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Modi's visit to Guyana later this year has nothing to do with who is president of the day. India and China have investments and other interest in Guyana for decades. He will be meeting with all top officials from both sides, I am sure. This announcement of his visit to Guyana is welcome and important for the country. Most of you may remember Indira Gandhi visited Guyana during Burnham era. 


The Indians are not stupid, they also want to get in on the action in Guyana and no better opportunity that to take advantage of the Dumb and Dumber PNC. Modi was informed on how Exxon took them for a ride and he also wants to cash in for Indian businesses.

Indians are far ahead of the Africans. No African nation has expressed interest in investing.

Money talks and BS walks.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

If India did not do so during the 28 years of HELL I doubt they will do that now. India policy is to stay out of domestic issues. They are taking the easy way.

I'm sure that large Indian delegation which went to India have registered their concerns with the Indian Govt. India does not have the capability to back up assertive talk, so they work with the Govts.


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