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President Donald Trump received the endorsement of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as they shared a stage in Houston, walking hand in hand in a rock-star-like show to address more than 50,000 Indian Americans -- an influential voter base.


Modi said Trump told him the first time they met that India has a “true friend” in the White House, and the U.S. leader’s presence at the Texas event is proof of that. He also praised Trump on his efforts to drive the U.S. economy and taking ties between the two nations to a new level.


“I admire him for something more: his sense of leadership,” Modi told the gathering at the home of the National Football League’s Houston Texans -- branded as “Howdy Modi!” In his speech, he echoed Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan, saying that “he has already made the American economy strong again.”


Indians form about a fifth of 20 million Asian Americans and are often more educated and earn more than other immigrant groups, the Washington-based Pew Research Center found. About 65% of Indian Americans were Democrats or leaned toward the Democrats, according to a 2014 Pew Research paper. That didn’t stop the Republican president from getting loud cheers in the arena, especially when he addressed issues such as security.


Trump responded with praise for Modi’s economic leadership, saying he was at the event to express his “profound gratitude” to the nearly 4 million Indian Americans in the country. He also said the U.S. and India would boost trade, conduct joint military exercises and even team up in space exploration.

“We will pioneer new frontiers in space working together,” Trump said, adding that “we are strengthening our cherished bonds with the nation of India.”

The event is likely the largest in the U.S. for an elected foreign leader. Texas is Modi’s first stop in a week-long U.S. trip, where he hopes to win a better trade deal and convince investors that his government is capable of shoring up India’s slowing economy. Just before leaving for the U.S., Modi’s government announced $20 billion in corporate tax cuts to revive economic growth from a six-year low.

While analysts expect the Trump-Modi joint appearance to ease recent trade tensions between the U.S. and India, it’s also being seen as the president’s attempt to gain support of affluent Indian American voters ahead of next year’s elections.


Modi’s earlier outings to address Indians in New YorkLondon, Sydney and Toronto have been high-octane affairs, with chanting crowds and song-and-dance shows in sold-out stadiums. Texas was exactly that.

relates to Modi Endorses Trump to Indian Americans Ahead of 2020 Polls

Narendra Modi speaks to a crowd of over 50,000.

Photographer: Scott Dalton/Bloomberg

The Indian government announced $20 billion worth of tax incentives just before Modi traveled to the U.S., cutting corporate rates on par with the lowest in Asia. The move could help Modi pitch for a better trade deal, more investments from the U.S. corporations he is scheduled to meet with in Houston and New York and resurrect his credentials as a business-friendly leader at a time when the Indian economy is growing at its slowest pace since March 2013.

“Based on his first term, investors expected Modi to embark on a series of reforms, which have not been realized,” said Akhil Bery, South Asia analyst at risk consultancy Eurasia Group. The tax announcement “is a great signal for him to make his pitch to investors to come invest in India.”


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Modi said Trump told him the first time they met that India has a “true friend” in the White House, and the U.S. leader’s presence at the Texas event is proof of that. He also praised Trump on his efforts to drive the U.S. economy and taking ties between the two nations to a new level.

Trouble is, Trump doesn't keep promises nor does he keep friends beyond their usefulness to him personally.

Sunil posted:

Modi Endorses Trump to Indian Americans Ahead of 2020 Polls

President Donald Trump received the endorsement of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as they shared a stage in Houston, walking hand in hand in a rock-star-like show to address more than 50,000 Indian Americans -- an influential voter base.

Modi gon get wan bigga godi trying again to lift Stroompovski.

Baseman posted:

Modi did the correct thing.  Trump heading for a 2nd term. Let the cane cutters fuss and thump. 

Undoubtedly Modi did the right thing because it is always good to have America on your side. One cannot count on Trump's promises but Modi must already know that. He is keeping the burner on so that it will be ready when the next more reliable president takes office.

Sunil posted:

What are 50K Indians doing in Houston? I thought all the Indians were in SF.

We saw lots of Indians when we visited Houston two years ago. Houston is still rapidly growing so it is a good place for starting one's life/career. We got on the local train in Houston and when it stopped at the MD Anderson Medical Center which is connected to the University of Texas Indians were boarding the train in droves.

Sunil posted:

What are 50K Indians doing in Houston? I thought all the Indians were in SF.

Banna you out like South.   Back in the day when I used to go there, had lots of Indians. So 50k not surprised!


I give Modi to yearend, by then Trump will be calling the banna names like Moody Modi, Moochy Modi, Sellout Modi. He might even see what Base calls Indos and call the man, Coolie Cane Cutter Modi.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

I give Modi to yearend, by then Trump will be calling the banna names like Moody Modi, Moochy Modi, Sellout Modi. He might even see what Base calls Indos and call the man, Coolie Cane Cutter Modi.


cain posted:

I give Modi to yearend, by then Trump will be calling the banna names like Moody Modi, Moochy Modi, Sellout Modi. He might even see what Base calls Indos and call the man, Coolie Cane Cutter Modi.

.. also coochi-coochi Moody, Drama Moody, Madrass Modi, Lowrah Modi.

Prashad posted:
cain posted:


If Cain was in India Modi would have banned him from eating beef.

I wouldn't care, I am a pescatarian, the only meat I touch is my own an a lil bit fish. 

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

I give Modi to yearend, by then Trump will be calling the banna names like Moody Modi, Moochy Modi, Sellout Modi. He might even see what Base calls Indos and call the man, Coolie Cane Cutter Modi.

Me thinks Modi will get Trump to sign some special trade deal.  In return India will sign some Agro deal.  

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

I give Modi to yearend, by then Trump will be calling the banna names like Moody Modi, Moochy Modi, Sellout Modi. He might even see what Base calls Indos and call the man, Coolie Cane Cutter Modi.

Me thinks Modi will get Trump to sign some special trade deal.  In return India will sign some Agro deal.  

Trump thinks of himself not country, another Trump hotel in the works.


Pragmatic. He is successful. His methods work. He is like the Portuguese of Guyana.

cain posted:
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

I give Modi to yearend, by then Trump will be calling the banna names like Moody Modi, Moochy Modi, Sellout Modi. He might even see what Base calls Indos and call the man, Coolie Cane Cutter Modi.

Me thinks Modi will get Trump to sign some special trade deal.  In return India will sign some Agro deal.  

Trump thinks of himself not country, another Trump hotel in the works

alena06 posted:

Indians here know Frumpster dislikes immigrants. Modi on his own!

You should be thankful there is this great White nation where we can run to, make a living and still allowed to talk fat against the people who welcomed us. 

Compare with where you/we came from!  After 150 years we are still being pushed out and expected to ride the “back of the bus” regardless of accomplishment and contributions!  

So don’t “bore the plate” or bite the hand.

Trump’s here for a reason!  His mission is to rebalance America so it don’t become a lawless shithole!

And myself and Bibi will be voting Trump in 2020!

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

India needs America. They are caught between the Arab Petrodollars identity export and land grab plus the communists Han China Chinaman land grab.

America has what India needs! 

Baseman posted:
Prashad posted:

India needs America. They are caught between the Arab Petrodollars identity export and land grab plus the communists Han China Chinaman land grab.

America has what India needs! 

They can have Trump...bye.

Baseman posted:

Trump’s here for a reason!  His mission is to rebalance America so it don’t become a lawless shithole!

Strumpskaiovsky is focused on plummeting it very deep in a shithole.

seignet posted:

Pragmatic. He is successful. His methods work. He is like the Portuguese of Guyana.

You make as much sense as Ronald in Social, you should go gaff with the banna, I did. In a nutshell I want him to realize not only it's his schizophrenia but also the drugs got him thinking ( like you )

Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:

Indians here know Frumpster dislikes immigrants. Modi on his own!

You should be thankful there is this great White nation where we can run to, make a living and still allowed to talk fat against the people who welcomed us. 

Compare with where you/we came from!  After 150 years we are still being pushed out and expected to ride the “back of the bus” regardless of accomplishment and contributions!  

So don’t “bore the plate” or bite the hand.

Trump’s here for a reason!  His mission is to rebalance America so it don’t become a lawless shithole!

And myself and Bibi will be voting Trump in 2020!

I am very thankful and SUCCESSFUL. Proud democrat all the way. Go suck an egg ole rass!!

alena06 posted:
Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:

Indians here know Frumpster dislikes immigrants. Modi on his own!

You should be thankful there is this great White nation where we can run to, make a living and still allowed to talk fat against the people who welcomed us. 

Compare with where you/we came from!  After 150 years we are still being pushed out and expected to ride the “back of the bus” regardless of accomplishment and contributions!  

So don’t “bore the plate” or bite the hand.

Trump’s here for a reason!  His mission is to rebalance America so it don’t become a lawless shithole!

And myself and Bibi will be voting Trump in 2020!

I am very thankful and SUCCESSFUL. Proud democrat all the way. Go suck an egg ole rass!!

Don’t blow a fuse.  Not good for the mental state.  Go take a chai and relax deh ole gyal!

alena06 posted:
Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:

Indians here know Frumpster dislikes immigrants. Modi on his own!

You should be thankful there is this great White nation where we can run to, make a living and still allowed to talk fat against the people who welcomed us. 

Compare with where you/we came from!  After 150 years we are still being pushed out and expected to ride the “back of the bus” regardless of accomplishment and contributions!  

So don’t “bore the plate” or bite the hand.

Trump’s here for a reason!  His mission is to rebalance America so it don’t become a lawless shithole!

And myself and Bibi will be voting Trump in 2020!

I am very thankful and SUCCESSFUL. Proud democrat all the way.

Go suck an egg ole rass!!

Eee duz suck eggs an' lats ah adda tings wid great delight.

Demerara_Guy posted:
alena06 posted:

I am very thankful and SUCCESSFUL. Proud democrat all the way.

Go suck an egg ole rass!!

Eee duz suck eggs an' lats ah adda tings wid great delight.

Suh wuh you does take delight sucking?  Exclude ganda!


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