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Boond Boond Pani ke Liye Tarhpega Ab Pakistan! Modi Govt decide to stop the flow of water to Pakistan and divert it to Indian states

There is a wave of shock and sadness all over the world due to the attack happened in Pulwama in Jammu & Kashmir which was nurtured by the Pakistan. The whole nation wants revenge and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has ensured every citizen that revenge will be taken very soon. Prime Minister Modi has given a clear warning to terrorist organizations and their guardians that they have done a great mistake and all those behind the attack will not be spared

Prime Minister Modi and his Government have always been very vocal and have always condemned the attempts of Pakistan to promote terrorism. Just 2 days back before the dreadful attack Prime Minister Modi and his Government has decided to stop the flow of water to Pakistan

The PM Modi led Government has taken the decision to block flow Of 531 MCM Water to Pakistan from Ujh Project and divert to other States. The Central and the Jammu and Kashmir governments on Tuesday (12 February) decided to immediately devise a roadmap to block the flow of 531 million cubic metres (MCM) of water going to Pakistan by construction of Ujh Multipurpose project in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), reports Daily Excelsior. The blocked water will be diverted to Punjab, Haryana and, if possible, even to Rajasthan with construction of canals.

A decision to this effect was taken at a high-level meeting held in New Delhi under the chairmanship of Governor Satya Pal Malik and attended among others by Union Minister for Surface Transport and Water Resources, Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Dr Jitendra Singh and top officials from J&K and the Central Government

“The officials of Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab and Central Governments was to give a final touch to the proposal in another meeting scheduled yesterday in the Union capital so that Ujh Multipurpose Project is launched well before the imposition of Model Code of Conduct by the end of February or start of March,”. After which the Government has confirmed that with the initiative by the Centre and State Governments hopefully, the projects would be launched within the next few days.

The officers of Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab and Central Governments have been asked to devise a strategy to facilitate the use of surplus water by three Indian States of Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan and prevent its flow to Pakistan keeping the deadline in mind which is end of Feb or start of March.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was scheduled to lay foundation stone of Ujh project along with other projects from Jammu during his visit to the State on February 3 but it was taken off from Modi’s schedule after top officials working on the project discovered that out of 781 Million Cubic Meters (MCM) water that the project was scheduled to generate, 531 MCM would have flown to Pakistan as Kathua and surroundings had the capacity to get 250 MCM water only.

The Centre as well as State Governments are confident that foundation stone of Ujh project is imposed to give pace to the project and ensure its completion within the stipulated time of six years (from the day the project is launched). Total cost of the project has been pegged at Rs 5850 crore, of which Rs 4919.94 crore is irrigation component and rest is the construction cost. Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Ujh had been cleared in January 2018. The project was lingering on for past more than 25 years and all previous Governments in Jammu and Kashmir didn’t take any initiative to start the project.

What Pakistan has done yesterday Pakistan is going to badly suffer for that in the coming days. The countdown has already started with the Modi government ensuring free hand to the Indian Army to finish these terrorists, withdrawing the most favoured nation status to Pakistan, all international nations backing India, America slamming and warning Pakistan, CRPF pledging to take revenge. With this move of blocking water implementing in coming time “Boond Boond pani ke liye tarsega ab Pakistan”.

Jai Hind

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

India is being overly hasty here. China hopes to tunnel through the highlands and divert water of the Indus and Brahmaputra to their desert regions. Tibet is India's water bank and china controls it. Imagine if that happens what would happen to India and Bangladesh. Where would they get world support if they did the same to others. 


Modi is a two term elected popular Indian leader.  He is bringing back Indian pride, dignity and nationalism. He is the Indian Trump and has the backing of the majority. He could care less. 
I had some Indians over for dinner and they all love Modi. Modi will easily win another term. 

Sean posted:

Modi is a two term elected popular Indian leader.  He is bringing back Indian pride, dignity and nationalism. He is the Indian Trump and has the backing of the majority. He could care less. 

I had some Indians over for dinner and they all love Modi. Modi will easily win another term. 

Perhaps Modi the Indian Chump

Perhaps, the dialogue was like this ...

Trump == Look at this dotard ... haaa, haaaa, haaaaaaa.

Modi == Yea, yea yea, yaaahoooooo.


That Banna is a no nonsense leader.

He has restored Indian pride and nationalism. That’s good for India which bent backwards over the years to please others. Time for India to do what India has to do. Screw what others think of India. I am pleased that Indian nationalism has been restored and a vast majority of Indians are in agreement.

Trump has his back. 


Trump Skont has no one back. Modi has to be naive to think that Orangutan has his back. Dat is the problem with our people , rather than make peace with each other we run to the White Man for protection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pakistan is a lawless nation ruled by dictators for most of its history. It harbours terrorists and was involved in terror attacks in India. 

Imagine the USA had to wipe out Osama from inside of Pakistan.

Screw Pakistan ! They are a failed state. 

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Imran Khan is no match for Modi. Dat Banna aint easy.

Exactly, the man have millions of his own citizens in lockdown for many months.  He has personality destroyed India’s economy.


Prashad posted:

Pakistan is ruled by their ISS.

It is not about what or who rule a state it is about what is acceptable internationally vis a vis water rights. The source of water and its natural course are the rights of all up stream and down stream. If india adopts the proposed model they will have lost the case and give china a green light to tunnel and redirect water from the entire land mass of india, towards their own desert lands on the other side of the highlands. it is about fair use of water.


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