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Seems like some lazy ass people living in Essequibo. LDem rass watching too much TV or on the internet and they stop playing cricket.

This has nothing to do with the Gov't.

Gerard you as a politician has to speak out when residents are not doing anything for the community they living at. Drive to Corriverton and see the what the people of Scottsberg did to the play ground there. Drive to Line Path and see whats taking place.

Then again we cant compare Berbicians to the rest of lazyass Guyanese, Berbicians are the best!!!


Of course I can go around NY or NJ and pick similar scenes. In the richest part of NJ there are  homeless living on the railway embankment. Many communities in the US are faced with floods. Garbage piles up in NY on a daily basis. If you look in the Hudson river you see garbage washing up on the river banks.  This boy Gmoney playing his little political game but I will predict that he will be used and abused once again and remain seatless. hahahahah  


Chief does have a point, indeed a Gov't cannot be expected to be responsible for everything.  However, the Gov't does influence these things, such as this cricket ground, through its policies and investment of tax-dollars, and therefore, must bear significant responsibility.  Especially so, since these are not localised problems, but are seen throughout the country.   Many of these projects are simply executed to funnel dollars to cronies with little thought for the long term or for any policy that may exist.  You are not saying that all of us are lazy, now are you, Chief?


This is how the Suddie Cricket Ground looked exactly four years ago:





Re: NOC and Suddie cricket grounds.

The land is regaining its pristine beauty. Remove those unsightly posts and fences and useless structures. Let nature work its course. The plants and bushes will absorb greenhouse gases. The air will be cleaner. Essequibians will breathe fresh air. Who cares for cricket, flying balls and fallen wickets?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Re: NOC and Suddie cricket grounds.

The land is regaining its pristine beauty. Remove those unsightly posts and fences and useless structures. Let nature work its course. The plants and bushes will absorb greenhouse gases. The air will be cleaner. Essequibians will breathe fresh air. Who cares for cricket, flying balls and fallen wickets?

  Indeed, it's probably all part of the LCDS....

Originally Posted by Chief:

Seems like some lazy ass people living in Essequibo. LDem rass watching too much TV or on the internet and they stop playing cricket.

This has nothing to do with the Gov't.

Gerard you as a politician has to speak out when residents are not doing anything for the community they living at. Drive to Corriverton and see the what the people of Scottsberg did to the play ground there. Drive to Line Path and see whats taking place.

Then again we cant compare Berbicians to the rest of lazyass Guyanese, Berbicians are the best!!!

Chiefy this is an insult to the people of Demerara,we have cricket playing under flood lights on WCD.


These Cockroaches can only talk SHIT. They remind me of the Western Cockroaches Journalists who go to India and ONLY show SLUMS when they are places more beautiful than the West. Also, I agree that the COMMUNITY has the ultimate RESPONSIBILITY to make their Village a success with the HELP of first LOCAL GOVT and then Central Govt. It is clear that some are IGNORANT of such BASIC FACTS. The KFC)SNAKEOIL COCKROACHES) will tell the Guyanese People that as a Central Govt they will make the ENTIRE Guyana into Dubai. Remember that IS the NATURE of Snakeoil Sales.

The scenes are as a result of excessive rainfall, no country in the world can provide a bullet proof system against nature, especially with the el nino nina conditons, gmoney and his cabal are playing politrics, don't fall for it. If the great USA can have floods and garbage pile ups then it can happen anywhere. 
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:

BGDSEE..your response highlights the weakness of the Guyanese psyche. There is no excuse for those pictures shown above .


For some reason Guyanese back home are a bit lazy. Iam not saying all of them but some. Ihave seen hugh backyards and not even a little kitchen garden, what about the old time days when every house in the country had a few chickens or ducks in thier yards/

As for community playgrounds , I am yet to see a nice playground with slides and see-saw etc.

Gerard you have to choose your battles wisely or else you will end up like Freddie Kissoon and lose the respect of the people. Instead of criticizing, meet with the Gov't representatives and form working committees to improve our communities.


Absolutely, Chief.  The opposition must play a role in transforming people's attitudes.  Otherwise, when the AFC becomes the Gov't it will be a simple case of the shoe being on the other foot.  Therefore, our advocacy must deal with both sides of the issue - getting the Gov't to formulate the right policies and engaging in the right investments, and ensuring the people respond appropriately.

Originally Posted by Chief:

For some reason Guyanese back home are a bit lazy. Iam not saying all of them but some. Ihave seen hugh backyards and not even a little kitchen garden, what about the old time days when every house in the country had a few chickens or ducks in thier yards/

As for community playgrounds , I am yet to see a nice playground with slides and see-saw etc.

Gerard you have to choose your battles wisely or else you will end up like Freddie Kissoon and lose the respect of the people. Instead of criticizing, meet with the Gov't representatives and form working committees to improve our communities.

Well said.  The Government's feet must be held to the fire when it screws up.  However, the opposition, regional and municipal administrations, and civil society must accept their responsibilities for the state of affairs.   The central government alone cannot do everything.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

Just imagine that if the Essequibo was a Venezuelan state, all those places would have modern infrastructure and their inhabitants would be protesting about more complex  social issues  using a variety of modern means. There would probably be NGO's organizing people against Hugo Chavez as well.

This is the point that I am trying to make...

The picture is actually a view of Guayana City in Venezuela:

Guayana City, Venezuela


Here is another view of the same city:

Guayana City, Venezuela


What Essequibo would look like if it was part of Venezuela.

Thank you Bhai. The KFC is just like some Missionaries who I see carrying o lot of Coloring Book, Crayon and Butterball Sweetie all over Guyana in the name of Christ. I do it because I do not want to se Guyanese go from the Frying Pan into the FIRE. I know the Govt is not perfect but no other come close. All they have is sweetlak and nothing else. Take care Bhai. You can also do your part by be on the lookout for Snakoil Salesmen.Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


I am new to this board. I have been following you chaps since the election in November.  I like your style. Keep up the good work! The Rev is also doing an outstanding job. The AFC are empty drums and they will make the most noise. 


Good work.


Look who is talking, the BIGGEST piece of CRAP on the Planet. Gathu Keh Lalla Chor!!!!Originally Posted by creative:

Badlu you always backwards but walk sidways,you are very Negative and Blind.Please go to Guyana and see for yourself and if you have Baldzs ask some questions to the PPP Clique.All the secrets deal would be dealth with,just a matter of time.Your echo is coming from your empty skull,go see your Doctor.



you always respond to the Guy you assume i am,take a hint i could have been your Son-in-law but i always Cut and Run.once i use protection i do not Cut and Load.Remember this is what you wanted me to do,that is why you took a while to catch you level.The sound(drum) you hearing is coming from your empty skull.i would volunteer to gave you a trip to Guyana(EZ Jet)for you EASY because of your condition (mentally handicap)

HEHEHEHE  Keep on talkin SHIT, SHITHEAD. YUh looking fuh Rob Guyanese blind nah.Originally Posted by creative:

you always respond to the Guy you assume i am,take a hint i could have been your Son-in-law but i always Cut and Run.once i use protection i do not Cut and Load.Remember this is what you wanted me to do,that is why you took a while to catch you level.The sound(drum) you hearing is coming from your empty skull.i would volunteer to gave you a trip to Guyana(EZ Jet)for you EASY because of your condition (mentally handicap)



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