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MOH\NAPS hold successful STI Syndromic Management seminar in MahdiaPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Mark Bradford   
Sunday, 23 September 2012 20:49

EIGHTEEN personnel drawn from the Mahdia Regional Hospital last week benefited from a two-day seminar organised by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the National AIDS Programme Secretariat (NAPS) in collaboration with the Mahdia Regional Hospital. This seminar was conducted by Regional Health Officer Dr, Mahendranauth Raghunauth, and Mr. Nicholas Persaud National HIV AIDS Treatment and Care Coordinator and Mr. Dhramdatt Khemraj, Medex.


Facilitator Khemraj addressing the participants

Also present was Ms Collette Adams of the Regional Administrative Office, Region 8 (Potaro/Siparuni) as the programme got started with the first session being conducted by Khemraj.
The seminar which saw the discussion of 12 working modules, which brought the participants to the new standards in the STI management and care where a number of new methods within this framework were being upgraded and taught.
Some of the topics discussed were pre-test administration, Anatomy and Physiology of the reproductive tract, the public health significance of Sexual Transmitted Infections, the introduction to STI Syndromic case management, history taking and physical examination, diagnosis and treatment of urethral discharge syndrome scrotal swelling.
The following day saw a number of other modules discussed in detailed.
Speaking with the Regional Health Officer after the seminar who indicated that this seminar was conducted at a timely period for the staff personnel who needed the upgrade on procedures and other methods in managing such a patient and noted that the persons benefited from this seminar will return to their respective departments and share the knowledge and materials given to upgrade their fellow colleagues in this area.
He explained that the hospital is equipped to deal with persons with STI’s etc and with this information and methodology information upgrade to staff we can expect a better service to our patients.
Khemraj said that he felt the urge and the response from the participants to learn more and their anxiety to return to their place of work to execute what they have learnt. He noted that he was very optimistic in having a firsthand look at the operations of the Regional Hospital in Mahdia and found an excellent operation method and area conducive to work.

Participants of the two day STI Syndromic Management seminar

Nicholas Persaud national Coordinator for HIV AIDS Treatment and Care at NAPS said that it was long awaited programme and saw the need to move to all the regional health facilities to have similar workshops on the STI management. He indicated that there is an increase of activities and as such the staff exposed to these persons affected must be fully trained to administer care and treatment to all.
One of the participants who indicated that the seminar was good as she and her colleagues are now equipped with the up to date information, methods and practices in administering care and treatment to these affected persons. She noted that they will now establish a network for information sharing between the staff of the Mahdia Regional hospital and the Ministry of Health, National AIDS Programme Secretariat.

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