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FINANCE Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh has named Monday 25th March as Budget Day for 2013.

altOn that day, Minister Singh will present his seventh consecutive national budget, having first presented the budget in 2007 after his appointment as the PPP/C’s Finance Minister in September 2006.
The minister stated that the government’s focus will remain on accelerating economic growth and social development, with continued emphasis on macroeconomic stability and preserving the conditions that are conducive to attracting investment, expanding and upgrading physical infrastructure, expanding access and improving quality of social services, and strengthening the institutional and regulatory environment.
The minister further stated that Budget 2013 will reflect the PPP/C’s overriding concern with making steady improvements in the standard of living enjoyed by every citizen of Guyana and with creating and expanding opportunities for personal uplift and betterment.
“The steady growth that has been achieved in our economy, and the marked improvement in key social indicators across our country, must not be taken for granted. They were achieved as a result of deliberate policy positions taken by this government and sustained effort at implementing responsible policies over the years, including by making hard choices where these were needed. Our government will not divert from our policy focus on further improving the circumstances of the people of our country and further strengthening the performance of our economy,” stated Minister Singh.

excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

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The minister further stated that Budget 2013 will reflect the PPP/C’s overriding concern with making steady improvements in the standard of living enjoyed by every citizen of Guyana and with creating and expanding opportunities for personal uplift and betterment.

Will this mean anything to the joint opposition?


The 2013 National Budget is expected to be even more pro working class, the joint opposition hinted that they'll walk with their scissors, directly putting hundreds of hard working Guyanese on the breadline


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