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Everything going up!!! Except real benefits for the average Guyanese!!!
My attention was drawn to an article last week, whereby a contract for US$2M was awarded to Total Solutions for the supply of two additional airbridges for the long ongoing CJIA project.
The public will be interested to note that two boarding bridges inclusive of two fixed link extensions were purchased and installed in 2018 at a cost of US$1.65M - some US$350,000 less than this new contract. Close to a 20 percent increase with no justification!!
Of course, the defenders of the government may want to shout that the new air bridges are for larger code D & E size aircraft - these are the wide-bodied aircraft used for transatlantic flights. But guess what – the air bridges installed in 2018 are for these same types of aircraft as well.
We have become accustomed to wild price increases and excessive project contracts under the PPP, so this is just another example of money for the boys. And the beat goes on…………..

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The only difference is dem ppp bais like cash kickbacks, dem ain’t like Patterson who leave paper trail to gold bracelet.. he needs to do better job teefing….hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@sachin_05 posted:

The only difference is dem ppp bais like cash kickbacks, dem ain’t like Patterson who leave paper trail to gold bracelet.. he needs to do better job teefing….hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

meanwhile, you've perfected your clown act

you've become the village idiot

@Spugum posted:

meanwhile, you've perfected your clown act

you've become the village idiot

Don’t make me distract you from your shill duties, you need to focus more on yuh bai Patto, he is causing your pnc party to look bad. You can’t afford to have him get caught with his hands in the cookie jar like that over and over. You need have him take some training in  teefing, perhaps from the ppp….hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]


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