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September,18 2016 Source

Living in Guyana is not for the decent minded. Having to bear up with the relentless hypocrisy, immorality and depravity of the PPP leadership cannot be an achievable task. At some point the mind will be unable to soak in the quotidian nastiness and become sicken. Pick up any newspaper and there you will see letters by powerful leaders in the PPP who had formidable quantities of raw power for almost 23 years.Heading the list of frequency is the current Secretary of the PPP’s executive committee, Hydar Ally, followed by Anil Nandlall and former President Donald Ramotar, followed by Gail Teixeira and a few others.Pick up the newspaper for any given day and there will be reports on press conferences held by Clement Rohee and Bharrat Jagdeo. The refrain is identical to the PPP letter-writers –- lamentations on the violations of democracy, lack of accountability and transparency, incestuous politics, discrimination and corruption in the Government of the APNU+AFC Coalition.

The entire picture is one of surrealism. Are we living in the real world when we see these accusations of the PPP? Could it be that it is all a mirage, a phantasmagoria of imaginary nightmares? The frightening truth is that everything is real. The People’s Progressive Party beginning with Dr. Jagan himself in 1992 ran an undemocratic machine that reached its pinnacle of debauchery, racism, corruptibility, kleptomania , egomania, and philistinism under Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar. When the PPP leaders speak of favoured jobs for APNU-AFC friends, they do so within a kaleidoscope of amnesia that has more impetus than the most destructive tsunami.
As we write, the CEO of the Gold Board is the daughter of Donald Ramotar. This detail should not be missed; she secured the appointment while her father was President. The amnesic booklet is always present when the PPP leaders take to the street corner, hold their press conferences and write their newspaper letters. Always forgotten was the fact that Donald Ramotar’ s son, while Ramotar was President, was the head of the e-governance cable project.

Now fast forward the tape to the Coalition Government and use your imagination. Do you know what will happen inside the concrete walls of the PPP headquarters on Robb Street ironically named Freedom House if Moses Nagamootoo’s son turns up as the CEO of the NIS or Forestry Commission; or President Granger’s daughter becomes CEO of GuySuco or the revenue authority? War drums will beat up and down Robb Street. But it is not the beating of the drums that is the essential point but what the sound will be saying.The sound will be saying that incestuous politics is the culture of the Coalition Government. Here now is the essential point of this column. For sixteen months we have had a deluge of PPP’s newspaper letters and press conferences lamenting the lack of democracy in Guyana since the May 2015 general elections but not even an obscure footnote of a half-baked apology can be found tucked away in the pages of these voluminous outpourings.

Rohee and Gail Teixeira were Cabinet powerhouses for 23 years. Jagdeo coveted the presidency for a dozen years. Ramotar held the presidency for three years. Bringing up the rear were other powerhouses like Leslie Ramsammy, Robert Persaud, the Amerindian “teeth” Minister, the dancing “Satyra Gyaal” Education Minister, the “extra-judicial killing” Minister who went to the Indian sub-continent and others too many to mention. In all this time of semi-fascism, naked corruptibility, incestuous animalism, morbid corruptibility and demoralizing philistinism, Guyana became a virtual moral cesspool.Are we living in the real world of Guyana when against this backdrop, Gail Teixeira wrote the Prime Minister to complain about a certain APNU+AFC official is displaying nasty Facebook comments about her? Maybe we should move on and forget about the infantile masquerades of a has-been politician like Teixeira but in every line we write, history is recorded.

It was this same Teixeira, along with Roger Luncheon, Robert Persaud, Hydar Ally and Donald Ramotar that during the presidency of Jagdeo set up a propaganda hit squad.Its de facto leader was David DeGroot, who as editor of the PPP newspaper, got paid from the Office of the President’s pay role. When De Groot died, Kwame McCoy took over the unit in addition to his own unit that he operated. The objective of the outfit of Ms. Teixeira and company was to dirty the independent critics of the PPP regime including people like Christopher Ram, myself, Mark Benschop etc. The most scandalous things were said about us and our families. Do you think a tiny apology will ever come? Are we living in the real world?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

seignet posted:

Who ever wrote that letter is as "bogus as Darwin and his monkey crap."

These are the kinds of intellectuals we have. Nothing for the future. Everything is about the past. 

Seignet, these FOOLS cant handle facts. Why dont he address the concerns?? I tell you why, he/she is a bloody hypocrite and a Parasite!!!!!!


"The entire picture is one of surrealism. Are we living in the real world when we see these accusations of the PPP? Could it be that it is all a mirage, a phantasmagoria of imaginary nightmares? The frightening truth is that everything is real. The People’s Progressive Party beginning with Dr. Jagan himself in 1992 ran an undemocratic machine that reached its pinnacle of debauchery, racism, corruptibility, kleptomania , egomania, and philistinism under Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar. When the PPP leaders speak of favoured jobs for APNU-AFC friends, they do so within a kaleidoscope of amnesia that has more impetus than the most destructive tsunami.
As we write, the CEO of the Gold Board is the daughter of Donald Ramotar. This detail should not be missed; she secured the appointment while her father was President. The amnesic booklet is always present when the PPP leaders take to the street corner, hold their press conferences and write their newspaper letters. Always forgotten was the fact that Donald Ramotar’ s son, while Ramotar was President, was the head of the e-governance cable project."


Are these facts or not?? take your pick.

Nehru posted:

Which blind, dumb and deaf JACKASS wrote this?????

Is Freddie and his madness again. The role of the Opposition is to draw attention to the acts of government. Ramjattan himself said that they are not angels so why does Freddie insist that the PPP be angels before they can point out actions of the current government?

Django posted:

"The entire picture is one of surrealism. Are we living in the real world when we see these accusations of the PPP? Could it be that it is all a mirage, a phantasmagoria of imaginary nightmares? The frightening truth is that everything is real. The People’s Progressive Party beginning with Dr. Jagan himself in 1992 ran an undemocratic machine that reached its pinnacle of debauchery, racism, corruptibility, kleptomania , egomania, and philistinism under Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar. When the PPP leaders speak of favoured jobs for APNU-AFC friends, they do so within a kaleidoscope of amnesia that has more impetus than the most destructive tsunami.
As we write, the CEO of the Gold Board is the daughter of Donald Ramotar. This detail should not be missed; she secured the appointment while her father was President. The amnesic booklet is always present when the PPP leaders take to the street corner, hold their press conferences and write their newspaper letters. Always forgotten was the fact that Donald Ramotar’ s son, while Ramotar was President, was the head of the e-governance cable project."


Are these facts or not?? take your pick.

The PPP are not the current government and cannot affect Guyanese lives right now. Freddie should be focused on the current government since their actions can affect the lives of living and breathing Guyanese instead of attempting to deflect.

ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Which blind, dumb and deaf JACKASS wrote this?????

Is Freddie and his madness again. The role of the Opposition is to draw attention to the acts of government. Ramjattan himself said that they are not angels so why does Freddie insist that the PPP be angels before they can point out actions of the current government?

Freddie Kissoon ought to have put side by side the accusations leveled against the APNU-AFC Coalition government then let the readers judge for themselves. Once balanced journalism is in your face then it would not be so easy to ignore the accusations that are nor refutable against the practices of the PPP when in power. Otherwise you get this that seek to give the PPP a pass - Is Freddie and his madness again.

Kari posted:
ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Which blind, dumb and deaf JACKASS wrote this?????

Is Freddie and his madness again. The role of the Opposition is to draw attention to the acts of government. Ramjattan himself said that they are not angels so why does Freddie insist that the PPP be angels before they can point out actions of the current government?

Freddie Kissoon ought to have put side by side the accusations leveled against the APNU-AFC Coalition government then let the readers judge for themselves. Once balanced journalism is in your face then it would not be so easy to ignore the accusations that are nor refutable against the practices of the PPP when in power. Otherwise you get this that seek to give the PPP a pass - Is Freddie and his madness again.

I don't mind this approach. Lets examine the 1992 PPP first 16 months in office with the first 16 months of this government. Seeking to measure the actions of 23 years with 16 months is a weak suggestion.

Kari posted:

Kzaaazzz boy that is so lame - first 16 months......hehehe - love your context.

Of course. It is called equal playing field. But it is not that equal since the current government were left money to begin their administration while the 1992 PPP government was not so fortunate. Context is always primal.

Last edited by Former Member

Kari is so right. PPP inherited a country with an empty treasury; PNC inherited a country with "enough money to give all the ministers a 50% raise, plenty money fuh spoot up, plenty money fuh decorate dem house like dem emperor...". No comparison!

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Kari posted:
ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Which blind, dumb and deaf JACKASS wrote this?????

Is Freddie and his madness again. The role of the Opposition is to draw attention to the acts of government. Ramjattan himself said that they are not angels so why does Freddie insist that the PPP be angels before they can point out actions of the current government?

Freddie Kissoon ought to have put side by side the accusations leveled against the APNU-AFC Coalition government then let the readers judge for themselves. Once balanced journalism is in your face then it would not be so easy to ignore the accusations that are nor refutable against the practices of the PPP when in power. Otherwise you get this that seek to give the PPP a pass - Is Freddie and his madness again.

I don't mind this approach. Lets examine the 1992 PPP first 16 months in office with the first 16 months of this government. Seeking to measure the actions of 23 years with 16 months is a weak suggestion.

WATAK!! But FOOLS will not understand comparrisons.  No wonder they ARE SHIT HEADs!!!!

skeldon_man posted:

Kari is so right. PPP inherited a country with an empty trasury; PNC inherited a country with "enough money to give all the ministers a 50% raise, plenty money fuh spoot up, plenty moey fuh decorate dem house like dem emperor...". No comparison!

These people are an embarrassment when they advertise that they attended QC. Poor QC where have your Honor gone!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Kari is so right. PPP inherited a country with an empty trasury; PNC inherited a country with "enough money to give all the ministers a 50% raise, plenty money fuh spoot up, plenty moey fuh decorate dem house like dem emperor...". No comparison!

These people are an embarrassment when they advertise that they attended QC. Poor QC where have your Honor gone!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bai me and you nah bin ah QC, so abie school nah get honor?

Nehru posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Kari is so right. PPP inherited a country with an empty trasury; PNC inherited a country with "enough money to give all the ministers a 50% raise, plenty money fuh spoot up, plenty moey fuh decorate dem house like dem emperor...". No comparison!

These people are an embarrassment when they advertise that they attended QC. Poor QC where have your Honor gone!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pavi, I will indulge you.

We have had a record of 23 years of PPP rule since 1992, split roughly in 3 parts - the Cheddi 5 years, the Janet couple of years of turmoil, and the Jagdeo (Ramotar was really Jagdeo lite) 11 + years.

The K-Man said to examine the PPP first 16 months in office (the Cheddi years), with the first 16 months of the APNU/AFC Coalition  government. He justified this with saying to measure the whole 23 years with only 16 months is weak, without stating why.

Ii don't know if the K-Man wants us to project the APNU/AFC 16 months to another 22 years and then compare that to the 23 years of the PPP? Or is he asking that we do not look at the Janet and Jagdeo PPP years?

When Skelly introduced the dimension of what each inherited you then talk about QC boys and their unintelligent character. Hehehe.

So Pavi, have you missed where Freddie Kissoon talked about the people under Jagdeo (not Cheddie or Janet) and their credentials to point out the first 16 months of the APNU/AFC Coalition? So why are you getting duped into some divergent suggestion by the K-Man (whose understanding I'm beginning to worry at) rather than look at what Freddie addresses - from Gajrag, Rohee to Gail?

Bashing me and QC does not begin to address the Kissoon article. Would you (address the article)?

Nehru posted:

Compare it to the first 16 months of Jagdeo Presidency. And tell me what you think.

Pavi, you're now being silly. You look at what someone has done and not slice and dice unless if he was transformed into evil after 16 months. Jagdeo laid the foundation of his takeover of the party since he got Asgar Ally out when Cheddie was alive and he was a junior Minister of Finance. He was Jagdeo ever since he walked into Hoyte's office barely able to look into people's eyes (looking down at his feet most of the time) and form coherent sentences, as a courtesy of Cheddie Jagan to give him a back office job in the Statistical Bureau after he returned from Russia.

We've seen no changes in the economy. The vindictiveness is legendary. The lack of democracy in the PPP structure was tightened after Cheddie dies. Janet battled with Moses at that time and Jagdeo seized his opportunity. If only Ralph Ramkarran had seen things differently back then.

So answer the Freddie Kissoon column and stop being like a Trump campaigner who keeps deflecting questions about his lies and actions - see the birther issue.

Prashad posted:

One thing about Dr Jagan he never stole the tax payers money.

But he let others stole it and even approved of the greatest thief man Guyanese will ever witness. And bareface too. 

cain posted:

Coolie people an black people dem bad bad....right Siggy?

Putagees worst. Dem ppl DAT divided the coolie and blackman. D'Aguiar knew whAT forbes was like. Just to fook the coolie man, that putagee sk..

sold the entire country out to the PNC.

Anglo-Saxon ppl should never have given independence to Guyana. We are farr from being a country. Too much hatred. 

seignet posted:
cain posted:

Coolie people an black people dem bad bad....right Siggy?

Putagees worst. Dem ppl DAT divided the coolie and blackman. D'Aguiar knew whAT forbes was like. Just to fook the coolie man, that putagee sk..

sold the entire country out to the PNC.

Anglo-Saxon ppl should never have given independence to Guyana. We are farr from being a country. Too much hatred. 

YEH RIGHT LOOK CARRY YO RAS DA SIDE YEH..Oh sheet sorry bout the caps..anyway, you luv the putaggee dem they lil whiter so you mus surely luv to kiss their batty..probly even ask if we need it french tongue.

cain posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

Coolie people an black people dem bad bad....right Siggy?

Putagees worst. Dem ppl DAT divided the coolie and blackman. D'Aguiar knew whAT forbes was like. Just to fook the coolie man, that putagee sk..

sold the entire country out to the PNC.

Anglo-Saxon ppl should never have given independence to Guyana. We are farr from being a country. Too much hatred. 

YEH RIGHT LOOK CARRY YO RAS DA SIDE YEH..Oh sheet sorry bout the caps..anyway, you luv the putaggee dem they lil whiter so you mus surely luv to kiss their batty..probly even ask if we need it french tongue.

Putagee rass nah deh in Guyana now. They all went to Brazil. Forbes ran them rass out in the 70s and 80s. See, you ran away too. Were you the last one?


FREDDIE Kissman-soon is the biggest hypocrite living in Guyana.  To this day he cannot hold BADMAN RUMJATTAN accountable for all his immoral comments in defence of tiefman NORTON.

So Fred could haul his arse, his comments not even worth the paper it is written on.  

ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Which blind, dumb and deaf JACKASS wrote this?????

Is Freddie and his madness again. The role of the Opposition is to draw attention to the acts of government.

The role of the PPP is to acknowledge and be honest of its past, reform itself and THEN hold this government to account.

What credibility does the PPP have when we see the blatant incompetence, corruption, racism, and lack of transparency which typified that regime. On what authority can they condemn the coalition for such when they were possibly WORSE.

And yes if Granger's daughter became CEO of Guysuco we would hear the screams.  And no acknowledgement for when Ramotar's incompetent children were assigned tasks way beyond their capability merely because of who their daddy is.

The PPP must cease its sense of entitlement.  It is not their unalienable right to govern Guyana, and they must stop their childish behavior.  Guyanese voted against them TWICE so their loss was no accident.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Which blind, dumb and deaf JACKASS wrote this?????

Is Freddie and his madness again. The role of the Opposition is to draw attention to the acts of government.

The role of the PPP is to acknowledge and be honest of its past, reform itself and THEN hold this government to account.

What credibility does the PPP have when we see the blatant incompetence, corruption, racism, and lack of transparency which typified that regime. On what authority can they condemn the coalition for such when they were possibly WORSE.

And yes if Granger's daughter became CEO of Guysuco we would hear the screams.  And no acknowledgement for when Ramotar's incompetent children were assigned tasks way beyond their capability merely because of who their daddy is.

The PPP must cease its sense of entitlement.  It is not their unalienable right to govern Guyana, and they must stop their childish behavior.  Guyanese voted against them TWICE so their loss was no accident.

You sure you did not mistype PPP for PNC? All the qualities you mentioned fit the PNC like a glove(not like OJ  Simpson's). You see this shit happening daily infront of your face and yet you cannot bring yourself to criticize those Nigroes. Your writings here wreak of black racism..Black KKK.

caribny posted:

 On what authority can they condemn the coalition for such when they were possibly WORSE.

Politics. Politicians don't live by morals. Yet that hardly affect their opportunities to win.

skeldon_man posted:

 You see this shit happening daily infront of your face and yet you cannot bring yourself to criticize those Nigroes. Your writings here wreak of black racism..Black KKK.

This is why carib always repeats himself. You are a liar with that statement, carib has always spoken against those who do injustice, you and the other PPP apologists do the opposite, you all stand behind the PPP just because... I go no further.

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

 You see this shit happening daily infront of your face and yet you cannot bring yourself to criticize those Nigroes. Your writings here wreak of black racism..Black KKK.

This is why carib always repeats himself. You are a liar with that statement, carib has always spoken against those who do injustice, you and the other PPP apologists do the opposite, you all stand behind the PPP just because... I go no further.

Looks like you don't know that Carib has one functional eye. He only speaks for nigroes, no one else. He looks through the dysfunctional eye to see if coolies are suffering any injustice.


Looks like madman Freddie needs to check in at Canjie Mental Institution.

Question about friends an family and corruption:

What position does Granger's son-in-law hold in this administration ?

What Position does Burnham's son-in-law hold in this administration ?

How about Katty and NiJell sticky hands ?

How about dem boys awarding contracts in the hundreds of millions untendered ?

How about the convicted Ambassador ?

How about the medical bond storage fraud ?

How about Ramayya exposing massive fraud under Moses nose ?

How about Harmonium Harmun taking his millions with a trip to Chinee ?

This chap Feddie is scared of Harmun who put one slap on him and he is now acting blind and dumb. This chap Freddie is a clown.

skeldon_man posted:

You sure you did not mistype PPP for PNC? All the qualities you mentioned fit the PNC like a glove(not like OJ  Simpson's). You see this shit happening daily infront of your face and yet you cannot bring yourself to criticize those Nigroes. Your writings here wreak of black racism..Black KKK.

As much as you might wish to pretend that Roger Khan, Brahma, Buddy, Dataram and Gajraj with his Phantoms, were creations of the PNC in fact they were that of the PPP. Also when last we checked some of the most vicious thugs of the Burnham era are now embedded in the PPP.


YOU are the one who screams that the PPP is perfect.  Until you admit that it isn't I will grind your face into its filth.

yuji22 posted:

Looks like madman Freddie needs to check in at Canjie Mental Institution.

Question about friends an family and corruption:

What position does Granger's son-in-law hold in this administration ?

What Position does Burnham's son-in-law hold in this administration ?

How about Katty and NiJell sticky hands ?

How about dem boys awarding contracts in the hundreds of millions untendered ?

How about the convicted Ambassador ?

How about the medical bond storage fraud ?

How about Ramayya exposing massive fraud under Moses nose ?

How about Harmonium Harmun taking his millions with a trip to Chinee ?

This chap Feddie is scared of Harmun who put one slap on him and he is now acting blind and dumb. This chap Freddie is a clown.

So you have established that APNU is as bad as the PPP.  What you cannot do is prove that the PPP isn't guilty.  So if they did what they now accuse APNU of doing, but refuse to admit that this is what they did, on what moral authority do they have to claim moral superiority.

skeldon_man posted:
.. He only speaks for nigroes, no one else. He looks through the dysfunctional eye to see if coolies are suffering any injustice.

When do you speak for "nigroes"?

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

You sure you did not mistype PPP for PNC? All the qualities you mentioned fit the PNC like a glove(not like OJ  Simpson's). You see this shit happening daily infront of your face and yet you cannot bring yourself to criticize those Nigroes. Your writings here wreak of black racism..Black KKK.

As much as you might wish to pretend that Roger Khan, Brahma, Buddy, Dataram and Gajraj with his Phantoms, were creations of the PNC in fact they were that of the PPP. Also when last we checked some of the most vicious thugs of the Burnham era are now embedded in the PPP.


YOU are the one who screams that the PPP is perfect.  Until you admit that it isn't I will grind your face into its filth.

Keep grinding. You have to earn that paycheck or else the bosses will fire you. What an easy job, sitting in front of the puta all day and night writing crap.       

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

You sure you did not mistype PPP for PNC? All the qualities you mentioned fit the PNC like a glove(not like OJ  Simpson's). You see this shit happening daily infront of your face and yet you cannot bring yourself to criticize those Nigroes. Your writings here wreak of black racism..Black KKK.

As much as you might wish to pretend that Roger Khan, Brahma, Buddy, Dataram and Gajraj with his Phantoms, were creations of the PNC in fact they were that of the PPP. Also when last we checked some of the most vicious thugs of the Burnham era are now embedded in the PPP.


YOU are the one who screams that the PPP is perfect.  Until you admit that it isn't I will grind your face into its filth.

Never said PPP is perfect. You must wake up to filth every morning. You cannot accept that the black man in Guyana cannot survive without the coolies. The reason you want the PNC to rule Guyana forever is because the PNC will always take from the coolies and give to the negroes.  Negroes are takers. Why you think they end up living in the big cities? Check the population of G/T and see what percentage of negroes live there.

Leonora posted:

Keep grinding. You have to earn that paycheck or else the bosses will fire you. What an easy job, sitting in front of the puta all day and night writing crap.       

I see that the PPP fraud is screaming that one of their drug dealers was refused a renewal of his lease at GEO.


skeldon_man posted:

Never said PPP is perfect. You must wake up to filth every morning. You cannot accept that the black man in Guyana cannot survive without the coolies.

Blacks survive perfectly fine in other parts of the Caribbean.  If Guyanese blacks are inferior to other Caribbean blacks please explain the reasons why.  Given that they do well in other parts of the Caribbean, when forced to flee there, I look forward to what ever bigotry pours from the tips of your fingers.

Maybe Kari can join and support you given that he screams that the term Indo KKK isn't an accurate description of what you are.

I will set aside the fact that many Indians earn a living by doing business with blacks, so clearly benefit from this interaction. I am not aware that Indians are in the habit of providing free goods and services to blacks.

As to you and the PPP. Never heard any criticism from you against them. Unless you are a lying dog you will admit that I have said lots against the APNU, AFC, and the PNC. I have said that Burnham destroyed Guyana and that he was an institutional racist.

Now cite any criticism that you have made against the PPP.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
.  Negroes are takers. Why you think they end up living in the big cities? Check the population of G/T and see what percentage of negroes live there.

Really so when Indians migrate they live in rural areas planting wheat and corn and rearing cattle!  In fact 95% of Guyanese Indians living in NYC work for others, almost always NOT Indian.


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