel. I think she will be fair.  You see how quickly she acknowledged the positivity of the statement by the new First Lady?  I think Rochelle has some class and is intelligent.

Base if you play your cards right , good things can happen.

@Former Member posted:

Maybe she may get a chance to wear that green evening gown after all. Baseman speaks about knowing how to wine and dine a lady.

I don't think she will be fair. She backed a fraudster in Granger and the PNC. She will be extremely and blatantly biased.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I don't think she will be fair. She backed a fraudster in Granger and the PNC. She will be extremely and blatantly biased.

Bai, I have long given up on expectations of fair and balance discourses. We all have our biases even if we don't say it or act like we don't. I am not averse to anyone choosing to support the losing PNC. That is their prerogative.


So, this is how you know what your funeral will look like.  I am glad I can be of help to Django and GNI. Today will be yesterday's problem. Most of you had a chance to vent your frustration and likeness and your point is taking. You guys and girls are of unique characteristics. I know that and you know that and there is nothing that can change you. Yes, it's your different tastes, dislikes, and likeness that makes you unique.    So, put on a friendly face and happy discussion.   


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