Moon not sighted Thursday: EID AL-FITR TO BE ON SATURDAY, JULY 18
Crescentwatch did not receive any confirmed reports of the new crescent moon (hilal) being sighted anywhere in the world via naked-eye on the evening of Thursday, July 16th. We received numerous negative reports from experienced moon-sighters with clear skies around the world including Australia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Chile, Argentina, Panama, Guyana, Barbados, Trinidad, Colombia, Florida, Texas, and across the U.S. and Canada.
(Note: We are aware of several extraordinary positive reports that emerged late from multiple California locations. We have taken significant time to contact and speak with many of the claimants at length. While we recognize the sincerity of many of the claims, the actual descriptions and details of the reports do not provide the requisite certainty we require at this time to declare the momentous occasion of Eid.)
We will happily complete a 30th blessed day of Ramadan, go to sight the moon Friday night, and celebrate Eid al-Fitr on Saturday, July 18th, insha'Allah.
We nonetheless encourage Muslims to celebrate Eid with their local community, following the dates and moon-sighting methodology of their qualified leadership. May Allah bless and increase everyone during these sacred days.